• Published 15th May 2013
  • 5,096 Views, 134 Comments

Anima Mea Tenebre - Nixus

Darkness exists within every soul, no matter how pure and innocent. Yet the true question remains: How far can one be pushed before they succumb to the evil in their hearts?

  • ...

Indigestion and Introductions

Twilight stood rigid as the Bullywug patted its stomach in contentment. Its beady eyes locked onto the purple mare who shot a beam of magic at the monster as the shock subsided. The magic left a small scorch mark on the pallid green flesh doing nothing but bringing out an angry cry. The Bullywug swung one of its meaty arms leaving a great gouge in the street and sending the mare skidding away. A shadow was cast over her as the monster’s huge form loomed overhead. She could hear the shouts and screams of her friends as her vision cleared and she saw a large hand descend toward her. She closed her eyes and waited for the slimy hand to grasp her but felt nothing as a pained sound came from the monster who fell onto its back.

The shocked bystanders watched as an area of the Bullywugs stomach moved in different directions. They all gasped and recoiled as a blade protruded from within the flesh followed by a spurt of steaming blood as both Coppa and Moe clawed their way out from the fresh opening. They gasped for air as they were covered by a stream of blood and entrails. A few ponies came out of their homes and stared at the dead Bullywug and the breathless warriors. The silence was broken as Coppa spat out some black blood before vomiting.

“Oh my god!” The furred head shook as he lost the apples he had that morning. “Somebody get me some water, I got some in my mouth!

“I think we’re going to need a shower.” Moe said as he fell back in the puddle of blood. He smiled as Coppa gave him a look of annoyance as he finished spitting the last bit of vomit from his mouth. “Wait where’s Dante and Sam?”

As if in response the smell of burning flesh started to waft through the air as a part of the Bullywug’s chest started to expand. A second passed before the bulging mound collapsed inward before exploding outwards. Black blood and bloody meat rained down from the sky as the other two breathed heavily.

“I guess that’s another reason why you should chew your food huh?” Coppa said as he finished retching. Moe simply laughed as he wiped the blood from his eyes. The Bullywug’s body hissed and crackled as it was engulfed by magical fire filling the air with the smell of burning meat. The puddles of blood hissed as they evaporated. After a few minutes, nothing remained other than the stink and a large scorched outline where the monster’s body had been.


Dante waited as the ponies dressed in nurse outfits inspected his body while he sat on a hospital bed while Moe leaned back in a chair at the side of the room. They had just finished inspecting Coppa who had a sling around one arm and were in the process of sterilizing Sam’s wounds as the measured, and took notes of their physiology. A pony dressed in a doctors outfit entered the room reviewing the notes he had taken when he had questioned Dante about their internal organs and skeletal structure.

“Well it seems that you all are fine to go,” the Doctor said as he levitated the clipboard away. Dante gave a relieved breath as he put on his cleaned uniform. It had taken at least three washes to get rid of the blood staining their clothes and another eight to get the rancid smell of rotted meat out. He buttoned his shirt up just as the Princess and the six mares entered the room.

“I’m glad to see you all are alright,” Celestia said as she looked at the four in the sterile white hospital room. The mares hesitated as the four got up and approached the but were ushered closer as Celestia pushed them with her wing. She noticed the sling around Coppa’s arm and gave a concerned look as he shuffled under her gaze. ‘What happened to you arm?”

“I dislocated it during the fight. It’ll be fine in a few seconds” He said as he approached Moe. The elf gave a nod as the princess and the mares watched as Moe gripped Coppa’s shoulder while Sam held back his other arm. A sudden popping noise caused them all to cringe as Coppa swore in pain. After a moment, he undid the sling and tested the arm by swinging it back and forth. “Okay all better now! Sorry about that.”

“It’s fine but allow me to say that it is a pleasure to meet you four.” Celestia said as she rose from her seat. “As you know I am Princess Celestia, I rule this land alongside my sister Princess Luna. Beside me are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Please introduce yourselves girls.”

“I am Twilight Sparkle.” The purple unicorn said as she pointed her hoof at her chest. “Element of Magic. I am the Princess’s personal student and caretaker of the Ponyville library.”

“My name is Rarity, Element of Generosity” The white unicorn said as she dramatically waved her hoof and stepped forward. “Premier fashionista and owner of Carousel Boutique. The place where everything is unique, chic et magnifique!

“Looks like this one is perfect for you Moe!” Coppa said with a laugh as the elf slapped the back of his head. Coppa rubbed the area as he glared at Moe while the mares giggled slightly. “All right shutting up now.”

“Mah names Applejack, Element of Honesty.” Applejack said as she gave each of the four a wary eye. “Ah live on Sweet Apple Acres with mah family.”

“Ooo me! I’m Pinkie Pie! I make people laugh which is why I’m laughter!” Pinkie explained as she hopped up and down. She suddenly pressed her face close to Dante’s As she began to spew out words while throwing confetti in the air. “Ithrowsuperfantasticparies. Thatmeansi’vegottothrowyoueachagiant WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA PARTY!”

The four each looked at each other with confused expressions as they processed Pinkie’s words. Coppa opened his mouth first as the Moe rubbed his skull.”Is she okay?”

“That’s just Pinkie being Pinkie,” the cyan pegasus said as she crossed her forehooves. “The names Rainbow Dash! Element of Loyalty, future Wonderbolt and fastest flyer in Equestria!”

“A pleasure.” Moe said as he looked at each of them noticing that there was a missing pony from the lineup. “Weren’t there six of you?”

“Under the table.” Coppa said as he pointed at the yellow pegasus hiding under the small table. Her pink mane was blocking her face as she cowered from the four. She let out a small eep as Rainbow Dash moved the table.

“This is Fluttershy.” Rainbow said as she gestured at the shaking yellow mare. “She’s the Element of Kindness and can be really shy if you can’t already tell.”

“It’s nice to meet you all,” Dante said as he cracked his back. A few pops sounded as he crossed his legs. “You probably have a lot of questions but we were just wondering exactly how we were transported here.”

“I shall explain that.” Celestia said as Twilight solemnly pawed at the floor. “I sent Twilight a book of rather complicated spells that belonged to one of our most powerful wizards. It seems that one of these spells that connected our worlds and drew you here.”

“That explains the weird magic trails,” Coppa said as he rose from his cushion. “How long till we can go back?”

“I am unsure if you can return to your realm at all,” Celestia said as she looked at her student. “The spell is unfinished and very dangerous. It depleted the energy of the elements and severely hurt my student and her friends.”

“They seem to be doing fine right now.” Coppa said as he scanned the bodies of the mares. Dante also noted the absence of any strain on their faces. Each seemed fine to his wandering eye.

“That’s because Dante healed us with his magic.” Twilight replied as she looked at each of them. Her expression became confused as she noticed the other three looking at her with looks of mock amusement. “What’s so funny?”

“Sorry it’s just that what you said is impossible.” Dante replied. “I’m a wizard, I can’t heal anything, that’s what a cleric is for.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked as her ears cocked forward. “But Spike said you healed us.”

“Where we come from there are two types of paths you can take in the academy. Magic and non-magic and from those are a whole selection of class types.”

“What classes are you guys?” Rainbow Dash asked as she rested on the ground with her head in her hooves.

“I’m a warrior,” Coppa said as he pounded his chest. “I’m a front line type who just hits things with weapons until they drop.”

“I’m a ranger,” Moe stated as he showed them his bow. “I offer support by using psychic powers and my bow and arrows. I can also fight with my knives but I prefer long range combat.”

“So Coppa’s a warrior, Moe’s a ranger and you’re a wizard.” Twilight said as she pointed her hoof at Dante. “What are you Sam?”

Sam merely looked at Twilight before glancing at his friends as he sat motionless. His mouth didn’t move an inch as the mares waited for him to speak. A full minute of silence passed before Coppa coughed into his hand.

“You guys aren’t going to get much out of him.” Coppa said with a dismissive wave. “Sam can’t speak. He’s been mute since we first met him. He’ll write something down but your pretty much limited to yes and no questions.”

“So what is his funny class?” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced in place. “Is it something silly?”

“No Pinkie, he’s a samurai. Far from a silly class,” Moe said as the pink mare who tried to poke Sam’s ears. Sam sat still as he ignored the feeling of the Pinking stroking his ear. “He’s like a warrior but he’s faster and can use black magic like a wizard.”

“What’s black magic?” Twilight said as a scroll levitated in front of her. Dante glared at Coppa who gave him a sheepish grin. “Is it something bad?”

“Twilight why don’t you ask them that tomorrow.” Celestia said as she looked back to Dante with a concerned expression. “In the meantime why don’t we discuss the matter of where these four will be staying. Also I have a favour to ask of you four.”

“What is it Princess?” Dante asked as she stepped closer to the four and levitated their weapons in the air. Dante gave a silent nod as he understood the issue the Princess was about to address.

“Equestria is a peaceful land and many of my little ponies are unused to seeing weapons. I would ask that for the duration of your stay to keep your weapons safely hidden. I would also like to make sure that any other items that would pose a danger be shown so that I am aware of them.”

“Yes Princess we understand.” Moe said as each of the students grabbed the small bags. He cast a glance as the mare’s looked at him curiously. You may want to take a step back.”

With a tug on the drawstring, four piles of weapons, armour and various trinkets poured out of the small bags. The piles continued to grow as the clang of metal and glass filled the room. Finally emptied the stunned Princess looked at the massive collection of items that towered over the mares. “Well it seems that it would be best if you each kept your bags on your person instead. I will need you to make a promise to abide by these rules. I do hope that you won’t jeopardize the safety and health of my subjects.”

“We can do that,” Coppa said as he shovelled his pile back into his bag. “What sort of promise? A blood oath or something?”

“No a simple pinkie promise will do.”

“What’s a pinkie promise?”

Twilight spoke up as she cast a glance to the pink mare. “It’s one of the most powerful pacts we ponies have. Just make sure you don’t break it or you’ll have to deal with Pinkie.”

“So how does it go?” Coppa asked as Pinkie stepped forward.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Pinkie recited as she shoved her hoof into her eye. Coppa gave a snort as he watched the promise unfold cringing when Pinkie Pie shoved her hoof in her eye.

“You’re not serious are you?”

“Just do it Coppa.” Dante said as he made the motions. Sam and Moe followed suit and gently pressed their finger to their eyes. Coppa sighed as he recited the words before accidentally sticking his finger in his eye.

“Okay so what about a place to stay?”

“Well I only have one room for guests,” Twilight said as she pointed to hersled. “But maybe you could ask the others.”

“Well it’s settled then!” Coppa said as he got up his eye still watering from his finger’s assault. “Dante stays at the library while we go find a house to rent.”

“Why am I being left at the library?”

“Because you’re the leader and something in that library might help us out.”

“Dante please hit me, I think Coppa is actually making sense for once.” Moe said sarcastically. Coppa flashed a grin as all eyes fell on him.

“There may be a problem with your idea Coppa.” Celestia said halting the dwarf’s enthusiam. “Renting a piece of real estate requires funds and a proof of citezenship. I doubt your world uses Bits for currency.”

“No, does your bank have an exchange rate by any chance?” Coppa asked as he drew out a large gold coin. He Celestia examined the piece as she took the coin from his outstretched hand. “I’m sure there’s something we could work out.”

“How many of these gold pieces does each of you have?”

“All together, about four thousand if we include what we found before the incident.” Dante said as he did the mental math. “What would that get us?”

“The current value of gold is around eight hundred bits per ounce. Assuming that this is pure gold and weighs an ounce. This amount would bring you to the total sum of three hundred and twenty million bits.”

“Well then it seems like a trip to the bank is in order.” Coppa said as he clapped his hands together, intending to march out the door, no doubt to the bank. He stopped as Celestia raised her hoof.

“This is where the problem lies. That amount of bits does not exist and would take an enormous amount of time to fabricate. I doubt we could even process a reduced amount at the moment. However, I would suggest only exchanging a few pieces at the moment. Anymore than that could have serious repercussions on the economy of Ponyville. Until we can accommodate the wealth you brought, I suggest that you stay close to the elements for now.”

“Well Dante could stay with me. If it’s okay with the others Moe can stay with Rarity, Sam with Fluttershy and Coppa can go to Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack.” Twilight said as she stepped forward. "If that isn't a problem with the others?"

"Heavens no," Rarity said as she trotted next to Moe. The elf gave her a quizzical look as she scanned him with bright eyes. "Having such a elegant looking visitor in my own abode could provide an untapped source of inspiration! I mean look at them! Never have I seen such diversity in fashion. My goodness, even their uniforms look absolutely dashing. I must say, Moe, if I didn't see you in action dear, I would have thought you to have been a fellow fashion buff! You have such an elegant poise, your mane is practically perfect, and you have such a feminine face!"

"Ha! Gaaaayyyy!" Coppa said before Moe cuffed him upside the head.

"Thanks I guess..." Moe replied unsure of how to properly deal with her praise. Coppa simply struggled to keep his laugh contained, a few snickers escaping at the expense of his friends embarrassment.

"What about you Fluttershy?" Twilight asked as the pegasus let out a small 'eep' of surprise. "Are you okay with having Sam live with you for a bit?"

"Well... U-umm," Fluttershy mumbled as she tried to avoid eye contact with the Felpier. Sam kept quiet, remaining still like an intimidating statue and making it even harder for Fluttershy to form a coherent sentence. "I-I guess i-it would be okay...

Sam only nodded, showing he was on board with the idea. He kept a hand on his side, trying his hardest to make it seem like his wound wasn't paining him at all. Dante flicked his head to the side, gesturing to Sam to sit down and rest while the others made arrangements. He obeyed hesitantly, taking his place on one of the beds.

Applejack coughed into a hoof as the room became silent.“Umm gals?” Applejack said as she tried to catch Twilight’s attention. The unicorn turned to Applejack who had a slight frown lining her muzzle. “Can ah talk to all of ya’ll outside fer a minute?”

“Sure Applejack.” Twilight said as they followed the mare outside the room. Celestia excused herself from the room stating that she was needed back in Canterlot and prompting goodbyes from the mares and four students. Twilight closed the door behind her as Applejack turned towards her. “Ah don’t know if we should trust these folk.”

“Applejack what’s the matter? I didn't take you for the suspicious type,” Rainbow said as her head cocked to the side indicating her confusion. Applejack let out a groan as her five friends all stared at her in confusion. “They seem pretty cool to me.”

“It’s just when ah saw that Coppa fella fighting that monster. He looked like he was having a mighty good time swinging his axe around against that thing." She said in a low voice. "Ah may be the only one who feels this way, but ah can’t trust something that likes hurting others let alone something as strange as these four.”

“Applejack I’m sure that if you get to know them they’ll turn out to be nicer than you can imagine.” Twilight replied as Applejack took of her stetson and gave a huff of annoyance while smoothing out a few stands of her mane.

“You ain’t the one who has to deal with a psycho diamond dog lookalike.” Applejack snapped back causing Twilight to flinch. The mare frowned as she sighed, realizing her mistake. “Ah’m sorry Twilight ah'm just dealing with a lot. Having to deal with all of this ain't helping much either.”

“It'll be ok Applejack, we just need to keep an open mind,” Twilight said with a reassuring smile. Applejack gave an unsure nod as she placed her stetson back on her head. “I mean you could ask Coppa to do small chores on the farm in turn for you letting him stay.”

“Ah don’t know Twilight Ah’ve got the feeling that they’re hiding something.”


“This has got to be the biggest load of crap ever,” Coppa complained as he lay back in his hospital bed. The mares had yet to return leaving the four to their thoughts while a nurse had come in with a few trays of food. There was a moment of silence as each of them looked at what could only be described as pulped grass. It took a minute for them to explain their dietary differences, mainly in regards to their consumption of meat and the mare to realize what they mean't. It then took half of a second for Coppa to grab the frightened nurse as she screamed bloody murder. A few choice words and a few reassurances from them all -mainly Coppa promising he wouldn't eat her- allowed them calm the nurse down so that she quit screaming. She had then promptly took the trays back and returned hesitantly with a few decent looking salads and iron supplements for them all. The four hadn’t complained and had finished the meal within a few minutes before reconvening and took stock of their situation.

“So what’s our course of action?” Moe said as he placed his tray on a nearby desk. The three looked towards Dante who was rubbing the bridge of his nose as he came up with a plan. “It doesn’t appear as though we can just get up and leave.”

“We don’t have many options,” Dante said as he got up from the hospital bed and started to pace. “I say we just follow the emergency procedures from the school handbook.”

“Right, what were those again?” Coppa asked his eyes darting from Sam to Moe when both shook their heads. Dante gave a groan as he grabbed his own bag and started to rummage through it. His eyes widened as he started to dump the contents out. Many things poured out of the small bag but there was no book in sight. Coppa cleared his throat as Dante groaned once more. “These ponies seem pretty cool so I’m sure we don’t need to be too cautious.”

“Coppa those rules were put in there for a reason. Sure these pony things are harmless but the same doesn’t apply to us. We can’t afford to get too comfortable, so that means keep any other interactions to a minimum.”

“I’m fairly sure it’s a little late for that Dante,” Moe said as helped Dante pick up the few loose items scattered on the ground. “We basically just showcased our abilities to the entire town over the course of the past day and a half.”

“So what do you propose? Take the princesses offer and just live here?”

“That isn’t a bad idea, we would have shelter and would be in the same area if anything happened. It would also allow us to figure out what to do next and maybe learn about the land. They also never told us what these elements of harmony were. Those things might be important if we want to get home.”

“So I guess we should take our chances and split up.” Coppa said as he jumped of his bed. “Pass the time and soon enough we’ll be home.”

“First things first, we should probably get a little more acquainted with our caretakers.” Moe said as the six mares re-entered the room. The cheerful air around them had seemed to be slightly dampened as looked at the four. Moe coughed into his sleeve as he regarded them with a slightly forced smile. “We were just talking about you six. We were hoping to learn more about the kind mares who are looking after us.”


Coppa whistled to himself as he followed Applejack down the path. In truth, he didn’t need the mare to lead him to the farm. The smell of fertilizer and pigs in the air had told him the direction of the farm long before they had neared the area. Applejack hadn’t said a word as they traveled down the path. He knew the reason for her silence and didn’t blame her at all for not trusting him.

He was a stranger in a foreign land that hadn’t seen much conflict in thousands of years much less an actual war. Recent events hadn’t done much to improve first impressions and he was sure that Applejack had a few apprehensions in regards to him.

Why couldn't I have gone with Pinkie or Rainbow? He thought as he kicked a loose stone. He chuckled a bit as he thought as he remembered Twilight’s reasoning. Right, my stuff isn’t exactly infant friendly and I can’t walk on clouds. Looks like I drew the short stick this time.

“Applejack ah was wondering were ya’ll were!” An elderly voice exclaimed breaking Coppa out of his musings. “Who’s that ya got there.

Coppa looked up to see an elderly lime green mare in a rocking chair with a orange polka dot shawl around her old shoulders. She had a steaming pie for a cutie mark and her tail was done up in a bun that reminded Coppa of a cafeteria lady’s hair. Beside her sat a large red stallion with half an apple for a cutie mark. A yoke sat next to him as he stared at Coppa while swishing the wheat stalk in his mouth.

“Granny, Big Mac this here is-”

“Coppa!” A familiar voice caused his ears to twitch as a yellow and pink blur shot out of the old house. Coppa was bowled over as Applebloom rocketed into his stomach knocking the breath out of him. He patted the head of the filly as she hugged him tightly. He cast a glance to the confused faces of the apple family.

“Applebloom how do ya know Coppa?” Applejack said as she frowned. “He only came here today.”

“He watched us buck apples today!” Applebloom said excitedly as she let go of Coppa who sighed as his internal organs weren’t currently being crushed. Applejack’s eyes widened as she heard her sister continue. “He even helped me buck mah first apple.”

“That’s amazin Applebloom,” Granny said with smile as she saw the happy face of her granddaughter. She gave Coppa a welcoming smile as he got up and dusted himself off. “Pleasure ta meet ya Coppa ain’t that right Big Mac.”

“Eeyup” the red stallion said with a nod of his head.

“The honour's mine Miss Smith.” Coppa said extending his hand. The elder mare grasped it with a surprisingly firm grip and shook it.

“Just call me Granny boy.” She said with a chuckle. “Ah’m assuming you need a place to stay?”

“Anything is fine but I’ll probably just sleep in a tree or something for tonight.”

“Nonsense, a young feller like you needs a good nights sleep. We’ll find ya something by tomorrow. Applejack can help ya find someplace ta sleep tonight.”

“Thanks Granny.”

“Now we best be off ta bed we got a lotta work ta do tomorrow.”

“Good night Granny.” Coppa said with a smile as he nodded to the other two apples. “Big Mac and Applebloom.”

“Good night Coppa!” Applebloom said as she went inside followed by Big Mac and Granny.

“You got a great family here Applejack.” Coppa smiled as he watched the family walk away. He turned to Applejack and saw her looking down at the grown. Her stetson blocked most of her face but Coppa could see the small line of a scowl on her muzzle. “Is something wrong Applejack?”

A brown forehoof connected with his jaw sending him sprawling to the ground. He groaned as he felt his jaw pop out of place. He saw Applejack walk over to him with anger flashing in her eyes as she spat on the ground. “Stay out of mah family’s problems. This farm doesn’t need any more trouble.”

Applejack paused as she watched Coppa put his jaw back into the correct angle and massage the stinging muscles. She stormed off as the dwarf sat up and cracked his neck with a hand. The door slam shut as she left him sitting alone in the dirt. Coppa got up and rubbed the last bits of pain from his jaw. He chuckled as he got up and opened the barn door. “Heh another fine mess you got yourself into Coppa. You managed to piss off the one looking after you already.” Walking past the sleeping animals he collapsed in a pile of hay and looked at the stars through a window. He chuckled one last time as a final thought drifted through his head.

Then again, she is kinda cute for a horse when she wasn’t pissed off.