• Published 28th Feb 2012
  • 4,744 Views, 120 Comments

Bowser and Pinkie's Super Bizarre Saga - Alkem

Bowser and Pinkie Pie team up to save her friends and get revenge on Discord for taking his army.

  • ...

The start of something bizarre.

Bowser and Pinkie’s Super Bizarre Saga

Chapter 2:

Along a long grassy plain, trailing across the rolling hills, an odd looking pair of travelers embarked on their journey. Behind them, Canterlot Castle was but a spec in the distance, as they approached the outgrowth of trees known as the Everfree Forest. Their walk through the rich green fields was accompanied by the sounds of the winds brushing against the tall grass and birds flying overhead. There was just one thing ruining the tranquil scene.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

Pinkie Pie’s incessant chatter had been drilling into his head the whole way there, but Bowser endured. It’s almost over. He closed his eyes, trying to zone her out as they reached the trees of the Everfree Forest. Soon they'd reach Bowser’s castle, ending his ties with the energetic pony.

Pinkie Pie paused her prattling, the first time she’d done so since they’d left Canterlot, gazing upon the fortress before her.

Tilting her head up, she noticed the fires that were lit on every window spaced between the four corner towers. Their intense flames bathed the slabs lining the castle walled in an orange hue. The wooden door in the center, standing far taller than the two of them, matched the red of the twin set of torches that dangled just above it.

Now standing on her back legs, she saw the central pillar that peered out from the second level. It casted its shadow over the forest while a pair of towers jutted out from it, curving up to the sky. She took notice of the spikes lined the brims of the castle and its towers.

Leaning back to the point of falling over, she saw a giant sculpture sitting at the top of the middle spire. The stone sculpture, resembling the fortress owner’s head, loomed over the world below, with a massive flame centered in its mouth.

With her back now on the floor, Pinkie placed her hoof to her chin as she gazed upon the massive bust up top. “Hmm...” She pointed up to it. “Who’s that supposed to be?”

Bowser’s neck snapped as he jerked his head to her. He continued staring as her. Slack jawed. His face now copied the statue up top.

“Pinkie looked at the stunned Koopa, then back to the stone figure. “Who could it be?” she said, scratching her head.

“Just relax, it’s almost over,” Bowser sighed to himself

Pinkie stayed behind, fighting the urge to pull him back as he pushed against the wooden doors. "You sure you just want to leave your friends behind like this?" she softly spoke.

He looked back at her. "Friends? I don't need friends. They were just soldiers. If they're siding with that freak, then let em."

Pinkie looked to the ground, drawing a circle in the dirt. "But, everypony needs friends.”

He turned back to the door. "I ain't no pony remember," he said as the doors creaked open.

Just as he was about to set one foot inside, the doors slammed shut on his snout. He stepped back, holding his nose as a familiar vein popping voice called out to him.

"Oh, Bowser. Must you force me to do such things in order to have you play?"

The floor beneath their feet started to quake. The serene forest around them became a launch zone as the thrusters underneath the fortress shot out its massive flame, pushing everything before it away. Pinkie and Bowser rolled to a stop a few meters way, looking up to see the Bowser’s Castle vanish in the vast blue sky.

"Discord! Where are you taking my castle?!" he snarled, his fists shaking violently.

"That doesn't concern you right now. For all you know, I've sent it to the moon! What you do need to know is that unless you play my game, you'll never find your way back home.”

A neon yellow arrow suddenly appeared in the sky, pointing further into the woods.

"Now, hurry along. I've got plenty of fun things in store and you two are taking forever to get there."

"Fine, I'll play your stupid game," Bowser sighed, sagging his head.

"That's the spirit! Now, just follow the sign. My first surprise is just a stroll away. Oh I do hope you like it. Mwahahahaha!"

As Discord's voice faded away, Pinkie Pie crept up beside him, wearing a big grin. "So, looks like we're still traveling buddies.”

He practically drooped to the ground. "Let's get this over with. The faster I finish this, the sooner I'll get my claws on the freak and the less time I gotta spend with you."

Pinkie simply smiled back "Okie dokie Bowsie, let's get going and save our friends," she said, hopping forward.

He cringed hearing that name roll off her tongue. "I told you to stop calling me that... uh, what was your name again?" He stood there, scanning the little pony. "Ah forget it; I'll just call you Pinky."

She beamed hearing him say her name. Bowser didn’t understand why she was so happy with the nickname he gave her, but something about those gleaming bright blue eyes of hers helped calm him. He forgot all about his nickname.

Traversing deeper into the forest, they came across an odd looking tree. Decorative wooden masks adorned its bark, and clay bottles dangled off vines coiling around its barren branches. There was a door at the base of the tree and two window-like holes that gave off light coming from inside.

Pinkie trotted closer to the tree building. "I know this place.” As she approached, something broke through the silence of the woods.


Pinkie Pie jumped back, noticing a burly creature walking out from behind the tree.

Bowser glared at the strange. Particularly at his orange hair, blue skin. "I know that guy."

"You do?" Pinkie said

"Yeah. He's one of my generals. Or at least he was until he screwed up and I demoted him."
Bowser turned and approached the being. "What are you doing here Tubba?"

The creature frowned, extending one of its long arms forward as he pointed at Bowser. "That's Tubba Blubba to you weird guy, and Master Discord ordered me to guard this place."

"What's so special about this place?" Pinkie asked as she looked around the wooded area.

"I don't know. I'm just following orders. Master said to stay here and stop some guy named Bowser when he showed up."

Bowser placed his hands to his waist and puffed out his chest. "Hahahaha. Boy, are you in trouble now. Bowser's right here, and you're joking if you think you can stop me."

Tubba reached into the small spiked purple shell on his back and pulled out a piece of paper. He glanced between the Koopa in front of him and what was on the paper. "Yup, you're Bowser alright,” he nodded. “You look just as ugly as the picture."

Bowser gritted his teeth, glaring at his former general. "Rrrrrr. We'll see who's ugly after I give those fat lips of yours a Koopa smack down!"

He lunged at Tubba, fist aimed straight for the foe's blubbery face. The blow collided making Tubba’s already bloated orange lips swelled before Bowser even pulled away.

"Eeeeoow!" Tubba cried, falling over from the punch.

Pinkie Pie, seizing the opportunity, joined the fight. She jumped, landing on the fallen opponent’s belly. His rubber like stomach sank down and quickly recoiled, vaulting her back to Bowser's side.

Getting back onto his feet, Tubba closed in on Bowser, lifting his narrow arms up and dropping two large fists aimed for the Koopa’s head.

Bowser raised his right arm up, easily blocking the attack. He countered with a quick left, knocking over the brute a second time. Bowser stared down at Tubba, shaking his head. "I can't believe I made you a general once."

Pinkie followed the counter with a repeat performance, jumping onto his stomach a second time.

Tubba Blubba quickly rose to his feet. Tears welled up in his eyes as he turned to the tree behind him. "Miss Zecora! Miss Zecora! I need help!"

The door on the tree flung open. Pinkie Pie gasped as she saw who stepped out. She ran over, almost pouncing the zebra as she jumped beside her. She grinned from ear to ear seeing her, but something seemed off about her.
"Zecora, it's so good to see another friend right now. You look different. Did you get a haircut or something? I mean, I know you're usually grey, but you seem a bit darker than usual,” said Pinkie Pie as she looked over the zebra. “Anyways, me and Bowsie over there—oh, that's right, you haven't met Bowsie yet. Let me introduce you." She turned over to her partner. “Hey Bowsie com—"

Zecora shoved Pinkie away, knocking her to the ground. "Back away stranger! I don't know you, and I'm certainly not friends with one of Lord Discord's enemies.” She turned to the crying beast, and sighed. "So you need help already? I am starting to see why I was charged with watching you."

She gave a swift kick to the tree, forcing a suspended bottle to fall. It shattered on Tubba. Spilling its lime colored contents atop the blubbering oaf’s dome.

His entire body shook. Looking down at himself, he noticed his physique started expanding. "Aw yeah, I'm feeling a lot stronger now." He turned and pointed his overgrown finger at his opponent. "Let see how you like this tough guy” Tubba Blubba, who stood a few inches shorter than him moments ago, now dwarfed the Koopa. And he was fast approaching.

As Tubba got close, Bowser braced himself for another set of hammer fists. But instead, the bloated giant jumped up. Caught by surprise, Bowser took the full brunt of Tubba’s rump attack. The force of the slam knocked Pinkie Pie back.

"Hah! Not so tough now, are yah?" he said as he backed away from the flattened Koopa.

Pinkie Pie rushed back over, extending a helping hoof to her fallen friend. Bowser, staggering back onto his feet, eyed red daggers at his traitorous minion.

Pinkie Pie leaned up to him. "Let's show this guy our special move," she whispered.

Following her lead, he rolled into a spiked ball. Pinkie hopped on top of the Bowser ball, and started trotting it forward. As they're rolling attack moved in, Tubba placed his hands out and braced himself.

Dirt flew as the two forces collided. The green ball pushed Tubba back. Grinding his heels against the dirt, he slid back until he hit the tree behind him.

Zecora watched her home shake from the collision. "Careful you fool! You'll destroy my home!"

He pushed back against the spiked bowling ball as it grated against the soil, kicking up mounds of dirt as Pinkie kept galloping. But he stayed firm, holding them in place until Pinkie Pie ran out of breath. Bringing the duo's combo attack to a halt, he looked down at the little mare. She nervously smiled back, standing atop the Koopa ball.

"Whoa!" Pinkie and Bowser hollered as Tubba’s kick sent them deep into the forest.

As they vanished within the depth of the shrubbery, another bottle fell to the ground. The clay container shattered, spilling tiny emerald colored shards on the ground. The specs started giving off an eerie smoke that rose up.

Zecora felt a cold chill run down her spine. "No! Not that one!"

The puffs of smoke rising from the broken bottle, gathered above the two of them. Growing in size, it projected images on its surface, following it up with bone-chilling wails. The ghastly illusions appearing before them frightened Tubba who then shielded his eyes from the horrors.

Meanwhile, in the distance, Pinkie and Bowser were laying in a small clearing his body had made when he landed.

"Uuwaah. Who'd have thought he'd get so strong all of a sudden," Bowser groaned, rubbing his head with his shell spikes embedded into the soil. With his head no longer spinning, he opened his eyes. His sight, still blurry, started to recover and make out the image in front to of him. Pinkie Pie, up and ready to go, looked over to him friend and noticed his face had gone pale.


A cry echoed through the forest. A strange looking turtle was running for dear life as ghoulish apparitions followed him. Further back was a pink little pony, who was trying her best to quell her friend's fear.

"Bowsie, don't be scared!" Pinkie shouted, as she skipped along the newly created trail Bowser's body created.

Bowser was plowing through the forest. His fright had transformed him into a living wrecking ball, smashing anything in his path. Bushes, trees, even boulders, nothing could slow him down.

"Come on Bowsie, they're not scary! You just need to have a good laugh at them!"

Back over by Zecora’s home. Zecora, with Tubba Blubba still covering his eyes from the smog figures overhead, heard something approach. She peered into the forest, noticing something coming fast.

"What in Equestria is that?"

"Ahhhh!" Bowser continued yelling, railroading through the trees and heading straight for the two of them.

Zecora jumped out of his path, and looked over to her partner. "Tubba, look out!"

"Ooof!" he grunted as his body was flung skyward and came crashing down.


Pinkie Pie, bouncing out from the pathway, continued trying to help Bowser overcome his fear. "Just take a deep breath and have a giggle Bowsie. I promise you the ghosties will go away."

Even with her reassurance, he just kept running, heading back around the front of the tree.

"Tubba, he's coming back! Get up and move before you—"

"Doof!" he cried again.

Zecora watched her partner hit the ground again, this time being knocked out on impact. She stomped her hooves, watching the fleeing Koopa. "Bowser, you walking disaster! If that fool Tubba can't deal with you, I'll do it myself!"

Pinkie was still tailing Bowser as he ran back towards the Zecora’s tree hut. "Bowsie, just laugh!" Up ahead she noticed Zecora with something in her mouth, Pinkie started sensing a pinchy feeling on her right knee. “Oh no.”

Zecora stood alone with a bottle in her mouth, waiting as Bowser made his approach.

"Oh no you don't!" Pinkie yelled, tackling her.

The two of them scuffled, shoving each other as they rolled across the ground. The knocked away bottle shattered on a tree. The liquids inside shrank the tree down to the size of a bug, saving it from the unstoppable fleeing Bowser walked over it.

Leaping away from each other, Pinkie pointed down to Zecora's hoof. "What's wrong with your leg rings? They’ve changed color."

Zecora turned her head down and gasped. "What is this magic?"

To her shock, the rings wrapping her right leg had changed from grey to gold. Not only had her ring's changed color, but the body color on her leg became brighter. Across from her, a light started flashing from Pinkie Pie's mane.

"Huh?" Pinking reached into her cotton candy shaped hair and pulled out the luminescent object. "My Element of Harmony? Why is it glowing?" Pinkie looked over to Zecora's leg again, thinking back to when they tussled. "Oh, so that's what it means.” Pinkie faced her friend, taking an assertive stance against her. “I’m Sorry Zecora, but if I'm going to save you I don't think I have another choice.”

Tubba Blubba, finally waking from his Bowser inflicted coma, saw his partner facing off against Pinkie. He got up, dashing towards them.

Pinkie coiled down, preparing to pounce. "Alright Zecora, here we go!" She leaped over, back hooves aimed on the zebra. "Whoa!"

Stopping just inches away from hitting Zecora, Pinkie’s world suddenly went upside down.

"Nuh-uh, I won't let you hurt Miss Zecora." Tubba proclaimed as he held the mare by her back legs. He looked over to his companion and noticed her leg. "Are you ok, Zecora?"

Zecora shifted her brightened leg behind the other. "I'm fine, don’t worry.” She focused on the captive Pinkie. “Now that we have her, we just need to deal with—"


Bowser popped out from the forest depths once more, still chased around by smoke figures. The three by the tree house watched as the big Koopa kept running for his life.

Pinkie Pie, still hanging upside down called out to him. "Bowsie, you just need to stop and laugh those things away. They're only scary because you only think they're scary."

"No, I think they're scary because they are scary!" he talked back as he ran by.

Zecora and Tubba laughed as they watched him run around.

"So much for the ‘Koopa king’, even I'm not scared of those things anymore. I can't believe I used to work for you once,"

Something the former minion said really irked Bowser. He came to a halt and approached Tubba, his footsteps booming as walked up. "So, you actually do remember me."

A nervous sweat started running down his fat face as Tubba Blubba realized what slipped out. He shook his head as he looked down at the angered Koopa. "Umm, n-nope. N-n-never seen you before in my life."

Bowser stood in front of him, watching his beady yellow eyes dart left and right. "So all of you decided to betray me, huh?" Behind them the illusions continued to making wails. Bowser was starting to lose his train of thought. He quickly turned around.


The figures instantly vanished from the force of Bowser’s laugh, even the trees in the distance swayed in response. Everyone remained silent as he turned back to Tubba, who trembled with fear as he dropped his captive. He started getting a strange sensation, like something was pinching his knee.

Pinkie plopped on the ground and looked up to her friend. "Nice one!"

Bowser gave her an acknowledging nod, before he refocused on Tubba.

"No Bowser sir, It's not what you think. Not everyone decided to join up with Discord by choice. A most of them were brain washed."

"And you joined on your own? Why?!"

Tubba fell to his knees, tears trailing down his cheeks. "It's because you demoted me and were mean to me," he sobbed.

Bowser turned red. He pointed a claw to a square patch on Tubba's chest, jabbing at it repeatedly. "I made you invincible once and you still ended up failing me! Now you go and betray me for that freak show attraction!"

"I'm sorry Bowser, I'm weak. I thought Discord would make me stronger. Please forgive me!" Tubba said, lowering his head onto the dirt.

Bowser looked down at the whimpering traitor, thinking of a suitable punishment. He turned to his partner and grew a sinister smile. "Pinky, I'll need your help."

"You aren't going to hurt him are you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not exactly."

Zecora and Tubba were standing side by side with their backs against her hut. In front of them Pinkie Pie stood with Bowser right behind her, covering his ears as he gave the order to fire.

"Okay Pinky. Introduce yourself."

She went on giving her long winded introduction. At first the duo by the tree had no clue what was going on. But after the first three minutes, they started to get the picture. Seconds became minutes. Tubba attempted a getaway from the never-ending slew of words coming out of Pinkie’s mouth. A big fireball flew right by his head, compelling him to stay. As time dragged on, the torture worsened. Tubba convulsed, desperately trying to block out the noise. Zecora on the other hand, was reacting very differently.

The discoloration, or rather re-coloration, on her right leg began to spread. With each passing minute more of the zebra's body became colorful and vibrant. Her earring changed from grey to gold, and her eyes became bright turquoise once again.

"What is this? Where am I?" she asked, looking over to the pony standing in front of her. "Why hello there, Ms. Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie stopped chattering and whizzed over to her. "Oh Zecora, I'm so glad your back to your old self again." She leaned over and squinted. "You are you, right?"

"Why of course I am me, who else would I be?"

Hearing her reply in rhyme, Pinkie gave the zebra a hug.

While the two of them were having a joyous reunion, Bowser was having a not so happy one of his own. Tubba was on the floor, exhaustion from enduring Pinkie's vocal assault. His body began to shrink as Zecora’s potion wore off.

Bowser grabbed him by the neck, pressing his doughy body against the tree. "Did all the other generals betray me like you?"

Tubba’s eyes narrowed as he stared into the fiery eyes of the Koopa King. "N-no! They are all brainwashed by Discord."

Bowser pulled his arm back, muscles budging, and gave Tubba Blubba his best punch, landing right on the stitched patch on his chest. The blow literally forced Tubba’s heart out of his mouth for a second as he jerked his head up. The intense strike knocked him out.

A light emanated from the defeated enemy, and he vanished in a flash. Bowser stood there, staring at the hand that had been just holding him.

"Gwahahah! Oh that certainly was fun, wasn't it?” A voice called out from the sky.

All three of them looked up and saw a figure flying above.

"Discord!" Pinkie and Bowser said.

"Now tell me honestly you two, did you enjoy that? I have to say I found it quite, amusing. I especially liked your little romp through the woods, Bowser. Who knew someone like you would be such a scaredy cat."

Bowser shook his fist at him. "Why don't come down here and I'll show you how scared I am," he said, following it up by launching a fireball from his mouth.

With a bat of his wings, Discord casually avoided the flaming projectile. "Now, now no need to get so riled up. This was just a warm up for my surprise just up ahead. Oh, and you'll be happy to know I took the liberty of placing Tubba Blubba in one of your castle's prison cells. I have no use for him anymore, plus I don't think you'd want him tagging along with you."

He then turned his attention to the two mares beside Bowser. "Ah Pinkie Pie, I see you figured out how to save your friend. Good thing too. I really didn't want to give you a hint for it. That would spoil all the fun."

A polka dotted pocket watch appeared in Discords hands hand. He opened it up, watching the little figure of himself move its minute hand. "Well then. Now that you two are done here, you should start getting a move on. You don’t want to keep me waiting forever," he said, before vanishing once more.

Shortly afterwards, inside of Zecora's hut, the adventuring pair was taking a well needed break before they moved on. Zecora was sitting in her chair, taking a sip of tea, hearing Pinkie’s tale of events.

"Ah, so that is what has happened I see. You two now travel to stop this catastrophe.” She then looked over to her two guests. “I must give my thanks to you two again. It's so nice that you've become good friends."

"We ain't friends, I'm just stuck with her till this nightmare's over," Bowser huffed.

"Oh, then it is my mistake, Since you two made that fight look like a piece of cake." She leaned over to Pinkie Pie. "He can't hide the truth from me. A friendship I can plainly see." she whispered.

Pinkie joyfully smiled hearing her say that. "Ok Bowsie let's get going, we still got a lot of friends to save."

"I know that. I don't need you reminding me."

The two of them headed out the door, but before Pinkie stepped outside, she felt the tapping of a hoof on her flank.

"Before we part ways my welcomed guest, a gift to help you on your quest,” said Zecora, placing a pouch in Pinkie Pie’s hoof.

Pinkie received Zecora's gift and raised it up above her head.

*You got the Spooky Powder*

Zecora stared at her. "Pinkie Pie, why do make such a pose? Does it hold some significant meaning I suppose?"

"I dunno. It just seemed like the right thing to do," Pinkie shrugged.

"Hurry up Pinky!" Bowser shouted from outside.

Giving her one last farewell, Pinkie scurried along. Zecora following her to the door. "I wish you good luck my friends! Have yourselves a safe journey’s end!"

Having saved one of her friends, and punishing one of his, the duo of Pinkie and Bowser continued moving further into the Everfree forest. While Bowser kept his eyes forward, Pinkie was busy fiddling with Zecora's gift.

She emptied a bit of green powder from the leather pouch onto her hoof. "Oooh what does this do?" she wondered.

Just then a gust of wind traveled by, kicking up the powder. Now airborne, the specs of green dust expanded into a familiar puff of smoke. A face appeared in the cloud and jutted out towards Bowser.


Trees were falling over once more as Bowser ran for dear life, frightened by the Spooky Powder Pinkie had accidentally unleashed. Pinkie galloped close behind.

"Ah Bowsie, it's not that scary. You just have to laugh at it like you did last time."

Moving rapidly through the woods, they both failed to notice the change in scenery around them. The ghoulish figure dissipated, allowing Bowser to finally come to a stop.

"Haaa. Huff, chuhaaah!" Catching his breath, he noticed the difference in environment.

There were no trees to be seen, just thousands of large colorful wooden building blocks and toys scattered all over as far as he could see. Peering up to the sky he couldn’t see the sun, just a bunch of cardboard drawing dangling on strings sprawled across the endless dark blue.


He turned to find Pinkie Pie riding on a rocking horse. "Oh, this is just great," he said sarcastically.

"I know right. I mean just look at all these neat looking toys!" Pinkie said as she ran over to play with a jack-in-the-box.

"No, I mean I know where we are."

She turned her head. "You do?" she said, while playing with a set of toy cars.

He closed his eyes, tapping his foot on the wooden floor. "Well, If I'm right, things are about to get a lot tougher."