• Published 15th May 2013
  • 5,095 Views, 134 Comments

Anima Mea Tenebre - Nixus

Darkness exists within every soul, no matter how pure and innocent. Yet the true question remains: How far can one be pushed before they succumb to the evil in their hearts?

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The Hangover part 2.5: From Her Perspective

“So tell me Rarity, how did you come across him?” Fleur chimed as she examined her appearance in the restroom mirror. The fashionista's ears perked up as the supermodel let out an amused giggle. “I’m simply dying to know how you encountered such a ... err... what was he again?”

“I'm sorry Fleur, I didn’t hear you. What were you talking about?” Rarity asked as she did her best to hear Fleur over the loud music that shook the thin walls. The thumping bass of Vinyl’s set was made even louder by the fact it was trapped within the small restroom. Rarity was pretty much forced to stand shoulder to shoulder with Fleur just to hear her.

“I was asking about your acquaintance. How did you two meet?” Fleur asked. “Was it through a mutual acquaintance, or did you two just happen to run into each other?”

“A small variation of the latter,” Rarity said as she turned on the tap with her magic and ran her hooves underneath the warm water. “He dropped into the Boutique over late at night a month ago . It was rather frightening for both of us if I do say; I thought my poor little shop was going to be plundered by some brigand. He on the other hand, simply had no idea where he was.”

“How did he manage to get into the Boutique? Do you not lock your doors at night?”

“As I said, he simply dropped into the Boutique,” Rarity replied as she used her magic to dry her hooves. “Though I may have overreacted un petit peu...” Her face cracked with a slightly embarrassed smile at the thought of nearly spearing Moe with a pair of scissors that night.

“Oh? Overreacted in what way?” Fleur asked, prodding further, her thirst for gossip overtaking her train of thought. “Whaterver it was, It must have been quite a feat to scare of something so exotic and dangerous.” She added a slight emphasis on the two words but strangely enough, Rarity realised it was far from a concerned tone. It seemed as though the thought filled her with excitement

“Fleur, Moe is far from dangerous. Exotic? Yes, in a sense. But he would never hurt anypony,” Rarity explained. “He is a perfect gentlestall- er man... and has helped me greatly over the past month. He's been such a great assistance to my work recently, and he has helped my friends as well. Not only did he manage to reconcile Applejack and Coppa’s friendship, he was also able to assist Spike with a particular issue only a day ago. In all honesty, he's such a perfect companion. He's kind, caring, polite, considerate, diligent...”

“Incredibly attractive?” Fleur said with a coy smile.

“Oh you have no iiiideaaa,” Rarity moaned aloud, forgetting that they weren’t the only ones in the bathroom. Her entire coat took on a very noticeable shade of pink as she realised what she had just said. “Fleur! Now is not the time for jokes.”

“I wasn’t joking Rarity,” Fleur giggled. Rarity was still a bright shade of pink as flashes of her walking in on Moe flashed in her mind, despite her desire to suppress them. “Any experienced talent scout could tell that your friend is good looking,” Fleur added as she stroked her chin with a hoof in contemplation. “If he worked on it, I’m certain he could be a male model. However, on a personal note, I think short hair would suit him better. But that’s beside the point.” She tilted her head slightly as she pondered her next question. “Though I am wondering, with you two –and I hope I am correct in assuming he is staying at your home- living together, how far have you two progressed?”

“Fleur, that is incredibly inappropriate!” Rarity said as the pink shade turned to a dark scarlet. “High society mares like us shouldn’t be discussing subjects as uncouth as this.”

“Au contraire mon amie,” Fleur said as she leaned in close to Rarity’s ear. “What do you think we talk about when we have a ladies night out? Mares aren’t all that different from stallions, we just aren’t as vocal about it. I can’t begin tell you how many times I’ve compared encounters with some of the other girls.” A quiet exhilarated giggle escaped from the model as her own cheeks flushed slightly. Rarity couldn’t believe how depraved the conversation had become. Here was the Fleur de Lis, somepony who was revered as one of the most beautiful and proper mares in all of the fashion world, giggling like an excitable little filly. Inside her own mind, Rarity was debating whether she should simply give in to Fleur’s inquiry. Her conscious told her to just leave the subject, but that small perverse part of her mind simply wouldn’t allow it. Fleur’s playful stare wasn’t helping either.

“So?" Fleur asked with a sparkle in her eyes. "Exactly how far have you two gotten?”


“Once a dirty minded mare, always a dirty minded mare,” said a voice from behind the two. Both of them turned to see Octavia standing behind them. “Tell me Fleur, do you still peep on stallions in the shower as well?” Octavia questioned, her face barely holding back an enthused grin.

“No, now I am into something... much darker,” Fleur said with an evil smile that made Rarity and Octavia take a step back.

“Right...” Octavia replied a little unnerved by Fleur’s comment. She cleared her throat as she turned to Rarity while Fleur continued to giggle. “I just came by to check on you two and to let you know that Fancy decided to head home.”

“Fancy, Fancy, Fancy, always the cute little lightweight,” Fleur smiled as she went back to examining her appearance. “What about our other guests? Is Vinyl entertaining Rarity’s coltfriend and his friend?”

“Fleur, he isn’t my coltfriend!”

“She’s doing what she does best and the other two are on the dance floor as we speak. However, it may have taken a little more work to convince Moe to join us. He seemed rather... apprehensive, at least when I talked to him.” Octavia thought for a second before adding: “He did say something about having a bad experience before, though I am not sure what he meant by it.”

Several thoughts filled Rarity’s mind, the most prominent being the topic of a particular scarred piece of flesh. Her mind went back to the thoughts of when she had seen it on Moe. Had that small brand been the result of some accident? Or was it some deliberate form of self scarring? She wasn’t sure at that moment, but something told her that there was more to it than met the eye. Either way, she had more questions now that Octavia had brought it up.

“I’m not sure either,” Rarity added, “It seems there is much he hasn’t told me.”

“Come now, Rarity, everyone has secrets. Perhaps he simply wants to make a good impression? I’m sure Moe simply doesn’t want to discuss his past mishaps because he’s frightened that you might view him differently.” Fleur said in an assuring tone as she placed a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder.

“I suppose that might be true,” Rarity said, “Though, he’s been rather open about everything else. But he should know that I wouldn’t judge him because of one simple mishap in the past. If anything, I would hope he’d tell me what was bothering him.”

“Well I’m sure you can ask him later,” Fleur added with a smile. “For now, we should get back to the others. We wouldn’t want to miss out on the rest of the night.”

“Of course Fleur,” Rarity said as she opened the door and trotted out with Fleur and Octavia in tow. Interestingly enough, the club had gone silent and all the lights, save for the black lights, had been shut off. An atmosphere of nervous anticipation could be felt throughout the crowd as they stood there in the darkness. “Is this part of the set?” Rarity asked as she turned towards Octavia.

“I’m not sure,” Octavia replied, “Vinyl never said anything about this.”

“Maybe there was a problem with the electricity?” Fleur said, uncertain as the crowd began to murmur impatiently.

Octavia shook her head. “No, if there was the all of the lights would be out. This has to be something Vinyl cooked up last minute.”

“Well I just hope she knows what she’s doing. These ponies seem to be getting a little anxious for her to start again,” Rarity said as a random mare bumped into her. The entire crowd seemed to getting restless as they shuffled and knocked into each other. Rarity had to take a step back as two ponies began pushing at each other to get closer to the stage. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that if Vinyl didn’t play something in the next few minutes, it wouldn’t take much for a full scale brawl to occur.

“There you guys are!” Coppa exclaimed as he came into view holding two bottles in his hand. It took him a few moments to reach the three mare as he pushed himself through the crowd. He nearly knocked over a few ponies before he managed to reach Rarity. “You guys are just in time for the final set!”

“Coppa what’s going on?” Rarity asked as he simply grinned. “Where is Moe?”

Coppa laughed in response after he took a large gulp from one bottle. “You’re going to find out in a few seconds.”

Rarity stared at him in confusion, ready to ask him to clarify what he meant before a soft yet seductive voice filtered out of the speakers. “Hey there Manehatten. Are you ponies ready for a show?”

The three mares turned towards the stage where a soft glow began to emanate from the built in stage lights. Two figures stood on the stage, shrouded by the fog that floated from the rafters. The effect, however cheap it was, did its job well; completely obscuring the two and making them appear as indistinguishable blobs. Rarity practically had to squint just to pick out one standing behind the turntable on stage. She had a good idea of who that pony might be, but she was still trying to identify the other one.

The crowd roared to life in response to the beat of the music beginning to pick up again, and the fog began to part. Rarity couldn’t believe her eyes as the fog made way for the two figures. Vinyl stood on her back legs with her forelimbs on the turntables, her signature sunglasses missing for once, and revealing her red eyes glowing in the darkened stage. She was completely covered in swirling patterns of neon coloured paint that were emphasized by the black light. Her shock remained firmly in place as the fog made way for the next figure.

Rarity had to blink twice as she stared, mouth open in disbelief as Moe stood tall centre stage. He was still dressed in his school uniform, but trails of glowing colour were painted in a tribal style all over his face and neck. The crowd welcomed the newcomer as grinned and pulled a small device out of his pocket. He raised it high over his head as the microphone that was pinned to his shirt picked up his voice.

“Are you ponies ready to kick it up a notch!?” he shouted, his eyes half lidded and a large smile plastered across his face. The ponies in the crowd all shouted in agreement while Moe locked eyes with Vinyl. “I think that’s a yes!” He shouted to The DJ

“Then let’s drop the bass!” Vinyl shouted back as her hoof made contact with one of the many glowing buttons on her turntable. A loud boom of bass filled the entire building, shaking walls and ponies to the core while Moe pressed the button sitting in his hand.

With a loud ‘BANG,’ hundreds of paint packages that were placed strategically over the crowd exploded and showered the crowd with the same neon paint that covered the two on the stage. Rarity had to take a step back as the music blared to life and the multitude of bright colours from the paint and light assaulted her senses. Normally, she would have been aghast at the thought of her mane and coat covered in anything, but she was just too shocked at the moment to form a sentence.

“Vinyl never said anything about this!” Octavia, now covered in a mix of pink and blue paint, shouted.

“That’s because she set this up when we got here!” A now rainbow coloured Coppa said as he chugged the entire contents of the bottle in his hands"

“What is Moe doing up there?”

“Vinyl thought he looked a little down awhile ago,” Coppa explained loudly before he finished off the other bottle and let it drop to the floor. He wiped his mouth, smearing the paint on his face into something that resembled a large red smile that went with the white paint on his face and the black areas around his eyes. “She decided to get him to loosen up and let him in on her surprise. You should be watching this by the way, I’ve never seen him this out of it before!” Coppa added as he pointed back to the stage.

Rarity followed his finger as she peered back on the stage. A number of distinctly female screams could be heard as she caught sight of Moe. The elf had undone the top buttons of his shirt, revealing the bare skin down to his midsection. His necktie sat loose around his neck, swaying as he danced to the beat. Rarity couldn’t help but stare as she watched him dance. Every single movement was graceful and smooth. The added bonus, and it seemed that almost every mare in the room agreed, was that he looked downright sexy as he did so. Even Octavia and Fleur couldn’t help but gawk at the display as the strobe lights made the entire dance into a picture show.

They all watched as Moe swayed back and forth and seemingly gazed right through each mare, peeking through the golden hair that partially covered his face. A soft yet inviting grin sat on his face as he winked to no one in particular, but everypony in the club seemed to think it was for them. Rarity scanned the other mares -and even a few more liberal stallions- who were practically screaming at him to continue undoing the buttons of his shirt. Much to her chagrin, she saw as each watched him with awe, amusement and desire. She felt a raw feeling of jealousy as the mares called for him to continue removing his shirt, all while whistling and practically screaming at him to do so.

A few even tossed bits at him as if to add incentive.

With the ponies in the crowd roaring in approval, Moe continued to strip down. Much to her surprise, he seemed to relish in attention. His little show had gotten everyone's blood pumping and their screams only seemed to push him to show off more and more of his body to the crowd. He worked at his shirt, and for what seemed like an eternity, it eventually it fell from his shoulders. Rarity had to pin her ears back as the screams of approval nearly shattered her eardrums. Rarity had to step back as the paint covered wings of the pegasus mare in front of her shout out and nearly hit her in the face.

“Enjoy it while you can ladies! Just remember, you guys can look, but you can’t touch! ” Rarity heard Vinyl say as she started the final song of the night. Then as if to add to the entire spectacle, she left the turntable and made her way quickly over to Moe. The elf greeted her by letting her stand up against him on her back legs. Rarity felt her cheeks grow hot with jealousy as she watched the both of them dance together, the DJ giving Moe a flirting gesture as she wiggled her flank for him. The crowd kept cheering on in approval as the scene got more intimate, with Vinyl grinding herself against Moe’s lower section.

“Oh this is too good,” Coppa said as he watched in anticipation as the song reached its climax. Rarity felt her heart hammer as Vinyl turned and locked her gaze with Moe. The elf returned the gesture and the entire crowd held their breath as they watched the two inch closer and closer together. Coppa however, held no such reserve and decided to goad them on. “ Come on Moe! Why don’t you go in for the kill you pussy!”

“No, no, no…” Rarity murmured to herself as the beat began to pick up for the final climax.

As the song reached its final leg, Rarity’s mind nearly shattered. She watched as Vinyl practically grabbed the back of Moe’s head and pressed her mouth to his. The DJ even going so far as to show that they were also using their tongues. Their bodies kept dancing as Vinyl wrapped her legs around his head and Moe returned the kiss. The mare responded by wrapping her tail around his midsection and him in close to her. Rarity merely stood there in silence as everyone around her: Coppa and everypony else went insane and cheered. She even caught Fleur whistling at the entire scene. As the stage lights finally dimmed slightly and the music ended with a loud bang, the two fell to the floor where they broke their passionate kiss.

“Thanks for coming out Manehatten!” Vinyl called out, still straddling Moe beneath her. “You’ve all been an awesome crowd. Why don’t we give a hand to my friend here for making this night the best ever!”

Everyone in the crowd cheered as the DJ bowed to her fans, except for the lone fashionista who was too busy trying to leave the scene. Anger, hurt, betrayal, sadness, and a small sprinkling of pure unadulterated rage all swelled in her chest as she pushed her way past the crowd. She didn’t even hear Coppa or any of her friends call out to her as she ran off. All she wanted was to get out of that place and away from the crowd. If it wasn’t for her pride, she would have stormed the stage or attacked somepony.

Only when she finally managed to get out of the club did she act on her emotions. Alone in the desolate street, Rarity shuddered as she trudged home alone. A few tears leaked from her eyes, causing the neon paint in her fur to smear and run. She felt defeated, hollow, and empty all at the same time. What made it worse was that she didn’t even have a shoulder to cry one, let alone a pillow to muffle her screams of frustration.

She almost wanted to laugh at herself. The irony of the night was just that comical to her. She had been blinded again, too ignorant to see the true face of her guest or the game he had set up. She had been too infatuated to see him for what he really was. The gentle and kind friend she had seen him as and appreciate was nothing more than a charade, a mask to hide his true face. He was no gentlestallion, he was a fraud; a cheat, plain and simple. He was nothing more than another Blueblood she had nearly fallen for. He would have only used her and discarded her when he was done.

“Why...” She sobbed as she trudged onwards back to the mansion. It was a good question in her mind. Something she had asked herself after the Gala incident. “Why must it always be like this?” Her heart panged as the thought of Moe’s actions simply kept replaying in her mind.

It took her nearly an hour to get back to the mansion at her slow pace. When she finally managed to get to the guest room, she fell flat on the bed and wrapped herself up in the covers. She didn’t even care that the paint in her fur was rubbing off into the sheets at that point, she only wanted to be alone. A depressed sigh escaped her as she felt her eyelids flutter before finally closing.

“I thought you were different…” Was all she said before she finally succumbed to sleep.

Author's Note:

A funny but also sad sort of chapter. Either way, Moe still has to deal with the fallout.

If there are any grammar mistakes or issues in general don't be afraid to PM me. On that note, if there is anything else you'd like to say, also PM me. I love hearing you guys voice what you like in this story.