• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 3,129 Views, 85 Comments

Undead Necromancer - The Shade

A forsaken necromancer from the undercity hires an inexperienced mage and pays him to create a portal, this portal is supposed to go to Shattrah city, but what happens when everything goes wrong?

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Avenging Angel

Ever walked into a town and found it completely burned down? Ever opened a door and found another civilian life you couldn't save? Ever been attacked on sight by the few guards that were left while you were trying to resurrect some poor fool that thought they could fight superior forces?

I have done all of those, except the guards had helped me last time this happened, now they're attacking me as if this were my fault, and judging from the energies this is a shaman's fault, not mine, which brings me to the present.

"Open the bucking door!" A guard shouted from the other side off the thick wooden door, the cracks were growing bigger for every passing second as I frantically drew a circle on the floor with the blood of a poor mare I found dead as I got in, she were dead when I found her, but I managed to resurrect her after enough of my own mana spent, she had still lost a lot of blood and were recovering so I began to draw a summoning circle with her blood.

With a final touch I dropped some Soul dust onto the circle, making it glow sickly green as a hooded being with two very sinister looking blades began to claw his way up through the portal, a extreme heat filling the room as it did so.
"Why have thee summoned us, Necromancer?" it asked, the sound was more of a sensation than a voice.
"You already know, Ali'okarr." I shot back, he was always a displeasure talking to, or he just had a terrible memory.
I don't know really.

He snorted in response but didn't comment.
"Ever since Oro'thor you've been so cranky, old friend. Did that dragon really mean so much to you?" He asked me, i'm also pretty sure he had a crush on Oro'thor, no I do not know how that works. Yes I know Oro'thor's a dragon. such things mean little when you yourself is without a physical form.

I sighed and sat down, pulling the glove on my left hand off.
"I can count the number of friends i've ever had on this hand, Ali'okarr." I said, showing him the three rotten fingers followed by a stump and a thumb.
He frowned.

"I've apologized for that as much as I possibly could, Necromancer."
I waved my gloved hand at him.
"No need, after all, you make up one of those friends," I let my thumb fold, so I was just holding my three fingers up.
"Leeroy..." It sounded more like a threat than what it should have.

"Sorry, Leeroy's long dead, you should know this. Whilst I miss him for as much as I can with my rotten heart, I fear he's accepted his fate with the Light." I folded another finger, leaving my ring and pinkie finger up.
"Oro'thor." I let it hang in the air, he knew full well what that meant.
One finger left.

"Heh, you won't believe this." He had already taken a defensive position against the door, ready to murder anything successfully breaking through it.
"Luna." I said.

The swords almost slid out of his hands and he lost his balance for a second, wobbling.
"What." His tone was flat, that's a good sign at least.

"I know you felt her presence the same second you entered this realm, after all I don't imagine that many Deity's of the Night exist in this realm alone." I put the glove over my hand.

"But i'm going to have to ask you a favor, Alirr." He frowned at the nickname but didn't lash out on me, finally we're making progress!
Oh, and don't think we were discussing this stuff in front of the poor girl, she fell asleep before the ritual was complete. Her name ended with Ash or Dash, can't remember.

"I suppose I owe you as much since you - quite literally - pulled me out of hell." His face were a mix of confusion, gratefulness and a slight hint of horror, very slight however.

"How did you even got those angel wings in the first place? And why didn't you melt instantly down there anyways?" I understand why he was confused by that, it was a strange mix of being very very drunk, successfully arm wrestling a angel and some dwarf challenging me to a drinking contest.

I don't remember much of that week.
"You see, I had a dream, I was a tree in the dream, a big beautiful blossoms worth, but there was no other tree's around, I was a very lonely tree. It was a sad dream." I said with a grin, he looked very confused by that, so confused he didn't notice when I pulled out a mini crossbow and threw it at him, it hit him in the face, inflicting no injure but he let out a rather audible gasp.

"Suit up, we're leaving once that door cracks, clean up the ritual and make sure the girl-" I gestured towards her with my thumb "-is okay."
"Right..." I think his mind was still in shock, I just shrugged and continued to remove my gear.
"Also, that favor..." I let it hang in the air to make sure I got his attention, and it sure did as he turned to face me.
"Yes, Necromancer?" He rarely says my name.

"Easy, turn me." I said with a large smile plastered on my face, I know that dosen't make sense but for other's it's more of a feeling.
He looked quite shocked at that indeed.

"But if I were to turn you, you might not be able to return." He's right, I know. But if I want to do this I can't be like I am now, and nor can I shift between classes like i've been.
I must turn.

"I know the risks, Alirr, just... It's my first time." I frowned slightly, and I didn't realize how nasty that sounded until I actually said it.
He did however, and grinned.

"Yes, turn around, i'll be gentle." He pulled out a staff with various symbols on it, ranking from witchery to arcane theory.
I turned around and slipped on some blood, impaling my gut on the staff's head, which wasn't that nice since it was formed like a snake slithering around a eagle.
"Okay, I just walked into that one." I grinned.
"So, I heard you liked scythes, so I put a scythe in your Scythe-" I began, but I received a rather hard smack to my head and shut up.
"You know, that's a very sturdy door." He observed, indeed it was, we've been here for almost five minutes and it's yet to be broken.
"Anyways, let's get this show on the road." I said, not wanting to prolong my suffering longer than I had to.

"Right, stand over there." He pointed to a corner of the room.
"Gonna do it like that eh? Fine, we'll do it your way."
"Like always" he grinned.
He literally scorched symbols into me and the room, muttering things in Demonic, I could translate it but the less equines that knows about it the better.

I'll try my best to draw them, i'm not the best drawer however, painter. Whatever.
On second thought, i'll just write them on a separate page.

The pages with the drawings can be found in the back of the diary and a few other places, such as in my left drawer. I'll even put one in my chest pocket
He finished the chants and a blinding, gray light filled the room.

I felt my very skin melt off of my bones and reform, heck I felt my bones break and twist before straightening themselves out, blood was added in flesh, organs followed, and then muscles.
I now stood... Fleshier is the right word I guess, I was the same height but my back was straight and I had to breath (A very hard habit to get back into.)

So, long story short, and for most... Ponies reading this this won't mean much, but I looked human.
By the titans that's a sentence I never thought i'dd write, think or say ever again.

The doors busted open, revealing the form of a butter yellow pegasus with pink hair, she had some minor injuries such as a few gashes on her body and a slightly purple spot on her wing.

Behind her followed a white unicorn wearing something he recognized as crystallized armor and two amber swords.
Since we were in a very dark corner of the room, they didn't notice us.

"Where did the guards go?" Alirr whispered.
"I've no idea, but be quiet." I told him, laying my now fleshy hand on his shoulder.

"Oh Rainbow Dash" Huh, so that's her name. "Thank goodness you're alright, when we couldn't find you at the evacuation zone we feared the worst." The voice of the butterscotch one was neigh above a whisper, but being used to not hearing at all that's not much of a issue.

I pulled out my necromancy armor from my Backpack of Holding and strapped it on, it was a mix of dark leather, followed by white cloth around my shoulders, covered by mail armor, reaching down to my hands that were also covered in a pair of black leather gloves.
I walked up behind them as quietly as I could, wearing a light armor with muffle enchantments just made it easier.
"Ladies." I said, standing at my tallest height.

"Miss Dash here would not have survived without my interference, but that's hardly the point." I turned around and looked outside the door, the flames casting a shadow behind me.

"For all those who've died today, for those whom lost family and friends, they will not go unavenged." I felt a sad smile on my face.
"We're their avengers, their angels." I felt a tear make it's way down my face, I thought back about the time before I died, of how my family and friends screamed and cried as fire ate away at their bones.

"We're their Avenging Angels, and if there's a god out there that listens, may you have mercy on my enemies." I pulled a rather large staff from my backpack.
"Because I will not."
I took a step forward, and much to my surprise the white one followed me.
I smiled.

Author's Note:

Soo... My grandmother's in the hospital's and possibly won't make it, and I think you noticed in this chapter that I wasn't in my happiest of moods writing this.
PS: I haven't seen a comment in a while about the story, unsure if that's a good or bad thing.