• Published 28th Feb 2012
  • 4,744 Views, 120 Comments

Bowser and Pinkie's Super Bizarre Saga - Alkem

Bowser and Pinkie Pie team up to save her friends and get revenge on Discord for taking his army.

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Chapter 5

Bowser and Pinkie's Super Bizarre Saga

Chapter 5:

The peace and quiet of Ponyville was suddenly shattered by a trail of of shrieks and gasps from ponies as they got a sight of the menacing looking Koopa King following behind a gleeful looking pink pony that was happily hopping through the town while humming a tune with her eyes closed. Despite the small headache he was getting from all the bright colors surrounding him, Bowser was enjoying the frightened cries of the ponyfolk as he swaggered behind Pinkie Pie.

"Not that I'm complaining, but where are we headed again?" Bowser asked as more ponies gasped in fright.

"It talked! Aaaaaah!"

"What does it want?!"

"It going to eat us! Eeeeek!"

Looking back to the trio of mares; one pink with blonde hair, the other, another shade of pink with green hair, and the last one colored pale yellow with reddish hair, Bowser couldn't help but chuckle as they held on to each other and shook in terror. Meanwhile Pinkie turned around to face him, still hopping down the path.

"We're headed to Sugarcube Corner. I wanted to get some supplies before we head out. Plus I can get to show you my home and introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Cake."

Now at the aforementioned destination, Pinkie, on the upper floor of the bakery, had finished gathering her supplies and was heading back down stairs. As she made it to the last step, three fillies ran up to her.

"Pinkie Pie!" They cried out.

"Oh hi Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, you girls come by for a visit?"

They frantically waved their forelegs at her with panic stricken faces.

"What happened over in Canterlot?" Scootaloo asked.

"Where's our sisters?" Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom asked together.

Scootaloo then pointed a hoof over her shoulder to the window. "And whose that big guy standing outside?"

While Pinkie answered their questions, Bowser was outside, leaning against the wall and thinking back to what happened earlier.

Sent hurdling through the clouds, thanks to Big Bob-omb's explosion, Pinkie, Kamek and Bowser were headed straight for Ponyville. It would have been a rough landing had it not been for Bowser who uncharacteristically used himself to protect the others from the fall, gravity not really giving him an option to decline. When he finally awoke, Kamek began to explain what he was about to earlier.

"Now then, as I was saying, I managed to cast a spell that will allow you to summon those captured in the castle to your aid. Master Bowser, Please take this."

Bowser stretched out his hand, and in it Kamek place his wand. As he held it in his scaly yellow palm, he looked over to Pinkie who was staring back at him with anticipation. "What?"

"Do it." she said while gesturing her hooves into the air.


"Come on Bowsie, it's fun."

"Nooo!" he yelled, standing up straight with his arms crossed, looking away from her.


Looking back down to his right, Bowser noticed her looking at the ground with her right hoof circling against the soil. On his left, his faithful assistant was staring at her with one arm stretched out as if to pat her. He then looked back up to his king.

"You know your Grumpiness, seeing how you two will be together for a while, I think it's best if you try to get along. After all, she has helped you out so far."

The Koopa king stared down at his lackey, eyes glaring and a frown on his face. After a few seconds of staring into those thick glasses of his, he looked over to the pony and sighed. "Fine..." he said as he raised the wand up.

*Bowser got Kamek's wand.*

"There, happy," he said staring down at the mare who was now beaming at him and nodding vigorously.

Her smile was contagious, as it spread to Kamek. "There, now we can go on to the next step. Master Bowser, you still remember how to use magic right?" He, along with Pinkie, turned their head over to the large Koopa, who remained silent. "You still remember how to use magic, don't you sire?"

"The Koopa King doesn't need to use magic! I'm so strong, magic is useless to me."

Kamek, stared blankly at his leader, who stood there, bumping the trips of his index claws together. "Master, you haven't been practicing like I told you, did you? Well all we can do now is try and hope for the best. Just raise the wand up and picture in your mind who you want to summon.

Doing as instructed he pointed the wand into the air and and closed his eyes. Suddenly a beam of light shot down from the sky and something appeared before the three of them.

"You?!" Bowser shouted looking over to the bloated buffoon he called down.

"Oh Master Bowser, I knew you'd forgive me!" Tubba Blubba shouted, running towards him. Instead of the warm embrace he was expecting, Tubba was welcomed by a strong bash from Bowser's fist.

"Kamek, what's the deal? I didn't want him! I wanted someone stronger!" Bowser griped, turning to face the Magikoopa while Tubba continued to roll away.

His glasses fogging up while a nervous sweat dripped out of him, Kamek tried to explain. "You see your Short temperedness, you probably focused on something that wasn't the castle."

"So!" he answered back in a angry tone.

"I'm afraid you can't summon something that isn't already in the castle. Otherwise the spell will do its best to summon something similar to what you were thinking of."

Bowser extended his arms and pointed over to the bulbous oaf lying in the distance. "That isn't anything close to what I had in mind!"

"Sorry sire, it does the best it can with what its got." As he said that, Tubba Blubba, still on the ground, started to glow and then became shrouded by the same beam of light that brought him down before, only this time it took him back up.

After seeing him go, Bowser went back to focusing on what he was doing. "Fine! Let see if I can get General Guy down her then." He pointed the wand into the air again, but nothing happened. "What gives?" he asked, waving it in the air.

Kamek approached, taking a nervous gulp. "You see sire, you can only summon one minion at a time for a short duration. And it will take a bit of time before you can use it again. The amount of time would be better if someone had just practiced his magic like he was supposed to." Bowser turned his head, glaring at him with fire in his eyes. "Sorry your Angryness." Kamek whimpered as he bowed to the Koopa.

Pinkie, watching everything with full attention, tugged on Kamek's robe. "So does this mean I can have my friends come help me too?"

Kamek turned, meeting that smiling face of her with a frown. "I'm sorry, but my wand is only good for bringing members of Bowser's army." Pinkie's smile was just about to flip when Kamek continued his statement. "But that doesn't mean you don't have something that can do it. I believe you got something recently that belongs to one of your friends."

She rummaged through her mane and pulled out a necklace with a pink butterfly gem in the middle. She held it in her mouth and showed it to him.

"That's it. With that you can call your friend Fluttershy to help you. Though I suggest not doing it now. It best to call her when you need it, the wait before you can do it again is a bit long and you don't want to be in a situation where you could use her help but can't."

With her hoof almost halfway up to the air, Pinkie stopped herself. "Okay, only in emergencies."

After the explanation, Kamek, called forth his broom and prepared to take off. "Master Bowser, miss Pinkie, together you two must recover our lost allies, it's the only way to end this game of Discord's. Use the magic I gave you wisely and fight to free everyone. I must go and see what else I can do to help out, now you two should go and find out where to go next." He took off into the sky, leaving Pinkie and Bowser standing in the outskirts of Ponyville.

Slowly coming back from his flashback, Bowser could hear the distinct sound of children laughing. He opened his eyes to find two very young ponies latched onto his hands, using them like swings. With his memory regained, he stood their struggling to keep his composure. "Pinky, are we done here?"

Pinkie Pie, having finished her story, called out to the playground turned Koopa waiting outside. "Allllmoooost. You keep having fun with little Pound and Pumpkin alright?"

He sighed as little Pound Cake was still swinging on his arm while Pumpkin Cake was gleefully riding atop his head and grabbing on his horns. "Uuuugh, I'm starting to miss hearing the screams."

To the Koopa's relief, Pinkie Pie finished gathering supplies and the two of them now headed out. Their next destination was over by Appleloosa, where the girls told Pinkie about a recent earthquake that had caused strange ruins to rise of from the ground and the strange ball shaped creatures with sharp teeth that attacked anypony that tried to explore them. Hearing her mention the iron ball shaped creatures, Bowser knew that's where they should head to next.

"Ok, so Appleloosa is where we're heading. Now where is it?"

"Oh I know, I know," Pinkie answered while jovially hopping around him in circles. "It's pretty far away, but thankfully you and I can take the train to get there," she said, pointing her hoof to a train that made the Koopa cringe. On the tracks sat the sissiest thing he'd ever lay eyes on. The engine car had heart decorations all over it, even in places like the pilot plow. The design of each passenger car made it look as though it were made of cakes; with its rooftops made to look like frosting that falling over the edges.

Bowser stood there, by the corner of the train station, dumbstruck by the odd machine. "Don't tell me… We're going to ride in that thing?"

"Yup," she said with a casual nod of her head. Standing on her back legs with her head held high, she extended her forelegs to the pastry-looking locomotive. "Bowsie, let me introduce you to the Friendship Express."

Pinkie continued hopping towards the station, meanwhile behind her a rather depressed Koopa was sighing deeply. I don't believe this. Me, King of all Koopas, leader of a vast and powerful army, feared by all who see me, reduced to riding a sugar coated, frosted, gumdrop. That freak Discord must be laughing his head off right now. Well, I should just think about the positive. The sooner we get there the sooner I'll be to getting some payback, and the sooner I'll be to get rid of that never ending chatterbox.

As the pair stepped into the station, they overheard two ponies talking. Judging from their clothes, they were the train conductor and the station manager.

"What do you mean you can't get going?"

"No can do, not until we can clear that giant rock off the track."

"How did it even get there?"

"I don't know. It's like it just fell out of the sky or something."

"How long do you think it'll take to clear it? Though not that it matter. With those weird things around Appleloosa, not many ponies are eager to get there."

"Probably three to four hours, maybe more."

A pair of heavy stamps quickly approached the two colts. "What!"

The two ponies turned their heads. "Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!" they cried, falling over their hooves as they tried crawling back from the large turtle shelled monster standing in front of them.

"Please don't eat us!" the conductor pleaded.

"We'll do anything you want!" the station managed added as the two of them were trembling in fear. Hearing their terrified wails, brought Bowser back from his previous slump. He stepped back, standing up right, and looked down at the pair of colts.

"I want you to get me and Pinky over here," he said pointing a claw to the grinning mare sitting on a bench behind him. "to Appleloosa, pronto!"

The colts looked nervously at each other. Then the managed turned his head up towards the Koopa. "You see, we have a slight problem." Bowser didn't say a word, waiting for him to explain. "We need to get that big boulder off the tracks. Until then, the train isn't going anywhere. Sorry but you two'll have to wait."

Bowser felt a tug on his arm from the mare behind him. "Alright Bowsie you heard them, we'll just wait till they finish clearing the tracks." Pinkie suddenly gasped with excitement. "I know, we can tell each other stories while we wait. I can tell you about my friends, what my favorite kinds of foods are, where I live, oh wait you already saw that. But I can tell you about little Pound and Pumpkin. Also there's Mr. and Mrs. Cake…"

While she kept on rambling, Bowser grabbed the two colts, holding them up to eye level. His eyes widened and lips quivered slightly as his strong fearsome voice from earlier now sounded like a pleading whimper. "There's gotta be something you two can do, anything, to get that train going now."

"We're sorry mister, but we're already doing the best we can. All you can do is wait, our equipment can only break that thing down so quickly."

Still hearing Pinkie talking away behind him, Bowser placed the two ponies on the ground. "If you think I'll just sit around here for hours and listen to that!" he said pointing back to her.

"Oh and there's also my pet, gummy. I haven't introduced you to him. And then—"

"You're two are wrong. Now where is this stupid boulder? I'll get rid of it myself." He stepped out of the station with the two colts following behind him.

Out by the front of the train, Bowser now stood by the massive boulder. Judging by the size, there was no way he could just lift it out of the way. But there was no way he was just going to sit and wait beside Pinkie Pie for that long. Giving it a solid punch, he and the colts behind him saw that it cracked under his fist. They all shared a smile as Bowser continued hammering away until the rock was pounded into dust.

"And there was this one time when the town was overrun with Parasprites…" Pinkie's rambling carried on, her eyes closed as she was lost in her own stories. Meanwhile Bowser, wiping some sweat off his forehead, walked over and sat next to her.

The station manager stepped in shortly after. "All aboard!"

Now aboard the train, in the rear car, Pinkie and Bowser were the only ones aboard. Bowser waited impatiently in his seat while his bushy haired partner was distracted with sticking her head out the window and enjoying the breeze, to his great relief. After what seemed like an eternity he joined her out the window. The scenery had changed to from that of lush fields of green grass to that of an arid desert.

"Rrrrr! How much longer!"

"Patience turtle, you two are already ahead of schedule," said a voice coming from inside.

Bowser looked to his right, where Pinkie was still sticking her head out. She stared back at him with the same puzzled expression. Together they pulled their heads back in and look at the seat behind them. Sitting comfortably on a cushioned seat with a newspaper in his talon and paw and a little red fez on his head was...

"Disc—" Before Pinkie could finish, Bowser lunged towards him. Discord vanished from the chair, causing Bowser to fall over it, with the newspaper and red cup shaped hat to fall on his back. Discord reappeared, standing in front of the fallen Koopa.

"Still going straight for the punch, eh turtle? Do you ever just say hi?"

"Hi Discy," Pinkie answered, casually waving her hoof at him.

"See that Bowser, you should take some tips from Pinkie Pie over there. You may actually get along better with others, maybe even make some friends."

The chair, newspaper and fez went flying as Bowser sprang back to his feet. "The Koopa king doesn't need friends!"

Discord flew back, dodging the claw swipe headed for him, and conjured a book in his hands. "That's a shame you know. You really could do with some according to this."

Bowser stared down at what the Draconiqquess had in had possession. "Where did you get that?!" he roared.

"What, this thing?" he said, spinning the text on his talon. "I just found it lying around in a room while I was making some changes to your castle. I'm surprised no one found it sooner. It's really a fun little read." He slithered over to Pinkie and showed her a page.

"Hee, hee, hee."

"Hey! Don't read that!" his bellowing voice ordered. Pinkie quickly jumped back to his side with a hoof covering mouth, unable to stop giggling.

"See Turtle, even Pinkie Pie agrees. I'm surprised though. You certainly have made quite a few enemies in the past." He started flipping through pages and stopped at one specific part. "Ah here we are. This one in particular looked like a lot of fun. So much so I thought 'why not let him have another shot at you?'"

Bowser narrowed his eyes towards him. "Who are you talking about?" His mind raced at all the possibilities. It couldn't possibly be him could it?

"You should know me by now. I don't like spoiling secrets, especially when they're just about to happen," he said as a train whistle could be heard coming from the distance. The duo in front of him turned their heads to the window and noticed something approaching. "And there they are. Alright you two, remember to have fun and make it entertaining. It'd be so boring if they just wipe you two out without any effort."

Bowser lunged again, with Pinkie Pie jumping behind him. He reached for the book but end up passing right through the lower portion of Discord's body as it became become intangible. He flipped on his back and managed to get a glimpse of that irritating smile of his as he vanished, laughing along the way. Pinkie leaped through the transparent image and landed on Bowser's stomach.

"Too bad, we just missed him."

He plucked her by her mane and dropped her by his side. "That long necked, googly eyed, sewn together freak!" he shouted as he got back on his feet. "First he takes my army, then my castle, forces me to play his dumb game, and now he takes my diar—I mean my favorite book!" he ranted, pacing up and down the aisle while Pinkie Pie was looking out the window to the object heading toward them.

"Uh Bowsie."

"How dare that thin little creep do that!"


"I'll rip him to pieces for this!"


"What?!" he yelled back, turning to face her.

She directed him out the window. "Look over there."

Shoving his snout against the tiny window, he saw what she was talking about. Running up to the side of them was a large dark metal train with a giant ax sticking out of the front, with a large eye drawn on the side of the blade. That's the sort of train I should be in, except replace that ax with my face. As the two of them looked on, they noticed five multicolored figures hop on top with what appeared to be large cannon.

Both Pinkie and Bowser's eyes widened as they saw the cannon aiming right for them. "Uh oh…" they both said.

"Open fire!"

A beam of light shot forth and blasted the cart to smithereens. The five figures standing on their train, all dress in matching armor, with differing colors, started celebrating.

Axem Green: Direct hit on the target, Red. The cart has been annihilated.

Axem Red: Good. Any sign of them?

Axem Green: None that I can see.

"Yo, Red!"

Axem Red: What?!

Axem Black: Look over there!

The five of them gazed over to the cart in front of the now destroyed one and noticed a pink and green figure standing on top of it.

Axem Pink: Looks like you missed em Red.

Axem Red: Darn it! We can't fire again, the cannon needs to charge. At least they can't get to us from here.

Axem Yellow: So we just wait? Works for me.

Peering back to the two on the Freindship Express, Axem Red saw something that really worried him. Back over on their side, Bowser himself couldn't believe what he just witnessed his little pony partner pull out of seemingly nowhere.

"Where did that come from?" he asked, pointing to the wheeled cannon Pinkie was standing behind.

"Oh, it's just my party cannon. I bring it with me almost everywhere. Pretty neat huh?"

A smile suddenly graced Bowser's face "You're starting to change my opinion about you Pinky. Now open fire and give them a taste of their own medicine."

"Okie dokie Bowsie!" Her cannon fired, spraying a blast of confetti and streamers that were effortlessly blow away by the wind. Bowser was left pointing his claw over to the other train where the five were on the floor incapacitated with laughter.

"That was it?" Bowser looked back at his companion who was content seeing the group on the other train laughing. "I thought you were going to shoot a cannonball or something?"

"Well I don't carry a cannonball with me. Why would you need a cannonball at a party for anyway?"

"Pinky! How are we gonna stop them from shooting at us when we can't reach them!"

"Oh Bowsie, you leave that to ole Pinkie Pie." She turned her cannon, pointing the front end at him. "Now hop in."

He looked down the small hole of the tiny barrel and then to the pony standing behind it. "How do you expect me to even fit in there? My hand alone is too big to fit."

"Like this," she answered, pushing the cannon forward. For reasons Bowser, or probably anyone else, couldn't understand, he found himself falling completely inside the cannon. He looked out of the top and saw that she was taking aim for the train across from them.

"Hey, Pinky, how are you doing thiiiiiiiiiiis?" With the accompanying sound of party trumpets, the Koopa was sent flying across the gap.

"Yo Red!"

Axem Red: What?!

Axem Black: We've got incoming.

Bowser landed in front of them with a loud metal clang against the roof. The Axem Rangers took their positions in front of him as he got to his feet. The five of them struck a pose and began spinning the axes they held in their hands.

Axem Green: So you've come to try and stop us. Fat chance!

Axem Pink: This time it's just one against five!

Axem Yellow: We're gonna mop the floor with you this time!

Axem Black: Pay back, punk!

Axem Red: We've been given an opportunity to repair our image to Lord Smithy and we aren't gonna fail this time!

They all stopped spinning their axes and pointed them at Bowser

Axem Rangers: We are the Axem Rangers! And you don't stand a chance.

While they all stood posing against Bowser, the familiar sound of Pinkie Pie's party cannon shout out again. Suddenly something started pelting the Axem Rangers.

Axem Black: Ouch! What is this stuff? It's smearing my shades.

Axem Pink: Eww! This stuff will ruin my diet.

Axem Red: Hey! Quit firing cupcakes at us!

Bowser looked across to see Pinkie, at the end of her cannon, waving at him.

"Don't worry Bowsie I've got your back!"

Nodding back at her, he then faced the five ax wielding armor clad foes and made the first move. He rushed over to the pink one and slashed his claws at her. She took the hit but stood her ground as Bowser stepped away. The five of them stuck back, each taking a turn to swipe their weapons at him. Black struck first, moving in a flash he appeared in front of Bowser and slashed at him twice. Pink ran in afterwards, giving two quick slashes as well. Red stepped forward and slammed down his ax against his shell. Yellow sprang into the air, landing in front of the Koopa and delivering a well placed chop. Green finished it up by running up to him and jabbed the top of his weapon into Bowser's gut. The all jumped back after they finished their combined assault.

Their group attack left Bowser wobbling, already about to fall over. Just then the party cannon could be heard going off and a batch of cupcakes, slathered in red goop, landed before him. Quickly picked them up, he wolfed em all down. The spicy cakes regained his energy.

Axem Green: Hey no fair!

Axem Yellow: At least share some with me!

Axen Black: At this rate, the one over on that train will just keep healing him. Got any ideas Red?

Axem Ranger Red, standing in the front of his team, jumped back on to the large dome behind them. It opened up to reveal what looked like a large metallic face with a pair of axes for it ears. It turned towards the passenger car on the Friendship Express and opened its mouth.

Axem Red: No worries, the Blade 2's cannon is charged up. I'll take care of that pest.

"Hey Pinky, heads up!" Bowser yelled as the Blade 2's cannon opened fire. The beam of light hit the car, shrouding it behind fire and smoke from the explosion. Seeing that, Bowser inhaled deeply and breathed out furious flames towards the five enemies.

Axem Black: You thought that'd hurt us?

Together, they quickly spun their axes like fans, fending off Bowser's fire breath. Axem Ranger Red, standing at the cannon's control, laughed.

Axem Red: There! No more help for-

The sound of the party cannon went off again. "Whee!"

The Axem Ranger leader was knocked off his cannon as a flying ball of pink slammed into him. Falling back down with his fellow Rangers, They all looked up in horror to see Pinkie Pie was now in control of the cannon.

Axem Red: The cannon still needs to charge, we can get her out of there before then!

As they started to charged, the loud crash of Bowser landing in their way forced them to jump back. He lifted Kamek's wand into the air and a beam of white light shined down beside him. Landing to his left, with his little tank engine revving, was General Guy.

"Reporting for duty!" he shouted, saluting the Koopa to his right.

Bowser unloaded another blast of his molten breath with General Guy following up his attack by rolling five unlit bombs towards the Rangers. The five started spinning their axes again, pushing back the flames once more.

Axem Red: This again! Face it, together we make your fierce flames look like a puny candle light. There's no way you'll—Aack!

The set of round explosives struck the five of them, stopping their ax wind blades. With nothing pushing it back, the fires surged forward and swallowed the rangers. The intense heat was enough to set off the explosives at their feet, blasting each of them in the face. The five wobbled but still stood their ground after the attack.

Axem Yellow: Is that all you… got? Haa… gaa.

Axem Black: That was nothing! We can take five more of those! Hrrng!

Axem Red: Not saying we can't, but let's not give them the chance to try it. We've still gotta get to the cannon!

They rushed the two of them. Bowser and General Guy pushed as hard as they could, but could feel themselves slowly being moved back. Pinkie, atop the Blade 2's cannon control module, watched her friends struggling.

"Hang on guys, help is on the way!" she yelled, pulling out the Element of Kindness from within her mane. She held it up and closed her eyes as she focused. Another ray of light shot down, only this one shined yellow. As the light touched the top of the train, Fluttershy appeared alongside Bowser.

Shaking off the feeling of dizziness that came with traveling at the speed of light, she looked at her surroundings. "Eeep!"

"Fluttershy, pefect timing! We could really use you and your troops about now!"

The frightened pegasus, hearing the familiar friendly voice, turned to face her. "Oh Pinkie Pie, you're here. What a relief, I was starting to worry."

"Less chatting, more helping," Bowser grunted, struggling with the General to keep the Rangers at bay.

"Right, sorry." With a whistle in her hoof she blew as hard as she could. Shortly after, a group of five Flutter Guys, all wearing strange propeller contraptions in their backs, flew to her side. They quickly lined up in front of her and saluted.

"Reporting for duty Colonel Shy!"

She faced them and gently, almost inaudibly, cleared her throat. "Alright troops! Get in there and hold the line!" she ordered, her voice sounding like thunder. Both Bowser and Pinkie couldn't help but stare at her, astonished to hear a roar like that come out of the pegasus.

"That girl sure can make a General proud," General Guy said, wiping the eye hole of his mask.

"Ma'am, yes ma'am!" her troops replied as they rushed to aide in the fight.

Now aboard the Blade 2's roof top, which was still speeding alongside the Friendship Express as they roamed through the desert, Bowser and General Guy, along with Fluttershy's squad of Flutter Guys, were holding back the Axem Rangers from reaching Pinkie Pie at the controls of the Blade 2's cannon, before it could fully charge.

Bowser sent his fist crashing down, bashing Axem Black while Fluttershy flung one of her troops towards Axem Yellow, kicking him in the gut.

Axem Green: Okay creeps, have a taste of this.

He stepped forward and held out his ax in front of him.

Static E!

Suddenly a bolt of lightning came crashing from the sky, striking the group in front of him.

Axem Red: Hey careful with that! You'll break the cannon!

While the two teams were exchanging blow, Pinkie watched the cannon finish charging up.

"Okay guys, ready to fire! Get outta the way!"

Fluttershy, along with two of her troops, grabbed hold of General Guy's tank and lifted it above the cannon's line of fire. The other three Flutter Guys grabbed hold of Bowser and did the same, struggling a little to carry the heavy Koopa. With her friends safely out of the way, Pinkie Pie slammed her hoof on the large button in front of her, firing the light beam straight into the Axem Rangers.

Axem Rangers: Aaaaaaaah!

The force of the blast rocked the entire train as the flash of light engulfed the five foes standing in front of her. After the light faded, the five of them were left lying on the train roof, battered and beaten. As Fluttershy and her troops lowered the General down, the Axem Rangers sprang back to their fight.

Axem Red: This... isn't... This isn't the end for us! Everyone form up!

The five of them huddled together, and stood with their backs against each other. They each held out their axes out and started spinning quickly. Their high speed spin caused them to blur out of sight. Now what seemed like a giant spinning buzz saw stood in front of the ponies and Shy Guys.

The Flutter Guy squad, along with General Guy, took a stand in front of Pinkie and Fluttershy and braced themselves. But suddenly, the troops started to gasp.

"Colonel! General! We're disappearing!" one of them cried out.

Fluttershy and General Guy looked at each other and gasped as well, seeing bits of light rising off of each other.

"Not now! This is the worst possible time!" the General shouted, pounding his little fist on his tank.

Fluttershy flew over to Pinkie, still on the cannon, and held her hooves "Pinkie, what do we do? If we leave now there'll be nothing to stop them from hurting you!" They looked at each other, eyes widening as they tilted their heads down to see they could no longer feel each other's hooves. Before either of them could say anything, the bright beam of light that had brought them down before now sent her, along with General Guy and her troops, back up towards the sky.

Axem Black: What happened? They got scared and ditched you?

Axem Pink: Looks like rent was overdue. Sorry girly, looks like your help got repossessed.

Axem Yellow: I almost feel bad about what were about to do, almost.

Axem Green: Tough luck! You're about to get a taste of the awesome power of the Axem Rangers!

Axem Red: Everyone ready!

Axem Rangers: Charge!


Pinkie shielded herself. Not from the Axem Rangers' attack, but rather from the impact Bowser made when he crash landed on them. The force of the Koopa falling was so great, it left a giant dent on the train. Inside of the metal crater were the five Axem Rangers, all groaning in pain from the Bowser meteor that landed on them. Judging by the way they were hardly moving, Pinkie could tell that the fight was finally over. She hopped off the cannon and trotted over to her companion.

"You alright Bowsie?"

His back cracked as his got up and stretched it. "Oh, just perfect. I always feel like a million gold coins after falling about a hundred feet," he snarked.

She looked up to the sky. "I dunno, it seemed a little higher then that to me."

He simply sighed at her. "Anyways, what happened to those colorful wierdos.?"

"Welllllll," she said, tilting her head to the crater behind him.

Seeing what became of them, Bowser couldn't help but smile. "Gwuhuhuhuh. That explains why my fall didn't hurt so much." He then turned around in search of something. "Where are the others?"

"Oh they had to leave. I guess time ran out."

He crossed his arms and looked over to the Friendship Express. "Well nothing we can do about that now, they helped us outta that one though. We should just hurry and finish this stupid game of Discord's. Now how are we gonna get back over there?"

"We could always just take this train."

"No way." Bowser looked over to her, noticing that irritatingly familiar smile emerging on her face. "What?"

"You liked being on the Friendship Express, didn't you?" she ask in that appealing voice of hers as she nudged her shoulder at him.

"No!" he answered sharply. "I just don't want to stay here any longer. The more I look at it, the more I think about those chump and that just makes my blood boil. So it's just that I don't want to see this dumb thing anymore, that's it," he said, repeatedly stomping his foot on the roof.

Suddenly, a voice boomed from inside the train. "Who's making all that racket up there! Can't I get some sleep?"

The two up top turned over to the silo shaped cannon, hearing the sounds of an elevator coming. It pinged as it reached to top. Shutter doors opened up from the silo and a metallic figure stepped out. He had a large steel rectangular body and his face was hidden under his long hair, beard, eyebrows and mustache. He held a big sledge hammer in the right of his two massive red hands with spiked bracelets, similar to the pair Bowser had on his wrists, and his burly mitts were attached to his body by a chain link. He shined brilliantly in the sunlight, moving closer to the duo. He looked over to the Axem Rangers, passed out in the crater, then turned over to the duo at the other end of the train and stroked his large white facial hair.

Smithy: So we meet once more! I hear you got your castle taken from you, again.

Bowser's clenched fist was rattling strongly as he stared at the unwanted acquaintance. Meanwhile the pony on his left was intrigued by the new arrival, especially with what he just said, or rather the way he said it..

"Hey you over there, Mr. Smithy, How do you do that?"

The royal looking anvil looked over to the pony and couldn't help but laugh.

Smithy: This is your partner? She is rather small, and very pink. Have you--

Pinkie cut him off "There, right there! How do you talk like that? Here, wait, let me try." Both Bowser and Smithy watched, a little perplexed, as Pinkie Pie fidgeted with her lips, until…

Pinkie Pie: How's this? Heee Heee Heee! This is fun!

"Knock it off Pinky! That's just how we use to talk where I came from." Bowser pointed over to Smithy. "That loser over there is just lost in the times."

Steam started blowing out of the crown on Smithy's head. He slammed his hammer against the Blade 2, causing it to quake.

Smithy: Make fun of me? ME! I'll teach both of you! First I'll take you down, then I'll take your castle again just for fun! After that, I think I'll take this world. It'll be easy to do with my glorious weapons! Now, HURRY UP! I've got a score to settle, then a world to conquer! Gufaw haw, haw, haw, haw!

Smithy stepped up and made the first move. His red eyes flashed for a second, then he held his mallet in the air and pointed it at the duo. Twinkles of light started to shine off of it.


A giant mallet came crashing down. Coming without warning and seemingly out of nowhere, it slammed down on Pinkie and Bowser, leaving them lying on the roof. They quickly got back up and Pinkie stepped up.

Pinkie Pie: You're not the only one who can call out the names of their moves as they do em. Come one Bowsie.

Bowser Bowl

With Bowser rolled up into a ball, Pinkie jumped on top and took aim. She galloped as fast as her hooves could go against his shell, moving the Koopa ball towards Smithy. He swung his mallet at it, knocking them to the other edge of the train. Bowser's shell was grinding against the metal roof as Pinkie ran with all her might to keep them from rolling over the edge. The Bowser ball rolled back towards Smithy for a second attempt, this time making contact. They knocked him back, close to his edge of the train.

Reverting back to normal, Bowser rushed over to the metallic foe and sent his knuckles flying for his face. Instead his fist clashed against Smithy's mallet. He tried again but once more the hammer blocked his blow. Bowser started throwing a barrage of punch after punch, but Smithy kept blocking all of it. Pinkie, watching the two giants go at it from atop Bowser's shell hopped down to his side and joined him in the slugfest.

Brilliant flashes of light sparked from the hits Bowser's fist and Pinkie's hooves were making against Smithy's hammer. Now trying to block a set of fists and hooves at the same time, Smithy couldn't handle it all. Quick jabs were making their way through his defenses. Even though he soldiered on, the punches slipping in were starting to really wear him down. He held his hammer out and started quickly spinning it, forcing the brawling duo to back off.

Meteor Swarm

With his hammer shining as he pointed it towards them, a slew of star shaped rainbow colored lights came hurtling at the pair. They tried shielding themselves as best they could but the lights hammered away at them.

Pinkie and Bowser charged in to give Smithy another wailing. When they broke his guard this time, Bowser ducked into his shell and Pinkie quickly jumped on top. The spiked shell began spinning rapidly with the mare on top sticking her back hooves out. Smithy's waist was being grinded against by the rock hard Koopa shell, while his face was repeatedly assaulted by Pinkie's back hooves. As the shell slowed down, Bowser popped back out and delivered a finishing spinning back fist to his bearded visage. Smithy fell over, catching himself before he fell off the train. He grabbed at his chest, breathing deeply.

Smithy: No, NOOOOOO!! NOT AGAIN!! Not after getting a second chance! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

The crown wearing, metal man was steaming. His cold steel body began to match his eyes. He swung his hammer wildly, hitting his fallen minion and sending flying into the horizon. Each rage driven pound made a metallic crunch against the train as he smashed it.

Below their feet, Bowser and Pinkie Pie sensed the train beginning to come apart as they felt explosions going off underneath. One large explosion went off right under them, sending the two skyward.



With a thud, they fell back onto the top of one of the Friendship Express's passenger cars. The two of them stared over to the Blade 2, which was now falling to pieces. Standing at the top, now completely engulfed in the fires of his rage, Smithy was still hammering away at the ship. They caught one last look of him pounding his hammer on the train before it exploded. They both stood their, watching the large fire that still rolled along beside them.

Pinkie Pie: Check it out Bowsie, fireworks.

He looked over to the mare standing behind him and sighed. "Pinky. I've been letting it slide that you're still calling me that nickname, but can you please stop talking like that. I don't want to be reminded of that guy anymore then I already have."

She looked back at him and giggled. "Okay Bowsie that's fair. It was kinda hard to keep talking like that anyways."

As they started making their way to the ladder to climb down to the passenger car, something on the rolling fireball got their attention.


They turned their head and peered into the burning wreck. In the gaps of red and black, Pinkie and Bowser saw something stranding at the front of the demolished train. It then shot out of the smoke and into the sky. Their eyes followed the flying object as it fell and landed on the front of the train, causing every car to shake from its impact.

"What do you think that was?" Pinkie asked.

Narrowing his eyes down the line of passenger cars, Bowser spotted something headed their way. "I dunno, but by the look of that weird light headed our way, we'd better get up there and find out," he said, pointing a claw over to a trailing crack that was quickly making its way towards them.

Running to the next car just as the crack made it to the end of the train, the pair looked back to see the car behind them blow up. The two spent a moment, gawking at what just happened, before looking back in front to notice more cracks headed their way. Both pony and Koopa shared a determined looked at each other before racing forward.

They ran together, dodging cracks headed for them as they leaped from one car to another. Passenger cars going up in flames behind them while they continued their dash for the front.

"Up there Bowsie, it's Smity! I think?" Pinkie announced, with her hoof pointing up to the engine car where a familiar metal laced creep sat on the roof, but there was something different with his head. Gone was his long luscious white hairs. All that remained on his ball shaped head was his bulging red eyes, golden crown, and mouth with four sharp teeth.

Smithy: YOU!! YOU TWO!! How dare you make me lose my cool like that! I was given a second chance to mop the floor with you Bowser. I wanted to keep myself from showing my true form, but you and the horse there just had to push me. This is my shot at vengeance... and I'm not about to lose it. NOOOO!

While he continued pounding his hammer against the engine roof, both Pinkie and Bowser stood atop the last passenger car, ready to face off against him once more time. The pair charged in, lashing out at Smithy with all they had, but he just stood their and took all of their strikes.

Smithy: is that it?!

Mega drain

A beam of pink light shot out from his chest that struck the duo. Smithy then started pounding his hammer on his head, molding its shape into that of a tank. He moved up to Bowser and fired a round, knocking him off his feet and onto his shell.

"Ah! I forgot how tough this guy actually was," the koopa groaned, getting back onto his feet with the help of Pinkie who push him up.

"Come on Bowsie, we can't let this guy stop us from saving our friends. No matter how tough or creepy looking he is. Show him that you're no push over!"

With her little pep talk raising his spirits, he rolled back to his feet and unleashed a wave of flames onto Smithy. Pinkie, leaned over the side of the engine car and poked her head in through the window.

"Hi," she said to the terrified conductor, who was cowering in the corner of the engine room due to all the commotion. She then pointed a hoof to the pile of coal in the back of the room. "Could I borrow a few of these? It's kinda an emergency." The train shook from the fight taking place above as she asked. Not moving from his fetal position, the engineer pony nodded.

Rejoining the fight, Pinkie Pie assisted Bowser's fire attack by chucking her newly acquired pieces of coal. The onyx clumps ignited mid flight from the heat, causing them to burst upon impact against Smithy. The mechanical foe answered back by pounding his hammer on his head again. This time shaping it into the form of a wizard. With his wizard head's arms aim up, Smithy began to cast a spell on them.

Arrow Rain

Arrows started falling from the sky, pelted the pair. Trapped on the narrow train, they did their best to shield themselves as the falling arrows damaged everything around them. The wizard head of Smithy's wasn't done yet as its tiny arms waved again.

Sword Rain

This time a flurry of swords came falling down. Slashing and cutting up the train and the party facing him. Pinkie and Bowser, breathing heavily as they grasped their wounds, looked to each other.

"Hey Bowsie."


"This is really hard."

"I know Pinky. You wouldn't happen to have anything to help us turn this around would you?"

"Well we still can use this," Pinkie said, pulling out her cannon from seemingly nowhere again.

Catching on that he shouldn't question how she does that, Bowser dove right into the small cannon that stretched perfectly to fit him. "Alright! Fire away!"

With a quick tug of the string, Bowser was sent flying towards Smithy's face. The metal monstrosity reeled back as the Koopa ball bounce off his head. Pinkie moved her cannon, catching her partner back inside.

"Again!" he shouted. With another tug Bowser flew, striking Smithy again and bouncing back to Pinkie's side. "We almost got him, got anything else we could use?"

She tilted her head back, pointing to a wagon behind her. "Well I do have my welcome wagon."

Bowser wasted no time grabbing hold of the cart and headed back towards Smithy. He stopped for a second and looked back at her. "Pinky, where did you get—Never mind. It's better I don't ask."

Now standing in front of a Smithy, still dazed from the dual strike from earlier, Bowser hoisted the large wagon over his head. "Hey, ugly! Here comes the welcome wagon!" As he smashed the metal foe's head, the wagon opened up. An assortment of horn, flags, a pair of train whistles and two candy cane colored pipes surrounding a miniature oven with cooling tables at its side, popped out. The sound of a record scratching could be heard coming from inside and a jaunty tune started to play.

Pinkie, unable to resist the call of the music, began to sing and dance around while Bowser continued bashing the wagon on Smithy's head.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome. A fine welcome to you!"

"Welcome, welcome, welcome. I say how do you do?!" She tooted on a horn she had, while Bowser started matching his slams of the wagon to the rhythm of of the song.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome. I say hip, hip hooray!" Pinkie hopped around the two of them, beating on a drum strapped onto her. Bowser started spinning while holding onto the wagon, pounding it against Smithy, over and over.

She danced for a bit before leaping high into the air. "Welcome, welcome, welcome to Ponyville todaaaaaaaaay!"

Spinning to a halt, Bower held the wagon over a battered Smithy. As the final beat of the song played, he smashed the wagon down with all his might. Pinkie landed atop the music playing cart and confetti shot out of the twin candy cane cannons. The oven then pinged and a cake sprang out of it, landing at Bowser's feet.

Hopping down from her wagon, Pinkie looked down at the pastry with a delighted smile. "I didn't mix em up this time." she said, reaching down to grab the dessert and taking a bite. "I know it's a little late and we're no longer there, but consider that your welcome to Ponyville. When we get all our friends back, I'll be sure to make an official one. Anyways want some cake?" she asked her partner beside him.

"Blegh, too sweet. Besides, right now I just wanna make sure that's the last we have to deal with that chump." Looking over to the fallen fiend, he noticed the station they were heading for coming up in the distance. He then started cautiously stepping over towards Smithy.

Smithy: Oooooaaaaaah! Guuuuuaaa! NOOOOOOO!

Smithy rose back up, pounding his hammer away against the Friendship Express's engine. Inside the engine car, the conductor was starting to panic. The knobs and dials of the pressure gauges were going nuts; the engine was on the verge of blowing. The constant pounding had disabled the break systems, and with the station coming up, he stood by the door and prepared to jump.

Pinkie peered over the side of the train to see the conductor jumping off as the train rolled past the station.

"Uh oh…"

Meanwhile at the top of the engine car, Smithy had lost it as he flailed his sledge hammer wildly. He hollered incoherently as he lashed out at everything. He fell through the roof and began smashing the engine controls. The duo climbed down after him, keeping a safe distance away.

Smithy: RAAAAAAAH! Gaaaaaaaaah!

With one final slam of his hammer on the controls, rays of blinding light began shining off of him. It was so intense that Pinkie and Bowser had to shield their eyes from it. After the light died down they looked inside to find only Smithy's weapon, still embedded in the engine's controls, remaining.

The train was still speeding down the tracks and its controls were obliterated. Pinkie trotted over and grabbed hold of the hammer's handle. She struggled slightly, but then yanked the hammer out and hoisted it above her head.

*Pinkie got Smithy's hammer.*

Pinkie looked up to the cold silver colored sledge hammer with a lower brow and a hoof on her chin. "Hmm, it's missing something." She pulled it back down and started tinkering with it. Her hooves moved in a pink flurry around the hammer. Bowser could swear he heard the sound of various power tools coming from the pink blur. Finally finished, she lifted her work into the air.

*Pinkie got Pinkie's hammer.*

"There, that's better."

While she held her new, redesigned hammer up in her hooves, the Friendship Express started slowing down. With the train finally coming to a halt, Bowser poked his head out the door. The scenery didn't give him much to be happy about.

"Just great, we missed our stop. It'll take us hours to get there, and I haven't seen any sign of these ruins."

Pinkie tugged on his tail. "Umm Bowsie, look over here." she said directing him to the window on the other side.

He turned around, jaw dropping at what he saw. "I guess we won't need to head to Appleloosa to ask about the ruins after all."

Getting off the destroyed train, the two now headed for the set of pyramids over in the distance.

Inside of the largest pyramid, News of the duo's triumph had reached the general inside.

"Oh man, I can't believe they beat that guy. Now they're headed here. This is bad." As he walked back in forth in his chamber, the sound of hoof steps approached.

"Something troubling you."

He jumped in shock. "Aack!" Turning around, he recognized the star decorations on the hat and cape the mare was wearing. "What, me? No. I'm fine. They're just headed this way and I'm fine."

"You don't need to worry, you have the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria at your side."

"Yeeeeaaah, some magical horse. She doesn't know how to do any of her magic anymore," he said while looking over to a doorway.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie was refering to herself."

"Oh! Right, yes, how could I forget. You keep telling me."

"That's right! And with her out of the way, everypony will know that the greatest and most powerful unicorn in Equestria is Trixie! Now let's make our preparations, they''ll be here soon."