• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 3,129 Views, 85 Comments

Undead Necromancer - The Shade

A forsaken necromancer from the undercity hires an inexperienced mage and pays him to create a portal, this portal is supposed to go to Shattrah city, but what happens when everything goes wrong?

  • ...

Dragons, Diamond Dogs, Death Desctruction and Decay. Urgh...

Author's Note:

I did not mean for the alliteration in the chapter name, it just happened. If you know what I mean :>
Yes i'm ashamed over how this chapter turned out, but I just couldn't progress from here, some how.

Rarity took the lead as I followed behind her, she seemed to be leading me to some sort of boutique.
"Excuse me, but what is that outfit made out of? I must say I haven't quite seen anything like it." And that's the question I dreaded would come up.
It was leather, the majority of my outfit was made of leather, how would I go and explain this to her?
Easy, I don't.
"Onyx Scales" I responded, not technically a lie, scales aren't skin.
I think so anyway... Hey don't judge me! I'm a engineer and a tailor, I don't know the difference of scales and skin... Much.
"Scales? That dosen't seem like scales, it seems... Softer" She answered with rising suspicion.
Uh oh...
I need a distraction.

Illusion time.
I made something that looked like a diamond dog appear, it was taken from Rarity's description.
And from her gasp, i'dd guess I was doing something right, if you know what I mean.
I snapped my fingers and it burst into flame, the smell of burnt fur, molten armor and boiled blood filled the air.
Many who've been reading this journal will question how i'dd use a Mage spell after turning into a human, well the answer is quite simple, that wasn't a spell at all.

It was a illusion, and so was the flames.
Rarity turned to me with big eyes
"I know Twilight said you were powerful but that..." She let it hang in the air.
I simply nodded and entered the boutique that we had finally reached, what waited on the inside made my grin risk splitting my face in half.
Fabrics, crystals, minerals, metals of all kinds.
She obviously saw my smile as she herself beamed.
"This is quite a collection you have here Rarity, may I ask if I could borrow some cloth?" I asked with the same face splitting smile.
"Cloth? I guess... But what would you need that for?" I just smiled.

*Fifteen minutes later*

"Why darling I never took you for a tailor." Rarity said as she adored her new cloak, I would have made armor to boost her intellect or stamina, but with what I had, that being unfamiliar material and no blueprints for her body build, but the cloak had metal plating in it, so at least it isn't useless.

"It's my profession, Rarity, i'm a engineer and tailor, you know what they say, right? there ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grow on trees. I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed and ain't nothing in this world for free. " I have no idea where I heard that... Something starting on Border...
Oh well.

"Engineering?" She asked, I guess a fashionista such as Rarity wouldn't actually be interested in that.
"Yes, I make items that move using parts I collect around the world, but there is a question that's been bugging me for quite a while now." There truly was, how was she so calm? I remember back when I first faced my large scale raid, I was so freaked out and just sliced anything that got close with my gigantic battleaxe, a tactic that worked surprisingly well.
"Rarity, how are you so calm? Not even I was this calm when the first raid I ever faced occurred." It was mind boggling, to be honest, even Celestia and Luna seemed like they hadn't seen combat in a while.

That got a nervous chuckle out of her, and that's usually not a good thing, it means they're hiding something.
"Well darling... You see... When I was a filly my father forced me to undertake military training fit for The Naga's, a mercenary band that had joined the Royal Army after a fight with some dragons drew the Princess' eye's upon them, so they joined under her watch rather then risking imprisonment, silly if you ask me, they would never do such things!" She stated, going back to her dramatic self for a second before regaining her composure.

"But that's how I remain so calm, after dealing with Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, countless changelings, diamond dogs and angry griffins i've learned that panic only makes things worse." Giddy, she had some experience then, that makes the whole thing a lot easier.
"Very well then, Rarity, let's make our departure however as it seems that we got a dog to put down." It hurt my heart to make that pun, but I just couldn't pass it up.
And thus, we left the shop and headed toward the forest.

One hour later.

"Well, this was unexpected" Namely that is, of course, that there was a army with cat like things blocking our path, and a large Dragoness standing over them shouting orders in a language I couldn't for the life of me make sense off, it sounded something like this. ' Geri zhuled dien vier zien.', scanning myself for spells noticed that the arcane brilliance was still on, along with the language understanding buff.
I looked at her again and noticed that she was staring at me.
Her mouth moved and I heard a sound in a low tone, before something blasted inside my skull.
"Human!?" Need less to say it hurt, it hurt so bad I went down on one knee and practically spit out my insides, it felt like my blood was boiling.

"Al'ikir, is this some cruel joke?! The same voice boomed again, although ever so slightly lower.
I personally have a feeling that she's got something against humans, perhaps she was forsaken, like me?
I managed with a ragged breath force out a few words "Aye'... Human..." I felt like passing out, but it's never helped me before, i've faced gods and demons alike, and i'll be damned if some dragoness makes me pass out.
Her expression of rage quickly melted into one of confusion and concern, she growled, pointed at me and a tent with a skull on it and jerked her thumb back.

Seemingly the thingies understood that and scattered off, several went towards me and picked me up and with a grunt of approval by the dragoness they carried me to the tent with the crossed skulls, a smaller cat like thingy came in with me, a worried expression on his face.
I opened my mouth to speak, but he only put a clawed finger over my it.
"Shh, stay quiet now, you of dark arts, we needn't her wrath upon us." He smiled gently, reminded me of my teacher almost, oh Miss Velvet, where are you now? I smiled sadly at him and felt myself slipping into the comfortable darkness that was sleep...

Comments ( 4 )

3754587 what happened to story:applecry:

And you DARE to call yourself a necromancer...

6452203 My *Actual* rank is Elder Necromancer, thank you very much.

This is amazing pleaze make more

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