• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 3,129 Views, 85 Comments

Undead Necromancer - The Shade

A forsaken necromancer from the undercity hires an inexperienced mage and pays him to create a portal, this portal is supposed to go to Shattrah city, but what happens when everything goes wrong?

  • ...

God damn mages!

"Hurry up you worthless mage! Why did I even hire you?" The Necromancer asked, pointing an accusing finger on the mage that was doing his best to set up the portal.
"I told you to stop stressing me! Making portals across two worlds aren't easy you know." The mage stated as he resumed the ritual which finally seemed to spark up a portal.
"There, that's the outlands. I still don't get why you couldn't have just taken The Dark Portal and flown to shattrah." The mage asked while making a gesture with his left hand.
"I'm an undead ambassador, do you think I have that kind of time, fool?" The necromancer responded and approached the portal, but it didn't seem like it lead to shattrah, it was too dark for that.
"Are you sure that this portal leads to the outlands?
I've been all over it and can't remember this place, it's too bright to be in the Shadowmoon Valley, too dark to be in the Netherstorm and too many trees to be in Blade's Edge Mountain, if it was in Zangramash we would see monsters and blue-ish trees trying to eat us. And again, it's too dark for Nagrand."
The Necromancer stated, now looking at the mage who soundly swallowed.
"Are you trying to kill me? Are you an allience traitor?! I'll kill you, rip your soul from the depths of hell and torture it untill you wish you had never existed to begin with!" The necromancer blasted in his face, the mage yelped and blinked into a wall.
"Useless mages, fine, what's the worst thing that can happen taking this portal? If I come to the wrong place i'll just ask another mage." The Necromancer said as he stepped into the portal, he felt a familiar tingling sensation and as he exited on the other side of the portal, he instantly lost his balance and fell flat on his face.
"Hello ground, nice meeting you there! How's the wife and kids? Good? ah good..."
Sitting up he cleared his throat before screaming.
"God dammit! That scammer, I mean just urgh! By the beard of the seven gods I swear i'll kill you!"
The Necromancer roared out into the dark night and looked around his surroundings.
"Looks like i'm in the Trisfal Glades, now which way's brill? Umm, let's look for a familiar land mark shall we?"
The Necromancer looked around trying to spot the ocean or undercity, but to no avail.
As he stood up he noticed he had trouble standing.
He tried again and went tumbling backwards, he knew something was wrong.
He looked at his hands...
But they weren't hands!
Still hands.
"Dam, I must've been drinking some pretty strong stuff." the necromancer chuckled at himself, finally regaining balance he stood up.
"Hmm, I lived in the Trisfial Glades for the longest times, but I can't remember this place..."

Seeing a mountain in the distance, he instantly thought ' I must be close the scarlet monastery, which means that undercity is to the south from here, more or less' the necromancer began walking towards what he thought would be the Undercity, but he soon began to hear movement around him.
"...Must be a demon dog, Come out will ya?! I'll make quick work of ya then i'll move on!" Two manticores jumped out from either side, catching the Necromancer by surprise.
"By Sylvanis breasts! What magnificent creatures!" The manticores stopped midair at the unafraid corpse in front of them, and as they regained their senses they could feel that something was... wrong.

"I simply must add you to my ghoul collection!"

The two manticores recoiled at the word 'Ghoul' and took it as an offense, they charged the necromancer without knowing how strong he was.
"Oh my, such fierce beasts, I might make one of you my new mount!" The necromancer began laughing like a maniac before sending out what seemed to be a blast of fire into their faces, he then put his hands on them and said

"Noth lo nud novas gothalgos Algos. lo nud novas veld goth an."

Instantly the two manticores froze before screaming out in agony, letting out an ear-piercing roar in pain before going stiff.
"Oh, your souls aren't escaping my grasp!" The necromancer said before placing his palms on both of the manticores before saying.

"Barad ras tiras ko novas veld odes ruff."

The souls that seemed to be leaving the bodies quickly took a sharp turn for the Necromancer, entering his body.
The necromancer walked around a bit until stumbling into a cave, looking around it seemed to be fairly unused and in good condition, not lived in at all.
He sat down for a moment, looking for sleep.
"Even if I do not need sleep, it can't harm to pass time" He snickered for himself as he drew a circle around him, protecting him from most outside threats.
He was jolted awake by a sudden white flash and a tall horse with wings and horns standing a few meters in front of him, looking at him as if he were the plague itself.
"Interesting... What is this creature? I haven't seen anything like it..." it said in a female voice and looked around me, trying to touch my but the barrier scorching her hoof.
"Hmm... Well, it seems like I can not touch it... I wounder what it was doing in Griffin Territory this high up north..."
She trailed of in thinking before flashing her horn, making me appear in front of a small village where the sun were shining ever so brightly.

"This is utmost interesting, I believe I'm not in the eastern kingdoms anymore, or Kalimdoor, heck! I don't even think i'm in Azeroth anymore, damn shouldn't have left my hearthstone in the bank" The necromancer sighed and started walking towards the town.

There seemed to be no one out on the streets and there wasn't movement for as long as the eye could see.
Nor was there a blacksmith or boutique in sight, the doors to the houses were too low for even your average human but seemed to radiate with warmth... Not a single soul had looked out a window for as long as he had walked... at least what he had seen.

Then it hit him.
The reason he wasn't seeing anyone was because...
Mother of god.
This town is populated by invisible naked friendly dwarfs!

The necromancer went wide-eyes at this thought but didn't allow it to distract him as he made his way past the houses until a house in a tree caught his eye... sockets.

" A house in a tree? Perhaps it's nude invisible dwarf night elves?" The necromancer thought as he walked down the road until he came to the house.
Slightly knocking at the door (Which seemed to be a bit taller than the others.) with his bony knuckle, he could hear a female voice from the inside.

"This is a public library, feel free to come in."

That... That isn't orcish? It feels just like Common speech, thank god he had actually mastered it, but now it's almost guaranteed that this town is populated by allience, but if that's the case why hadn't they come out with swords over heads charging at me? The necromancer thought, he then realized he'dd been standing there for a good thirty seconds and decided to open the door.

Inside the house was indeed a library, but there was books floating around the place in some weird purple aura, the aura felt like magic. However he knew that Human paladins don't use this kind of magic.

He heard a voice coming from upstairs, the same female voice that had told him it was okey to come in. "I'm comming don't worry." But down from the stairs was not a human like he had expected it to be, instead down the stairs came a purple unicorn.
She turned around and looked at me, and I looked at her.

If I still had jaw it would probably be on the floor right now.
Her jaw however literary hit the floor and stayed there for a good five seconds before she somehow regained her senses and pulled it up into it's correct location.

She stared at me for almost a full minute before I started reaching for her, she let out a yelp and flew back into the wall, wait she had wings? Huh, what does that make her? A pugicorn? Anyways...
The necromancer stood there shocked like lighting had struck him (If he were alive that is.) and just looked at the unicorn with wings as she retreated into the corner, letting out a silent sob, she slowly looked back at him and returned to sobbing, her mind seemed unable to focus.

I began walking towards her and sat down next to her (her head still faced the wall.) and began stroking my bony fingers through her mane, she seemed to have difficulties breathing, and that's when it happen.
I could sense an extremely powerful soul leaving a body, and I could no longer hear the winged unicorn breath, I began to panic a little, the last thing I wanted to do was to be charged for murder in a new world.

Quickly regaining my senses he brought out his knife and cut his left hand (the hand that still had blood in it.) and let the blood drops form a circle around the unicorn with wings, I quickly called upon the gods and, somehow I managed to convince them that it wasn't her time.
Well, not so much convincing when he said that 'i'll summon demons and slaughter this entire village if they didn't'.

As the powerful soul returned to it's body he smiled and started feeling wobbly, using this much energy wasn't something he was used to.
Standing up was impossible, the necromancer barely had enough energy to breath.
Resting against the wall in a siting position, he passed out.
Present time.
"Are you sure about that, Princess Twilight Sparkle?" I heard a deep male voice say and hoofsteps coming from at least eight different sources surrounding me.
"Yes, I am, this... Creature rescued my life, I think I can trust him, I still have to ask him how he did it however...."
I heard the same female voice as the one I heard in the library say, followed by hoofsteps coming from at least six different sources exiting the house.

He began opening his eyes (Well, it's hard to explain because he doesn't have any.)
Only to notice three ponies, all with horn and wings, even if the White and blue ones were clearly taller than the purple one.
The white one walked towards me and I lift my hands to greet it, the blue one jumped a little whilst the purple one looked at me curiously, the white one however just chuckled and began talking.

"Hello there, my little creature." She said with a motherly smile, if I had a heart it would probably melt.
I let out a silent cough before rising to my feet, I looked the white one in the eyes before smiling the best I could. (Hard to smile without a jaw, as it turns out.)
"Hello, white one." I said with a raspy voice that could easily be used to sharpen a dull hammer into a battle ax.
All three unicorns with wings recoiled as I spoke, the purple one even covered her ears with books. (Lisn' to the words!)
The white one approached me again, more carefully this time.
"Excuse me for asking but... What are you, exactly?" Heh, I guess I really aren't on Azeroth anymore.
I began speaking but noticed how the purple one covered her ears.
"Wait... A second..." I said as I opened my side bag and brought out a glass of water (Which seemed to be bigger than the bag itself.) and began drinking.

After ten seconds of drinking I put the glass of water down beside me, I then cleared my throat and began talking.
"I am Forsaken, My name is classified but you can call me Scythe until further notice." I said as I began to look at the purple unicorn with wings who seemed to have calmed down a bit, good, I thought.

All three of them looked confused, but the white one still held her smile up.
"What exactly is a... 'Forsaken'? Is it some kind of tribe?" The white one asked again, now looking at me curiously, she obviously could not see beneath my helmet (A fire red and orange hoodie.)
"Are you sure you want to know miss...?"
"Celestia, my name is Celestia."
"Very well then, Celestia, are you sure you want to know? This could cause mental scars on you."
"Scythe, We appreciate your concerns but i'm over a thousand years old, I think there's little in this world that could still scarr or surprise me." Celestia said and the blue one nodded in agreement.
A thousand years huh? Well, that isn't too far-fetched I guess.
I then pointed at the purple one that seemed to lose her smile once I pointed towards her "What about her..? She died when she first saw me."ยจ

Celestia and the blue one looked very confused, then they looked at twilight that nodded very shyly, and then they all looked at me.

"How? She's alive! she's standing right there!" The blue one said as she pointed a hoof in the purple ones direction.
"Well you see Miss... I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch your name." The necromancer said as he started popping his limbs, letting out sickening cracks.

"My name is Luna, Princess of the Night." The blue one replied standing firm.
"Very well then, Luna... Ah let's just hope you ponies aren't too quick to judge, you see I used necromancy and blood magic t-" A blue bolt erupted from Luna's horn and struck me square in the chest, damn that hurt.

I stood up again and locked Luna's magic with negative emotions. (A mind that's in shambles can't focus.). Clearing my throat "As I were saying, I used necromancy and blood magic to return her soul to her body before it was too late."
Luna looked as if I had just slapped her across the face using a pillow filled with bricks, Celestia looked doubtful, sad and happy at the same time. (Don't ask me how that's even possible.)

The purple one however seemed to pass out when I finished my sentence.
"She had a heart attack from my sudden appearance and the stress proved too much to handle for her poor little heart, she died just seconds after my appearance. I used my blood to form a circle around her body, trapping the soul in there, after that I returned it to her rightful body."

Celestia looked dumbfounded, I wonder why?
"B-u earugh wh-- just..." Luna began to stumble over her words, you see Negative emotions corrupt a certain part of your brain, seems like this time slight grief overtook her left side.
"I saved her life with the aid of necromancy." I deadpanned.
"And we thank you greatly for that, Scythe, but here in equestria dark magic is the most illegal form of magic there is." Celestia said as her face was filled with mixed emotions.
"Wait really? You think Necromancy is dark magic? LIES!" I roared.
Celestia and Luna seemed to recoil greatly at my sudden outburst, goddamn uninformed flying unicorns thinks that necromancy is dark magic, it's just about as dark as a white paper in the sun.
"Necromancy is the power to channel negative emotions, the power itself isn't 'Dark' or 'Evil', it's the user who is." I said with a serious tone. "Also, it's very easy to go corrupt with this magic but that pony" Points at luna. "Have already used it once, I can feel it in her magic." I said as I let Luna's jaw drop.

"Heh, I wish I still had a jaw so it could drop like that" I chuckled out as I pointed at Luna.
"Still had a jaw..? Whatever do you mean, Scythe?" Celestia asked as she looked straight onto my face (Which was nothing but a shadow covered in the hood.)
"Oh right, we were talking about the Forsaken, was we not we? Yes, just let me get my hood off and we'll talk about it from there, however! You must not look me in the eyes, well if I had any, you must not look me in my eye sockets, unless you're feeling confident that you can handle an endless supply of negative emotions." Luna and Celestia exclaimed worried looks, then they looked back at me and nodded.

"Great! Now, I would like to ask you to look at the ground whilst I remove the hood, just in case." I said, again Celestia and Luna looked at each other, nodded and looked at the ground, displeased asLuna seemed to be.
I took my hand up to my hood and slowly took it of, dam the sun rays burn like a BITCH.
"You may look now." Was all I managed to say until a small dragon came rushing behind me, obviously with the intention to harm me, he stabbed me in the back with a dagger, right where my heart should be.

"Hey mate, that was a nice ambush, if you want I could train you to become a rogue, a thing about forsaken however: We aren't alive to begin with, I don't even have a heart! So I doubt stabbing me there would be very effective." I said as I pulled the dagger out of my back and dropped it onto the floor where it stuck.
Luna, who had finally raised her head high enough to see me, she was greatly recoiled at my face and the fact that I had shrugged of a stab in the heart like a bug bite.
Celestia however looked very confused.
It's only a question of time before she asks it...
'I bet she's going to ask how i'm alive.'
'I'm in! I bet you twenty brain cells she isn't.'
'Betcha fifty she is.'
'Even it with a hundred on a third option.'
"My, what terrible creature could've done this to you?" She asked and looked at me with a sad look in her eyes.
'Yeah, that stinks.'
'Whine later, give me dem cells!'
"Not a terrible creature, Lady Sylvanas ressurected me."

"Sylvanas..? Who's that? I know of all nobles in our world, but i've never heard that name."
Well, that's the complete confimation that I aren't in Azeroth no more.
I began to giggle (Don't ask me how I giggle without a jaw.) before I said "Sylvana is one of the Horde leaders, She actually used to be alive untill The Lich King killed her, or well 'King Arthas' if we're gonna go by his allience title." Celestia looked shocked when I said 'Lich King'.

"Lich King? There are bearly any Liches in equestria, maybe two at max, none the less there isn't a king of them."
"I wish I could understand, but I guess I won't. Celestia was it? Remember this: Never get me surprised.
Never, very bad things happen, and with that I mean I fry behemoths and demons like they were some bug."
Celestia looked at me with a bit of worry in her eyes, not to mention a frown.
Luna looked a bit confused but decided to nod.
And I decided it was a good time to wake up the purple one and head outside.

Author's Note:

Also, leave constructive criticism! Saying 'I don't like the way you type!' won't help me.
New Note: He was wearing the T9 warlock set but it was transmoged to look like the T3, yeah that'll give you quite the fright on a big bipedeal creature.
Update: Sorry I haven't been updating the story, I just recently got back from the hospital and my sleep schedule is fucked.
So, if anyone sees that this now suddenly have a larger word count it is because I decided to not have him end up in the everfree, instead he ended up in the woods of griffin territory, but Celestia felt the magic and came to investigate, she was supposed to teleport him and her to Canterlot but soon found out she didn't have enough energy, so she teleported to Canterlot whilst she sent him to Ponyville.