• Published 15th May 2013
  • 5,096 Views, 134 Comments

Anima Mea Tenebre - Nixus

Darkness exists within every soul, no matter how pure and innocent. Yet the true question remains: How far can one be pushed before they succumb to the evil in their hearts?

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The Silent One

Sam sucked in a breath as his fingers gripped the hilt of his sword. The slight breeze cooled the sweat of his neck as Celestia’s sun burned brightly in the sky overhead. His feline ears twitched as he watched his opponent ready his weapon. Every movement was noted, even the small insignificant moves never escaped his gaze. The way his opponent carried his weapon, the stance he used, even the insignificant twitch of the elf’s ear was noted and analyzed. His training had allowed him to block out any outside influence yet he couldn’t help but catch small pieces of conversation from the bystanders watching him.

“What are they doing? If you uhh.. don’t mind me asking.”

“Just wait and see,”

“It’s awfully hot out today. My mane is going to get all frazzled. Why haven’t they started yet?”

“He’s waiting for an opening,”

“But Moe hasn’t done anything yet!”

“That’s the point...”

Sam’s face remained calm as he waited. His body and mind preparing for the opportune moment to strike before his opponent could react. Seconds passed while Sam remained still, slowly he watched as Moe’s hand went towards his quiver. His body shot forward as two arrows were knocked and drawn. Sam’s advance never faltered as the twang of the bowstring sent the two sharpened missiles towards him. Sam’s hands remained glued to his sword and sheath as he ducked under the attack. One arrow grazed his cheek leaving a small shallow cut while the other sailed harmlessly overhead.

Ignoring the stinging pain, Sam launched himself from his crouch towards the waiting elf. Time slowed as he watched Moe go through the motions and launch another slew of arrows towards the airborne Felpier. None reached him as he twisted in the air, each missile missing him by a hair’s breadth. He sunk to the ground as he landed on the balls of his feet, his side facing Moe. Spinning towards his opponent, he unsheathed his sword and seamlessly followed through slashing at the Elf’s exposed throat.

His blade however, passed through the air instead of the soft flesh and taught muscles of Moe’s neck. The elf instead had leaned back at the last moment, only a faint scratch where the tip of the blade had touched. A thin rivulet of blood crept from scratch but fazed neither side. Another arrow buried itself in the ground next to Sam’s foot before Moe switched to his twin long knives. Sam dodged the first swipe Moe aimed at him while blocking the next attack with the back of his sword.

Though the attack was nothing in hindsight, Sam could still feel the vibrations as his arm as Moe pressed forward. Taking a defensive stance, Sam repeated his previous action. Expertly dodging the first blow, he blocked the second attack before reversing the grip on his sword. Pushing forward with his weight in the blade, a few sparks flew as the katana slid across the knife’s edge. His attack however was stopped halfway when Moe’s foot shot forward and caught Sam in the stomach, knocking him back a few steps.

Coughing as his solar plexus rearranged itself, Sam blinked back tears to see that Moe had once again brought out his short bow with an arrow nocked and drawn. His concern was focused more on the five other arrows floating behind the elf held aloft by his magic. Sam took a shallow breath as he gripped his sword in one hand. Placing his free hand on the ground in a three point stance, Sam shot off like a rocket, twisting just in time to avoid the first two arrows. He saw the elf leading his advance as he closed in, waiting for the perfect opportunity to loose one of his remaining three reserve arrows. He waited, continuing on his path until he was in the perfect position.


As he had predicted, the final three arrows were thrown psychically towards him. Just as it seemed inevitable that they would hit, Sam dug his heel into the soft ground. His advance halted, the three projectiles sailed past him as he pivoted and aimed straight for Moe. The elf’s eyes locked with Sam’s own as Moe searched anxiously for an opening before the felpier closed the distance.

One left… Persist on attack. Do not wait, no victory can come from hesitation.

A gasp could be heard as the final arrow was let loose. Sam estimated that he was no less than five feet from the waiting elf as he launched himself in the air. Time slowed as the glinting steel end came close to his face. Yet the end never came as Sam’s sword flashed through the air and split the arrow in half. Splinters sprayed out as Sam’s sword finished its path before he spun around. He watched Moe’s eyes widen as Sam’s katana hovered just a few slight inches from his face. The tension in the air was thick before Sam removed his blade from Moe’s neck before sheathing it and bowing.

“Another win for you,” Moe said with a smile as he returned the gesture. Quickly, he began to collect his arrows from the ground as their audience came close. Sam shrugged as he too bent down to help with the cleanup. He heard Moe let out a small groan as the elf noticed the blood stain on the white of his uniform. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to kill me. You’re always so focused during these little training sessions.

Sam nodded silently as rested his hand on his sword. The sound of crunching leaves and labored breathing alerted the pair to the ponies approaching them. He turned to see Coppa accompanied by Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash galloped toward the pair.

“That was so awesome!” she said excitedly pressing her hooves to her cheeks. Both looked at her with confusion as her voice seemed to rise an octave. She cleared her throat as she attempted to salvage what remained of her cool exterior. “I mean it’s not as cool as my Sonic Rainboom, but it was still pretty cool.”

“Real smooth Dash,” Coppa said with a roll of his eyes as he approached. The dwarf still wore the bandage around his head, even after even though the doctors had suggested he let the wound breathe. He only chose to keep it because it in his own words it, “made him look badass.”

“I must say it did become fairly exciting towards the end,” Rarity chimed in as she inspected her houseguest. A small frown lined her features as she noticed the small bloodstain and the trickle of red coming from his neck. “Darling you’re bleeding! This is terrible! We must get you back to the boutique so I can patch you up.”

“I doubt that’s what you really want to do…” Coppa said prompting a small snort from Rainbow Dash who bumped her hoof with his fist. Rarity gave an indignant huff as Moe unstrung his bow. Coppa gave him a toothy smirk as the elf rolled his eyes prompting a retort from the dwarf. “What? I don’t hear you complaining.”

“I’m fine Rarity. It’s nothing really,” Moe said casually. He turned to Coppa who was whispering into Rainbow Dash’s ear, both giggling like little fillies. Moe gave an irritated huff while Rarity rolled her eyes. Sam noted the malicious grin that crept on the elf’s face as he sat back. “Shouldn’t you be wearing the cone the doctors gave you? We wouldn’t want you scratching your stitches.”

Sam just stepped back as Coppa’s smile left his face. The doctors, concerned due to his canine appearance, had recommended that Coppa use a protective collar. The request had been harmless, but it had still caused the Dwarf to go on a half hour long rant of why he’d rather fight a bear than wear a so called ‘cone of shame’. The doctors had backed off after that incident, but the joke had been running on for the past few days.

He watched them as Coppa argued with Moe and playfully swung at him. He barely even noticed Fluttershy as she made her way to his side. He looked down as she tentatively nudged his hand with her hoof.

“Umm... your cheek is bleeding Sam...” she said hesitantly, trying to avoid his gaze. Sam touched the area and felt the familiar combination of both wet and dried blood. He drew his hand back, fingertips stained red. He quickly wiped his hand off on his pants before sheathing his blade. He then proceeded to wipe the rest of the offending liquid off his cheek. He gave a nod of thanks to Fluttershy who simply shielded away from his gesture.

“How did the training go?” Dante said as he suddenly appeared with Twilight at his side. Sam remained calm, only giving a slight glance towards Dante while Fluttershy let out an audible “Eep.” Sam said nothing, only pointing towards Moe and Coppa who were still arguing. Dante let a thin smile grow on his face as he pulled a thin vial from his pocket. He handed it to Sam whose eyes stared at it with curiosity and hesitance.


“It was pulled from Flam today,” Dante said as Sam handed him the vial. “It’s nothing that the doctors have ever seen.”


“If I had to take a guess, I think this is from our world,” Dante said as he looked at Sam. “It seems vulnerable to our magic and prefers to feed off unicorn magic.”

“It’s basically like some form of magic draining liquid,” Twilight added with a smile while jotting notes on a scroll of paper. Sam only nodded before he began to notice the liquid bubbling violently. Twilight noticed it as well, and drew closer to examine it. “Hmm, it wasn’t doing this a minute ago.”

“What are you talking about?” Dante said before he noticed it too. His eyes grew wide before he tossed the vial away.

“Everyone get away!” He shouted just as the sound of cracking glass filled the air. “Get away now!”

The vial burst apart as it sailed through the air. Glass pieces turned into dust as the black liquid exploded from its tiny prison. The strange liquid fell to the ground with a splattering wet noise. It remained on the ground, unmoving, before bubbling again as if the heat from the sun was boiling it. It twisted and expanded before taking a form vaguely resembling a human.

It had no describable facial features and appeared as neither male nor female. Its thin arms hung limp in the air, a large black blade on the left appendage while a set of wicked claws adorned the right. Its lithe body swayed as it stood on two needle like legs. Oily droplets fell from its extremities, dampening the grass with whatever substance made up the being.

It shot from its position with surprising speed, crossing the distance between the two parties in a matter of seconds. Coppa and Moe, caught by surprise, were thrown across the field as the monster blew past them. It jumped over Rainbow Dash and Rarity as it made a beeline for Twilight and Fluttershy. Sam wasted no time as he shot straight towards the aggressor.

Sam crossed the threshold and quickly ducked under the first attack. The monster’s blade shot towards Sam’s feet, but struck the loamy earth as Sam leaned to the right. The monster raised its claw to strike, only to find its claw missing.

Black oil dripped from Sam’s sword as he watched the clawed appendage fall from the monster’s wrist. An unearthly scream came from the monster’s head as its claw melted into a black puddle. The liquid bubbled for a moment before crawling back to the monster’s body. The group watched in horror as the monster’s hand grew back, wriggling as it grew out of the exposed wrist.

“Sam, it’s weak to magic!” Dante shouted as Sam slashed again severing a leg from the creature’s body. Concentrating, he summoned up his magic, a bolt of lightning shooting from his hand and striking the creature in the chest. The creature unleashed another cry of pain as it doubled over, its chest bearing a large scorch mark. Dante turned to Sam who once again stepped forward to attack. “Regular attacks won’t harm it!”

We’ll see if it can regenerate itself without a head... Sam thought to himself as his sword sliced through the other leg. The creature fell back screaming as it landed on the stumps that had been its legs. Sam ignored the creature’s strange cries as his face remained stony. Slowly, he lifted his sword, the blade glinting in the sun. With a breath, he slammed the blade down towards the exposed neck. He heard the gasps of his friends and the ponies as his blade passed through black substance like a hot knife through snow. The he decapitated body convulsed and bubbled as the head rolled away. It arched back suddenly, its arms thrashing violently as it melted, slowly reverting a puddle of black oil.

“Well that works too I guess,” Dante said as he approached Sam. Sam only nodded as he breathed deeply. He shook his sword clear of the substance coating it and slowly slid it back into its scabbard. Dante motioned to the puddle as it spread out slowly. “I’ll need your help with burning this,” he said as he summoned his flames. Sam hesitated as Dante waited, confusion evident on his face as Sam stayed in place. “Sam? Is there something wrong?”

“Dante, it’s moving again!” Twilight shouted. The two turned just in time to see a half-formed torso and blade burst from the puddle. Sam felt himself being thrown to the side as Dante pushed him and shoved his hand and staff into the liquid form. A light shone from the murky depths of the creature’s chest as it started to expand before exploding in a large ball of flame. Sam felt an intense heat wash over him as the flames threw him and Dante back.

“Oh my goodness... are they alright?” Fluttershy whimpered as she and Twilight ran towards their still forms. Tears came to her eyes as she looked at Sam, who laid there not breathing. She tenderly rubbed a hoof on his back, trying to coax him into breathing again. While they had yet to talk to each other, she still felt a unique bond with him. He had an air about him that put her at ease. He seemed so strong and dependable, like Rainbow Dash minus the massive ego. Yet he still maintained a distance from the mare and would disappear for a few hours every day without as much as a note.

She breathed a sigh of relief as she felt Sam start to cough and suck in air. He slowly rose to his knees, his breath returning to him as the two of them checked his body for any more injuries. He was covered in scorch marks, yet his body was whole and intact. A few of the bandages had loosened from around his midriff, but were tightened back as Fluttershy tended to him. Sam gave her a silent nod of thanks as he rose to his feet with a small grunt of pain, as his wound throbbed slightly.

“Sam, are you sure you’re alright?” Dante said as he examined the burn mark that was left on the ground. Sam gave him a questioning look as everyone looked at Dante flabbergasted. The explosion had done more damage to Dante’s body than that of Sam’s.Burns and bruises covered his body and the majority of his clothes were in tatters. He looked at himself before letting out a sigh. “You’re probably right, we can talk about this another time.” He knelt down, turning his head towards Fluttershy, speaking softly as to not intimidate the mare. “Can you make sure he doesn’t push himself too hard? Sam has a tendency to do that.”

“O-okay I can do that... I mean if Sam is okay with that?” She pulled back, not meeting Dante’s gaze. Sam simply rolled his eyes, his mouth set in a faint line as he began to walk away from the field, limping slightly as Fluttershy followed close behind. Dante watched as the two headed toward the Everfree forest. He felt something crawl over his feet and heard it slither into the bushes, but his focus was cemented on Sam.

“Why did he look so concerned...” he asked to himself. He started to feel the gravity of his wounds as each movement irritated his burned flesh. “Sam never hesitates...”

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for the wait, last minute work and such got in the way of my writing time. I hope that you'll forgive me but I decided to give Sam the half-half treatment. When the situation calls for it, his thoughts will be displayed but any sort of conversation is gonna be maintained with an ellipsis. This is my first time writing a silent character so just tell me what I need to improve on. Also as I was writing I found it incredibly difficult to write Fluttershy. I don't know if it's because of the way she's portrayed but the shy ones are really difficult for me.

On a second note, thanks to Cannonshots for the reminder. I remembered a few comic strips depicting the running gag about the games depiction of Dwarves. If you looked at the pictures of Coppa, you'd know he's not your typical Dwarf. His appearance is similar to a dog. This lead to the creators of the game to produce a few comic strips about this.

Here they are in order:

If you have any suggestions or complaints don't hesitate to ask!