• Published 15th May 2013
  • 5,095 Views, 134 Comments

Anima Mea Tenebre - Nixus

Darkness exists within every soul, no matter how pure and innocent. Yet the true question remains: How far can one be pushed before they succumb to the evil in their hearts?

  • ...

The Heart Of The Warrior

Sam, the path we walk is one of discipline and mastery. A samurai cannot be considered such until he has learned all he can about both himself and the path he walks. You, my grandson, have exceeded where your brothers and sisters have struggled. You are one of the shining examples of our clan. Soon enough, we will move on from the physical aspects of your training and learn of the mental aspects of the path of fire.

I cannot tell you what to expect, you must continue to exert the utmost discipline in your future studies. One slip of the mind, one hesitation in the sword stroke will only lead you to death’s door. Your vow of silence can only take you so far in your pursuit. It takes more than sacrificing your voice to attain your goals.

To achieve them you must ask yourself a fundamental question. What does it truly mean to be a Samurai? What can come from devoting yourself utterly to a set of moral principles? What form of fulfillment can come from seeking both, a stillness of your mind, and mastery in the way of the sword?

What can you possibly do if you cannot answer these questions? Whom can you possibly hope to serve if you begin to doubt yourself? But I have trust in you. I know you will not disappoint me for I have seen what you are capable of and where your limits lie.

Sam shifted his hand on the pommel of his katana as he continued to walk forward. His hand gently caressed every groove of the hilt as the words played through his mind. The sun’s afternoon rays were still beating down strong, the heat baking the dirt road as Sam and Fluttershy kept walking. Loose pieces of dirt turned to dust under their feet as the pair made their way to the cottage. Sam could feel a new layer of sweat begin to form on his neck as the air became noticeably dryer.

“Umm Sam?” the timid voice of Fluttershy called out, causing Sam to glance down at the pegasus. Fluttershy let out a small squeak of surprise as Sam stared at her. He kept his gaze on her as she tentatively met his gaze. He nodded towards her, prompting her to speak. “It’s just... umm... you seemed k-kind of concerned about something earlier. If you want, we could talk about it...”

Sam stared at her for a moment as her words registered in his head. He closed his eyes and shook his head as he turned away from Fluttershy. The pegasus let out a small, disappointed sigh as she followed after him. Her mind raced to think of ways she could use to get Sam to open up to her. As shy as she was, she did in fact wish to know more about her silent guest. She knew next to nothing about Sam apart from what little Dante had told her during their initial meeting. Yet every time she tried to work up the courage to speak to him, Sam would remain silent.

“Sam, can I ask you something?” she asked, struggling to keep a straight face. Sam stopped again as he glanced at her over his shoulder. Fluttershy began to take a step back but swallowed her fear at the last minute and looked at him confidently.

Ok, just ask him what’s wrong! You can do it!

“What would you like for dinner tonight?”

There was a awkward silence as Fluttershy’s heart sank in her chest. She mentally kicked herself as she let out a whimper. She lowered her head as tears of embarrassment threatened to spill over. However, the scratching of pencil on paper ended her melancholy as she looked up to see Sam with a notepad in hand. His pencil moved across the page before coming to a rest as he turned the note pad around.

I appreciate your concern Fluttershy, but I do not want to burden you. My problems are my own and I will deal with them in time.

“Oh... umm I’m not sure but I can check when we get home,” she replied with a smile, not knowing how he managed to figure out her intent. Sam in turn, gave her a nod as he kept writing. Fluttershy titled her head as she watched Sam. “Sam, why is it that you never speak?” She lowered her head as Sam glanced at her before adding something to his note. “If you don’t mind explaining...”

I choose not to speak out of personal preference. It was part of my training and I have never really broken out of the habit. It also helps when you live in a country where no one ever says what they mean. Being silent means you can simply express yourself in other ways that are much more effective.

“But isn’t it frustrating not being able to ever really say what you want?”

It can be at times, but when you have gone without a voice for six years, you become used to it.

“You’ve been silent for six years?” Fluttershy asked amazed. She pressed on with a small measure of added confidence as she voiced her next question. “If you don’t mind me asking, when did you start?”

I was thirteen at the time. It was my own choice.

“Oh, you’re the same age as me!” Fluttershy said with more volume than intended. Her excitement was beginning to show as she trotted next to him. “How old are all of you?”

I am the eldest at nineteen, the others are all eighteen. If it isn’t too much to ask, how old are you six. I’m having trouble differentiating the age groups of ponies. You all seem to be around the same age.

“Oh no, I’m the oldest. Fluttershy said digging a trench with her hoof. She looked around cautiously as she leaned close to Sam and whispered. “Pinkie and Rainbow are the youngest of us and the others are all just a year younger than me.”

Thank you for the clarification Fluttershy.

I didn’t mean any disrespect to you or your friends.

“Oh it’s perfectly fine with me Sam,” she said with a giggle. Sam looked at her quizzically before she explained. “Rarity is the only one who’s concerned with her age. But, umm... she’s very mature for her age.”

Sam nodded, his face bearing the faintest ghost of a smile. Fluttershy noticed his expression and let out another small giggle. Her smile turned to a thoughtful frown as she saw Sam stare off into space once again. “Sam? Can I ask you one more thing?”

I do not see a problem with it. I do enjoy a good conversation every now and then.

“Well, why is it that you never talked to me before? Do you not like me? I mean... if I bother you I can leave you alone...” Her voice turned into a barely audible whisper as she hid behind her mane. She felt a tap on her shoulder causing her to let out a small “eep” in surprise. She felt Sam’s hand pat her head a few times before she peered beyond the pink veil of her hair.

Sam was bowing down to her, hands placed firmly on the ground as his head hovered below her. She dug a trench with her hoof as she waited for Sam to rise. A few tense moments passed before either of them moved. Sam remained on his knees as his hands went for his notebook.

I never meant to offend you... He wrote as his eyes glanced towards Fluttershy. Please command me as you wish. As a samurai, it is my duty to serve. I will do my utmost to help.

“Oh, I could never do that,” Fluttershy said as she patted his head with a smile. Sam gave her a saddened look as he cast his gaze downwards. Fluttershy withdrew her hoof as Sam began scribbling on the page again. “Sam, what’s wrong?”

If I cannot be of assistance to you, then may I ask your permission of you to end my life? Someone as useless as me deserves such a fate. Fluttershy gasped as her eyes scanned the page. She took a step back as Sam looked at her with pleading eyes. Her head shook from side to side.

“W-what? No, no you can't!” she shouted closing her eyes. She kept shaking her head as a few tears welled in her eyes. Her wings flared out, her voice rose as she stared at Sam. The Felpier inched back, something compelling him to stay and listen to Fluttershy as her eyes bore into him “Why would you want to ask me that? What did I do to make you want that?”

If a samurai is of no use to the one they consider their master, then the most honourable thing to do is end their lives. That way they can avoid any further shame they might bring to their lords name.

“But that’s not right! You shouldn’t do that because of someone else, it isn’t right!” Fluttershy panted heavily from her outburst while Sam stared at her in confusion.. The tears stained her cheek as she rose over Sam. Her voice was wispy as she put a hoof on Sam’s head. “I won’t let you do anything like that. If you try... well then I’ll have to use the stare.”

Sam’s face grew even more confused as Fluttershy began to stare at him even more intently. Suddenly he felt his muscles tense and the back of his neck began to prickle. His hands grabbed at the ground, digging shallow furrows in the heated dirt. The muscles in his legs seemed to move despite what his mind told his body. He tried averting his eyes from the pegasus’ gaze, but his eyes simply remained locked with her own.

She let her gaze soften, causing Sam to fall to his knees and stare at her wide-eyed. How could the pony, who he suspected was frightened by her own shadow, possess such a power? A cold sweat broke out on his skin as Fluttershy gave him the most disarming smile she possessed. He felt his heart beat a mile a minute as she brought her face closer to his own.

“Now will you tell me what is bothering you?” she asked as her shy exterior returned. “Maybe after dinner... if you’re ok with that?” Sam nodded, causing her to smile gratefully as she began to walk off. A moment passed as Sam looked at his still shaking hands, wondering what kind of power he had just been subjected to.

What is she?


“I’m sorry that your dinner was late Angel, but I’ll make up for it with a nice big salad. Doesn’t that sound good?” Fluttershy said as the rabbit before her stared with an expression of anger. It tapped the wooden floor with its foot impatiently. Fluttershy placed a bowl full of cabbage and sliced carrots in front of her animal friend. The rabbit looked at her with an unimpressed gaze as it pointed towards the salad in front of it. “But Angel, if you eat too much you’ll get a stomach ache.”

To her surprise, the rabbit moved to the side revealing a small crystal the size of its body. Fluttershy tilted her head as the crystal was waved in front of her. She gasped as Angel slicked he ears back and made a few sword like motions in the air.

“Angel, you took that from Sam’s things?” she asked in confusion. Angel nodded and gestured toward the carrot that lay on the countertop before pointing back at the crystal. Fluttershy frowned as she attempted to take the crystal, only for Angel to hop away. “Angel, you shouldn’t have taken that!”

Her cries of protest went unheeded as the rabbit bounded up the stairs of her cottage and into her guest’s room. Fluttershy stopped as the door was closed on her before she could catch him. She knocked lightly on the door as she called to her pet. Not getting any response, she slowly opened the door and entered the guest room.

She scanned the room, noting how little had been changed since Sam had taken residence in her cottage. A few scrolls had been hung on the walls, their meanings and symbols completely alien to Fluttershy. The bed had been stripped bare of everything, both the mattress and the blankets had been moved to the centre of the room. A few wooden swords were leaning against the wall, their polished forms reflecting the setting sun as it shone through the window.

She found Angel sitting on the top of the desk in the corner of the room, flipping through a book. Sam’s schoolbag sat next to the rabbit, a few pictures and scrolls were strewn around Angel who peered thoughtfully at the book. Angel looked up from the pages and gestured for Fluttershy to look at the book with him.

“We shouldn’t be looking through his things Angel!” Fluttershy said loudly as she looked at the pages anyway. A few photos in the pages showed a number of people all lined up. They were all clothed in strange looking dresses. A few carried swords similar to the one Sam had while others had studded clubs or wicked looking curved spears. All wore the same serious expression as they stared at the camera. Fluttershy closed the book as the sudden realisation dawned on her.

“Angel, where is Sam?”

The rabbit shrugged its shoulders as it pointed towards the forest. Fluttershy followed the rabbit’s paw as it directed her to a small path. Fluttershy gulped as she saw the footprints leading into the forest. She hesitantly turned to Angel who had gone back to perusing the photos.

“He went into the Everfree forest?” she asked as she began to worry. Her mind flashed to the earlier incident as she ran down the stairs startling many of her animals. “Please don’t do it Sam.”


The sound of the nearby stream echoed throughout the clearing as Sam sat still. The water flowed freely to his left as it emptied out into a river a hundred feet away from the clearing. Walls of bushes encircled the area, ending only at the giant tree standing before him. Its twisted roots had been dug up by some storm long ago and had been taken over by creeping vines and bushels of flowers. Only a few days ago, a family of deer inhabited the hollow. However, due to circumstances beyond Sam’s understanding, they had vacated quickly. In the meantime, he had converted the area for his own purposes.

Sam exhaled calmly as he examined the board in front of him. The setting sun glinted through the many sharpened nails that had been pushed through the thick wood.

Slowly he placed his hands on the points, placing more and more pressure on them as his body began to lift. Balancing himself as his hands held him aloft, Sam slowly got into position. His hands ached as the needles pressed into his palms. In an almost excruciating amount of time, Sam managed to raise himself in a handstand over the sharpened nails. He felt a small wet patch form on his hand as one of the points entered his skin.

Ignoring the pain, he slowly lowered himself, breathing slowly as the nails came closer to his face. He closed his eyes as he repeated the motions, his muscles acting on instinct as they set to complete the exercise. Fifty times, he lowered and raised himself, his face coming close to being impaled on the board near the end of his set. Gently he lowered his legs before using the momentum to hop off the board. He looked at his hands noting the small beads of blood where the points had pierced. He wiped his hand off on his pants as he stretched his aching muscles. He approached the tree where the last part of his daily routine lay.

Kneeling before the shrine he had built over the past few days, Sam drew an incense sticks from his pocket. Using a match hidden in the small shrine, he lit the stick before placing it in the shrine. It was not anything spectacular, a small box, almost in the shape of a bird house served as his portable shrine. The three walls were painted a light shade of blue, complementing the gold coloured roof. Small trails of smoke wafted from the stick of incense, splitting into two trails as it wreathed the shrine.

Sam let out a small hum as he entered his trance like state. His eyes glazed over as his consciousness searched through his mind. To the outside eye, Sam would have looked as though he had entered into a coma. Every muscle in his body went limp; the only sign of him being alive was the steady rhythm of his breathing.

It was an ancient tradition of his clan, meant to strengthen the spirit and calm the mind. To Sam it felt as though a foreign force were gently stroking his very spirit. He felt exposed as he searched through the depths of his consciousness. He sped past memories and past lessons taught. Years flowed by and yet, for all the soul searching he still could not find what he was looking for.

A sigh of disappointment escaped his lips as he extended his arm. Straining, he concentrated on the centre of his extended palm. A vein bulged in his arm as he flexed his hand. He felt the energy around him moving, twisting in a sense, and swirling as he attempted to manipulate them. For a split second he felt it, the feeling of control as the magic became visible. It coalesced in his hand, swirling as he strained to maintain its shape. His eyes narrowed in concentration as the faintest hints of the element within started to form.

I can see it.... After all this time, I can finally see it! I can see my magic!

His excitement turned to fear as the ball began to contort violently. It twisted and shook as the magic within became increasingly unstable. Sam grasped his hand as pain shot through his arm, his nerves screaming as the magic lashed out. He doubled over, trying desperately to regain control. He gasped as what felt like a giant weight began to crush his arm.

No please, not now! I just need to see it! He mentally screamed. He felt his concentration slip as his natural instinct took over. Slowly the ball lost its shape, the magic unravelling, disappearing from sight. Sam struggled with every fibre of his being, trying his hardest to reform it. To place each strand of magic within himself back into his palm.

The strain finally took the last ounce of strength he had, his weakened muscles giving out and sending him crashing to the dirt. He felt the hot tears of disappointment run down his cheeks as his had dug into the ground. His breathing became wracked with sobs as he began to cry his frustration out. Any hope of preserving his cool exterior was washed away as he let the defeat was over him.

So close... He thought as he hung his head. He looked at his hand covered in dirt as the tingling feeling left him. With a shout of anguish, he slammed his first into the ground. He poured his feelings out as he howled into the earth. His tears mixed with the dirt as they fell between his hands. He held his head in his hands as his body shook and convulsed. I've failed them... It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I wasn’t supposed to be this weak... He looked forwards to see his sword still placed before the shrine, its black scabbard reflecting the light. Maybe I can save what little honour I have left...

“Sam?” He turned his head to see Fluttershy standing in the clearing. Her face was a mix of confusion and sadness as she regarded him lying prostrate before her. She hesitantly walked over, her hooves turning up the soft earth as she approached him. Sam looked up to see her face turn into a kind smile as she pulled him into her embrace. He tried pushing her away, but his arms could not manage to move the pony half his size. Giving up, he buried his face in her shoulder as he let the tears of pain and sadness flow freely.

“I understand now...” Fluttershy trailed off as she rubbed Sam’s back with her hoof. Her pink mane enveloped him as they stayed there in each other’s embrace. “Your feelings, your fear... I understand why, Sam.” She gripped him tighter as he sobbed again, wrapping her wings around his body. “They said you were good at magic but... no matter how hard you tried, you can’t do it. It just won’t listen to you.”

They sat there, Fluttershy comforting him for what felt like eons. It was only when Sam was out of tears that they separated. The frustration and anger had ebbed away, completely leaving him with a deep-rooted melancholy. He could have cared less about the dark grey clouds rolling over the Everfree. It was as if every last emotion had been sucked out of him, leaving only a hollow shell. He turned over; his eyes, no longer blinded by Fluttershy’s soft fur, stared out into the darkening skies. He could see the forms of the pegasi flying and pushing the clouds as they directed the oncoming storm. He felt the first droplets of rain just as Fluttershy spoke, her voice filled with her own emotion while she looked towards the sky.

“We should go back, it’s going to rain.” Sam nodded, slowly making his way to his feet and allowing Fluttershy to stand. Fluttershy began to trot towards the edge of the clearing before she noticed Sam was not moving. “Is something wrong?”

Sam’s mouth creased for a moment before his whole body seemed to relax. Fluttershy shivered as the rain intensified. It came down hard, blowing completely through the canopy over her head. Sam simply stood there, letting the rain soak him to the bone. It was an odd feeling, but it put him at peace. There was something cleansing about the droplets crashing against his skin.

Everything seemed to wash away. All the disappointment, the sadness and even anger towards himself seemed to melt away like a sugar cube in water. It was strangely comforting, putting him at ease even in his worst moods. Yet he could not stay there forever, his concern turned to Fluttershy who had begun to sniffle as the wind picked up. Slowly he followed her back to the cottage, taking time to appreciate the sound of the rain.

It took them slightly over five minutes before they reached the outskirts of Fluttershy’s cottage. By this time, the rain had intensified even more and the slight wind had become a howling gale. Tree branches whipped around, threatening to take off Sam’s head as the two ran.Closing in on the cottage, Sam quickened his pace. He burst through the door with Fluttershy close behind as the wind followed them.

With a hard shove, he attempted to shut the door behind them. The wind seemed to howl even louder as the door slowly closed shut. Pressing his shoulder to the door, he pushed forward silencing the wind and rain. He took a breath, latching the door shut against the pounding wind. His brief moment of peace was shattered when he heard Fluttershy let out a scream. Rushing to the living room, he saw the cause of the mare’s terror and felt his heart stop.

Sitting in the corner, snarling, was a Timberwolf pup. The beast was slightly larger than a cat, curled up in the corner it snarled at any of the animals that approached. Glass was sprinkled all around it, most likely from the broken window across the room. Sam could see small pieces embedded in the wolf’s hide, sticking out like small, clear thorns. Yet what drew his eye was the large gash along the wolf’s wooden side.

It’s injured... He thought as he examined the wound from his position. The gash was clearly infected. The bark around it was blackened and dripping with what Sam assumed was the vegetative version of pus. His hand slowly pulled out his weapon, the metallic hiss causing the wolf to let out a low growl. Best put down the injured wolf before it attempted to hurt anything. His advance was halted at the last moment as Fluttershy took a step forward. What is she doing?

“It’s okay,” Fluttershy whispered as she slowly approached the wolf. Sam could see the slight hesitation in her body and movements. It was clear to him that she was not used to dealing with this sort of beast. The Timberwolf let out another snarl, the branches on its back rising as the mare closed in. “It’s okay, there’s nothing to fear.”

The wolf seemed to calm as Fluttershy’s soothing voice took its effect. It whimpered a bit as it presented its wounded to the mare. Fluttershy smiled and moved closer, albeit slowly as to not frighten the wounded creature. Sam stared incredulously as he watched the wolf manage to reach out and lick Fluttershy’s cheek. The long wooden tongue ruffled the mare’s fur causing her to giggle. Sam let out a relieved sigh as he watched the exchange, his hand relaxing on the sword’s grip.

She really does possess an amazing amount of kindness. Even for something she's obviously afraid of. Maybe... she will understand.

“See? Nothing to fear...” Fluttershy said while her brow creased as she examined the wound. Using her wing, she beckoned Sam closer as her hooves busied themselves. The wolf growled as he approached, his presence obviously agitating it. She looked at him with pleading eyes as he removed his weapon, placing it carefully on the ground. She turned back to the timberwolf and ran a hoof along the creatures head. It let out a pathetic whimper as Sam approached. “He just wants to help. He’s not going to hurt you.”

Sam switched his gaze from Fluttershy to the animal, the beast’s eyes narrowing at him. Slowly, he lowered himself while extending his hand forward. The wolf sniffed it for a moment before letting out an angry growl and biting down on his finger. Wooden teeth left splinters as the pup latched on. Sam bit back a breath as the pup kept biting, not daring to let go while Fluttershy held her breath in fear .

The pain was like fire, it coursed through him, begging him to cry out and draw back his hand. Yet his hand stayed despite the feeling of tiny wooden stakes digging into his finger. He remained there, allowing the Timberwolf to continue biting into his finger.

Moments felt like hours before the tiny pup let go of his hand. Its head fell back, ears flattening as tiny red beads welled from the small holes in Sam’s finger. It whimpered slightly before giving the wound a tiny lick. Fluttershy let out a sigh as she saw the tension dissipate. Quietly, she rose to get a medical kit only to stop and watch as the pup climbed slowly into Sam’s lap. She let out a quiet giggle as Sam began to rub the pup’s rough exterior, his hand scratching behind the branches that posed as its ears.

Sam stared silently as Fluttershy exited the room, waiting for her to leave. He quickly took off his damp shirt and laid it out on the floor. Gently, he placed the pup on the makeshift mat. Once again he ran a hand over the pup as it shivered, attempting to sooth its pain. The animal was beyond saving, he knew that much. The wound on its side was in no way treatable, even if they managed to clean it out. Gently he swaddled the pup in his shirt, taking care not to injure it any further.

Even if she cannot save you, at least you will not pass on alone in the cold. He thought. His mind began drawing blanks as time ran thin. Moments passed as the animal’s breathing became softer and softer... until at last its chest fell, never rising again. He bowed his head in respect before getting up and making his way towards Fluttershy. He spared a glance at the pup before he left, his eyes closing as he imagined the mare’s inevitable despair.

He found her in the bathroom, her hooves grabbing a number of medical supplies. As he reached out to gain her attention, he hesitated upon seeing her determined smile. It nearly broke his heart to know that he was going to shatter whatever hope she had of saving the animal, but he knew better than to delay it.

Fluttershy turned suddenly, running into Sam and dropping all the supplies held in her hooves. “Oh, sorry Sam. I just needed to hurry and...” she said before trailing off as she noticed his saddened expression. Her voice began to crack as tears welled in her eyes. “No no no no no.”

Sam barely managed to catch her, her wings flapping uselessly as he held her. She struggled against his grip, begging him to let her go. Her struggles weakened as the minutes passed. Soon, she was nothing more than a sobbing wreck. He stroked her mane as the floodgates broke forth. Her tears fell freely, soaking Sam’s chest and her own fur as she cried her heart out. He could only pat her back as she rode out wave after wave of despair.

“It’s not fair,” she sniffled as she shook herself out of his grip. She kept her head low as she made her way back to the still form of the pup. She collapsed in front of it, shuddering as she cried even harder. She felt Sam’s hand rest on her shoulder, her head turned to regard Sam with puffy bloodshot eyes. “Was everything I did meaningless...”

Sam searched for his notebook, looking everywhere for it. He found it near the door, tossed in a heap with his shoes. He pulled the pad of paper, slightly damp from the rain out and began to write. He stopped halfway as a he watched Fluttershy cover the rest of the pup’s body with his shirt. He finished the note before bending down and embracing the mare.

No, you made the last few moments of its life comfortable. You may not have saved a life, but you gave it a comfortable death. One surrounded by affection and care. It may not be able to speak to you but I think it would have thanked you for that.

She turned around, hooves wrapping around his waist. Sam could almost laugh bitterly at the irony. Here he was in the exact same situation, comforting the mare by having her cry on his shoulder. He almost began to cry as well, not just for the life lost but also for the pain she was going through. Yet he held his own sorrow back, knowing this was her moment to grieve.

“This isn’t the first time...” muttered Fluttershy in Sam’s arms. She slowly pulled herself away and looked towards the thunderstorm that was raging outside. “Most of my animal friends grow old and die... but when they die under my care... when I can’t save them…” She wiped her eyes as she lowered her head. “I wonder if I’m just a failure at what I do...”

Sam stared at her, his expression almost enraged. He grabbed the mare’s shoulders and forced her to look at him. His mouth contorted into a scowl as he prepared himself for the worse. He closed his eyes, breathed hard.

And spoke.

“Don’t say that.” His voice was barely a whisper. “Don’t you ever say something like that, Fluttershy. You are not a failure. I have seen the way you treat these animals and they love you for all that you have done for them. The only failure here...” He breathed as he looked away. He surprised himself as well as Fluttershy who stared at him with a mix of fear and astonishment. He had not heard his own voice in over six years. It sounded so icy and cold, as though each word held no emotion. Regardless of his tone and voice he persisted. “The only failure here is me.”

“Sam, your voice...”

“I’ve tried for the last six years to find myself. Countless times, I stumbled and failed in my pursuit. I never gave up then, but as time passed on, I felt that my attempt was hopeless. I gave up on magic; I gave up on a part of what makes me who I am. I stopped speaking out of shame at what I couldn't do. I hid myself away hoping that my family’s eyes would find someone else to praise and acknowledge. All I knew was that I failed them and myself. Because of that shame, I know that I will never succeed in finding someone who will accept me as their guardian. Fluttershy, take it from me, you are no failure.”

He sighed, knowing what he had just done. Yet, he felt relieved, as if a great burden had lifted itself from his shoulders. He saw Fluttershy, still too shocked to say anything, fall to her haunches in disbelief. He could hardly believe it himself, six years of silence broken to console a mare in despair. Was it worth it? He hadn’t decided at the moment, the entire rant was a spur of the moment. He saw animals poke their heads out, curious as to where the new voice originated from.

“Thank you...” he heard Fluttershy say in a hushed voice. He looked at her curiously, not noticing the ghost of a smile on her face as she trotted next to him. Again, she hugged him, not out of grief but of genuine thanks. He returned the gesture just as she whispered into his ear. “Sam, anypony would be glad to have you as their friend or protector. Magic or not, you aren't a failure." She buried her head into the crook of his neck as she whispered again. "Thank you.”

He sat there and watch as she pulled away and disappeared from sight, retreating toward her room. He sat there alone, the body next to him his only companion. The other animals had fled, either to their homes or to upstairs toward Fluttershy’s chamber. He rose slowly, gathering himself for the next task at hand.

One he had the unfortunate experience of doing many times.


Sam stood at the front of the small grave he had filled in. The packed ground soaked up the rain as the wind began to die down. A small wooden cross was stabbed into the ground above the grave; a temporary marker until a more permanent solution could be found. Sam let a tired breath escape from his body. Resting against the small shovel he had borrowed from the cottage’s shed, he cast his eyes downward.

He felt the rain run freely across his skin again, yet this time he felt no solace in the storm. His eyes were focused more on the grave. He felt angry, like a fire was burning in the pit of his stomach. Something had killed this pup and was most likely still out in the forest. Whatever it was, Sam wanted to find it and put it down for good.

He drew his sword, watching as the rain gathered on the sharpened steel. He closed his eyes as a flash of lightning arced overhead, followed closely by the boom of thunder. Though there was no wind and he felt a chill run down his body.

Though I have broken my vow, I shall take on two new ones. Fluttershy, no matter what the cost is, I resolve to protect against that which threatens this place or you. Though you may not wish it, I shall commit body and soul to my task. Though I lack in skill, I shall strike down your enemies with deadly effect, showing no mercy to those who claim themselves as your foe. I will be both your sword and shield for you to command. That is my vow for now and until I no longer draw breath.

He unclenched his free hand, not taking notice of the rapidly dissipating hoar frost that covered it. He flourished his sword, removing any droplets of water before sheathing it. His mind flashed to whatever hunter lay out in the forest, eyes narrowing as a final cold dark thought escaped his lips.

“I’m going to kill you. For both her sake and my own satisfaction, you are going to lie dead at my feet.”

Author's Note:

Well here's the big reveal, Sam has basically live a sort of half lie.

I honestly don't know what it is with these two that makes them so difficult to write. Sure, Sam being silent doesn't help but there's just something about Fluttershy. I dunno what it is but she is incredibly difficult to write. I know I stated this in the last chapter but it's just a point for me to complain.

Anyways I dunno if I'm writing her the right way so just tell me how to improve or if it's good as is. Your comments are really the only way I can tell. That and my editor whose help I greatly appreciate.

So comment, leave a like or anything! Just let me know what I can do to improve and make this experience enjoyable for you!

Interesting Tidbit:

Sam's entire character was something that I created after watching a marathon of movies and documentaries dealing with ancient japanese warriors. It also sort of helps that I really enjoy playing Shogun 2.

Can you guess my favorite samurai movie? I'll leave a hint for you guys. It deals with the war between the samurai and the imperial army.Sort of based on a true story too... well actually it's more of loose interpretation.