• Published 15th May 2013
  • 5,097 Views, 134 Comments

Anima Mea Tenebre - Nixus

Darkness exists within every soul, no matter how pure and innocent. Yet the true question remains: How far can one be pushed before they succumb to the evil in their hearts?

  • ...

The Price of Apples

Four days had passed since the night of the party and tensions were still running high. Applejack had remained silent towards Coppa, preferring to focus on her own work. Any attempts he had made to help had usually ended in an argument between the two. The one time he had succeeded was when Granny Smith had forced Applejack to work their market stand. However, that had ended quickly when Coppa found himself in a familiar sterile white room with a doctor in front of him. A bone white stallion with a bright yellow mane stood in front of him, dressed in a doctor’s coat. In his hoof was a large syringe, which he handed to the waiting elf who was prepared to restrain Coppa should anything happen.

“I’ll leave you two alone for now,” The doctor said as he left the hospital room. Coppa shivered as he saw the large needle that graced the stallion’s flank. He had always hated needles, and the one in Moe’s hand did nothing to relieve his agitation. Just as Moe began to prepare the spot on his arm, Coppa noticed the numerous heads of both patients and nursing staff watching them.

“Can I help you?” Coppa asked with slight annoyance in his voice. They reacted as he expected, quickly disappearing from sight. Coppa sighed as the wet swab soaked the fur on his arm. He turned his head toward Moe as the elf removed the cap on the needle. He cringed as he saw the large medical tool before he spoke. “Why are we doing this again?”

“It’s part of the agreement with the Princess,” Moe said as he prepared the needle. Coppa cringed once more as he waited for the needle to prick his arm. He continued to listen to Moe as the elf watched him shuffle. “They take a bit of blood and study your biology. Simple as that!” A small grin played on Moe’s lips as he watched Coppa’s face grow pale. “Oh come on, it’s just a bit of blood. It’s not like they’re harvesting your organs.”

“I came here because you said you needed me,” Coppa said with crossed arms and glaring at Moe. After a moment, he gave his right arm back to the elf who readied the needle while Coppa complained. "Not to be some science experime- AHH!" He gave a small yelp of pain as the tip entered the vein. He watched as a steady stream of red entered the needle before Moe withdrew the sample. “There, all done. Want a band-aid?”

“Couldn’t you have been a little gentler?”

“Aww did the mean elf take the wittle babies blood and wittle baby-,” Moe teased as Coppa’s hand flew up and smacked him across the head. “Ow!”

“You’re an ass, you know that?”

“You can leave anytime you want,” Moe said as he nursed the side of his head. He placed the vial of blood on a nearby table as he began to take his own blood. As much as Coppa wanted to jam the needle into Moe’s arm, he instead turned and left the elf to his own devices. Just as he exited the doorway Moe’s voice called after him. “Oh right, I’ll be by the farm later. Rarity made some clothes for us.”

“When the hell did she get my measurements?” Coppa asked as he tilted his head. Moe gave a slight shrug as he swabbed his arm. Coppa let out a sigh as he left the elf muttering to himself. “Like Dante said, the more I learn about these ponies, the less I understand.”

"You realize that was Pinke Pie he was talking about right?

"Don't care!" He shouted back as he exited the hospital, Coppa made his way along the streets of Ponyville. A cool breeze ruffled his fur as he rounded the corner, stopping to take in the scents of the market. He gingerly rubbed his arm as he pondered ways to get back at his friend.However, his train of thought was interrupted as he heard a familiar filly's voice.

“What do ya reckon they’re doin?” Applebloom asked as Coppa found her and two other fillies peering through a window, balancing precariously on a crate. On her left was a white unicorn filly with a curled pink and purple mane that bounced with every movement of her head. On the opposite side was an orange pegasus with a wild purple mane that reminded him of Rainbow Dash. He remembered Apple Bloom speaking somewhat about her two friends as he walked towards them. Their eyes were trained on something behind the window out of Coppa’s view.

“I dunno, it looks like they’re wrestling,” the orange filly replied as she cocked her head. “I think the stallion’s winning!”

I think that’s Scooter if I remember right. Coppa thought to himself as he tried to figure out their names. So that would make the other... Sweaty bell? No that can’t be right. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle that’s it!

“Who do you think it is?” Sweetie squeaked as she pressed her face closer to the window. “It’s so dark in there.”

“What are you doing Applebloom?” Coppa said as he nudged the box causing the three to fall to the ground. They looked up at him, two faces slightly afraid while the third held a sheepish grin.

“We heard these strange noises an thought that it may help with our cutie marks!” Applebloom said enthusiastically. Coppa groaned as he remembered the filly explaining the importance of their marks, and their attempts at gaining one. He wasn’t sure how the filly and her friends weren’t in body casts, but like in the case of Pinkie Pie, choose not to ask. “Can ya tell us what they’re doing?”

“Sure, just step back a bit,” Coppa said as he neared the window and peered inside. His head recoiled as he burst into laughter. Wiping a tear from his eye he turned to the three who looked at him confused. “Bloom, they aren’t wrestling. Those two are having se-“ Coppa cut himself off as he realized the age of the three. What do I say? Okay how did Dad explain this?

“What are they doing?” The unicorn filly asked. “Is it some sort of adult game?”

“Well uhh..”

“Can we play it?”

They’ll find out about this soon enough. Wait, do ponies have sex ed? Why the hell am I being so awkward about this?

“See when two ponies love each other very much,” Coppa began slowly as the fillies leaned in closer. The next few words came out so fast Coppa was sure he matched Pinkie in incoherence. “The stallion sticks hisprivatesinsiderher.”

“Really? That’s weird,” Scootaloo said as she looked back towards her friends. “Isn’t cider for drinking?”

“What if they don’t like cider?” Sweetie Belle asked. Coppa racked his brain as he tried to find a way out of this conversation. He scratched at his arms before the quiet farm filly sudden jumped up.

“Oh, Ah have a new idea fer a crusade!” Applebloom shouted as she landed on her hooves. Coppa gave her a confused look as she turned to her two friends. “Let’s go see if we can get our Cutie Marks in cider selling!”

“Yea you guys go do that! I’ll be at the stand with Applejack,” Coppa said as he quickly rounded the corner. He peered back to see that the three crusaders had shot off leaving only a trail of dust. He sighed as he went to the front door of the house. A few knocks later and the door opened to reveal a familiar large red stallion. He was sweating slightly and Coppa could even smell the pheromones coming off Big Mac’s body. “You owe me big time Mac.”

“What do ya mean?” Big Mac said as a bead of sweat trailed down his face. A maroon mare walked behind him towards what Coppa assumed was her kitchen. A content expression dominated her face as her half lidded eyes focused on the next room. Her pink bubblegum mane was in disarray with a large number of stray hairs sticking up. Coppa smirked as Big Mac shuffled nervously. “This ain’t what it looks like.”

“You should probably close the curtains next time,” Coppa said as he leaned in and pointed to the nearby room. He saw Big Mac’s eyes go wide as saucers. Coppa’s hand patted him on the back as he tried to reassure the stallion. “Your sister and her friends got a glimpse but I dealt with them.”

“Oh Celestia, AJ’s gonna kill me,” Big Mac said as he began to panic.

“Big Mac,”

“Ah’ll hafta explain to Granny!”

“Big Mac!”

“What am ah gonna do!”


The stallion stopped pacing as Coppa lowered his voice. The dwarf waited for the red pony to breathe before talking again. “Don’t worry, it was an honest mistake. Just close the blinds next time. I’m going back to the stand,” Coppa added as he pinched his nose. “Just take a shower before you leave, ok?”

“Ah’ll see ya there,” Big Mac said as he closed the door. Coppa nodded and turned around and made his way to the centre of the market area. The scent of fresh baked goods mixed assailed his nose as he passed Sugarcube Corner. He gave a wave to Pinkie Pie who was busy balancing a tray of cupcakes on her back. She tossed him one and refused any payment before he could speak a word. He made short work of the treat just as he entered the market square.

A few stalls lined the square, each selling a variety of wares. From flowers to cheap jewelry, each had ponies behind them trying to earn their living. Coppa smiled at the sight of so many ponies just going about their business. No monsters posed any major threat and they never had to worry about a labyrinth opening up beneath them. Twilight had been amazed when they explained the concept of monster filled dungeons randomly popping out of nowhere. However, that was never a problem here. As much as he hated to admit it, Equestria had grown on him. The same could be said for the rest of his friends.

Each had spent an increasingly large amount of time apart. Sam rarely left Fluttershy’s cottage, Moe and Rarity had become fast friends and Dante and Twilight spent the past few days learning about each other. He hoped that maybe by the week’s end, he and AJ could settle their differences. His train of thought however, was derailed as he heard the familiar mares voice rise over the noise of the crowd.

“What do ya mean ah owe ya interest Filthy?” Applejack all but screamed the words as Coppa edged closer to her stand. In front of her were three stallions each looking at her with amused expressions. The largest, who Coppa assumed was Filthy Rich, was a brown stallion with three bags decorated with dollar signs gracing his flank. His slicked back mane and tie pointed him out as some sort of business type. The stench of cologne played havoc on Coppa’s nose as he got closer.

“It’s quite simple Ms. Applejack. Any educated pony should know that when you borrow enough money, interest is also applied,” one of the lankier pistachio coloured unicorn stallions replied. From what Coppa could see, the other two were obviously twins. Their outfits were a pair of blue and white vests. Two straw hats sat upon their red and white manes while two black bowties were tied snugly around their necks. The only difference was that the one who was speaking lacked the pompous moustache of his brother. “Isn’t that right Flam?”

“Absolutely so Flim,” Flam said with a flourish of his hoof. Coppa restrained his urge to go and strangle the trio as he continued to watch. His blood seemed to boil with every degrading word shot at Applejack. Even she didn’t deserve to be treated like she a country bumpkin. However, all that was forgotten when the other stallion opened his mouth again. “Then again what can you expect from a rube of such shady heritage.”

“I’d stop there before you make another mistake,” Coppa said. The two unicorns spun around, eyes shrinking as they stared at him. Coppa expected as much, cracking his knuckles he casually made his way behind the stand. He stared at Filthy Rich as the stallion regarded him. Coppa smirked as the stallion remained calm and collected even as the dwarf spoke. “I assume you’re here to collect your money?”

“No, I’m just here to remind Ms. Applejack as to the interest accumulated,” Filthy began as his attention turned to the scowling mare. Coppa looked between the two as his hand reached for the bag tied to his side. His ears kept listening to the businesspony’s deep voice as he shuffled the contents of his bag. “I was simply saying that she has accumulated interest due to late payments.”

“How can ah hope to pay if ah can’t afford even tha interest,” Applejack complained before she raised her hoof at the two unicorns. “It was ya’ll who put him up to this!”

“Now Applejack, my associates are simply here because I required them,” Filthy said as his gaze remained locked with Coppa. Flim and Flam were still wary of the dwarf and only approached as Filthy said their names. “As you know, you have only two days to pay back your loan. In the event that you cannot find the funding, the brothers here have expressed their interest in buying your property. They have already given an advanced payment that more than covers your loan,” Filthy continued as he tried to remember the amount. He gave up after a moment and simply asked the moustachioed unicorn.

“How much was it again Flam?”

“Seventy thousand bits, Good sir!” Flam said, his tongue rolling his R’s in an almost sing song way.

“Yes that was it,” Filthy said turning back to Coppa and Applejack. However, his gaze was locked onto the sack that Coppa had dropped onto the stand. “What is this?”

“Coppa, what’re ya doing?” Applejack said, her scowl intensifying as she spat the words.

“Oh I know this song and dance very well,” Coppa said. He ignored Applejack as he pushed the bag forward. A few golden coins rolled out o the bag and sat in front of the stallion. Coppa pointed at the two brothers as he emptied the bag. “Those two put it through your head to buy the farm from the apples. Your accumulated interest bullshit was just to see if you could squeeze the same amount out of Applejack.” Coppa said as he drew a nail across the tabletop of the stand, leaving a rather noticeable claw mark. “Isn’t that right?”

“This amount is hardly seventy thousand bits,” Filthy said as he inspected the coins. Flim and Flam smiled evilly as Coppa just stood still. Filthy tossed the coin back to Coppa as he turned to walk away. “Don’t think that you can do anything with just that much.”

“You’re right on one aspect Filthy,” Coppa said, his confidence still strong. “This is hardly the amount those two paid you. This total amounts to let’s see... One hundred... Two hundred... about three hundred thousand bits.” The amount caused all three stallions to stop dead in their tracks. Flim and Flam began to sweat nervously as Filthy stood rigid. “Does that satisfy your criteria?”

“I will discuss this with my advisor!” Filthy said as a greedy smile broke on his muzzle. Both the brothers and Coppa knew that he had just won. Coppa watched them silently seethe with anger as they followed a now galloping Filthy Rich.

“Well that’s over with,” Coppa said as he collected the loose coins. He went to hand the bag to Applejack, but found her missing from his side. His eyes darted around before spotting her storming off out of the square. He ran after her as he tied the end of the bag off. The coins jingled as he skidded to a halt in front of the mare. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” He asked as he presented the bag to her.

What he didn’t expect was an orange hoof to knock his hand aside. The bag flew through the air and land with a loud thump on the ground. Hundreds of coins spilled out and gleamed in the light of Celestia's sun.

“What the hay do ya think yer doing!” Applejack yelled. This was certainly not the reaction he was expecting. He opened his mouth to retort but was cut off as Applejack continued to yell. “Ah don’t need yer help!”

Coppa felt his anger rise as his own voice rose. “Oh, so you obviously had enough to buy your farm back!”

“That’s not the point!” Applejack yelled back “We Apples have gotten through everything on our own. We don’t need you fighting our battles fer us.”

“You mean you don’t,” Coppa retorted causing Applejack to flinch. “Your brother and Grandmother seemed fine with the idea of me helping out. What’s stopping you?” he asked as he pressed his face closer to Applejack’s. Their noses pressed against each other as their eyes locked in anger. “The only one dragging your family down is you.”

“Ah never needed help before an ah don’t need it now!” Applejack screamed, drawing a few stares from other ponies. “Ah can save the farm on mah own.”

“Just like the time you tried to take over your brothers job and nearly died of exhaustion?”

“That farm is mah Pa’s legacy! Ah don’t need some outsider getting in mah families business.”

“Your pride is what’s destroying your Dad’s legacy! What would he think if he knew you were letting your pride cause your family to suffer!”

“Don’t talk to me about what mah Pa would think,” Applejack spat. Her scowling face lowered as her voice rose again. “Ah bet yer Pa was just like you! Just an idiot like you! Why don’t you take yer money and just buck off!”

“Fine!” Coppa snarled causing Applejack to look up. Confusion was evident on her face as she stared at him. Instead of anger, Coppa’s features were dominated by sadness. A pained whine seemed to escape his lips with every breath. Even his voice sounded hurt as walked away. “But get this straight.” He pulled Applejack close to his face as he stared into her now frightened eyes. “I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing it for your family so they won’t have to know what losing everything is like!”

“What’re ya talking about?”

“I know very well what it’s like to struggle AJ. Trust me when I say that. So maybe you should take a note and learn to accept a helping hand.” His voice lowered as he continued to speak. His eyes glistened as he looked at her once more. “Not everyone who needs it is given one.”

With that, he let Applejack go before storming back towards the square. The mare felt a pain in her chest as she watched the dwarf go. She didn’t understand what he meant but, she saw it in his eyes just before he left. It wasn’t the look of someone who had lost a pet or their favourite toy.

It was the look of someone who had watched as their life was torn apart in front of them.

Suddenly, she felt the anger in her heart lift as tears of shame fell down the side of her face. She got up unsteadily just as a voice called out to her. She looked to see a white unicorn galloping towards her, curled indigo mane bouncing.

“AJ darling, what happened?” Rarity said as she reached the shaking mare. Behind her was Moe who was busy carrying a pile of clothes meant for Coppa. “Come on darling, let’s get you back to the farm. Where did Coppa run off to?”

“Ah don’t know,” Applejack said as her voice quavered. A sob racked her body as she fell to the ground. Rarity looked at Moe who gave her a concerned look. “We were fighting then I said something about his Pa and he just lost it.”

“I’d expect him to,” Moe said solemnly as he helped Applejack up. Both her and Rarity looked at the elf who let out a small sigh. “Applejack, has Coppa ever spoke about his family before? More specifically his father?”

“No, why?”

“Of course. Why do you do this Coppa?” Moe sighed again. His voice grew even more pained as he spoke again.

“Applejack, Coppa’s father has been dead for eight years. Hell, to Coppa, his dad was a hero. I don’t know what you said but I doubt Coppa is any mood for forgiveness.”

“What happened?”

“I’ll tell you when we get to the farm,” Moe said as he picked up the pile of clothes. “Until then, we can only wait till Coppa calms down.”


“So what do we do now brother?” Flim asked as the two unicorns approached a large bar near the outskirts of Ponyville. “That thing has ruined months of planning!”

“Don’t worry brother,” Flam said as he knocked on the door. A slide on the heavy oak door slid open to reveal a pair of dark red eyes. They regarded the brothers before the slide shut. Flim gave his brother a confused look before the elder brother reassured him. “Money isn’t the only way to convince other ponies.”

“What do you two want?” A gruff voice asked as the door swung open. A large black earth pony stood in the doorway. His short purple mane swayed in the wind as he stood tall over the brothers. From the angle Flim stood, he could make out the large hammer that was the ponies cutie mark. “This is a private establishment.”

“Ahh Ironside, it’s been far too long,” Flam said as he neared the stallion. “I was just dropping by to see if you could help us with a small predicament. Maybe cash in a small favor.”

“What do you want Flam?”

“We need your help to convince a mare to part ways with her property. There will be a large sum of bits in it for you and your boys.”

“When and where?”

“Tomorrow at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“The Apple family? Still holding onto that grudge?” Ironside laughed as he turned away. “Forget about it.”

“How does twenty thousand bits sound?”

“Sounds like a deal,” Ironside said as he went back into the bar. Just before the door closed he spoke out once more. “I’ll warn you though, some of the boys haven’t seen a mare in ages since we got out. They may be a tad rougher than you’d like.”

“We don’t mind,” Flam said as the door slammed shut. He turned to his brother who held a faltering mask of confidence. Flam patted his younger brother on the shoulder as he stroked his moustache. “See brother, when money fails it’s often necessary to bring in some muscle.”

“You’re sure this will work Flam?” Flim asked as he stared at his brother. Something seemed off, Flam’s bright green eyes seemed darker than usual, almost malicious. Flim brushed it off as they left the bar behind.

“Positive, Don’t worry brother! Soon we’ll be back on top and richer than ever!” Flam laughed as he trotted off, his brother following close behind.

Author's Note:

So I decided to extend this part of the story by one chapter. In the next one we'll see the conclusion and then it's on to either Sam's or Moe's Ponyville adventure. I'm not sure which one to go with but I'll figure it out soon.

Thanks for reading and leave your comments and criticisms. I'll need em for later."