• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 3,129 Views, 85 Comments

Undead Necromancer - The Shade

A forsaken necromancer from the undercity hires an inexperienced mage and pays him to create a portal, this portal is supposed to go to Shattrah city, but what happens when everything goes wrong?

  • ...

GET READY TO WAAAGEEER! (Oh yeah, this is not gonna be pretty.)

Perspecitve: The Mage.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE FIGURED YOU OUT?!" Garrosh screams in my face while we sit in his private chambers, he runs his fist into the table and snap it in half.
A guard came running in but stopped as he saw the table, the guard sighed and went away for a minute before coming back with a new one.
"Thank you, dismissed."

"He didn't 'Figure it out' as you say Garrosh, he had thought it was false but used it anyway, he ended up in some other world. We will not be seeing him any time soon." I say as I tap my fingers on the table, Garrosh lets out a satisfied grunt as he looked around the room and stopped at me.

"Very well, now, two hundred gold for your efforts was it?" Garrosh asks in a more controlled voice as he drops a coin purse on the table.
"Yes yes, two hundred gold for sending him away." I say as I begin to take the sack, but get stopped when Garrosh rams a knife into the table next to it.

"If I find out he's somehow in the outlands or azeroth, it'll be YOUR head on stake, Mage." Garrosh says as he makes a gesture with his thumb.

"Yes I know that, but I can guarantee that he was sent into a random world but in the most dangerous area there is." I crack my fingers as I take the knife Garrosh rammed into the new table.
I play with the knife for a minute or two as Garrosh thinks.
"I have another job for you"

I snap up and look at his face, he's smiling, and that's never a good sign.
"Let's hear it then."
"I want you to go wherever you sent him and make sure that he's dead." Garrosh says as he taps the table and looks at me.
"And the payment?" I say as I snatch the coin purse on the table.
"Five hundred gold." he says as he drops a bigger coin purse on the table.

"Very well then, the portal will be up in a hour and i'll be back before the end of the month."
"Mage, this is important! I want war with the allience and he's the one that can stop that, if he's still alive the spiritual connection he has with the Allience's leaders will still be there and they will know he's alive."
"Very well, i'll kill him as soon as I see him."
"That's good, now go!" He shouts at me as I calmly stand up and leave.
'Fire hundred gold... This is too easy.'

Perspective: Luna.

"Sister! You can't do this! You have no experience in such matters and it could cost your soul!" I shout at Celestia as she comprehends what I just told her, she stares out in space for a few seconds before shaking her head clear of thoughts.
"Luna, it won't be that easy to rip my soul from my body, don't worry." She tells me and starts channeling magic into the blood symbols on the floor, the symbol seems to glow in different colors until they all stop at silver, they become long chains that grab Scythe's spirit and pulls it back into the body on the floor.

Scythe starts twitching before jolting up, as he hits the floor a small 'poof' is heard and a smoke cloud appears around him.

Perspective: Scythe.

I felt myself getting dragged into my body again as the magic pumps into the, oh I loved this trick, and this was the best part.
As a big chunk of magic hits me like lightning I bolt upwards and cast a rogue spell I took some time to learn called Smoke Bomb and covered myself in smoke, I quickly stripped of all my clothes and put on different ones.
As the smoke departed I stood up as tall as I could with a fancy cane in my right hand, a black top hat with a white string in it, a mustache and smoking, my legs were covered with pitch black pants and I had white gloves on my hands, I shift the cane to my left hand and bow before Celestia and reach my hand out.

"Thank you white one, most appreciated."
She looks at me like i'm insane, which as of now I would not deny.
"Umm... No problem, Scythe.."

I send another Smoke Bomb down on the floor and shift to my real gear.
I sigh in exhaustion as I sit onto the floor and crack my fingers, letting out loud 'pops' which the horses... Ponies? I'll ask them later, seemed to wince at.

"So..." Luna started but was interrupted.
"Well, I do have one question actually." I said standing up.
"And what would that be, Scythe?" Celestia answered, raising an eyebrow.
"Are you a horse?" ... There was a silence for about two full minutes before Luna started laughing so hard she collapsed onto the floor.
"W-well 'laughs' sister it would 'snort' seem that you really..." She tried to stop laughing only to fail and laugh even louder.
"need to cut down the cloud cakes!" She blurted out before laughing maniacally again, leaving Celestia pink from underneath her coat.
Quickly gathering herself, well not very quickly but quick enough, Luna stood up and poked Celestia in the side, which seemed to calm her down.

"No, Scythe, I am not a horse, I am a pony, or to be more specific, I am a alicorn."
Huh, so that's what the winged unicorns are called, good to know!
"Also, i'm a little drained, casting Smoke Bomb without being a rouge tends to eat both mana and health, not that i'm complaining." I shrugged and reached into my bags, waiting for a response.

"Well... I guess? What do you have in mind?" Well, the confusion of Celestia is actually kind of cute.
"I could just eat something my friend mage conjured up, but where's the fun in that?" I pulled out the biggest mug of ale I had and a steak to go with it.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Eat my friends, we've been here for almost two hours." I took my hood of and began eating the steak before noting how Celestia was looked disgusted and Luna was closer to a shade of grey than blue/black.
"Umm..." Celestia started, but I quickly realized that I was eating meat... In front of ponies.
Well, shucks.

"Right, ponies, sorry. Everything sapient in our world eat meat, I think at least." I packed the meat in my bags before pulling out a lot of fruit and such, before realizing that it was a bit stereotypical, and at that I pulled out the biggest cake I could find, yup, this was gonna get interesting.

"Well? Eat my new found friends, i'm sure we have a lot of talking to do." Celestia still didn't move, but Luna slowly made her way to the food.
"Hey Luna" I whispered in her ear as she came close enough, she flinched.
"Yes, Scythe?" She asked carefully, darned trusting problems.
"Twenty gold on that Celestia is gonna have an outburst soon."
Right, if you're reading this you're probably a pony or something else that uses Bits, to say it like this - A bit is not pure gold, it's half copper on the inside coated in gold, so it doesn't have nearly the same value, and on top of that in gold ways I was still very very very rich, that being twenty six thousand gold.

And no, it would not be a good idea to try and mug me.
She looked at me surprised, I pulled out a gold from my bags and let it hit the floor, Luna grinned and added ten bits - About as much as a single gold was worth.
"You're in."

Author's Note:

Whelp, sorry it took so long, so much shit to distract me.