• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 3,129 Views, 85 Comments

Undead Necromancer - The Shade

A forsaken necromancer from the undercity hires an inexperienced mage and pays him to create a portal, this portal is supposed to go to Shattrah city, but what happens when everything goes wrong?

  • ...

Master of Stealth - Self Judgement.

"Come at me, buttocks!" I shouted from the top of my lungs and the one's in gold armor charged, it truly brought a smile to my lips to see them charging me so blindly. I didn't move as the first guard slammed into my chestplate with sickening 'Crunch' Not from my armor of course, it hadn't suffered a scratch, but from the guards skull. I felt how his health instantly dropped to zero.

"Oh right, i'm wearing my death knight set! Stupid me, give me a sec guys!" I called out as the guards watched in mute horror.
The helmet went off first and fell into my backpack, followed by my pauldrons, chestplate, legs and boots, I picked up Ragnaros and put it back in my Backpack.

"Let's see... I can sense one eternal in this room... Hmmm..." I hummed around as the unicorns dragged the dead guard away from me almost as if I was going to raise him from the dead and turn him against t- Oh that's actually a great idea.
"SURPRISE NOCTURNALS!" I bellowed and sent a small, green ball towards the corpse.

To the guard's surprise and disgust the corpse started to rot, when it was little but some flesh hanging from the bones left it started to move, and stood up.

"Yeah you guy's have fun with that." I stated matter-of-factly as I started to change clothes... Hmmm... What do I want...
"Idea!" I shouted, drawing attention away from the corpse that was now fighting it's once-brothers, much to the guards dismay as a golden armored guard got his throat ripped out, nasty piece of business.

I started putting my Bonescythe armor on with a smile, it was transmoged to look like the Bloodfang set. This is gonna be so fun!

While I was pondering what weapons to use the ghoul seemed to have been killed, it brought a tear to my eye, it was such a good Ghoul.

Deciding to play with them a bit I equipped two swords, the Latros' Shifting Blades.

Dropping into stealth the guards looked around themselves confused, not being able to spot me.
Moving up behind a poor, unprepared guard that was looking at the corpses in disgust I drove my sword through his head and decapitated him with the other, leaving it a bloody mess on the floor. I vanished.

The guards now tensed a lot, one of their brothers in arm's had fallen and the enemy was not seen, they stood in a circle like formation with weapons at the ready, as if I wasn't going to be able to get behind them.

Shadow Step made quick work on a nocturnal guard in mail armor, the sword's easily piercing the lungs and ripping half the body apart.
And much to their ever lasting annoyance I jumped over their heads as they turned around to look at their now split fellow, landing behind them with a soundless thud.

Before they had a chance to react I ran my swords along three nocturnal and four golden armored guards, completely Annihilating them as their bodies pretty much dissolved into just bags of organs.
My weapon's activated, or more like it the enchantments on them. Moongoose.

Without a second thought I dove into the middle of the guards again, most of which weren't watching me, and spun around, hitting every guard but one who was quick enough to move away, being the only one last alive she considered her options carefully, she could not attack, she would most likely die. She could not ask for help, for her battalion were dead, she could not ask the princesses, because that would put them in danger.

Sensing that she was at a impass I let my weapons drop to the ground I sat down, as if giving up almost. I had a reason for this mind you, other than she being at a impass. I could sense the disturbance in the air, something bad was going to happen', and it'll most likely involve me. It always does.

As Celestia got back into the room, I was not disappointed.

Several guards came running into the throne room without even seeing the corpses and began babbling about some dogs or something, when they calmed down and I could actually understand what they were saying it sounded something like this
"Diamond dogs... Ponyville... Kidnapped... Killed... Foals... Help, now! Guard dead, we can.. not... hold them off for much longer" one of the guards stated before collapsing.

"Well, that's not very good, oh and i'm sorry for slaying your guard, they attacked first mind you."
Celestia watched the scene with a expression that can only be described as 'I'm too old for this shit.'
"Don't worry, i'll get your foals or whatever back, I already knew you were going to ask."

And with that, I jumped out the window, leaving a baffled crowd behind me, landed on the ground with a thud and mounted up on my Blue Proto-drake, flying him down to... Where's Ponyville? Uhh... Well i'm quite a bit from that castle, i'll just ask the citizens at that little town I first arrived in.

Author's Note:

No idea how this turned out, I haven't truly slept for four days and my mind is in shambles.