• Published 15th May 2013
  • 5,096 Views, 134 Comments

Anima Mea Tenebre - Nixus

Darkness exists within every soul, no matter how pure and innocent. Yet the true question remains: How far can one be pushed before they succumb to the evil in their hearts?

  • ...

History Unfolded

“Are you ready Twilight?” Beleth asked. He had shifted from his spot on the chair across from her to on the edge of her bed. His arms were relaxed and his hands clasped together on his lap. His eyes were closed as he formed the words in his head and readied them for Twilight to soak in. He smiled inwardly. How long had it been since his mind had drifted to the past? Time in the void was convoluted; a series of crossroads overlapping with each other. Past, present, and future often mingled together and it had been easy to reflect on history when he could separate the threads of time. He did not have that luxury now. All he could muster was his own memory, as dreaded as it was.

Perhaps it is time after all. He thought as he looked at the attentive Unicorn beside him. Twilight had taken to lying down on the bed and shifting her pillows so that she was propped up. He knew exactly why she had done this and he couldn’t help but chuckle at her habit. It reminded her of the times she would do this as a filly so she could read her books without straining her neck. Now it had become a response for whenever she needed to feel at ease in stressful situations. It wasn’t the most proper way to lounge while listening and conversing with another, but Beleth had told her to get comfortable. He didn’t mind it either, truth be told.

We all have our own rituals. He thought with a smile.

Aware that she was still waiting on him, he coughed into his hand. He mulled over his words before he began after a moment when she just watched him intently. “Not many know much about Acharon. I'm only able to say this much because I am one of the few who was privy to his inner circle. What I can tell you about his origins is that he was young and idealistic. Actually, In many ways, he was like you."

He paused for a moment as a foul taste made itself known in his mouth. "Acharon was a second generation Pureblood, born after the war. He was by all means a pacifist, and stressed the importance that, while our people were made for war, our powers and abilities could be used to foster the advancement of society. He believed that by deliberation we could create equality between all races and gain acceptance. His ideas were popular and he was charismatic. He became popular and grew a following of all races. We built a community, created lives, and for a time, there was a point when we believed he had actually achieved his vision and that it was a dream that could be realised."

"So what changed?" Twilight asked aloud. "Why did he become so twisted that he abandoned his dream? Belial said it was the other races that acted out because they didn’t trust the Purebloods to contain their powers."

"It was as Belial had told you; there was a fear that the Purebloods would take over or succumb to their tainted blood. Kingdoms nearby took the gathering of Acharon and his people as a sign of hostility. They believed he was going to amass an army of fanatics with which he would raid them," Beleth stated, a somber tone in his voice. "Every man, woman and child was cut down as their homes burnt to the ground. Years of peaceful expansion were reduced to nothing in a matter of hours. When they had finished, there was little left other than the stench of destruction. They had no idea what they had sown for themselves; no clue as to what sort of enemy they had created."

"But you said everyone died in that raid. No one can come back from the dead, there’s no power in the scope of magic that can possibly do that! There must have been some other power in play. Re-animation to that degree is just not possible." She bit her tongue immediately after recalling the previous night. “Though from what I saw Belial do, that was at least true for Equestria. Apparently that's not the case for Dante's home."

"No, you are right, no one can come back from death. Instead there is a period in which they can be revived. Acharon lost that chance in the absence of a healer, but he survived as one can exist in a realm between the two. I believe an appropriate title would be 'banished from death'. The reason for this is his demonic heritage which is affected by emotions just as magic is. When Acharon saw that not only had his dream been shattered, but his 'family' slaughtered because of it. Thus he fell victim to exactly what had been feared. Fueled by his last moments of despair, anguish, hatred and desire for vengeance, his power warped his very soul." He paused, wringing his clammy hands together. "He transcended in a way, becoming something more than mortal. He gained new powers in this state and transformed the remains of his followers into his own army. Eventually he came across others like himself, betrayed and forsaken, left to their own personal hells. He made these individuals into his generals and gave them portions of his own power, turning them into other ascended beings. From that point, he envisioned building a new home for his followers. This one however, was without room for those who would not agree to his will."

"So what does this have to do with Belial?" Twilight asked. "Obviously they were stopped if races like Felpiers, Dwarfs, and Elves still exist. Belial can't gather an army like Acharon's here in Equestria, no one would follow him. His plan hardly makes sense,” A sudden realization dawned on her before her head snapped towards Beleth. “His plan is something different altogether.”

"Belial's desire is simple: he wishes for power. His intention is to live up to his father's legacy of destruction. Acharon grew to great power, but he disappeared before his conquest was complete. His empire was sealed away piece by piece, and Belial wishes to put it all together again. He will stop at nothing in his pursuit, and I only have a fraction of an idea as to how he will accomplish this. What I do know is that he hopes to pick up where Acharon left using what little remains. If he ascends, he will make Equestria his staging grounds and purge both it and our own, but he has no plans to create the kingdom Acharon had envisioned. His only aim is to destroy everything.”

“Then we need to stop him!” Twilight said with conviction. She stood up from her bed and stopped in front of Beleth. She was absolutely frightened by what had transpired, but deep within herself, she could feel something well up. It started as a small ball that had been growing as Beleth had spoken. Gradually it had transformed and now she felt her fear fade. “But the question is how can we stop him?”

Disbelief crossed Beleth’s face. He had expected the unicorn in front of him to be absolutely paralysed with fear, not come up to him demanding what her next step should be. Slowly, he smiled at Twilight as he placed his hand on her head, gingerly pushing a strand of her mane from out of her face. He felt relief within himself knowing she had this level of conviction. “There is a cloud growing in the north Twilight. One of suffering and despair. I have no doubt that Belial will be there as well, ready to dip his hand into the pot. That is where you must put a stop to his plans. You and your friends must go with Dante and his allies."

“I will,” Twilight said confidently. “Also, Beleth, may I tell you something?”

“Of course,” he replied politely. Twilight smiled at his openness. There was something she liked about Beleth, a certain quality and familiarity about him that she enjoyed. She didn’t trust him completely, but his general demeanour made it hard not to like him.

“I think I can understand why Acharon became what he did,” she said sadly. “I may not agree with it, but to go through all that suffering... I doubt anyone would be forgiving. I don't want to dwell on it, but if I lost my friends and Ponyville like Acharon did...I'm not sure if I'd be all that different."

Beleth cupped her cheek with warmth and affection. "There is truth in that, Twilight. Many lose their way in the face of tragedy. Good souls fall and darkness takes hold as disillusion blinds them. Many find the truth later on, but only when the damage is done.” He sighed and Twilight watched as the corners of his mouth tightened. “But that is Acharon’s story, Twilight Sparkle. One of a soul lost in tragedy.”

Twilight kept silent as she got up and wrapped her forelegs around Belial. He seemed surprised by the sudden action, but soon leaned into her. They remained there for a moment before Twilight felt herself being lifted into the air, a purple aura surrounding her. Belial moved his hand, commanding his magic to set her down and tucked the blanket around her. When she made a move to protest, he shushed her and set his hand on her forehead. Her eyes grew heavy and soon she fell into the most relaxed sleep.

“Sleep for now, Twilight,” he commanded softly, retracting his hand. A small point of light shone on Twilight’s forehead momentarily before disappearing. Beleth stepped away as his body began to fade. His last words echoed in the room as he finally vanished. “Enjoy these last few hours of peace. For when you wake, the path ahead will be one dark step in your bright future.”


Sam leaned back into the side of the window frame as he watched the moon light up the dark sky. One leg dangled out over the frame, hanging over the cliff face that Canterlot was built on. He had secluded himself after everyone had dispersed from the Royal hall. He was not as emotionally despondent as Moe was, and he definitely was not about to go on a path of destruction like Coppa had gone on. He could not blame them though, as he was angered as well.

Celestia’s action against Dante, despite Belial’s presence, felt like nothing short of a betrayal. Coppa had practically ranted for hours, finding new and inventive ways of cursing ‘that backstabbing solar bitch’. Watching him yell and stomp so loudly that even the stones in his room shook had been quite the sight. Yet he had a point. They had trusted Celestia, and in return she had gone behind them and made the plan with Fluttershy and her friends to do whatever it was the elements did to Dante.


The name brought an odd assortment of feelings to play in his conscious. He wasn’t sure how to describe it, but despite his anger at the situation, he was more concerned with the yellow pegasus. When Belial had literally stolen her soul from her body, he had felt nothing but unbridled rage. He had struggled and cursed when the black bindings had held him down, and felt the utter hopelessness of despair when Belial had teased Celestia by nearly scratching the surface of that pink orb. He rubbed his face and moaned into his hand at the guilt the memory brought. He wanted to forget it, to just move on with his thoughts.Yet he could not stop replaying it in his mind.

Then there had been the time Shishiro had threatened her. His mood darkened with the thought of the name. Sam knew exactly who he had been and he was surprised by the fact the human had come. That had given way to rage when Fluttershy had come into danger.

He felt a sting in his forearm and looked down to see his hand clenched into a fist. A small dot of red grew in the field of white that covered his wound. It reminded him of his uncharacteristic bout of rashness that had made him throw himself and Shishiro out of a window. Now his emotions had reopened his wound slightly.

“What is wrong with me?” he murmured as he rubbed his eyes. There were only a few reasons as to why she dominated his thoughts and save for one, none made any sense. It was laughable, almost to stupid in his mind. He wanted to dismiss it, but the more he thought on it, the more it became clear.

“Sam?” the quiet voice of the mare in question brought him to his senses and he looked to see her enter the room. He covered the spot on his arm with his hand and left the window. “I hope I’m not bothering you. Is it alright if I come in?”

“I am here, what do you need?” he said with a little more force than he had intended. Her face paled slightly before he quickly apologised. “I am sorry, Fluttershy, I didn’t mean to sound angry. I am just having some personal issues. Is there something wrong?”

"N-no, I just wanted to see how you were doing..." Her tone and voice made her effort to mask her apprehension rather pointless. There was something obviously troubling her. “How is your arm?”

"I am fine, it is nothing to worry about," he assured. Fluttershy continued on despite his assurance and looked at the hand which was covering the bloodstain. Sam bit his tongue as he showed her the spot and he heard her give him a motherly ‘tsk tsk’ of disapproval. He let her unwrap his bandages, and sat unflinching as she examined it. The flesh around the cut was red and the careful stitching was still in place. In one area nearest to his wrist, there was a small trickle of blood leaking from between the stitches. Fluttershy took to a small rag and a roll of bandages the doctors had left on a nearby table and began cleaning it. It took less than a minute, but when Fluttershy finished Sam’s bandage was rewrapped and there was not a spot of blood on it.

“There, much better,” she whispered and gave the spot a quick kiss before leaning on Sam’s shoulder. He straightened out a bit and felt his face heat up slightly. He felt Fluttershy shift nervously and stare at him. "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"That person in the hospital knew you. Was what he said true?"

"Yes, I know who he was. Shishiro is someone I encountered before I joined the team," he replied dejectedly. He wasn't sure how the mare would take this information, but he was not one to withhold facts. "What he spoke of was also true for the most part."

"So you..."

"You're too important to me to lie to. I did do it. I took his family and loved ones away, but that was before I was who I am now. I was more brutal and quick to go to blows. I killed his father and brother and now it's caused this..." He moved himself so that he faced her and got on his knees. He grasped one of her hooves and held it tightly, afraid that if he let it go then it might not come back. "I didn't intend for this to happen. I regret what I've done; I really do. I just don-"

He never finished his sentence as Fluttershy pressed a hoof to his lips. She moved her hoof and sighed deeply as she pressed her forehead to his. "It's ok Sam, I know. The Sam I know is kind, not the one that person was talking about. You aren't like that anymore and whatever you did before doesn't matter to me. What matters is that you've changed."

The pegasus smiled as she nestled into him. Being so close gave her an odd feeling. It wasn’t unpleasant in the least, quite the opposite in fact. Her heart pounded in her ears as she felt the warmth of him and the soft material of his clothes as they rubbed against her skin and coat. She feared she was being too forward in her actions, but at the same time she was just following her instinct; much like her mouth said the words that came from both her heart and her mind.

"You're kind, thoughtful and brave. You aren't someone who'll hurt others without reason. When I am with you I just feel so safe, and I know you'll protect me like you said back in the hospital. You're important to me too, and I don't ever want you to think anything you say will change that."

Sam's mouth twitched before growing to a joyous smile. The fluttering of his heart quickened and he almost felt like he could fly. He wrapped his arms around the pegasus and brought her close, stifling the 'eep' of surprise. "When Belial trapped us, my only thought was about you. If anything had happened to you, I would never have forgiven myself," he murmured, small lines of tears forming at the corners of his eyes. "I'll always be there for you. Not because you've helped me find myself, but because I care about you as more than just a friend."

His breath hitched, and his heart pounded in his chest as the seconds passed by. He could scarcely believe he had said those words even as they registered in his head. Fluttershy was likewise stunned. Her eyes had become saucers and there was an apparent blush on her face.

Then there was a split second when the two of them inched closer and closer until he felt the soft feeling of lips grazing his own. He had never kissed anyone like this before and the feeling set a fire in his chest, demanding it be fed more and more. Passion flared as he pulled her closer and she obliged by wrapping her forelegs around his neck and deepening the kiss. Both closed their eyes as they savored the moment. He felt the softness of her fur against his hand and his mind felt truly at ease. He didn’t want the feeling to end, and from the amount of effort and passion Fluttershy was putting into the kiss, neither did she.

The need for air broke them apart, red faced and smiling. The two of them stared affectionately into each other’s eyes before Fluttershy leaned forward and pecked him on the nose. He did the same and the both of them touched foreheads as they caught their breath. His heart was pumping faster than he even thought possible. “I’m glad I came to this world.”

Fluttershy giggled quietly as she blushed more and quickly pecked him on the lips.“I am too,” she replied with a content sigh. A soft tapping came from the door and Sam let out a disappointed groan. Fluttershy smiled and pecked Sam on the lips one more time before she approached the door. Behind it was one of the castles guards, standing tall and poised as he spoke.

"The Princess requires the elements and their guests in the throne room. The others have already been summoned. Please follow me."


Everyone had been arranged by the time Sam and Fluttershy arrived in the Throne hall. A still fuming Dwarf stood on one side with his elven friend, arms crossed and teeth slightly showing. On the other side were Twilight and her friends, standing in a line and conversing in hushed tones. Their ears may not have heard what they were saying, but the occasional glances at the regal white alicorn standing in front of the steps of her throne told Sam and Fluttershy that Celestia was at the centre of their discussion. The only ones absent were Dante and Luna.

Sparing a glance at each other, Sam and Fluttershy parted and took their places with their respective groups. Rarity made room for the timid pegasus and soon was recounting everything they had spoken if to her as quickly as she could. Fluttershy kept quiet and Sam took the free space beside Coppa.

Celestia stepped forward, ushering the room into silence. She appeared hesitant, but there was a peculiar force in her voice. "It is time to discuss why I have called you all here and to explain myself.”

“Oh well now we get some answers! Here I was, thinking we were about to be put on the chopping block next,” Coppa growled, not attempting to mask any of the scorn in his voice. The bluntness of his statement shocked everyone silent. Even Celestia was taken back by the outright hostility he was giving off.

“I assure you, I-”

“You what?” Coppa interrupted. “You thought it’d be ok to go behind our backs? Keep some crucial details from us regarding our friend? Didn’t let us in on you grand scheme? Decided not to tell us you were potentially going to kill that thing possessing Dante, and as an added bonus, Dante too?” He pointed his finger accusingly at her, fur bristling as he growled audibly. “Why should we listen to anything you say?”

“I did not plan anything concerning betraying you or your friends, Coppa,” Celestia said, her voice frank and forceful. “Yes, I did withhold my intentions, but there was little hope you could negotiate a being like that to withdraw from your friend. Nor would you have allowed me to do anything if I did tell you. The only option left was to either seal him, or destroy the host completely. Which one the Elements would have done, I am not sure.”

“You expect us to think that was your only option?” Coppa replied. “You honestly expect us to believe that you, an all powerful Princess who can control the sun, couldn’t have done anything?”

“Coppa, you saw Belial take both the Princesses down in a matter of seconds,” Moe said, placing a hand on Coppa’s shoulder. It seemed the action was more to restrain the dwarf than it was to reassure him. “As much as I hate to admit it, Celestia may have been right. Dante is our friend, but was their any real hope of us beating that thing?”

“That doesn’t mean she can just decide on her own whether or not to kill something!”

“Then look at it from her perspective,” a voice called out from behind them all, strong and familiar. Every head turned to to see the doors opened and two figures approaching. The Princess of the night strode confidently forward alongside the young horned man who was using his staff as a support as he walked forward. Dark lines ran under his eyes, a further display of the tired body that stood on unsteady legs.

"Dante, you're okay!" Twilight said loudly as everyone crowded him. There was a barrage of relieved hugs and Dante took them all in stride in spite of his exhaustion.

"I'm a little tired, but I'm ok. I’m glad you’re all safe," he replied before turning to Coppa. His smile turned serious and he placed a hand on the Dwarf’s shoulder. Coppa tensed, but Dante only lightly tapped him on the head with his staff. "I know you're angry, but use your head, Coppa. Celestia's responsible for all of Equestria; they're her beloved subjects and they’re like a family to her. You'd do the what she did if your mother or sister were in danger."

Coppa deflated as he thought about it. He spared a glance at the somber Celestia and sighed. "You're right, I'm sorry."

"I know you are. You're a good friend and I know you were only trying to do what was best. Just don't blame Celestia for what any of us would do. Not even she needs to suffer a Dwarf with a grudge. God knows what you would've done."

Coppa gave a good chuckle at that. When he finished, he scratched his nose with slight embarrassment before nodding at nothing in particular. He turned away from Dante and matched towards Celestia. The Alicorn gave him a warm smile as he stood before her, extending his hand. "Sorry Celestia, I don't think well when I get stressed out. Acting on instinct and emotion kind of happens a lot."

"Apology accepted, Coppa," Celestia replied. "I do not blame you for how you acted either."

"So we're good?"

"We're good, Coppa."

"Wow, Coppa is actually letting something go. I've seen everything now," Moe joked as his best friend glared at him and raised a single middle digit to the elf. Everyone laughed at their antics and even Dante cracked a smile as the atmosphere lightened for the first time.

“Yes, though I think it is time for Celestia to explain to us why she brought us all here,” Dante said. He did not want to kill the mood, but there was a growing unease within him. He knew exactly what Celestia was going to show them. He had found that village and Belial had forced the past which had been so buried to come to light once more. Celestia knew it as well and she looked almost as though she were half-dreading, half-relieved that whatever it was was being shared with her closest companions.

Dante respected that she was not shying away from this revelation and in return he was given an approving nod by Celestia. It seemed as though she was thankful he had gotten things back to point. “Dante is right, it is time this comes to light."

Her horn ignited and the room was filled with the sound of stone scraping upon stone. The giant throne became encased in the golden glow of her magic and began to slide to the side. Over a hundred pounds of decorated wood, gold, and velvet slid to the side to reveal a square hole about seven feet wide. Everyone gasped as Celestia then levitated two large gilded chests from within the hole. They hovered in the air, reflecting the light off their polished bronze exteriors before Celestia placed them down before her.

"We cannot believe it..." Luna uttered as she approached the chests. She placed a hoof on a circular piece on the front of one of the chests. She rubbed the piece and let centuries of dust fall to the ground before a sun sigil revealed itself. Luna sucked in a breath as she let her hoof drop from the chest. "Sister, their chests..."

"Yes, Luna, these are all that's left."

"Princess, what are these chests?" Twilight asked, taking to the side of her mentor. She examined the other chest, taking note of the small chains of letters and swirling decoration that covered it. "The writing is in ancient Equestrian, but some of these words and designs are unlike anything I've ever seen."

The Princess stared at her student with pride. "Very astute Twilight," she began. "Tell me, what do you and your friends know of our country's history? More specifically, the major events of Equestria's founding as a kingdom and its expansion?"

"You're talking about the three tribes and Discord. Of course we all know about the three tribes," she said. "The three tribes originally were never on friendly terms. They argued and bickered over almost everything even though they relied on each other. The Unicorns controlled the day and night cycles, the Pegasi controlled the weather, and the Earth Ponies were the sole agricultural producers."

"They came to Equestria in order to find a new place to live and thrive, but even then they couldn't get along. None of the tribes wanted anything to do with each other." Rainbow Dash added. "Come on Princess, this is grade school history!"

Fluttershy nodded in agreement before she recounted what she knew. "Their fighting eventually brought the Windigos to Equestria. When the country was nearly frozen, the three aids to the leaders united and got rid of them before they made Equestria. Everything was peaceful until Discord began terrorizing the citizens."

"Then you and Princess Luna used the Elements of Harmony and sealed the old Discord away and there was a gigantic party with streamers and cake and confetti and punch and cake!" Pinkie Pie shouted as a blast of confetti quite literally shot outwards from behind her, coating the wall and the three forms of Sam, Moe, and Coppa in a bright cloud of coloured paper and streamers.

Rarity rolled her eyes at Pinkie’s antics before she spoke up. "From that point on, it was mostly a period of peace and prosperity. There were a few incidents like the Crystal Empire, but both you and Princess Luna dealt with them as best you could."

"Then Luna stirred up a mighty big ol' mess when she turned to Nightmare Moon. Ya sealed her away and ruled by your lonesome till she came back." Applejack looked to the lunar princess apologetically. "No offense to you, Princess Luna."

The Princess of the Night bowed her head, but her serious face remained. It was surprising to see her display so little emotion even when confronted by her low point. "None is taken, dear Applejack."

"Everything you have said is correct," Celestia announced, smiling proudly for a moment. Her happiness faded, giving way to her more serious face. "The founding of Equestria was indeed a product of the three tribes coming together, but the citizens were still divided by their roots. Many times the kingdom almost collapsed in on itself because the ponies in the government couldn't agree on the simplest matters. To make matters worse, Discord was terrorizing Equestria and putting more strain on it. For a time, it seemed that our kingdom was going to fail under the weight of these crises. So in response, a small group of ponies united and searched for a solution."

Celestia ignited her horn and a small bronze key, decorated with a sun wheel at the end shot out from a space in the base of her throne. She took the key and slid it into the slot of one of the chests. There was the sound metal groaning as the lock's ancient pieces moved and opened. Celestia refrained from opening the chest, continuing her explanation instead.

"The small group, including Luna and myself, repeatedly came to dead ends and we were unable to craft a solution in regards to both the situation of the Kingdom and Discord. For a time we lost hope, but a series of freak events involving the Elements of Harmony led us to an individual who assisted us. It was they who aided us, risking life and limb, so that my sister and I could achieve our destinies. This individual, and soon enough their village, were a compelling force within Equestria. They were dear friends and loyal to a fault."

"I don't understand," Twilight interjected. She knew the history of Equestria through and through.To be told that she had only seen a partial picture shook the academic part of her very being. "We've always been taught that the early years of Equestria's existence were peaceful and stable. If this is the truth, then who was this individual and what were they? Were they Minotaurs, Griffons... or maybe..."

There was a long pause when Celestia did not speak. Twilight couldn't have known, but both Celestia and Luna were wavering. They had come so far, but neither was willing to answer her. The revelation may have been to much; an error of judgement brought about by stress and years of regret. Each princess was relieving a thousand years of memories, recounting the rollercoaster of emotion that made up their past. It was surprising that despite the evidence that had been dug up, despite the very evidence which had been shown that previous night, no one had connected the dots. That was until the realization dawned on the very mind which had uncovered it all.

"Humans... You brought humans into this world..."

“What..." Twilight trailed off in confusion. Dante stepped forward and approached the chests. He cautiously touched the one that had been unlocked with a consenting nod from Celestia. With a great effort, he pushed the heavy lid open and let it fall back. Slowly he reached in, grasping the large circular bundle within before he placed it on the grounds and rolled it open. Twilight gasped as the bundle became a tapestry as it opened up and revealed the carefully woven images sewn into it.

Gasps of surprise and awe filled the room as the tapestry was crowded around. It was amazingly detailed, coloured thread weaving together a continuous story over the long tapestry that reached nearly half way across the throne room. Twilight could hardly concentrate on the images over the sound of Rarity gushing over the exquisite hoofstiching and the others clamouring in excitement. Twilight kept quiet as she scanned the part of the tapestry from where she stood. Ponies and figures which were no doubt humans fought together, armoured and bearing weapons of all sorts as they braced in the face of a mass of monstrous creatures. Pegasi flew overhead, battling the monsters who had likewise taken to the air. She saw the Princesses at the head of the army, but Twilight’s eyes were drawn to the duo in the centre defending themselves against a monster that had a human torso but the body of a horse. Even the simplistic depiction of the two had a certain aura to it, radiating a subtle hint of courage and power.

"The first decades of our countries were not as they were written. They were dark times and we required as much help as we could take," Celestia said, levitating another package from the chest. It floated over to Dante who unwrapped it to find an ink stained book filled with yellowed pages. Dante and Twilight examined it, but refrained from opening it. "They were there throughout the early years. At every major event from Discord to the Luna's banishment, they were ready to give their lives and would take no place other than the vanguard when facing our enemies."

"And these two," Twilight pointed at the two humans in the middle. "Who were they?"

"They were Alaric and Yoren," Luna answered as she carefully levitated a dull steel cuirass from the other chest. It was scratched and pitted, no doubt it had served its wearer well, but the Princess’s expression betrayed the warrior’s fate. Luna looked at the piece of armour sadly and set it back in the chest. "They were our knights and our closest friends. Stories would paint their actions as heroic and there was no length they wouldn't go to fulfil an oath. They loved Equestria like it was their homeland and fought tooth and nail for its safety." She smiled weakly and a small blush warmed her cheeks as memories came back to her. "The Thestrals even commissioned their own tapestry of the tasks Yoren did to secure their loyalty."

Coppa's ears perked up at her words and he leaned out from the press of bodies crowding the tapestry. "You mean like the one Fancy Pants has in his house? Some piece about the folk tale with the dragonslayer? Looked pretty cool for what was left of it."

Luna stared at the Dwarf with noticeable surprise. She obviously had questions forming, but she just couldn't put them into words. Not waiting for the response, Coppa shrugged before going back to examining the far end with everyone else. No doubt she would inquire further into the subject later.

"I have another question to ask. Before the attack, I found a village beneath the Everfree forest when I was inspecting the area where Sam encountered the statue with Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet. The mare you sent to evaluate me," Dante said, a slight sharpness at the mention of Twilight's mother. Celestia and Luna shared a glance at each other and focused on Dante, ears cocked in anticipation. "A battle started there before whatever ruined the village occurred. I only saw a small number of remains, but its obvious there were other factors to their deaths. I only want to know one thing: what caused the destruction of the humans?"

Luna’s ears folded at the question, and Celestia sighed. The two reactions told Twilight and the others present who had turned their attention to the two rulers. Dante did have a similar idea of what may have caused the destruction, but hearing it come from either one of them would have been enough for his tastes. There was a reason the tribe had been decimated and their memory forgotten, but the only ones with the knowledge were the two Princesses before him.

“It was during the Nightmare Moon incident," Celestia replied somberly. "Nightmare Moon's coup divided those loyal to the two of us. While I fought against Nightmare moon, the humans divided between our forces. When I sealed away Luna, the entire population had destroyed itself in the fighting. Alaric, Yoren, and all of the village was reduced to nothing."

“And with their destruction, their remains were erased from the face of the land." Dante said, sharing the grim tone. Surprisingly, Celestia shook her head with a slight smile and both Dante and Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"The humans may have been destroyed during that fateful night, but their presence is not entirely gone. Their influence is still hidden within the traditions and their bloodlines live on in some families even today. Events like the summer sun celebration have roots in their culture and we have them to thank for the establishment of positions such as the one your brother once held, my dear student. These are things which are much more difficult to do away with."

While Twilight still tried to digest the information, Dante nodded, apparently pleased with the answer. “So then I take it that there is some sort of connection then. Somehow our situation is much like before.”

Celestia nodded. “The Elements showed us and assisted us in bringing Humans to Equestria in order to help defend it. Despite the fact that it may have seemed like this situation was accidental, I had the idea that you're coming to Equestria was much more complex then that. In fact, when I cast the translation spell the first time I met you all, I took the liberty of examining the signatures of magic radiating from your body. Much like in the case of Alaric and Yoren, you four are somehow linked to a respective Element of Harmony. I am not exactly sure how closely connected you are, but this has led me to believe that Elements brought you here for some purpose.”

“That would explain why we landed where we did,” Coppa stated, “but did they really have to dump me off in a tree? Everyone else got a softer landing than I did.”

Moe shook his head with a sigh of irritation while Sam held back from countering with his time in the forest. The elf drummed a finger on his chin before he spoke. “Coppa’s right, it would explain why we all ended up with each element’s bearer. But what purpose would we really serve here? So far, all we’ve done is create even more problems and now a group of psychotics here.”

“One of which is Moe’s pissed of Ex-girlfriend,” Coppa added. Moe shot a glare at him, causing Coppa to chuckle weakly before he quieted.

“Regardless of who was brought over, Moe is right,” Dante cut the two of them off motioning for the two to be quiet. “There wasn’t any situation in Equestria that required the same solutions as a thousand years ago.”

“That was my thought exactly for the longest while after you all arrived,” Celestia stated and began to pace back and forth. “‘Why would the Elements bring over those who were connected to them when there was no need for them?’ For days Luna and I pondered what the Elements had in store. However, thinking on it now and with all that has happened, I’ve come to understand the situation.” She stopped pacing and leaned down to face Dante. “The Elements did not bring you here to assist in solving an issue that plagued Equestria. They brought you here because there was an imbalance within those who were connected to them. They desire to fix this problem, and I believe you four were brought here to facilitate this.” She smiled at Dante and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “You’ll be rid of Belial soon enough.”

Dante stood there stunned beyond belief. It was absurd, but at the same time it wasn’t. A way to escape. He had always dreamed of being freed from Belial’s influence. Now he had found a possible way to do just that. If it were true and he pursued this, he knew he would not be alone. He wouldn’t even need to ask; the others had decided the minute Celestia had told them. With all that had happened, this would just be another strange event to add to the list.

For the first time he could remember, Dante laughed and cried in joy. A feeling of overwhelming euphoria swelled within him and for minutes on end he felt like his heart was jumping in circles. He doubled over and fell to his knees as the tear flowed from his eyes and fell to the ground, staining the floor with moisture. Soon enough he became lightheaded and his body eventually forced him to stop his emotional outpour and take in huge gulps of air. Twilight saw genuine and unadulterated glee on his face as he wiped his eyes and got to his feet.

Twilight watched all this occur before her eyes and she still didn't believe what she was seeing. Gone was Dante who had always had a grim feeling about him. Now someone entirely new was in front of her. He stood taller than before and a fresh spark in his eye revealed the spirit of confidence that hadn’t dwelled within him when he first arrived in Equestria.

"What do we need to do?" Dante asked. Celestia tapped her hoof on the stone tiles of the room and the double doors at the end began to open. A thin gryphon with feathers as white as fresh snow strode through them alongside his armoured retinue. He stood tall and proud, but the air of uncertainty was all around him. His pale red eyes betrayed a hint of exhaustion and it seemed as though whoever these new arrivals were, they had either just arrived or they were facing a huge crisis. Either way, their arrival had to have had some importance to what Celestia was about to say.

The griffon came to a halt just a few feet from Dante and his team and the white one at the head seemed to size all four of them up. A small crease tinged the edges of his eyes as he narrowed his gaze. There was a tense moment between the two before Celestia stepped between them.

“Allow me to introduce Prince Frostfeather, heir to the Griffon Kingdoms.” She turned towards the young Griffon and he seemed to relax slightly in her presence. “Your highness, these are the individuals I told you about. They should be able to help you with your country’s particular crisis."

Frostfeather held his paw out. "A pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise," Dante replied, shaking his paw. He had seen many Griffons before back home, but the one in front of him seemed much friendlier and more intelligent than what he knew; far more intelligent as well. "I assume our destination lies back in your Kingdom. Something involving strange monsters in your capital?"

Perplexed, the Prince nodded. "It started with citizens disappearing all over the kingdom along with those sent to find them. Scores went missing over the course of a few days, numbering close to sixty of all ages. After a period we gave up hope of ever finding them until a strange individual arrived in my father's court." Disgust made itself apparent on the young Griffons face. "His appearance was odd, but my father allowed him into our hall. He spoke with honeyed words and told my father, King Ironwing, he could bring our missing citizens back. Desperation forced my father to give him consideration and the offer of a reward with their return. When he did, the missing were under his control and accompanied by a force of monsters that seized control of the capital.”

“The Prince originally asked for full military support from Equestria. However, because of the nature of the situation and the issues stemming from the aftermath on the attack on Ponyville, the Equestrian cabinet decided to withhold military support for the time being. Though it goes against our wishes, we cannot supercede the cabinet’s wishes without causing a major political scandal that would hamper aid,” Celestia explained quickly. “As you are neither citizens or members of our military, we hoped you would take on the task. A smaller group would be less detectable and we’ve agreed that it is the better choice considering your abilities,” she added. “What do you four say?”

“Someone who can summon monsters. Sounds like that Ravenn guy,” Coppa concluded. “He’s the one who was in charge of that Bullymong that tore through Ponyville. I’ve been itching to try going toe to toe with him. If he’s in the Griffon Kingdoms, then it would explain why he never showed the other night.”

Moe stepped forward as well. “I second that. We brought Dagon and the rest to this world, it should be our prerogative to fix what we caused.”

Dante nodded and looked to Sam. “And what’s your opinion on this?”

“I…” Sam hesitated as he spoke. To leave was to put himself in harms way and face the possibility he may not come back. Normally, he would have shared in the eagerness his team felt, but he felt conflicted in the face of his recent confession. Deep down, he knew what he needed to do though. “I will come along too.”

“Then you will help us?” Frostfeather asked, almost pleadingly. Dante and his companions nodded and the prince sighed in relief. It appeared as though the great weight that had rested on his shoulders was lifted slightly. “Perfect, then we will take our leave as soon as possible. If there is anything you need, we will do our best to obtain it.”

“We will be heading back to Ponyville to get our things ready, pick us up from there,” Dante added. The prince gave an affirmative wave and turned with his entourage to leave the hall. Dante glanced to his side and caught Twilight and her friends staring at him. A moment passed before he simply opened his mouth and spoke. “No. You are not coming with us.”

A collective ‘but’ was silenced by his hand and a stern look. “You are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Despite what you think, this situation is more dangerous than anything you faced before. We can’t afford to be distracted by having to protect you, and Equestria is at risk if any of you are hurt.”

“You can’t be serious!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “You’re just going to leave us behind?”

“That’s exactly what we are doing and it’s the end of this discussion. You six are staying here.”

“B-but…” Her face went through a series of emotions as she stuttered, ranging from disbelief and shock before finally setting on anger.. “Fine then, flankhole! See if we care!” the brash pegasus shouted before she stormed off. Pinkie Pie and Applejack ran after her, calling for her to calm down while Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity stayed behind. Fluttershy and Rarity both went to Sam and Moe, offering them a few kind words and a respective kiss on the cheek before they excused themselves. Blushes tinted their faces while Coppa began to poke fun at them, earning him two sharp punches to his arm. Dante paid them no attention, choosing to focus on the mare in front of him.

“Umm… I’ll see you at the library then?” she said, stutteringly slightly. “I doubt you’ll need me to tell you to stay safe when you do leave though. It’ll be odd without an alien in my house, hoarding all my books.”

Dante chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, I’m not leaving yet. There’s at least one more night of seeing what the Golden Oaks Library has to offer when I’m not focused on getting myself home.”

“Care if I join you?”

Dante smiled at the offer and began to walk forward. “Come on then, daylight is burning, Twilight.”

With that the two of them left with Sam and Coppa behind them. Moe stayed behind, a single question plaguing his thoughts as the stream of events calmed down. He just wanted to clarify something and then he’d be gone for whatever surprise it was Rarity had in store for him. A slight giddy smile formed on his face, but he kept his excitement under control and put on a serious face. Carefully, he approached Celestia who took notice of him and beckoned for him to speak.

“Sorry to bother you Princess, I only have a question to ask. I’m interested in what you said earlier when you spoke of the humans. What did you mean by legacies and bloodlines?”

“It is exactly as it is means. Coexistence between the two races resulted in quite the number of interspecies pairings. As a result their legacy lives on in their family lines today.” She cocked her head as though she were confused, but the ghost of a smile told a different story. “Why do you ask?”

“Uh… no specific reason, Princess,” Moe replied as he paled more and more by the second. “Thank you for explaining it to me,” he added before his voice turned to a whisper.

“Looks like I have a DJ to call…”

Author's Note:

Just a little present for you guys, just in time for for the holidays! Hope everybody had a good one