• Published 28th Feb 2012
  • 4,743 Views, 120 Comments

Bowser and Pinkie's Super Bizarre Saga - Alkem

Bowser and Pinkie Pie team up to save her friends and get revenge on Discord for taking his army.

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Chapter 4

Bowser and Pinkie's Super Bizarre Saga.

Chapter 4

Three Diamond Dogs were making their getaway through the Everfree Forest. Sprinting past the many trees, and blowing past the tall grass, they panted heavily as they ran.

"Split up!" Rover shouted as he and his two companions to his left and right fled with the Element of Kindness in possession. Not to far behind the pink hoof steps of their pony pursuer were slowly gaining on them.

"Stop thieves!" Pinkie Pie hollered, as she inched closer and closer to them. she came to a halt as the trio branched off, going to the left, the right, and straight ahead. She stood at the fork, her head splitting three ways for a second trying to follow each of them. "Now what do I do?"

A set of stomps accompanied by a small hum soon came up from behind her. "Pick one and go after them!" Bowser commanded as he, along with General Guy on his tank with Fluttershy, caught up to her.

"Lord Bowser, the Colonel and will go after the target on the right." General Guy said, saluting the Koopa as he rode alongside him. He nodded and looked to the the pink pony ahead of him.

"Hey Pinky, you and me are headed left." Running to sitting mare, he plucked her off the ground and onto his shell.

General Guy's wooden tires squealed on the dirt making a hard right while Fluttershy clung on to the cylinder block sticking up at the back of the tank. Bowser turned left and leaped into the air, quickly rolling into a ball as he hit the soil. With Pinkie Pie at the wheel of the Koopa wreaking ball, the two made their way after the thief.

Bulldozing through the forest, the two of them quickly caught up to the smallest of the Diamond Dog trio, moving past him and cutting him off. Seeing no way he could outrun them, especially witnessing how they just plowed through trees like toothpicks, Spot stopped running and cowered as the mare and Koopa approached him.

He shook as the two of them stood in front of him. "Stay back. Get away! I'll bite! I have flees, and they bite!"

Before the duo could get any closer, something struck the ground next to him. Both of them jumped back as a cloud of smoke surrounded Spot. Bowser and Pinkie Looking up to notice something floating up above them. Riding atop a broomstick was a Koopa that Bowser was very familiar with.

"Kamek! How dare you attack your king?!" he yelled, raising his fist up.

The Magikoopa twitched sporadically as he pointed his staff into the air. "hrrrgggh! Forgive me Bowser! I can't control myself!" he cried out as the jeweled tip of his wand began to glow. Aiming his wand down, he fired another strange blast heading towards Spot. The little Diamond Dog raised he arms to shield himself as the magical spinning bolt landed beside him, bursting into another large cloud of smoke. Suddenly they all felt the presence of something inside the cloud

"Rwaaaaaaaaah!" something roared as a large mouth burst forth from the smoke.

Reacting quickly Bowser grabbed hold of its two big green lips, stopping the massive red with white polka dotted head from chomping down on him and Pinkie. With Bowser holding the large piranha plant in place, Pinkie ran around and climbed up its back, leaping over its out of surprisingly small body and onto its head. Passing though its yellow petal mane, she stood at the top of its head and turned.

She started brushing her tail against where she thought his nose would be. "Coochie coochie coo,"

Reacting to her bushy tail, the piranha plant reeled back its giant head. "Ah, ahhhh, ahchoo!" Sneezing with tremendous force it covered Bowser in goop as it knocked him back.

He started wiping and shaking off the gunk. "Yuck! Petey Piranha slime,"

Pinkie leaped off the piranha plant's head and landed beside him. "Uh Bowsie, you got some—"

"Shut up!" he barked, wiping off more gunk off.

Spot, realizing Petey Piranha was on his side, puffed out his chest and faced the two across from him. "Ha! You two think you're tough huh?. Well me and big guy over here are gonna teach you a lesson!" Petey roared in agreement.

The little Diamond Dog stuck first, quickly running up to the two and heading for Pinkie. His nimble lightning fast paws rooted through her mane. He then ran back Petey's side, holding something in his paws. "I'll be taking that see," he said, triumphantly holding up a cupcake.

"Thief!" Pinkie shouted, charging over and landing a strong left hoof to his jaw.

Falling back, Spot rubbed his sore hoof indented cheek. Pinkie was about pounce to continue her attack, but the flap of Petey's big fan like leaf-arms pushed her back to her side. Spot greedily devoured his ill gotten treat and blew a raspberry her way. "Hah! Take that pony!"

Petey made his move. Rapidly flapping his arms up and down, he took to the air. Flying right over The Koopa's head, Petey did a quick flip and fell down, bottom first. Retracting into his shell, Bowser avoided the attack and forced Petey to ground pound onto his shell spikes.

The plant howled as it bounced off the shell and fell head first before Bowser, his tiny body now dangled helplessly in the as the weight of its huge head made it hard to get back to his feet. Bowser popped out of his and with Pinkie hopping on his shoulder, together they stuck Petey's body. Pinkie, dealing two back kicks while Bowser giving a powerful roundhouse punch sent the plant rolled back next to Spot and back on his feet. As he got up Petey noticed the Koopa start taking in a deep breath.

Seeing Bowser, Petey also inhaled. Pinkie Pie, knowing what her partner was about to do, rushed behind him just in time as the two big brutes exhaled. Waves of flames shot forth from Bowser's mouth while a torrent of vile brown sludge came out of Petey's. The two forces collided into a stalemate between them, neither side overpowering the other as they continued their streams.

Pinkie and Spot watched as the two continued their struggle. Suddenly Pinkie gasped. "Hold on Bowsie, I have an Idea!" She grabbed hold of his tail and started spinning it like a crank.

It doesn't work that way! He yelled in his head, but to his surprise he started feeling something in the pit of his stomache. Wait, what? He could feel his flames became stronger as the pony at he back continued to wind his tail. Not about to stop and question, he kept up his attack..

Overwhelmed by Bowser's intensifying fire breath, Petey and Spot were engulfed in the flames. Once it cleared, they both hacked and coughed, charred but still stood firm.

"Grrrr. We must take out the big fat one first!" Spot ordered. He started running on all fours towards Bowser and leapt into the air. Petey flapped his arms, creating a small wind funnel that caught up with Spot and propelled him even faster as he shot into Bowser's yellow gut.

"Ooooof!" Bowser dropped to his knee as the little Diamond Dog bounced off his stomach and ran back to his side. Pinkie help him back to his feet.

"Let's show them our own moves Bowsie."

Seeing her position herself behind him, Bowser rolled into his ball for. Pinkie bucked, sending him bashing hard against Petey's head, toppling him over as Bowser bounced back towards Pinkie who prepared to kick again. Distracted by his partner's fall, Spot almost didn't notice the green ball headed for him. Ducking at the last second, he turned around and saw that set of trees that were behind him and Petey just a few seconds ago had toppled over and bent. He gulped and knees began to shake, watching what could have been him.

Noticing the Diamond Dog was rattled by the last attack, Petey rose back to his feat and spat up two blobs of gunk that stuck the two across from them. While they were busy wiping off the nasty gunk off, Petey tilted his head towards the sky and spat out goop like a fountain, until the surrounding area was cover in it. Spot, shaking his body clean of slime, looked at his teammate.

"Hey wait! What are you—"

Spot was cut short as Petey grabbed him by his paws and started to spin.
Together they glided across the muck ridden ground, spinning rapidly as they circled around Pinkie and Bowser. Dangling at the mercy of his partner's grip Spot felt himself being repeatedly smacked into something.



Caught in the middle of the routine, Bowser and Pinkie were being repeatedly pounded as Petey spun with the grace of an figure skater around them, using Spot as his weapon. Finally coming to a stop in front of the pony and Koopa, Petey hurled Spot into the air and took a small bow. Falling back down, the little Diamond Dog fell on Petey's head, turning his little nod of the head into a powerful head butt that smashed the two in front of him.

"Ooooh…" Bowser groaned, he and Pinkie Pie picking themselves up as Spot and Petey backed away. "We can't let them do that one again. I don't think my shell can take it again."

"Me neither." Pinkie started thinking about how to counter. "Hmmm... I've got it! Bowsie, I need you to roll up again." As her curled himself down, she smiled and gave him a little wink. "This time it's a little different, trust me."

She jumped onto the Bowser ball and started galloping as fast as she could. The ball tore into the ground ground as it spun at high speeds. With one final stomp, she and Bowser went flying towards Petey. The impact knocked the walking plant of his feat. As the two of them bounced off his head, Pinkie aimed and bucked her partner again, sending him crashing into a still airborne Petey for a second time and knocking the piranha plant further back. The force of the blow sent him smashing through a boulder and two trees before tumbling to a stop. Struggling to get back up, Petey roared one last time before bursting into a cloud of smoke.

Watching his partner beyond the trees vanish into thin air, Spot started tugging at his ears in frustration. "Ah… no!" He slowly turned to see Pinkie Pie now standing right in front of him. The ground shook as Bowser, still rolled up, landed behind her, making the pony in front of him even more intimidating; even if she had a big friendly grin on her face. Spot just back from her. "Grrrrr… Boo you two. I won't forget this!" he yelled as he ran off.

"Hey wait come back! Give us the element you took!" Pinkie shouted, starting to give chase again.

"He doesn't have it!" Kamek yelled, still hovering above them. "The one you're after ran straight ahead. Now hurry before you lose him."

"Wait, why are you helping? I thought you were working for that meanie Discord?" asked Pinkie.

"My body maybe under his control, but my mind is still my own and still loyal to King Bowser." Saying that he flew off into the shadows of the woods. "Now hurry before I end up getting their first!"

"Okay Bowsie let's go and find that Element. Maybe our friends got to him first."

Elsewhere in the forest, Fido had gotten himself into a little jam.

"Well it looks like you've got nowhere to go." General guy stated as he and Fluttershy had Fido pinned. The large Diamond Dog, with his back against a group of trees that blocked him, snarled and flashed his teeth. The little Pegasus, standing next to the wooden block tank, stepped towards him with a gentle smile.

"Excuse me Mr. Diamond Dog, the General and I just want the Element of Kindness you and your friends took. It doesn't belong to you and we would like it back. So if you would be so kind as to return it, we would really appreciate it."

The General, turned to the mare. "Colonel Shy, we should not be showing compassion to the enemy, at least not until he hands us what we want. Right now he's our captive and unless he does not comply to our demands we'll have to take it by force."

While the Shy Guy commander was lecturing his second about proper war etiquette, Kamek appeared. Before they could turn their heads up, he pointed his wand towards Fido and fired.

General Guy rolled back, tugging Fluttershy with him as a plume of smoke rose from the impact area. "You alright Colonel?" he asked, setting her gently on the ground.

"Yes General, thank you sir," The two of them peered into the cloud, hearing pounding noises coming from within.


A pair of burly yellow arms popped out and started swinging like windmills, blowing away the smoke. With the shroud cleared away, General Guy tilted his hat up slightly as he recognized the round headed, red shelled Koopa standing next to Fido.

"Boom Boom," he said as Fluttershy flew to his side.

"What's a 'Boom Boom', General Sir?"

"Trouble. It seems getting this missing Element of yours is going to be tougher than I thought. Steel yourself Colonel, this is going to be tough."

The Diamond Dog and Koopa shared and accepting look between each other and nodded before they began to charge. Hitting the gas, General Guy met their tackle head on with the front of his tank. The impact between the three canceled out.. Reaching inside the tank General Guy pulled out a bomb and chucked it at Boom Boom. .

Fido watched as his partner dipped into his shell as the blast hit, not even get a scratch from it, and laughed. "With weird turtle thing helping me, you two are toast." He jumped behind his partner, who was still in his shells, and gave it a good kick.

Fluttershy gasped as the red shell moves towards her. Try as she might she could dodge it, every sidestep she made the shell did at well. She shut her eyes and shielded her face for impact. But to her surprise the impact never came.

"Huh?" Looking down to her feet, she realized that she had been flying the whole time. Boom Boom quickly ran back next to Fido's side, hand on his face as he shook his head at his partner's terrible shot..

The General couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "Okay, never mind what I said Colonel. Judging from that last attack this may actually be easier than I thought. Let''s get the boys to finish this, they could use some practice." Whistling loudly he summoned the squadron of Flutter Guys, who were now wearing modified masks that resembled their Colonel's smiling face. They took formation in front of Fluttershy and General Guy and awaited their orders.

General Giuy at the edge of his tank and pointed to the two across from him. "Attack!" Rushing over, the group of knee high yellow troops swarmed, pummeling the Koopa and Diamond Dog

"Get off!" Fido shouted as he and Boom Boom started spinning like tops with their arms sticking out.


The high pitched cries of the troops filled the forest air as their bodies went flying from their attack. Fluttershy took to the sky, catching one of them. The Flutter Guy in her hooves turned to face her.

"Thank you Colonel. Now please, send me back into the fray, I wish to fight and uphold your honor." She gently squeezed the cute little yellow hooded creature for a moment and then did as he requested. "For Colonel Shy!" he chanted as he landed on the Diamond Dogs head and began punching and kicking it. Ceasing his attack, Fido focused on getting the little vermin off his face. While he and Boom Boom now struggled to get the little warrior off, Fluttershy went after more of her troops, each of them requesting the same thing..

"Get off! Get off little pest!" Fido ordered, flailing his arms in a panic while Boom Boom pulled hard on the Flutter Guy; too busy to notice more soldiers were coming at them from all angles.

With their squeaky voiced battle cries, the pipsqueak soldiers unloaded another pummeling that overwhelmed the two of them. The savage beating continued until both the Diamond Dog and Koopa were left lying on the forest grass, twitching and moaning in pain. Boom Boom, lacking the strength to get up collapsed and vanished in a cloud of smoke. Fido, now solo again, turned his head up to see a pair of teal colored eyes belonging to the pink haired yellow pegasus and her group of soldiers whose masks all resembled her likeness.

"May we please have the Element back Mr. Diamond Dog?" she politely asks as she stuck her hoof out.

"Please?" the group of Flutter Guys around her repeated, stretching their little hands out.

Finding it difficult to look directly at the sweet mare, that difficulty only magnified by the group of masks. With all eyes on him, lip quivering and ears sagging more then usual, he looked up at the pony with guilt in his eyes. "Sorry," was all he could utter in front of her before he took off. "I'm sorry! I don't have it!"

General Guy pointed at the escapee "After him troops!" The soldiers below were hopping up and down, yelling among themselves as they started riling up.

"That coward!"

"Wait," said Fluttershy, trying to quell their anger.

"We'll show him!"

"Please wait."

"For the General!"



"For Colonel Shy!"


"Let's get em everyguy!"

Fluttershy flew in front of the troops. "Waaaaaaaaaiiiiiiit!" The rows of soldiers to toppled over one another and looked up to her. "He told us he didn't have it and that he is sorry. I think he's learned his lesson. Don't you agree General?" she asked, staring up to the white coated Shy Guy.

As he looked at smiling face of hers, a pinch of red appeared on his mask and her quickly turned away. "Ahem, I suppose you're right Colonel. Theirs no point in chasing him if he doesn't have what we're after. We should move out, our next target is the one who ran straight ahead." General Guy turned his vehicle and reached his hand out to Fluttershy. "Let's move Colonel, Lord Bowser and his companion may have already reached the target and need our support."

With Fluttershy sitting by his side as he drove down the forest path, General Guy saw someone standing in their path. Slamming on the brakes, they stop just before an unwelcome figure.

"Sorry to break it to you General, but I'm afraid you and your, heh heh, Colonel there won't be going anywhere. Well actually you will be, just not where you want to go."

"Discord!" Fluttershy shouted, stamping her hoof on the tank.

The Draconequus leaned back, surprised by her strong tone. "My you've developed quite a spine haven't you? I guess military life did you well. Very well done General."

"Save you're compliments, I'd rather do latrine duty. Why have you shown yourself?"

"Relax peewee; I haven't come to harm you. I'm just here to enforce the rules of the game I'm playing with those two." A large book appeared and hovered in front of him. "And according to the rules, only those two are allowed to play. Even though they did freed you two fair and square, I can't have you tagging along with them. So instead you'll be spending your time locked away in that turtle's castle."

"Just try it!" General Guy shouted, powering up his tank's light bulb cannon. A bolt of lightning shot out of the large bulb on the pipe block at the back of the cannon.

Catching the bolt with his paw, Discord used it as a back scratcher. "Yeah, that hits the spot, and it tingles too." Casually tossing the bolt away, it hit a tree, splitting it in two and filling the area with the smell of burnt wood. "Sorry but you two don't have a choice. You're coming with me." With a wave of his talon, an aura of green light surround the General and Fluttershy.



"Enjoy your stay you two, oh and say hi to Tubba for me, he's been pretty lonely up there." The two struggled to free themselves but could not escape as Discord's magic engulfed them both.

After dealing with those two, the Draconequus turned his attention to Kamek who was still floating nearby. "As for you. Seeing how you gave me so much trouble back in the caste, I figured you'd do a better job at stopping them. I mean don't get me wrong, I like the whole summoning minions thing you do, but it just isn't cutting it. I'll give you one last chance before I let you go. And remember, it has to be fun."

Pinkie Pie, galloping quickly through the forest atop Bowser, finally caught up with the last of the Diamond Dogs. "All right thief, give us back the Element you stole!"

Seeing the pony chasing after him on a large spiked green ball that was crushing and knocking away everything in its path, Rover knew he had no chance of escaping.

Pinkie stomped her hooves on the shell, grinding it just a few feet away from Rover. While Bowser uncoiled himself, she jumped down and approached. Beginning to sweat as the pony walked up to him. He flinched, shutting his eyes as her mouth moved. "Okie dokie, please hand over the Element."

His eyes creaked open slightly and his ears bent down as he stared at her smiling face and outstretched hoof. "Just like that? You mean you're not going to hurt me?"

"Well if you're giving us back the Element you stole why do we need to hurt you?"

"For fun," Bowser cut in.

She smiled at, nudging her shoulder on his gut. "Oh Bowsie, you're such a kidder." Rover nervously laughed and looked up to Bowser. Judging from the Koopa's sinister smile, he could tell he wasn't joking.

As Rover reached into his red vest pocket a mysterious colorful powder began falling from the sky. They all looked up and saw Kamek flying above them, dropping the rainbow colored sand on them. Feeling strange, Rover took his paw out of his pocket and checked out his paws, realizing who whole body was shining various colors..

"Sorry Lord Bowser, I can't control myself." Kamek whimpered as the Diamond Dog below started to grow in size. Now standing taller than Bowser, Rover couldn't help but give the duo facing him a content smirk. With another wave of his wand, Kamek blasted another of his summoning spells. Now standing beside the over sized Diamond Dog was a big black cannon ball with a set of arms and legs, a crown and a fairly impressive white mustache. His yellow boots stomped on the ground as he stepped forward, raising his white gloved fist at Pinkie and Bowser.

Rover swiped his massive paw at them. "Hahaha! With my new size and round guy here, I don't need to give you the trinket back! In fact I can take all the trinkets, gems, and jewels and never have to get them back ever!"

"Aww, and things were just going smoothly," said Pinkie Pie, jumping back to dodge. Bowser on the other hand caught Rovers hand and held him in place. While Rover tried pulled his hand away, his assistant was making his way towards Bowser; very, very slowly.

"Hurry up!" Rover yelled at the walking ball, still trying to pull his hand free from Bowser.

"Hah! That's what you get, That Big Bob-omb's always been a slow poke!"

"Be quiet turtle!" Rover growled, raising his other paw to stick him.

Taking one claw off Rover paw, Bowser reached up and caught the Diamond Dog's second paw. "You might be bigger than me, but your still a weakling compared to the Koopa king!"

Rover now struggled to break both his arms free. "Boo I say, boo to you green and pink. My fellow dogs and I are the greatest thieves in Equestria, we won't let goodie two shoes like you stop us!"

"I ain't no good guy, but there's no way I'm gonna let some thieves steal something from me!" He turned his head to Pinkie. "Any time now Pinky!" he shouted, tilting his head to point over to Rover.

Pinkie Pie ran past the slow moving Bob-omb and right up to Rover. With his arms being held by the Koopa across from him, he couldn't defend himself.

"Oooof!" Rover grunted at Pinkie Pie planted her back hooves into his gut.

Seeing his partner take damage, the Bob-omb standing in between the grappling brutes turned to face Pinkie and pulled something out of his back. Seeing what his companion was holding, Rover began struggling even harder to free himself.

"Wait! Stop, don't throw that!" he pleaded as King Bob-omb lobbed bob-ombs towards Pinkie.

With the greatest of ease she sidestepped the incoming Bob-omb headed towards her. Playfully hopping about, Pinkie dodged more of the incoming explosives. With each of the missed throws going past her and hitting Rover, Bowser could feel the big Diamond Dog resisting less and less. As he let go of the hairy grayish brown arms, they fell to the ground.

Feeling a small tap on his shoulder, King Bob-omb turned to see Bowser's fist head right for him. With one last dodge, Pinkie avoided Big Bomb-ombs as it flew past, slamming into the worn out Diamond Dog's stomache.

"Ugh…. Hack…" Rover toppled over, body slamming his partner and shaking to forest so much the leaves in the trees around them fell. Tumbling out of his pocket, the Element of Kindness landed by Pinkie's Hoof as Rover regressed back to his regular size. As Pinkie was about to pick up the object that had been after, a voice interrupted her.

"Rover, Rover!" Spot yelled as he and Fido ran out from the bushes. The two of them lifted there knocked out friend, glared at the Pinkie and Bowser and started make their escape..

"You two'll pay for this."

"Next time Pink and Green one won't stop us from taking all the jewels we want."

Now that the Diamond Dogs were out of the picture, Pinkie Pie picked up the fallen necklace and held it high into the air. As she did a triumphant set of horns started to play and some words appeared above her.

*You got the Element of Kindness!*

Bowser just stared at the little show, not sure what to make of what he was seeing. "Hey Pinky, how are you doing that?"

She looked up and saw the words. "I dunno, but it's pretty neat huh?" She lowered her hooves and then raised it again, The horns played again and the words reappeared above her. "This is fun!" She started repeatedly raising and lowering the Element, each time the music and words started playing.

"Cut that out! Those horns are starting to give me a headache!" Bowser hollered.

"Aww but its fun, plus with this I'm sure Fluttershy and General Guy can find us."

The two of them waited for the other two but sudden thud of a bystander falling from his broom caught their attention. Bowser rushed over and held the little Magikoop by his blue robe and started shaking him, knocking off his glasses and hat.

"So have you betrayed me too Kamek!"

"N-n-no, y-yo-ur sur-sur-ly-ness," Kamek struggled to say as he was being manhandled.

Ceasing his throttling, Bowser placed him down where he wobbled over to Pinkie Pie who was wearing his fallen headgear. "Thank you," he said as he grabbed his hat and glasses from her. "Master Bowser I'm terribly sorry I did the best I could to save your castle but that villain captured me and turned my body against me. But It seems that thanks to you I have been freed."

"That's fantastic news!" Pinkie shouted, joining Kamek's side. "Now we have three friends joining us."

Hearing her mention the other two, Kamek sighed as he looked at the excited pony. I'm afraid I have some bad news. Discord has recaptured General Guy and your friend and locked them away in the castle."

Bowser and Kamek started backing away from her. The look on her face had even the Koopa King a little frightened. "That cheater!"

Kamek raised his little yellow hand at her. "Hold on, they may be trapped but they can still help you two out in your journey,"


A confident smile grew on his face as he adjusted his glasses. "Before I was captured I managed to place a spell in the castle, with it you two can summon people to aid you just like I was doing previously. It isn't the same as my magic, but with it you can briefly summon someone from the castle."

Pinkie Pie began hopping excitedly. "Show me how, show me how!"

As Kamek was about to explain, King Bob-omb, still nearby, rolled over next to the three of them. He flashed them a big smile as his large mustache quickly started to burn. Before they could react he exploded, sending them skyward and headed out of the forest.