• Published 28th Feb 2012
  • 4,743 Views, 120 Comments

Bowser and Pinkie's Super Bizarre Saga - Alkem

Bowser and Pinkie Pie team up to save her friends and get revenge on Discord for taking his army.

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Chapter 9

Bowser and Pinkie's Super Bizarre Sage

Chapter 9

Past the outskirts of town and headed east through the lush green fields, Pinkie would be regaling Bowser with a toe tapping song if it weren't for someone else making outbursts of their own..

"Why. Why Whyyyyyyyyyyy!"

The ear splitting wails had Bowser walking with his hands against his ears the whole time, but despite his efforts the cries still permeated through. "Pinky!"

"Yes, Bowsie," she said with a smile.

Staring at her direction, Bowser took one hand off his ear and pointed at her back. "Will you get rid of that thing already! He's been crying like that ever since we met in town."

Lying on his stomach against her back, Spike sniffled under Pinkie's mane and quickly wiped away any sign of water against his cheeks. "I wasn't crying! That was just one of my mighty dragon roars."

"Whatever, pipsqueak," Bowser groaned, turning his attention to Pinkie. "Just send the pipsqueak back to Ponytown and lets go."

"But, Bowsie, it's impossible to send Spike to Ponytown."


"Because there's no such place as Ponytown. We can't send Spike somewhere the doesn't exist." Pinkie paused, looking at Bowser for a reaction, but when she spotted a scowl appearing on Bowser's face she continued. "Also Spike's our friend, and we never abandon friends. That and since we're his plus two, he's actually taking us there."

"Well I can't stand all the crying any more! I almost snapped already back in town when his crying got those bakery babies going too. One close call is all I can endure. Either pipsqueak toughens up or I take his invite and go without him."

Pinkie sighed at Bowser's ultimatum, then looked back to her passenger. "Spikie, me and Bowsie promised you we'd save Rarity, and that's what we're gonna do. Now just take a deep breath, relax, and before you know it we'll have Rarity and the others back with us. You just need to be brave while we head to... to..." She looked around the field. "Where are we going again?"

Pinkie's words brought Spike some relief, momentarily before her question had him quietly groaning and pulling out his invitation. "We're headed to the Diamond Dog's hide out by Rambling Rock Ridge remember? According to my invitation, inside their caves is where we'll find Rambling Rock Castle where Rarity is going to... going to..."

Even with his back turned on them, Bowser could make out the tell tale signs of another round of tears. "Oh great, here we go."

"I'm not gonna cry!" Spike shouted, furiously shaking his head. "I'm gonna to be brave, I'm going with you guys, and I'm gonna save Rarity myself!"

"Hmph." Bowser looked back, giving Spike a subtle nod. "That's some tough talk, pipsqueak. Alright, if you're as brave as you say you'll be, you can tag along. Just don't slow me down, and no more crying."

Pinkie nodded. "Yes sir, Bowsie!"

"Not you, Pinky! Wait... No on second thought, yeah, that go for you too."

Far from the vibrant fields and traveling trio, a rickety looking yet newly constructed building stood atop a hill. Inside its creaking walls was Goomba run restaurant where a familiar trio of Diamond Dogs seated at a booth. The three of them were on edge, sensing they were drawing some attention.

"Those little things keep staring at us," said Fido.

Rover looked out from his seat, spotting only sour faces looking back at him. "I don't know, and I don't like the way they're staring at us. But since they outnumber us, I say we don't do anything to get them angry. Especially since we need to stay here to meet that pony."

Sitting across from him with his head facing forwards and avoiding eye contact with any Goombas, Spot remained still. "Rover, are you sure this is the place that weird pony said to go?" He looked through the corner of his eye. "I don't see her anywhere."

Feeling nothing but glares digging at him, Rover slumped down. "Rrrrrrr... That Pony said to come here if we wanted to get our home back. Now where is she!"

While Rover sat nervously, Fido distracted himself by playing around with the salt and pepper shakers. "What do we do now?"

"We wait," Rover replied. "Maybe that pony is running late."

Patches of dirt marked the end of the fields as Pinkie, Bowser and Spike wandered in towards a barren dirt valley. Nothing but rocks, rocks and more rocks decorated the area until they finally arrived at the entrance of a cave.

"We're here, we're here!"

"Well seeing as there's nothing else around, I guess you're right. Let's hurry. After this I'll have only two more annoying thing to deal with." Leading the expedition deeper and deeper into the winding cave. Bowser made a left, a right, a left, another left, and several hundred other turns until he spotted a light and charged forward. "We're here!"

"Good job Bowsie." Jumping out behind him, Pinkie looked at where he led them. "You led us back outside."

"What!" Bowser looked around, recognizing the rocks nearby. "How'd"

"Don't worry Bowsie, at least we can count on you to find our way out."

Spike hopped off Pinkie's back and walked back towards the cave entrance. "That's great and everything, Pinkie, but first we need to actually find our way inside before we'll need to get outside."

"What, you have an idea, pipsqueak?"

Getting down on his hands and knees, Spike started sniffing against the ground the ground. "I think..." He took another whiff. "If I follow the sent of gems I'm picking up, then maybe I can find their castle. Diamond Dogs like hoarding gems, so if I can find where they're storing their gems then we'll probably find their castle."

With Spike's plan in effect, an eternity of dead ends and back-circling was done away with thanks Spike's nose. Pinkie followed behind him alongside Bowser and smiled at him, nudging her head at their guide dragon.

"Okay I'll admit it," Bowser whispered at Pinkie, who kept her beaming gaze on him. "It was a good idea to keep the pipsqueak along with us."

"Wasn't it?" said Pinkie, turning her head forwards. "When it comes to sniffing out diamonds, I know nopony better then little Spikie."

Listening in to their chat, Spike looked back at Bowser with his head held high. "So, you still think I'm getting in the way?"

"Just keep going, pipsqueak," Bowser sneered. "You haven't found anything just yet."

Gemstones started jutting out from the walls and floor the further they went in, giving Spike a snack to munch on periodically as he his nose to the dirt. His appetite was moved the path clear until he stopped before a large crystal blockade. Having trouble getting onto his feet, Spike rested his palms against his stomach and stared at his reflection. "Can't... eat... anymore..."

Bowser moved next to the tummy troubled tyke and started pushing against the wall. "Great," he said, unable to budge it. "Another dead end."

Spike put his ear against the wall and gave it a knock. "Wait." He paused, ear still against the wall. "The tunnel keeps on going past this. If we can somehow get through we can" --Spike looked back to the others.-- "Whoa!" He ducked, dodging a burly set of knuckles flying towards him. "What was that for?" Getting back up and hearing Bowser grunting along to the sounds of tunnel shacking pounds, he looked back to see Bowser pounding against the wall. "Hey, Pinkie, should we help him?"

Pinkie joined beside him as another round of slams shook both of them. "Nah. Bowsie like doing this sort of stuff on his own," she said, talking over the sound of knuckle against crystal. "He says it helps him blow off steam. Isn't that right Bowsie?"

"Hrrrrrraaaaah!" The tunnel suddenly shook harder then ever with bits of crystals glistening in the air. All the while Spike noticed a hair raising smirk under all the debris. He wondered what sort of thoughts could bring a smile while he threw such devastating punches, but then thought it best not to know.

"Just look at that smile," said Pinkie. "See, he likes it."

Bowser let out another bone chilling shout as he went sliding knuckle first past the now decimated wall and headed forwards towards a gem that sticking out of the ground. Unable to stop and stubbing his toe, Bowser lost balance-- "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" --and stumbled to the edge of a descending slope.

"Hang on, Bowsie, we're coming!" Pinkie and Spike shouted, sprinting after the edge teetering Koopa.

Together they leaped for his arm and held tight only to be yanked along as Bowser fell over on his back and down the slope. Landing on Bowser's stomach, Pinkie and Spike looked over the edge of the flipped shell and saw the trail was lined with jagged gems all over. With the shell scraping against the crystal lining, Pinkie and Spike rode the overturned shell as it slid further down the cave.

Shooting down a whirling, spinning pipe of quick twists, loops and sudden drops, Pinkie's gleeful laugh echoed through the tunnels as she sat at the front with her hooves in the air while Spike held tightly onto her for dear life.


With a trail of mesmerizing crystal sparks behind it, the high speed shell sled corkscrewed its way down even further.

"Whoooooooooaaa!" Still clutching Pinkie tight, Spike opened his eyes just in time to see them going off a jump. "Ahaaaaahaaaahaaaa!" He shut his eyes, not wanting to know whether they made it or not and grasped Pinkie even tighter. "How much longer does this tunnel go?!"

"Eh, not much longer, Spike." Spike suddenly felt the ride come to a sudden halt. "See, we're already here."

Feeling Pinkie stand up, Spike slowly opened his eyes. "We've, we've finally stopped."

"Finally," Bowser sighed, sticking his head out from his shell. With his two passengers now off, he rolled over and looked over his shoulder. "Is my shell okay?"

"Yup, still as shining and spiky as ever." Looking around, Pinkie Pie spotted a tunnel she thought would surely lead her to Rarity. "Come on boys, we've got a party to join.

At the front of a tall crystal wall that spanned across a massive cave, two Diamond Dog guards in thick armor stood watch.

"Good think we have guard duty huh?" said the one on the left, nudging his shoulder against his partner.

"Yeah," the other chuckled. "I couldn't take another minute of that pony ordering us around."

"Ordering stuff like, 'arrange those flowers.'"

"'Change those light.'"

"'Fix that crystal table.'"

"'Set up those banners.'"

"'Rearrange those flowers.'"

"I wish those little guys were still around, that way we wouldn't be doing it."

"Yup. Good thing we're out here where is it's nice and qui--hey, what's that?" They, readied themselves for whatever was coming towards them, only to be surprised at what came skipping down the tunnel.

"Woooooooow!" Looking around, Pinkie's eyes were instantly drawn to the shimmering light blue wall. "It's so pretty and shiny."

"Hey, look, there's some guys over there." Bowser pointed to the guards. "We must be headed the right way."

"Then let go," said Spike, sprinting for the gate. "Rarity's waiting."

Pinkie chased after him across the expanse between the tunnel and wall. "Spike wait up."

Seeing the excited little dragon running towards them, one guard held his paw. "Halt! No one's allowed inside the castle."

The second guard kept his eye on Bowser and Pinkie. "By order of Crystal King, none shall disrupt the ceremony."

"Crystal King, order?" Bowser eye began to twitched. "Listen chumps, you're talking to the Koopa King here! I don't take orders. I don't care if they've been brain washed, I don't take orders from my minions."

"Wait!" Seeing Bowser's fists balling up, Pinkie intercepted before he could address them with his usual grace and held up Spike's invitation to the guards. "We've got an invitation."

Both guards bent down and stared quizzically at the sheet she waved in from of them. They snatched it from her, pulling it up close then far, turning it upside down and flipping it over; they even putt their noses on it and gave it whiff. All the while Spike, Pinkie and Bowser just stood there, waiting for an answer.

"Nope," both guards blurted as one of them tore the paper to shreds.

Spike's eyes flew open, watching the pieces fall to the ground. "What!"

"No one's allowed inside," said the other guard, his helmet rattling as he shook his head.

Dropping to his kneels, Spike clutched what shreds he could grab. "But, but, my invitation..."

"There never were any invitations."

Spike looked up. "What?" Confused, Spike looked back down at the strips. "Then who sent this to me?"

"Discord," Bowser grumbled, stepping up next to him. "He must have sent it to you just so Pinky and I'd know where to go next."

"If that's true how are we supposed to get in now?" Spike asked, looking up at him.

"Easy..." Calm placing a palm on both Pinkie and Spike, Bowser gently slid the two out of the way. "We just..." He threw a punch, sending a guard slamming against the gate. "Do that and get in."

Looking back to his sucker punched colleague, the remaining guard pulled a whistle out from under his armor. Bowser swung again, sticking him next to the other but not before his whistle managed to let out a small burst.

"There, let's go."

"Alright, now we can get inside. Good work, Bowsie," said Pinkie.

Approaching the gate, they readied themselves for what awaited them on the other side, but before any of them could a hoof or claw against the reflective door they heard a series of spine tingling howls spewing over the wall. The howls drew closer, coupled with a quickly growing sound of footsteps. The three of them swiftly moved back, just in time to avoid the gates slamming open as a flood of Diamond Dogs spilling out from the other side.

Spike ran behind Pinkie and Bowser and looked to the gate as more and more guards appeared. "What do we do? There's hundreds of them!"

With the guards forming a line that stretched as wide as the wall, Bowser cracked his knuckles. "We're breaking through that's what we're gonna do. You two ready?"

Reaching into her mane, Pinkie pulled out her mallet. "Ready, Bowsie."

Seeing the two of them preparing to throw down, Spike stepped back in shock. "You two are gonna fight?"

"Yup," Pinkie calmly replied.

"Hey," Bowser looked back at him. "Didn't you say you'd save that friend of yours. Now's your chance. Time to show us you meant it."

Spike leaned to the side, looking past the gate and spotting a castle in the distance. Inside those shimmering walls he knew he'd find the pony he wanted to save. "Rarity." With Bowser's words ringing in he ears, Spike gritting his teeth and ran up between Pinkie and Bowser. "I will be brave!" He looked to Pinkie who smiled back at him. "I'm not a pipsqueak!" He looked to Bowser who simply nodded. "I said I'm gonna save Rarity, and I mean it. Hang on Rarity, I'm coming!" The three of them then charged, headed straight for the army of Diamond Dogs charging at them.

Surrounded on all sides, Bowser made the first move and drilled his way through rows of guards by way of his fists. Metal clanged against his fist as he slid forwards before finally stopping. Paw reached out for him in the mob, all of them pelting and pushing him back. Swinging in the direction of each paw coming his way, Bowser decked countless dog but still felt himself being forced back.

Standing out of the amassing swarm, Pinkie spotted the back of Bowser's shell coming into view from inside. With her hammer in her teeth she ran up to the mobs edge and slammed against the shell that was moving closer. Her blow directed Bowser forwards once more, crashing through more guards like an unwilling cannon ball. Fists thrashing through more of the barking brigade, he cleared a patch for Pinkie and Spike follow after him.

Converging their numbers to stop Bowser again, the Diamond Dogs started shoving him back harder than before. Spike and Pinkie prepared to push against Bowser when a dozen sets of paws reached out and yanked them away. With no one supporting him, Bowser ended up getting tossed out of the mob along with Spike and Pinkie.

"No, I won't let you guys stop me." Spike charged in again, making his a approach against a guard when he suddenly heard a boom coming from behind. Behind him he spotted Pinkie Pie taking aim with a cannon she seeming pulled out of nowhere. Large, neatly wrapped presents flew out from the cannon, soaring over spikes head and into the crowd. Spike kept moving as blasts of colorful plumes, confetti and streamers ripped through the crowd. He leaped for the guards at the front, swiping his claws against their armor and hardly leaving a scratch on it. The guard let out a laugh before kicking Spike away

Firing another round of present bombs into the army, Pinkie spotted a scaly purple ball headed in her direction and grabbed her hammer. "Hang on, Spike, I'll help you."

Feeling something hard suddenly smashing against him, Spike got a brief sensation of weightlessness before he felt something smash against him again.

"Ooooof!" A Diamond Dog cried out as a purple ball careened against him and caused him to crash against more guards behind him.

Bouncing off the toppled guard, Spike uncurled himself in time to come sliding face first in the dirt and stopping right in front of Pinkie Pie.

"Not bad, Spike," said Pinkie, giving him a helping hoof. "You're doing great."

"Yeah but no matter what we do they keep on coming." Spike looked to the army, unchanged despite efforts. "Maybe we need to fall back, come up with a plan."

Bowser came sliding backwards in front of them, forced out of the mob again. "No! We've just got to try harder!" Charging back in, he disappearing under a crashing wave of Diamond Dogs falling over him.

Pinkie ran in after him. "Come on Spike let's go.".

With a reluctant sigh, Spike grabbed onto Pinkie's tail as she galloped after their grumpy partner to continue their uphill battle.

Topside, the soil shook and rocks rumbled as chaos continued underneath. Dirt mounds suddenly sprang up with the sounds of barking and punches echoing under ground. One mound began to rise higher with cracks appearing at the top as the pounding got stronger and louder until three objects shout out from the top like rocks out of an erupting volcano




Walking out of a shabby establishment, a lone Goomba looked over to a group gathering outside. "Hey." He waddled to the group huddling around an unconscious Pinkie, Bowser and Spike. "Where'd they come from?"

"I dunno," another replied, turning his head to the clouds. "They just suddenly came crashing down from the sky."

"What should we do? Should we leave them out here?"

"It's bad business to have folks laying unconscious out here. Nah bring em inside." Circling around, the Goomba stopped in front of Bowser and took a moment to start at him. "I dunno why, but there's something about this guy."

The others joined in and stared as well.

"He does look sorta familiar... Whatever, just stick them next to those mutts."

The group encircled the three of them and lifted, "Nnnnnnnnn!" struggling to lift up Bowser.

"Sheesh, this guy weighs a ton!"

"Goomba up and get them inside already, I've got customers to deal with."

Inside, still waiting in their booth, Spot, Fido and Rover saw the lone Goomba walking in and quickly growled since it wasn't who they were waiting for.

"Rrrrr! Where is that pony!" Spot slammed his paws against the table, spilling food as the plates rattled. "She said coming here would get our cave back, but we're still just sitting here. I can't take it anymore."

Looking to the exit in hopes of seeing Trixie suddenly appear, Rover sighed and stood up. "Let's go. Looks like we'll have to do it on our own."

"Are you sure, Rover?" Fido asked, licking the last bits of his plate. "Maybe if we wait just a bit--"

"No!" Spot pounded the table again. "No more waiting! I can't stand getting angry stares from those things for another minute!"

"I agree." Rover turned and headed for the door. "Unless the answer to our problems walks in right now, we're on our own."

The door opened again and the trio watched, seeing a group come in carrying something familiar.

Fido pointed, watching them get carried in. "Hey, aren't those the guys that stopped us in the forest?"

"And the pyramid," Rover added.

Spot jump to his feet, standing on his seat and leaning against the back as he watched them get placed in the corner right behind their booth. "It is them! And they--"

"Hey!" A Goomba in a snappy red tie standing at a counter at the front of the diner glared at the yapping mutt. " Sit down and get your paws off the seats!"

Narrowing his eyes back at the Goomba, Spot quietly sat back down, looked to Rover, and tilted his head to the group now lying unconscious behind his seat. "And they look like they're out cold. Now's our chance to take all their goodies as payback for before."

Rover leaned over, eye the knocked out trio and smiled. "Let's go."

Lost in a dream staring little brown mushrooms with feet and faces, Pinkie was rustled from her unwilling slumber by the sudden sensation of being dropped to the ground.

"Nnnngh..." Her eyes still shut tight, she stretched her legs and let out a quick yawn. "Boy that was a weird dream... i think i remember seeing those guys back in Canterlot. i wonder what they were doing in my dream." Still closing her eyes, Pinkie felt someone's paw searching around in her mane. "Hey! Who's paw is that?" She opened her eyes to see a beady pair of yellow eyes looking back at her. Turning her sights off him, she looked to the sides to see his arms reaching into her mane. "Hey!" she cried jumping back and onto her hooves. "Thief!" To her left and right she saw Bowser and Spike still asleep and getting robbed themselves. "Bowsie, Spike, wake up! We're getting robbed!"

"What!" Bowser's eyes instantly flew open with a bone chilling roar and he leaped up to his feet, He roared again, his narrowed eyes going white as he stared down at the Diamond Dogs. "You three!" The building as he bellowed. "Trying to nab my stuff while I sleep huh?! I'm gonna--"

"Hey!" Everyone suddenly looked to the Goomba at the counter. "Keep it down over there, you're disturbing our customers."

"Quiet!" Bowser shouted back, too consumed with rage to recognize his minion really at him. "You're gonna be next after these three!" Putting his attention back on the thieves, he readied himself. "Let's go, Pinkie!"

Pinkie reached over and pulled Spike with her as she joined him. "Okie Dokie Bowsie."

"What?" said Spike, still a bit groggy said as she yanked him along. "What?"

The surrounding patrons watched from their seats while the fight began. Moving fast, Pinkie made the first move and tackled against the trio. She made her way back to the others, not noticing Spot was already making his counter attack.

Pinkie looked back, but before she could react Spot's paws were already in her mane, Just as she was about to buck him off, Spot hopped back holding Pinkie's hammer. "I'll be taking that, see."

"Hey!" Pinkie hollered, running a hoof through her mane.

Spike bolted in, "Give it back!" He reached for the hammer, merely inches from his claws when he felt something pull at his nape.

"Finder's keepers," said Fido, holding Spike up to his face before tossing him to the ceiling where his spines got him stuck.

"Hey," the Goomba at the entrance shouted, going red as he hopped at his counter. "Quit wrecking up my place!"

Oblivious to the little creatures pleas, Rover made his way to Pinkie and Bowser with his arms swinging wildly. Clocking both Koopa and pony with a double roundhouse, he hopped back to Fido and Spot's side.

Recoiling from the last blow, Pinkie looked to Bowser, noticed him taking a deep breath and ran behind him in time as Bowser exhaled cyclone of flames. Still on the ceiling and out of harms way, Spike looked down to see the roaring red and orange vortex tear across the room. Rover, Spot, Fido, braced themselves but were no match as they got washed away along with every Goomba and anything not fastened to the floor. Safely behind Bowser's shell, Pinkie watched everyone helplessly whirling around her and slam against the wall across from them. Seeing everything settling across the room, Spike wriggled himself free and dropped down besides Pinkie as she and Bowser slowly walked towards the mountain of tables and chairs.

A chair suddenly rolled off the mound as Rovers head popped out. "Is that--"

Just under him, Spot jumped out. "All--"

Lifting a charred table off his back, Fido rose up behind the two of them. "You got!" Together, they hopped off the pile. ready for another round when everyone noticed the rubble behind them begin to shack.

"My restaurant!" Exploding out of the mound, the Goomba shop keep observed the remains of his shop. "You've ruined it!" His tie ripped, scratches all over his body, and eyes blazing like the sun, he hopped with steam spouting off the top of his head. "You're gonna pay for what you did!"

The pile continued to rumble and suddenly exploded underneath him.

"Yeah!" The explosion of rubble caused by the other Goombas breaking out blew Rover, Spot and Fido towards Pinkie and Bowser's side. The formed up as the three Diamond Dog stood up now next to Pinkie Bowser and Spike.

Still hopping mad with his army of angry patrons behind him, the diner boss Goomba, stomped his little feet at the six of them. "We're gonna make you pay!"

"Wait, what?" Both Bowser and Rover let out, struggling to understand what was going on as a tidal wave of Goombas came crashing down on them.

"Hold on," Bowser paused, remembering something important he overlooked. "You all used to work for--" a head bonk against his chin cut Bowser off. The knee high army raining down on them bum rushed with a series of tackles and head bonks.

"What are we gonna do?" Spike shouted over the brown surge. "They're all over us!"

Rover snorted. "Why don't you try fighting like a dog." With the next wave dying down, he and his dogs barreled forwards and broke through the barrage, tossing Goombas every which way with their paw swipes Their efforts momentarily cleared the floor before more Goombas charged in again.

"I can't let those flea bag have all the fun." Swiping his claws, Bowser cleared a path and join the trio. Pinkie and Spike followed him as they stood in a circle facing the army all around them. "Time I show these minions why they work for me."

Wave after wave of Goomba hordes flew all over the place as Koopa king, pony, dragon and diamond dogs fought alongside one another. A group of Goomba's stacked atop on another were no match against Pinkie's nimble hops to their heads, but a group wearing spiked helmets stopped her in her tracks.

"Hey, pony, catch!"

Looking to the source of the voice, Pinkie saw Spot chucking her hammer back to her. She caught it, swinging it against the group of spiked Goomba closing it. With them out of the way she waved back a Spot. "Thank you."

One Goomba, knocked away by Bowser's crushing fist, rolled to the corner and looked another of his fellow partners. "Hey, don't you feel something familiar about that big guy?"

"Well now that you mention it, their is something about him that make me feel nostalgic. I just can't seem to remember."

"This may seem weird, but I think it has something to do with the way he pummels."

"... Now that you mention it, I got that feeling too. What do you think it means?"

"No clue, but since we're fighting we'd best just keep going at it. come on."

With his fellow Goomba running back into the carnage, the other Goomba was left to think. "Hmm, maybe your right. Who knows, maybe we'll remember if we keep getting pummeled." With a quick shrug, he ran back in, making his way towards Bowser.

Bowser was making light work of another group coming at him when another group standing inside large green boots dropped down from above and kept jumping against his shell. He wast about to move out of the way when a separate group of raccoon tailed Goombas came at him with their tails swinging.

"Get away from him!" Spike came rushing in, tacking one aside before lunging after another.

Spot and Rover jumped in to help. Spot climbed up Bowser's shell and started kicking away boot riders while Rover helped Spike clear the ones below.

Now matter how many they took out with Bowser's fire, Spike's slashes, Pinkie's hammer, and the Diamond trio's thrashing, replacement Goombas just kept filling in. Football helmeted one, green ones, blue ones, ones in spiked chestnut shells, ones with skulls over them, some standing as large as Bowser, they all just came marching in to the fight. Although doing her best along with the others Pinkie couldn't help but be amazed at the assorted Goomba parade.

"Oh look at that one, and that one! Oh my gosh they;re so cute. Check out that one. Wait, oh my gosh! Those are made out of paper!"

Holding a wriggling Goomba in his hands, Bowser looked to the entrance. "Did you say paper? Oh no."

While all sorts of havoc took place inside the dingy diner, just a distance away, an iconic cape wearing show-mare was making her way onto the scene.

"Uhh, I can't believe this!" Holding down her hat as her cape flowed in the breeze, Trixie made her way through the roaming hills. "I am so late. The great and power Trixie is almost never late." She looked ahead, spotting the lone building in the distance. "I'll just tell them I was busy doing something great and powerful. I'm sure those three'll buy it, Especially after I go over how to get their cave back." Trotting closer and closer, she noticed the house rattling as tiny brown figures came shooting out the windows and breaking through the walls. "Uh-oh, looks like the other two arrived before I did. I better make sure they get too rough with each other or else thing might not go as smoothly as planned." She went into a sprint, now dodging screaming Goombas dropping around her as she got closer. At the door, Trixie ducked as another group got flung out and made her way into the hornets nest. She stood in silence, watching a squadron of paper planes dive down towards the group below. "What in Equestria is going on here!"

Ragged, worn, and breathing heavily, Pinkie and company were swatting away the dive-bombing sheets. The multi-folded paper Goombas swooped back to their side where they unfolded back to their 2-D shape and grouped up by their edges to form a giant towering square. They then all flipped over to their backside to reveal the image of a giant sparkling 2-D Goomba standing as high as the ceiling.

"Everyone, get ready." Bowser yelled, as the sparkling mega-Goomba rolled itself up and fell over.

Its body spanning the width of the room, the rolled up paper flattened dozens of exhausted Goombas in its way as it got closer to the group. Trixie watched the paper steamroller ran down everything. She jumped back out the door just in time to avoid the roller and quickly ran back in as it passed where she saw it come to an abrupt stop.

Bowser, Fido, Spot, Spike and Rover where holding the roller back. Pinkie was standing right behind them and reaching into her mane. "Hang on everypony, I gonna call in some help." Pulling out Twilight's tiara, she held it up high.


Everyone stopped. The rolled up Goomba poster unfurled and looked back to the entrance along with everyone else.

"What are you all doing? Trixie slowly made her way further inside, passing piles of groaning Goomba all over the place. "The great and powerful Trixie did not arrange this meeting so you all could all work together, not fight each other."

"Arrange?" Fixing what was left of his tattered tie, the diner boss Goomba stumbled out from one of the piles. "We don't know about any meeting."

"Yeah, what's this about a meeting?" said Bowser, stepping up as well "Last time I saw you, you were teaming up with my brainwashed minion under Discord. This must be another of his tricks, isn't it?"

Every Goomba suddenly hopped to their feet and glared at Trixie. "Discord!"

"You're working for Discord?"

"We hate that guy!"

"We were happy, working ourselves hard for Princess Rarity when he suddenly fired us."

"Cast us aside like we were nothing. Princess Rarity and Crystal king tried to keep us but Discord said no and had those smelly dogs replace us."

"We miss, Crystal King."

"We miss Princess Rarity."

"We miss getting bossed around."

"Yeah!" the Goombas all shouted.

"Just like the good old days."

"Yeah back when we used to work for... work for."

"I remember our old king's name started B."

"Yeah it was B-something. What was it."

A thunderous stomp drew everyone eyes. "I'll tell you who you worked for." Striking a stoic pose, Bowser looked out to his amnesiac army. "You worked for me, Bowser! You were all part of my fearless army. You're all brave soldiers who always marched forward to victory. Enduring stomping feet, fire balls, Koopa shells, or bottomless pits, your endless numbers guaranteed our conquest. 'Marching straight ahead into the enemy's feet!' That's the creed you all live by!"

Various Goomba's nodded. "Hmph, that does sound familiar."

"Baloney!" The diner boss Goomba marched over to Bowser. "You think we'd ever work for someone like you? You're out of your mi--" A bonk to the head courtesy of Bowser's fist silenced him. Still quiet, he looked into the Koopa's eyes. "Lord Bowser, where are we?"

With that matter settled, Bowser focused back on the group. "Together we'll get Crystal King and that 'Princess Rarity' back!"

Pinkie and Spike joined in as more Goombas shouted out. "Yeah!"

"And together we'll take down Discord and make him pay."

With Spot, Rover and Fido now joining in, everyone but Trixie let out a final shout. "Yeah!"

"Ahem," Trixie cut in as everyone's excitement died down. "I'm glad you're all eager and seeing eye to eye, but before you do anything rash the great and powerful Trixie thinks you should come up with a plan of attack."

"Plan shman!" Bowser growled. "With my Goomba troops back on my side, I don't need a plan. After all, storming castles is my specialty. Everyone just follow my lead and together we'll beat everyone in our way."

Not wanting to argue, seeing that it'd get her nowhere, Trxie stepped aside as Bowser made for the exit.

"Alright everyone, march!"

The newly allied Goombas followed Bowser in tight formation out the door with Pinkie, Spike, Rover, Spot and Fido walking behind their tightly synchronized footsteps. With the last Goomba marching out the door, Trixie stood alone in the remains of the ramshackle diner.

She sighed. "Hopefully they'll be alright without a plan. I'm sure they will. After all they've managed to come this far without one." She walked to one of the countless holes in the wall to see the last file of Goombas wander out sight. "Well they may not have a plan but as for the great and powerful Trixie, I've still got one more plan to get started on."

"Really now," A voice spoke out behind her. "another one?"

Trixie quickly turned to see a Koopa dressed in a purple robe riding atop a broomstick.

"Looks like the little mare for hire has been busy helping out those two in secret. Did you think master Discord didn't know what you were up to."

Trixie jumped for the opening behind her, but a bulky yellow block dropped from above and cut her escape. The old Koopa raised her wand, summoning more blocks over every possible opening.

"Suddenly joining us on your own, choosing to team up with Tutankoopa and Twilight. You must have hoped to save her first, didn't you? But that proved impossible. I bet once you saw those two come along you put your hopes in them to do it for you and started working in secret to help them." She cackled circling around overhead. "You only got so far because that's what master Discord wanted." With her puttering broomstick hovered down closer she aimed her wand at Trixie who glared back at her. "It's time you really join us."

"Nooooo. Noooooo!" Trixie tried to run, but her body started hovering off the ground. Wriggling wildly, she vanished under a plume of smoke that wrapped around her.

"Come along pony, we've got to get ready in case those two actually make it to us. But first let's pay master Discord a visit. I'm sure he be able to change that attitude or yours."

Comments ( 15 )

Trixie was helping?!
I'm intrigued.

Great chapter and twist.

Oh no, another minion for Discord.

What a :twistnerd:

Pinkie looked back, but before she could react Spot's paws were already in her mane, Just as she was about to buck him off, Spot hopped back holding Pinkie's hammer. "I'll be taking that, see."

I smell a Popple reference.

Bowser in full force. Rarity won't know what hit her.

Man, it's always good to see another chapter of this go up. I know I'll have fun when I read it, and this time was no exception. :pinkiehappy:

So Trixie wasn't actually bad, hey? That's a neat twist. I can't wait to see what happens next!
Bowser's gonna storm another castle! Glorious victory awaits! :trollestia:

Ok, so a Koopa King, a pony, a dragon and 3 diamond dogs walk into a goomba bar...I forgot where I was going with that. Anyway I'm just commenting to show my continued suppor of you and this story. I just can't allways think of something worthwhile to say every chapter but this story has been really fun sinse the begining and I look forward to more. I'm out dog.

GWA HA HA! I make yet another appearance in FanFiction! Keep it up!

A magically hilarious experience all the way through. Captures the spirit and constant enjoyment of the RPG series to a T.

9.7/10, so enchanted I would practically pay to see the story completed.

Kamek's mind was immune to Discord's influence but Kammy's mind is not. Talk about WHAT THE ________!!!!


I see what you're saying.
While Kamek was still under Discord's control it was likely seeing Bowser that freed the grip on his mind.
I kind of see it as Kamek being slightly stronger to Kammy.
I suppose you could say this line of thinking is due to Kamek being a more prominent #2 in Bowser's army compared to Kammy in the Mario series since you really only see Kammy appearing in the first 2 paper Mario games.

Thought it was a nice touch to have the 2 known magikoopa in the story.

Great twist.

Looking forward to seeing your next chapter.

Please continue this story! I love crossover stories and I really love how Pinkie and Bowser team up to stop Discord and his brainwashed Koopa Troop army!

I. NEED. MOOOOOOORE!!! Bowser and Pinkie just happen to be my favorite characters in both Mario games and My Little Pony. :rainbowlaugh:

It’s a sad thing to see a good story, the most beautiful of lies, never be finished. I’m sorry to see it die. Oh captain, my captain.

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