• Published 28th Feb 2012
  • 4,744 Views, 120 Comments

Bowser and Pinkie's Super Bizarre Saga - Alkem

Bowser and Pinkie Pie team up to save her friends and get revenge on Discord for taking his army.

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Chapter 6

Bowser and Pinkie's Super Bizarre Saga

Chapter 6:

Underneath the blazing hot sun, miles away from Appleloosa, the odd duo of Pinkie Pie and King Bowser were walking away from the remains of the Friendship Express and headed towards the mysterious ruins ahead of them. The white desert plains were mute. The only sounds that accompanied the two of them as they trekked on were the constant moans and groans of the bulky Koopa.

"Why does it have to be so hot?" Bowser whined, shielding his head from the harsh sunlight with one hand while the other was vigorously fanning his face. Always full of energy, Pinkie hopped along beside him, almost oblivious to the intense heat.

"Try taking your mind off the heat Bowsie. Just imagine you're on a cold snowy mountain or maybe swimming in a lake." Trying her suggestion, Bowser stopped and closed his eyes, trying hard to focus. "Instead of being in this scorching desert with the sun beating down on your head and the sand feeling like it's a million degrees with no sign of water for miles." A nerve bulged by Bowser's left eye in response to his colleague's constant remind of their present location.


She stopped her bouncing and tilted her head as she stared at him. "Yes Bowsie?"

"Stop talking about the heat."

"Oh, okie dokie."

They resumed their march, Bowser slowly trudging along, while his happy go lucky partner happily hopped along beside him. Although being incredibly patient, Pinkie's incessant jovial attitude was slowly wearing him down, or maybe it was just the heat. Whatever it was, he soldiered on, dragging his carcass across the arid stretch of scorching hot sand with the intense sun beari—

Pinkie looked up to the sky with her eyes furrowed. "Hey come on, Bowsie just asked us not to mention the heat."

Oh! But I was just, um sorry…

"It's alright!" she replied with a smile and a wink.

The two of them walking along the… plain?

"That's better. Thanks," she said, nodding towards the sky.

Right, well then, let's continue. They finally arrived at the front of the ruins and surveyed the area. There, large yellow blocked pillars, strange orb shaped statues, and tilted pyramids were all over the place but there was no one in sight, not even the round creatures they heard were roaming about back in Ponyville; there was only sand and the stone structures around them.

Pinkie spotted the largest pyramid on the other side of the ruins. "Over there Bowsie," she said, pointing. "It looks like we can get inside over there."

Standing in the shade of the largest pyramid, three Diamond Dogs were panting heavily while they tried cooling themselves down.

"Rover, why'd we come here!" Spot growled. "This heat is driving me crazy." He fell over on Fido's lap who was sitting against the side of the angled building.

Breathing through his mouth with his tongue sticking out while he pulled at his grey vest, Fido pushed the little dog off his lap and looked over to the Diamond Dog standing a few feet in front of him with his back to them. "Yeah Rover, why'd you say we should come to this place?"

Rover stood, looking out over the ruins. He then turned to the extinguished dogs behind him. "These are undiscovered ruins. Everyone is coming here to explore. Don't you know what that means?"

Spot, still on his back, turned his head up to look as Fido who stared back at him and shrugged his shoulder. "No," they said together.

Rover smacked his palm against his forehead at them. "It means there's bound to be lots of treasures hidden around here. If we want to rebuild, we have to start by getting more treasure." Rover walked over to the corner of the pyramid and saw the entrance on the other side. "I bet we'll find lots of treasures in here." He waved over to his cohorts. "Now let's go!"


"Uuuugh," the pair of lying dogs groaned, forcing themselves back up.

As they walked over to join him a cloud of smoke appeared in between the three of them. They stood and watched as the plume cleared to reveal a hooded unicorn.

"You three want to get your home back right?" she asked, shielding her face underneath her star ornamented light purple cloak.

Spot, Fido and Rover's eyes widened, flickering with hope upon hearing her question. "Yes!" they shouted, wagging their tails and nodding their heads furiously.

The whites of her teeth could be seen from her shaded visage. "Then just do what I say and I promise you'll get your home back." The cloaked mare's horn shined brightly as a cloud appeared and surrounded them. They vanished, leaving only the sand swirling around where they had vanished from.

Now inside, Pinkie and Bowser were taking a moment to enjoy the comfort of the shade before they continued. While Bowser was slouched against the wall, Pinkie was picking items from her mane, going over her supplies. "Cupcakes? Check. Hot sauce? Check. Elements of kindness and laughter?" She pulled out both jeweled necklaces, suddenly feeling a sense of sadness as she dangled the butterfly shaped crystal adorned one in front of her.

Come on Pinkie Pie, you're doing this to save your friends. You've got to be tough. Just think, how would a brave pony like Applejack, Rainbow Dash or Twilight act in a time like this?

She turned her head, looking to her partner who was leaving dents in the wall with his spiky shell.

Also how would Bowsie get along without you?

Pinkie refocused on the Element in hoof and continued her review. "Check." She placed the necklaces away and then pulled out an odd colored cupcake. Rai—"

"Woof woof!"

The bellowing bark cut her off. It echoed through the entire structure and out to the ruins around it. Bowser quickly pushed himself off the wall and stood at the ready to face whatever caused it. Pinkie, unsure what to make of it looked back at him. "What was that Bowsie? Sounded like some sort of dog."

"That's no dog. I'd recognize that kind of bark any day. Now I'm positive about the creatures the ponies in town were talking about."

"What is it then?"

"They're called Chain Chomps; they're big, tough, short tempered, and have a nasty bite. Judging by the sound of the one we just heard, it's pretty big."

Worried over what he just said, Pinkie looked down at the last of her supplies she held in her hoof. Thank goodness I got Ms. Cake to help me bake this before we left. "Check," she said to herself before placing it back in her mane.

Now moving further inside, they found it strangely empty. Down the long narrow corridor, coming across spacious rooms, there were no traps, no puzzles, nothing. While they continued walking, they were unaware that two figures were watching them from afar. Deep in the center chamber of the pyramid, the second of Bowser's former generals nervously watched the magical cloud projection that displayed the intruder's progress. Beside him, The Great and Power Trixie looked on with a scowl.

"How could you not have set up any traps? Or even have one Chain Chomps around the inside Tutankoopa? I thought controlling Chain Chomps was your thing?"

Removing the pharaoh hat with a small Chain Chomp figure on the front, Tutankoopa wiped the sweat off of his shiny barren yellow head. "It is! It's just that with so many of you ponies coming around to explore my ruins, my pets have all run out chasing after them. Ponies run a lot faster than anything they're used to in my world and they wound up chasing trespassers so far they got lost. I didn't think by the time those two finally got here all of my pets would be gone. Worst of all I've lost my whistle to call them all back."

"Useless!" Trixie shouted stomping her hoof. The chamber then rumbled, not from the unicorn's hoof but from the room next door. Trixie looked over to the doorway and clicked her teeth. "You have no Chain Chomps at your disposal, except for that one you have almost no control over!"

The white robed Koopa looked to the ceiling, seeing bits of sand drop. He slowly stretched out his trembling arms towards the belligerent unicorn. "Now calm down Trixie, we don't want to upset him." His arms were slapped away by Trixie's hoof.

"It doesn't matter, she's with him. He's usually calm with her," They then heard a voice coming from the next room.

"Calm down Chompy, it's alright." The rumbling immediately stopped in response to the girl's voice.

Trixie looked back to Tutankoopa. "See," she said, rolling her eyes. "So do you have anything you can do to stop them?"

Scratching his head while he watched the image above, Tutankoopa suddenly snapped his fingers. "Okay, watch this." He cupped his palms together and placed them over his mouth. His voice suddenly echoed throughout the pyramid.

"Blaaaargh! Booooaaaaaar! Those who dare enter the ruler of the sand, Tutankoopa's palace, leave now before you suffer a horrible fate."

He looked back at Trixie who didn't seem as impressed as he thought she'd be.

"That's it? A warning? That's what you came up with?"

"What? I said it in a really spooky voice."

"Do you honestly think telling them in a spooky voice to go away will actually work?" Trixie looked up at the screen and saw Pinkie trembling behind Bowser, who appeared as though he was covering his face.

"Hah!" Tutankoopa shouted. "You see that Trixie, it does work."

Back in the passageway, Pinkie Pie was shaking vigorously behind her Koopa companion. "Wha-wha-what was that? A ghost?"

Standing in front of her, Bowser was sliding his palms down across his face, finishing a long drawn out sigh. "I can't believe it's him. I can't believe he'd think that'd work. I really need to think about who I appoint as a general."

Pinkie Pie walked around to face her partner. "You know who that is Bowsie?"

"Yes," he answered, lowering his head. "Tutankoopa is another of my generals, ruler of the sand and controller of Chain Chomps. He's not very tough, but his Chain Chomp pets are. He also has some magic powers." Bowser then looked down the hallway and punched his palm. "But none of that's gonna stop me from pounding him into the sand when I'm done with him."

Pinkie began rubbing her chin. "So if he's one of your friends—"

"Generals," Bowser blurted.

"Okay, general friends. Then that means one of my friends is with him." He simply shrugged his shoulders at her. Noticing his reaction Pinkie tried a different approach. "That also means we'll be one step closer to beating Discord."

Bowser immediately headed further down the corridor. "Come on Pinky, let's get this over with."

Back in the main chamber, Tutankoopa looked on at the projection with his mouth hanging open. Beside him, Trixie couldn't help but chuckle. "Great job there Tut. Now that he knows who you are, he seems more eager to find you."

The pharaoh looking Koopa turned to her, gnashing his teeth. "What about you? I don't see you coming up with anything to stop them? I thought you said Discord sent you to help me."

Trixie hid her smile under her hoof, trying to stop enjoying his panicking. "The Great and Powerful Trixie already has something planned. Those two should be running into it soon. They probably won't make it past what I've got in store, but just in case, you may want to prepare yourself for a fight."

The little Chain Chomp figure on his hat bobbed up and down as Tutankoopa nodded. "You're right. You keep an eye on those two while I go and make preparations. Just be ready to help me when its time." Seeing him make his way out of the room, Trixie heard the sound of barking in the room behind her. "Down boy down! I'm not a chew toy you rotten ball of teeth!"

The voice belonging to the girl in the room spoke out as well. "Down Chompy, Tut's a friend."

Now alone, Trixie watched as Pinkie and Bowser make their way towards what she had set up for them.

Stepping into the largest chamber yet, Pinkie and Bowser noticed something moving on the other side of the room. Soon they heard the voices of the three familiar figures in the distance.

"Now where do we go Rover?" Fido asked, grabbing around at the walls.

Rover was standing to his left with Spot at his right; they were all moving their paws all over the brick wall. "Just keep looking. We've got to find a way further inside. There has to be a secret switch around here somewhere." The sound of Bowser's approaching footsteps caused their ears to sticking up as they turned to notice the pony and Koopa.

Spot yanked on an ear while pointing to the pair facing them. "Aaaah! It's those two from the forest again. They're here to take the treasure before us!"

Both Bowser and Pinkie stared at the three of them with a confused gaze. "Treasure? we're not here for any—" Bowser quickly placed his claw over Pinkie's mouth.

"There's treasure here? Then it's all mine then."

Rover took a step forward with Spot and Fido taking an aggressive stance. "So you are after the treasure! Well we got here first. And we're not about to let you get past us."

Standing on Rover's right, Spot poked him on the side. "How are we gonna to do that, they beat us the last time remember? And we don't have some big guy to come help us."

Remembering, Rover took a step back with the others doing likewise. Just then they felt the floor at their paws begin to sink. Looking down they saw the slab they were on descend and was followed by a loud click above them. Everyone tilted their heads up to see a portion of the ceiling slide open.

Dropping from the darkness with a big metal thud against the stone floor, a large shiny black ball crashed in front of the dog trio. It growled, opening its white eyes with tiny black pupils that focused on the pony and Koopa across from it. It then started opening its mouth to reveal a set of razor sharp teeth that made a jarring chomping sound as it opened and closed its mouth.

"Bowsie, is that one of those Chain Chompy thingies you mentioned?" Pinkie asked.

Bowser stared down the living ball and chain. "Yup. If we're up against Tutankoopa then we were bound to run into them eventually." He cracked his knuckles and raised a fist at it. "Let deal with it first. Then we can deal with those three weaklings back there." As he pointed to the Diamond Dog trio, a cloud of smoke appeared by them.

"That's enough. You three have done exactly what I needed you to do. I'll get you out of here." Another plume of smoke burst forth, engulfing the dogs and leaving Bowser and Pinkie alone with the Chain Chomp.

"Who was that?" Bowser asked fanning away the smoke that filled the room.

Beside him, Pinkie was coughing and fanning as well. "I have no Idea, but whoever she was, she sure knew how to make a good entrance and exit. That aside, I think we should worry more about Mr. Chain Chomp over there."

The barking ball lunged, slamming against Bowser and knocking him against the wall. Pinkie struck back with the Pinkie's hammer she pulled from her mane. The sledge hammer left a pink streak behind it as it sliced through the air, clanging against the chomping sphere and sending it careering to the opposite side of the room. It smashed through the stone walls, revealing another chamber behind. Pinkie trotted over and peered through the new hole she made, spotting her opponent lying upside down under a pile of rubble with spirals in its eye. Meanwhile Bowser was busy trying to pull himself off the wall.

Peeking into the new room, she spotted the upside down Chain Chomp lying with a pile of rubble covering while it lay motionless. Continuing to observe the room, she spotting a stairway leading down below and smiled. She then looked back behind her. "Bowsie, over here. I think I found where we're supposed to go."

"That's great Pinky, swell. I just need you to do something before we head down."

"What is it?"

Bowser wriggled and jerked, but his shell spikes kept him in place. "Get me off of this wall!"

Finally done with his preparations, Tutankoopa stepped back inside a now empty main chamber. He looked around, but his showy assistant was nowhere to be found. He looked up to the magical projection and gasped at what he saw. "Oh no! They're almost here and Trixie's gone!" He frantically ran in circles before coming to a brief halt. "Oh wait I know, I'll just get her to help. She may not be able to do any magic, but some help is better than no help at all." he looked to the door and called out. "Oh Twilight."

"Yes Tut?" replied the voice in the next room.

"Could you come here? I could really use your help."

"Aww, and I was having fun with Chompy."

Just then a cloud of grayish blue smoke appeared in between the doorway. "Don't worry, you can keep on playing," said Trixie, walking out from the vanishing plum and over to Tut who was sweating a river.

"Yay! We can still play Chompy!" A loud bark followed Twilight's cheery statement, causing everything to rumble.

Both Tut and Trixie wiped off the dust that fell from the ceiling on their hats. With his arms crossed and his sandal repeatedly tapping against the granite floor a Tut covered in nervous sweat glared at Trixie. "Where have you been?"

Stopping at his side before the magical display, Trixie rolled her eyes at him. "I was just cleaning up after my trap failed. Unlike yours, The Great and Powerful Trixie's trap actually stay in place." She stamped her hoof against the floor. "Unfortunately it didn't work."

With his suspicion laid to rest, he nodded and focused back on the projection and pointed up to it. "Alright then. It's a good thing you showed up. Those two are almost here."

Trixie simply stared at the image of the Koopa and pony walking down a long corridor. "Is everything ready?"

"As ready as it can be."

She nodded. "Then we just have to wait for them to show up." The magical cloud projection vanished as Tutankoopa and Trixie turned and walked away. As they entered the room the entire building shook wildly again as Chompy barked.

"Calm down Chompy. It's just our friends."

Together in a hallway that seemed as if it went on forever, Pinkie and Bowser struggled to maintain their footing from the last bit of quaking. The rumbling subsided and Bowser resumed marching down the corridor, but Pinkie stay in place. She gazed to the other end of the pathway but could only see darkness at the other end. She then looked at the spiked green shell of her companion who kept on walking.

"Hey Pinky, shake a leg already. I wanna get outta this dumpy pyramid and outta this crummy desert already," Bowser called back, waving his arm forward while he moved ahead. Pinkie's eyes widened as she watched him walk further and further away.

Catching up to him she reached out and grabbed his hand. "Bowsie, wait. I want you to have something before we run into our friends." She reached into her mane and placed something on his palm. "I made this before we left Sugarcube Corner. Well, with a lot of help from Mrs. Cake."

He then looked down at the object with one of his bushy red eyebrows raised. "What the heck is this thing?" He asked, looking at the pony that had a slowly expanding smile on her face.

"It's a cupcake silly. A special one made just for you."

He refocused on his gift, eying it with grimace. "This thing looks too sweet for me. And all the colors just ain't my style."

Pinkie stood up holding herself up with her front hooves on Bowser's hand while she shook her head at him. "Oh no, no, no, no, no. This cupcake is different. The frosting isn't sweet at all. I made it specifically to match your taste after all."

The Koopa gazed down as the multicolored snack. "Hmm. Well if it was made just for me, I guess I should give it a try." He tried raising his palm towards his face but the pony holding his hand pulled against him.

"Wait!" Pinkie shouted struggling to keep his arm down. "I made for you to eat only in an emergency. You shouldn't use it now."

Relaxing his arm, Bowser looked back at her. "So I can only eat it when there's big trouble?" She nodded to him and he suddenly burst into laughter. "Guehahaha! What kind of trouble do you think would be too hard for me to handle?" While he continued laughing, a familiar bark rocked everything around them. Bowser stopped laughing when he noticed his pony partner was slightly cringing at his side from the noise. "Come on. I'm the Koopa king after all. The toughest and most baddest thing around. There's nothing that can stop me!" While Pinkie Pie sprang up with restored confidence from his pep talk, Bowser quickly stored the cupcake in his shell. Still It wouldn't hurt to have this with me just in case.

Reaching the end of the hallway, a stone door was the only thing that blocked their way. It split down the middle and parted to make way into a pitch black room. Pinkie Pie kept one hoof pressed on Bowser in order not to lose sight of him as they stepped in. They had taken a few steps inside when a pair of large torches ignited with a purple hue and dimly lit the room. It was still incredibly dark, but at least they could partially make out the layout of the room. It was a simple chamber like the ones before it, but it had a platform hanging overhead on other side with a collection of shells on it and the door on the other side was closed off.

"Look!" Pinkie Pie suddenly gasped, raising a shaky hoof up to something emerging from the darkness.

Bowser quickly turned to where she was pointing and saw a white pharaoh's hat floating towards them. It stopped a few feet away, rose into the air and a figure began to appear underneath it. Bowser stared on, eyes half open, resisting the urge to yawn. His attention was more towards Pinkie's hoof that repeatedly tap on his shell as she trembled at the sight which brought a smirk to his face.

Tutankoopa, fully formed and floating in the air in front of them, raised his arms up."So! You two have chosen not to heed my warnings and have come down to my chamber! You two must be after the treasure Master Discord has entrusted to me!"

Trixie walked out from the shadows and stood under Tutankoopa. "Of course they're here for that. It not like there's anything else of value around here." Tutankoopa stared blankly for a second; his train of thought shattered by the unicorn's outburst.

"Ahem! As I was saying, I am one of Discord's mighty generals. He's gifted me with this mighty empire in the sands and has given me and my pet's free reign to do as I please as long as I keep his guest and her treasure safe. You two have dared to barged into my royal chambers."

"Unimpeded," Trixie whispered.

"And wish to take what I protect! I shall bury you in the sand and use you as playthings for my pets." The torches on the walls flared bright orange and the room became clear as day. Tutankoopa then levitated back to the platform behind him with Trixie leaping up join him.

The heroes below were ready to fight. "Okay Bowsie, hop in!" Pinkie shouted as she pulled out her party cannon and took aim. Bowser hopped inside the ever expanding barrel, rolling up into a ball as he was fired towards their foes.

Tutankoopa flapped his arm wildly. "Ahhh!" He shut his eyes at the Bowser ball headed his way, but after a few seconds he never felt an impact. He opened his eyes to see the big green ball had bounce off a transparent magenta wall in front of him. He looked to his left and saw that his partner's horn was shining brilliantly.

Landing back to the ground, Bowser uncoiled and moved back to Pinkie's side. "What happened? What did I hit?" Looking up at the platform, he noticed a small gleam of light reflecting in front of them.

"Looks like they have some sort of magic shield around them," said Pinkie. "We've got to get through that if we wanna beat them." Suddenly she felt the scaly hands of Bowser wrap around her and lift her up.

"Then get up there and put that new hammer of yours to work!" he yelled, tossing the little pony. As she made her approach, she pulled out her mallet and swung butTrixie's shield held firm as the pink hammer battered against it. Pinkie swung one more time, pushing herself back in the process but this time she saw cracks in the barrier as she dropped back to the ground.

Focusing her magic to repair the damage done to her shield, Trixie leered at her partner. "Do something! My shield can't just take hits all day!"

"Right! I'm on it!" Tutankoopa reached to his right, grabbing one of the stacked blue shells. He held it over his head and threw it down, striking Bowser over the head with a clonk.

"Ouch!" Bowser yelped, rubbing his head. "We've gotta break through that dumb shield! Quick, send me up there again." With Pinkie's cannon prepped, Bowser hopped in and was launched. This time unrolling in mid air to throw his best punch. The shield wavered slightly as Trixie staggered back from the impact. Her shield was fractured but she still held it together. Bowser dropped down to the ground and reached for Pinkie. "One more hammer swing!"

Lobbed in the air once again, Pinkie swung her mallet on the worn down barrier, expanding the already large cracks on it. Trixie was being worn down but still maintained. Seeing her partner in peril, Tutankoopa tossed another shell, this one headed for Pinkie.

Instead of taking the hit or dodging, Pinkie swung her hammer, striking the shell back. The blue projectile bounced off the damaged shield and fell back towards Pinkie who swung again. The shell ricocheting back and forth between Trixie's shield and Pinkie's hammer made the cracks bigger and bigger. With one final swing, Pinkie sent the shell rocketing towards the fragile looking wall.

The wall shattered as the blue bullet smashed through and slammed against Tutankoopa's beak, knocking him off the platform and crashing to the floor. Back on the platform, his partner dropped to her knee. The tremendous strain from Pinkie's attack had worn Trixie out. She was struggling to get back up and breathing heavily.

On the ground, Tutankoopa dusted off his robe. "Blehehehe! You think those shells were all I got. Watch and be amazed by my magical genius!" He chanted an incantation and a large Chain Chomp appeared in the air before him.

Still fighting her fatigue, Trixie leaned her head over the edge of the platform to look down at him. "Watch it buddy, I'm the magical expert here."

The summoned creature flashed its teeth and dropped to the ground, making the room shake. Both Pinkie and Bowser readied themselves for an attack, but just as they raised their arms and hooves in defense, the big ball disappeared. Confused by the orb's vanishing act, the two of them stared at Tutankoopa in confusion. Suddenly two large rocks dropped from the ceiling.



Rubbing his head, with Pinkie doing the same beside him, Bowser gritted his teeth through the pain and marched towards the lone Koopa. Tutankoopa went flying as a fist almost as big as him plastered him against the wall by the sealed door, leaving him to slowly slide down to the floor with purple spirals in dark colored eyes.

Fighting off her exhaustion, Trixie jumped down and joined the pummeled Koopa. "Get up! We can't let them win!" she ordered, grabbing and shaking him by the shoulders.

Coming too, Tutankoopa swiped her hooves away and glared at the pair ahead of him. "I know that!" He reached a hand into his robe and pulled out a strange looking whistle with a Chain Chomp figure on it. "I didn't want to use this, but I'm not about to fail Master Discord!"

Trixie's eyes widened, her pupils shrank and her hat flopped as she caught a glimpse of the trinket he placed on his lips. "Where'd you get that? I thought you lost your Chain Chomp whistle!"

"I did, but this one doesn't call them."

"If that thing doesn't call them then—Wait, you don't mean—"

Tutankoopa inhaled, pursing the whistle between his lips and blew as hard as he could. The little Chain Chomp figure started chomping its teeth up and down as an ear piercing screech rang out from it.

"Bark! Bark!" The entire room began to shake violently.

While everything was rumbling, Trixie grabbed hold of the worn out Koopa beside her by the neck of his robe and throttle him. "Why would you call him? You can hardly control him!"

Tutankoopa stared at her silently. His eyes were faded, opening and closing slowly. Then, he finally spoke. "Because it's really fun having my kingdom here with you and her…" The yellow curtains of his eyes descended and he lost consciousness.

The room trembled more than ever. Bowser wobbled, losing balance and almost fell over but Pinkie quickly went behind and pushed him forward to help regain his footing. After giving her a little appreciative nod, they stared over to Trixie who was now running towards them with her unconscious partner on her back. They readied themselves for whatever the unicorn was up to.

Her dazzling cape flowed as she ran like the wind. "Run!" she shouted, galloping past the two of them and down the corridor at their back. Left standing with their mouth hung open slightly and eyebrows raised, they looked back at the fleeing mare. But a jarring slam made them jerk back towards the other room.

The monstrous crash was followed another. Both of them took a step back, considering Trixie's advice as the wall began to give way from the third blow. The thick slabs of stone crumbled and fell as a massive black wrecking ball with teeth appeared from the other side.

"Bark, bark! Bark, bark!"

Pinkie Pie and Bowser now stood face to face with a colossal Chain Chomp. They slowly inched further and further back but when they noticed the creature backing up to slam again, "Run!" they both shouted as they turned and made for the exit.


Behind them, the living ball and chain was chomping its way through the pyramid as it chased after them. Barreling down the long passageway as fast as they could, they caught up to Trixie and her still out of it partner.

"I told him before not to call that thing, but he didn't listen!" said Trixie, looking back at her passenger.

"What about my friend? Wasn't she with you?" asked Pinkie.

"You mean Twilight? I'm sure she's fine. Chompy always loved playing with her. He wouldn't do anything to hurt her." She looked back and saw the set of razor sharp pearly whites headed for them. "You should be more worried about us. Chompy won't stop until he gets one of us."

The long corridor echoed with the sound of Chompy smashing apart the pyramid as he barked. Pinkie looked back. "Oh no, it's gaining on us! What are we gonna do Bowsie!" About-facing, Bowser stopped in his tracks and prepared himself. "Bowsie! What are you doing?" Pinkie cried out, looking back at him. She was just about to stop and go after him, but a hard tug on her mane forced her to keep running.

"Are you crazy? We have to keep running!"

"But what about Bowsie?"

Still running, Trixie turned her head to spot the Koopa King standing far back in the passageway with his arms jutting forward. Chompy slammed against him, but Bowser kept his position. Muscles bulging and sweat gushing down his scales, he actually held the gargantuan sphere in place. Both mares watched in awe of the Koopa powerhouse. While the two forces pushed against one another a voice called out from above Chompy.

"Come on Chompy, you can do it. I'll play your favorite game later if you can get the bad guys."

The pep talk sent the barking orb into a frenzy, hopping excitedly and causing what remained of the pyramid behind it to crumble as it pushed forward again.

"Hrrrrrnnnnngh, Gaaaaaaah! Ooooooof!" Bowser began inching back little by little. The invigorated Chompy was slightly overpowering him. Not about to let some overgrown dog like ball and chain beat him, he dug his feet into the floor and pushed with all his might. With his veins were bulging out of his biceps, Bowser started pushing Chompy forward. And just then, when it looked like he was winning this intense shoving match, he slipped on a puddle of his sweat.


Trixie and Pinkie resumed galloping as fast as they could as Chompy came barreling at them with Bowser still in front of him, still desperately trying to stop the railroading Chain Chomp that was decimating the pyramid around them. Finally up ahead, the fleeing mares spotted sunlight.

The girl kicked up the sand as they galloped out of the pyramid. Behind them, Bowser was still trying to hold Chompy back. His heels scrapping against the stone floor; its smooth texture helped him keep his footing as Chompy pushed him backwards. That changed the instant the back of his foot hit the sand.

"Waaaaaaaaaaah!" he yelled, falling back on his shell with Chompy crashing on top of him.

Pinkie Pie, who was looking back the entire time gasped as she witnessed her Koopa companion get crushed by Chompy from afar. "Bowsie! Bowsie!" She Galloped as fast as she could, running back towards the front of the now demolished pyramid where her friend was buried under the metal ball.

"Good boy Chompy," said Twilight, petting Chompy from her spot on the top of his head.

Okay. So what just happened? I was in a pyramid, kicking that pintsized Tutankoopa's butt and teaching him not to betray me. Then he blew a whistle and everything started to shake. There was a giant Chain Chomp and everyone was running while I went mano-a-mano with it. But then I tripped and now I feel like I'm flatter than a pancake. Hmmm... Uh oh. It feels like my whole body is screaming at me. I can hardly move. There's gotta be something I can do. Wait a second, what about that weird cupcake Pinky gave me? It's worth a shot, plus I never got a chance to see what it tastes like. Haaarrmmph, mmm. This isn't that bad. And it's pretty spicy… a little too spicy. Spicy, spicy, spicy! Spicy! Spicy!

Standing beside Chompy, who sat proudly of his victory, Pinkie Pie looked up towards the gray unicorn riding atop it. "Twilight, how could you do that? Bowsie is my friend, and so are you. My friends should get along together not fight against each other. Especially with a big barking ball."

Twilight leaned forward, staring down at the pink pony looking up at her with teary blue eyes. "Who are you? Are you a friend of Tut? Or maybe of Discord? Or are you friends with this bad guy?"

Pinkie sighed looking down towards to where her partner would be. "That's right, I forgot. You've been put under Discord's spell. I need to somehow free you from it… Even if I have to do it alone now!" Pinkie kicked up some sand behind her, gritted her teeth and glared up at the unicorn above. "Twilight. Big metal dog ball thingy or not, I'm going to save you from Discord!"

The purple unicorn looked down with a thousand yard stare. "Save me, from master Discord?" She scratched her head. "Oh! I get it. You aren't a friend of Discord or Tut. That must mean you're a bad guy like that mean, ugly looking turtle." She started patting her hoof on Chompy's head. "Chompy we got another bad guy to get."

"Bark, bark!"

The metal creature started moving its mouth full of razor teeth again. Chompy's pair of black pupils focused down on the mare standing in front of him. Every fiber in Pinkie's body was saying she should run, but her legs just didn't listen. She stood there frozen with fright as Chompy began to rise up from the crater it made in the sand. Higher and higher and higher… and higher still. Confused by the Chain Chomp's ascension, Pinkie looked down at the crater it was leaving and saw something that brought back a smile onto her face.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrngh!" grunted the mighty Koopa king, holding Chompy over his head. Lifting him got easier as Bowser's body was quickly growing in size. Standing at the edge of the crater, Pinkie delightfully hopped onto her buddies shoulder while he continued to expand. Finally coming to a stop, Bowser now towered over the ruins surrounding him, standing as tall as the Chain Chomp he sent bouncing on what remained of the pyramid behind him.

Chompy made an catastrophic metal thud as he bounced off the stone rubble, with Twilight struggling to keep her place on his head. Chompy flapped its jaws as it stared down Bowser while Twilight stood on his head, staring down Pinkie Pie who stood on Bowser's shoulder.

Far off, on the desert dunes, Trixie watched the two titans face off. "Hmmph. I guess this is all I can do for now. I'll leave the rest to those two." She hunched her back, tossing her still knocked out passenger onto the sand. She then pulled out something from under her hat and placed it in front of Tutankoopa's beak. "Well, I've no need to hold onto that anymore. Hopefully everything turns out the way I planned. And I'll see you two again." She turned away from the chaotic battle unfolding and made her escape while back over in the battlefield, Pinkie and Bowser prepared for one more fight.

"Okie dokie Bowsie, we can do this!" said Pinkie Pie, climbing her way to the top of Bowser head.

"What do you mean 'we'? I'm the one doing most of the work here," he replied, directing his red eyes up towards the mare on his skull. "Whatever, let just get this over with. Once I'm done with this chump, I'll use my new size to go after that freak."

Bowser marched forward and prepared to punch. He lifted his left leg up as he leaned back and readied his right fist. Using all his weight behind him, his fist slammed against the metal ball, sending Chompy sliding on the sand.

"Oooooff!" Twilight grunted, falling back, almost off her pet. Crawling back onto her spot, she pointed her hoof towards the colossal Koopa before her with a frown. "Sick em Chompy! Get that bad guy!" Hopping to her order, Chompy lunged forwards towards Bowser.

"Not so fast!" shouted Pinkie Pie, holding onto two strands of Bowser orange hair tied around her hooves. She tugged the one on her right which caused Bowser's body to immediately react by thrusting his right fist forward, knocking away the incoming Chain Chomp. Still holding onto Bowser's hair strands, Pinkie leaned forwards and looked into the Koopa's eyes. "See Bowsie, now I can help you fight!"

"Uh I don't think I like this idea," Bowser replied as his arms rose and fell according to how the mare on his head yanked his hair.

"What's not to like? You handle the rough stuff and I'll make sure you don't get hurt. Now come on we gotta break our friends out of Discord's control."

Back by the sand hills, away from the calamity taking place, Tutankoopa finally came too. "Where am I?" he asked, slowly opening his eyes to notice something in front of him. "Wait a second, is that? It is!" He reached out and grabbed the tiny whistle and sprang up to his feet. "Trixie, you won't believe it. I found my whistle! Now I can call back all of my pets." Parting his eyes with his treasured item, Tutankoopa made a shocking discovery. "Trixie? Where'd you go?" As here looked around for his lost partner, his mouth fell open when he spotted the giant battle taking place. "Is that—How in the—When did—Oh man I better get over there quick. It looks like Twilight and Chompy are in trouble."

The battle between the two colossi raged on, Chompy managed to get in some tough tackles that sent Bowser sliding back while Bowser returned the blows each time with his forceful fist. Running as fast as he could, Tutankoopa reached the giants with his lips firmly pursed on his whistle and blowing on it like mad. They all turned towards the ear splitting wail and Twilight joyfully gasped when she saw him. "Tut! You're okay! I was getting worried."

"Of course I'm okay. And even better, I've brought reinforcements," he said, pointing over to the distant hills that were washed over by a tidal wave of black that was headed their way. Accompanied by the constant clanging of their bodies smacking against each other, the army of Chain Chomps surged around him. "Now let's take those two down in the name of Lord Discord! Charge my pets." On his command, the group of barking spheres rushed for Bowser's feet and began gnawing on the Koopa's lower limbs.

"Ow, Oww! Ouch! My toe, my toe!"

Although they were smaller then his toenail, the hundreds of serrated fangs digging into his scales made Bowser clench one foot as he hopped up and down on the other. While he was moving back to get away, Chompy tackled him, dropping him onto the sand around. With Pinkie holding tightly onto his hair, Bowser pushed himself back up to see the group of Chain Chomps headed for him again.

"We've gotta do something about those things. My poor toes can't take another munching."

"Don't worry Bowsie, I think I've got just the thing," Pinkie replied, grabbing hold of multiple strands of Bowser's hair and yanking them as hard as she could.

A strange sensation suddenly arose in Bowser's gut. He placed a hand over his belly sensing an intense heat inside of him. "Pinky, what are you—" Fire unexpectedly jutted out of his mouth, washing Chompy and the rest of the smaller Chain Chomps inside a tidal wave of reddish orange. Twilight moved back, hiding behind a safe spot on Chompy, while Tutankoopa hid behind a group of his pets.

Chompy held his position, the flames didn't seem do much to him; but down below, the hundreds of little Chain Chomp had turned red. They ran and hopped frantically around the now glassed ground. Tutankoopa ran behind Chompy with the group of overheated metal monsters following behind him.

With the toe biters taken out, Bowser reached for Chompy and grabbed hold of the chain link connected to his backside and started spinning him in circles. Twilight held on for dear life as her buddy was helplessly twirled in the air. With Chompy's chains firmly in his grasp as he spun around like a green and yellow tornado, Bowser lifted his hands up and with the force of his intense cycle behind him, he slammed the massive ball on the glassy floor where Tutankoopa and the rest of his army were running around in a panic.

The sound of shattered glass echoed throughout the arid plains around the ancient ruins and was shortly followed by a savage quake that brought the statues and stone pillar around them to crumble to the ground.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaah!" Twilight cried out, hurtling skyward from the force of the impact slam. Down in the impact zone, Tutankoopa and his pets joined her.

"Twilight!" Tutankoopa shouted spotting her partner in midair as they plummeted to the sand. With the air around them surrounded by hundreds of black orbs raining down, he moved himself towards her.

"Twilight!" Pinkie shouted, leaning forwards on Bowser's head, pulling his hair with her. Controlled like a marionette doll, the Koopa King leaned forward with his arms stretched out. He suddenly felt funny, his whole body seemed like it was getting tighter and his body was getting smaller. He also noticed an increasing weight on his head. Together, Pinkie, Bowser, Twilight, and Tutankoopa all fell onto the sand, with hundreds of Chain Chomps dropping all over them.

The metal pounding finally died down, replaced by the sound of the wind caressing the sands. The only thing that cut the silence were the cries of Pinkie and Tutankoopa as they desperately searched for their friends.

"Come on Pinkie Pie, we've got to find Lord Bowser and Twilight!"

The mare he was shouting towards, stood over by a pile of Chain Chomped and waved her hoof to him. "Over here Tut, I found them!"

Running over to her, weaving left and right around his fallen pets, Tutankoopa stood in front of the mound and waved his hand to the right. "Out of the way! All of you make way!"

The mound of spheres obliged to his command, dispersing to reveal the pony they were looking for, which appeared to have regained her color, underneath the Koopa King huddled over her.

"Twilight, Bowsie!"

"Twilight, Lord Bowser!"

Pinkie and Tut laid the two on the ground beside each other with all the Chain Chomps surrounded them and even Chompy looked on with worry. They all waited for the two to wake when finally Bowser rose up and started hacking violently.

"Haack! Aaaaah! Gaaaaaah! Water! Water!"

"Here you go Bowsie," said Pinkie, with a small canteen on her hoof.

Reaching out, Bowser grabbed the canister and gulped down every last drop. "Haaaaah, haaaaaah, haaaah. Spicy…" he struggled to say while he breathed heavily. Next to him, Twilight also showed signed of recovery in response to his loud show.

"Mmmmnngh. Where am I?" she asked sitting up. She became stiff with fright seeing all the Chain Chomps surrounding her suddenly barking at her with delight. Slowly looking to her left she recognized the burly brute sitting next to her. "Bowser, it's you." A purple vale of magic instantly enveloped the big Koopa and hoisted him off the ground. "You must be behind this. Whatever this is."

"No Twilight you're wrong," said Pinkie Pie stepping in between the two of them.

"She's right Twilight Sparkle, Lord Bowser actually saved us," said Tutankoopa, joining beside the pink mare.

Relinquishing Bowser from her hold, Twilight faced the two on her right. "But Pinkie, don't you remember what happened at Canterlot Castle? And Tut, don't you…" She stood silent for a moment, staring at the pharaoh like Koopa with an eyebrow raised and a very puzzled look in her eyes. "Wait, how come I know who you are?"

Pinkie Pie reached out and placed her hoof on her puzzled friend's shoulder. "It's a long story."

With everyone sitting around her Pinkie began to explain what had happened to far. Her energetic poses she did to reenacting their harrowing adventure thus far, not only entertained everyone around her aside from one stubborn Koopa King, but filled Twilight in on all the details. "And then we all sat down together and I—"

"That's enough already Pinky, they were here for that part," a grouchy Bowser butted in.

Twilight looked over to the agitated Koopa, glaring at him for a bit but then looked back at Pinkie. "So Discord is behind all of this and put me with Tut under his control." She looked over to the white garbed Koopa beside her friend. "Thanks for taking care of me while I was like that. I had a lot of fun."

"It was no problem. I actually enjoyed those moments, especially since you managed to get Chompy to behave." The large Chain Chomp behind him barked in response to which Twilight smiled at them both. Tut then put a palm to his head and slowly rub it. "I don't know why, but it feels like I've forgotten someone."

Hearing him, Twilight did likewise. "Yeah, me too. I just can't remember." She looked over to Pinkie and Bowser. "There's still something important I wanted to ask. If Discord took away Fluttershy and General Guy like you said Pinkie, then why hasn't he done that with us?"

Suddenly a slithery silk voice called out from the sky. "Perceptive as always Twilight Sparkle, although I preferred you better when you were carefree unicorn with no magical abilities."

Not thinking twice, Bowser reached out, grabbed one of the Chain Chomp surrounding him, turned and hurled it where the voice was coming from. The yelping ball and chain went soaring through the air, hitting nothing but sand as it fell back down.

"Sorry there turtle, I'm a little busy to actually show up in person for you to try and hit me, but look on the bright side. You two have managed to save two more of your friends. And you two put on quite an entertaining show. Twilight, Tut, it's time to say good bye to your friends for now. Who know maybe they'll make far enough in our little game to see you again." A plume of smoke arose from the sand, covering up Twilight, Tutankoopa and the Chain Chomps around them. "We sure have quite a few guests joining us this time. Good thing Bowser's castle is big enough to accommodate."

Before vanishing underneath the shadowy billow, Twilight used her magic to toss her Element of Magic towards Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie, if you could use Fluttershy's element to call her for help then you should be able to do the same with mine!"

Pinkie Pie reached out, but the big crown thingy stopped in midair just out of her reach.

"Nah ah ah. I can't let you have this just yet," Discord's voice spoke out.

"What? No fair, we saved Twilight fair and square you big cheater!" she said, looking out towards the sky while reaching out to grab the headgear that moved further and further away from her. Bowser jumped in to aid her, but the crown dodged him, slipping away off in the distance while he landed face first onto the sand.

"Now Pinkie, I wouldn't cheat. I never made any rules about the elements to begin with, so I'm not breaking any of them. I just thought I'd extend the fun by making this one harder to get."

Wiping off the sand from his arms and face while he picked himself up, Bowser looked up to the sky. "So, where do we have to go now to get this stupid thing? Hurry up and tell me!"

"My, my, aren't you quite irritable. Is the desert heat getting to you? Well you'll be happy to know I placed it back in good ol'e Ponyville. Oh and I just know you're gonna love what I did with it when you get there. See you two when you get there."

With the collections of clouds that were once their friends being whisked skyward, they vanished with the sound of honking thunder. Bowser and Pinkie were now left alone in what remained of the toppled ruins.

Seeing her friend taken away, Pinkie pressed her hoof against the sand with a determined gleam in her eye. "Well Bowsie, we better go catch the train if we want to hurry back to Ponyville. I wanna get that element back and see Twilight as soon as possible."

"The train? You mean the one we destroyed getting here? Do you really think it'll be up and running? And even if it is, do you think they'd let us back on after what happened last time?"

Pinkie simply looked back at him with her usual bright smile as she walked on. "Only one way to find out."