• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 3,129 Views, 85 Comments

Undead Necromancer - The Shade

A forsaken necromancer from the undercity hires an inexperienced mage and pays him to create a portal, this portal is supposed to go to Shattrah city, but what happens when everything goes wrong?

  • ...

Shady Skeleton

I groaned as my eyes opened, the first thing I saw was the floor made out of cobblestone and steel bars by the end of the room.

I'm in a prison it seems, well I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, damn shame I didn't smack her ass tho. I giggled to myself and sat down against the wall with my head still throbbing if you know what I mean. Once I my head hit the wall I could feel it like nothing else, enchantments.

They truly don't have any high class necromancers in this world, because if they did they'dd know this was most foolish.
I could feel the lingering touch of Tia's magic, well that could be said as my own magic too I guess since I leeched a ton of magic from Tia when I tricked her into stabbing me with her horn, she probably didn't notice I mean she is a goddess after all.
Standing up I cracked my back, I still wore my armor but for what I was going to do I would need to look threatening.

In a instant I removed my weapons, clothes trinkets and neckless and equipped heavy plate armor that should normally go on a Death Knight, In my hands I held a single burning mace, the legendary mace, feared across the world of power none had matched, Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros , my armor covered all of my body leaving out two glowing eyes as I moved towards the bars of this little prison cell, I grabbed the bars with my left hand and began to drain, filling my mana reserves up in the meantime.

Crack I kicked the bars sending it flying into the wall where it stuck, I carefully slid out of there and began walking down the corridor where I noticed another enchant, a illusion enchantment.
I smiled a devious smile as I easily countered the illusion magic with my own, it wasn't Tia's enchantment but just a weak hasty illusion added to make the hallway seem to last forever.

Countering the illusion to make it seem like I was still in my cell unconscious is a smart move but will only last so long, necromancers strongest point is actually in illusion magic so I know the limits very well, but Tia and Lu' are gods.
Slowly dragging my way down the path I avoided all attention by simply re-weaving illusions in front of the guards eye's, in their perspective it would look like a shadow moved over the wall, then they would blink and disregard it as their imagination playing tricks on them.

Not knowing where's what is a bit of a problem, from the look of the guards slightly sleepy eyes i'dd say it's approaching either night or day.
Let's hope for the first.
Sneaking my way around a bit, avoiding guards and having them tell 'A Ambassador' as the illusion told them, where the throne room was and when I finally found it, I had knocked out the guards in front of the doors and tried to open them, it didn't work.
Backing away from the door I ran towards it and slammed Sulfuras into it, the effect was instantaneous.

Firstly, when the mace got close it pretty much dented the door just from the heat of Sulfuras and when it hit the door, it got smashed into smithereens that went flying all around me, I had put a very powerful sound barrier around it so no guards but the one's in the throne room and... Ohh Garrosh take me damnit!

In I entered the room where not one, but FOUR Godess' was chatting, the guards was just staring at me wide-eyed, and before they could react I did a awesome and foolish thing.

I walked towards Tia' with Sulfuras still in hand, it whispered softly "Rune of the Fallen Crusader... She stared at me wide eyed as I struck the weapon into the ground, it was soulbound so even if they tried they wouldn't be able to move it until I was permanently dead.
Undead, bit hard to kill us.

I pulled out a seashell and tossed it onto the ground, a white pony started playing music, he had a tattoo on his ass, it's a gravestone with two arms and a headset.
Some weird yet familiar tune started to play.

I was five steps from Celestia, who's shock was finally starting to die down.
What happened next sure surprised them.
I said one word with each step so powerful that it cracked the marble floor.

I took another large step towards her and rammed my foot down even harder into the floor.


I opened my fist and strengthened my whole right arm as I approached slightly from her right.


Another gigantic crack in the marble floor and i'm pretty sure the whole castle shook.

"IN A..."

I forced my foot down into the ground so hard it actually hurt.


I backhanded Celestia so hard that she literary lifted off the chair and flew into a wall, broke it and kept going for a few rooms.
I lifted my hand towards Sulfuras, and as if it had a life of it's own it lifted from the ground and flew into my grasp hilt first.
Armed with my weapon I slowly turned towards the three wide eyed god's and slammed my fist into the wooden table, sending a crack through it which split it in two.

I could feel their health in the air, Luna had a whooping one points two billion, the other of which I did not know her name (Unknown until further notice.) Had a mere five hundred million, Twilight Sparkle had six hundred million health, and then there was Celestia, she had a gigantic health pool of three point nine billion.

I lift Sulfuras into the air and said to them "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"
They all very rapidly nodded, I could see the shock still etched onto their faces.
I heard the sound of hooves striking the marble floor of the castle and in walked what seemed like a battalion of guards, all in different ranks.

There seemed to be two types of them, one seemed slightly more nocturnal with cat like eyes and bat wings while the other was just plain white.
They all had health pools of one hundred and twenty seven thousand except one.
She had wings and her health pool was a full six point seven millions.
They stared wide eyed at the scene for a second before putting one and two together, reaching a conclusion she ordered her troops one simple thing.
The party was just getting started after all.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the huge delay, i've honestly not felt up to writing for a while, then I woke up in night and got this idea.
So here it is, and if you wounder how he looks right now, the picture of Sulfuras is his weapon and this is how his armor looks: