• Published 28th Feb 2012
  • 4,744 Views, 120 Comments

Bowser and Pinkie's Super Bizarre Saga - Alkem

Bowser and Pinkie Pie team up to save her friends and get revenge on Discord for taking his army.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Bowser and Pinkie's Super Bizarre Saga

Chapter 7:

A gentle breeze gradually made its way through an open window and pelted against the scales of an exhausted Bowser. Opposed to the harsh conditioned he'd endured not too long ago; the breeze was a welcomed sensation. While he lay back against his seat with his eyes closed, Pinkie Pie sat to his left with her head poking out the window. She looked out over the rolling scenery, happy to see field of green once again. The then looked over the dozens of boards and planks covering the majority of their train car's exterior.

After letting the wind blow in her mane a bit longer, she stuck her head back inside and turned to her riding buddy. "See Bowsie; I told you we'd be able to catch a ride back to Town."

Flinging an eye open while he still laid back with his arms crossed, Bowser examined the car's interior and quietly nodded taking note of the patchwork done on the once decimated train. Masked under the constant chugging of the train, he whispered, "If only my troops could fix up our ships as fast as this; I'd have no problem taking over the Mushroom kingdom. Maybe when I get back my army and take over this place, I'll make these ponies work as my repair crew."

Pinkie noticed Bowser chuckled quietly. She sat up and leaned in closer to him. "What's so funny, Bowsie?"

He jerked away from her in shock. "N-nothing," he coughed. "I was just, thinking about what I'm gonna do to that skinny freak when I finally get my claws on him."

"Hmm…" Pinkie sat back in her seat and placed hoof against her chin. "Didn't Discord say that he had a surprise waiting for us when we got back to Ponyville? Now I wonder what sort of surprise it'll be." She gasped. "Maybe it's a welcome party for the two of us. With lots of balloons, cake, and a parade with floats of you and me? Oooh what kind of cake do you think there'll be Bowsie? I hope it's chocolate with strawberries. Oh what about you, Bowsie. What kinda cake do you—"

"I really doubt a party's the surprise that jerk has in mind. After all, the last time he surprised us this train was blown up. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's gonna to be a pain in my shell." Positioning himself back down with his arms crossed again, he closed his eyes and sighed. "I just want to focus get my minions back."

Bowser's words made Pinkie quietly sit beside him. "Yeah…" she sighed. "I miss my friends too." The constant sound of the train's chugging filled the silence as Bowser watched Pinkie stare towards the window. She then turned her head, looked up at him, and smiled. "But together, I know we'll get them all back."

Perhaps it was because he'd endured her so long, or possibly a lingering side effect from the desert heat, but hearing her say that made Bowser feel at ease. Both, still weary from their previous exploits, started dozing off, lulled to sleep by the train's rhythmic chugging.

Hours had passed, and while the duo was still resting in the rolling train car, a conductor pony step in from the next car over. "Next stop, Ponyville!"

Roused from his slumber, Bowser rubbed the crust from his eyes and looked out the window to see bumpy fields of green.

Is that the Mushroom Kingdom?

He tried leaning closer to get a better view but sensed something rub against side. He looked down to notice Pinkie still sleeping beside him.

Nope, still here.

Huffing at the sight of her, he nudged her slightly. "Hey, Pinky," There was no response from the snoozing mare. He nudged her again, this time pushing her towards the edge of her seat. "Hey, wake up." Nothing but a snore came out of the pink mare that time. Scowling at her, he pushed her right off her seat and onto the ground. "Pinky, get up! We're here."

Awakened by her drop, Pinkie Pie stretched out her limbs and stood up, realizing she was on the car floor. "Hmm, I must've roll outta my seat while I was sleeping."

"Yeah, that must have been it," Bowser replied with a grin.

Hopping back on her seat, she peered out the window in time to see them pulling into the station. "Wow that was quick."

"Come on, Pinky, let's not waste any time."

"Hey, Bowsie, wait for me!" she shouted, catching up to Bowser already stepping out of the train.

With sensation of solid dirt underneath his feet as he and Pinkie stepped out of the station, they were greeted by the sight of Ponyville the same as it had always been.

"Okay, Pinkie." Bowser examined the area, seeing ponies keeping their distance from him. "We gotta keep an eye out for anything suspicious."

"Suspicious?" She asked, seeing a mare walking towards them suddenly turn and running as she caught sight of Bowser.

"Yeah, any clue that can show us where that dumb crown thing Discord took might be." Bowser aimlessly walked around, unintentionally—yet jovially—scaring ponies everywhere he went.

While he was busy searching, though his chuckles at the townsfolk's screams suggested otherwise, Pinkie walked towards a bulletin board and noticed a large poster slapped in the center. "Bowsie, you mean something like this?"

Bowser turned his attention away from a trembling group of ponies to his cheery partner standing before a massive bulletin board. "Like what?" He approached her, giving the terrified group of stallions and mares their chance to escape, and read the poster. "Ponyville Wrestling competition?"

"Yeah," Pinkie read on. "According to this it looks like it's about to start just outside of town hall in the middle of Ponyville. It also says that anyone is welcome to join the competition and that the winner will receive a fabulous prize." At the very bottom of the poster they noticed picture of Twilight's crown. "Look, look, that's Twilight's crown thingy. Huh, so I guess this was the surprise Discord had in store for us."

Stomping against the ground with each step, Bowser glared forward with Pinkie, still gleeful as ever, hopping along at his side. The shrieks and gasps from mare and colt alike as he marched by bright a miniscule smile on his face. Bringing back memories when he'd terrorize the Mushroom Kingdom and heard its denizens cry out just like them. He closed his eyes for a moment, picturing the scene vividly; he could swear he was actually hearing Toads crying out in terror.

"Hey, Bowsie, what are those things?" Pinkie questioned, spotting strange creatures fleeing along with other ponies. "I've never seen anything like them before in Ponyville."

Snapping out of his little daydream, Bowser opened his eyes to find the Toads running and screaming in terror in his head were now in Ponyville. He watched as diminutive bipedal creatures with white and red spotted mushroom-like heads fled and hid along with the ponies. "Toads."

Pinkie Pie shifted her gaze around the path. "Toads? Where? I don't see any toads. All I see are just some funny looking mushroom headed people wearing blue vests. Maybe they're called Mushroom heads, or Shroomies? Or maybe Shroomen."

"No, Pinkie, they're called Toads." He looked back over to one of them. "Even if they look nothing like an actual toad, they're called Toads and they come from my world. The thing is how'd they end up here?"

"Beats me," Pinkie shrugged. "Maybe they heard about the wrestling competition and didn't want to miss it. Speaking of which we'd better hurry and get to, It's about to start." While they now moved along at a hurried pace, they overheard ponies and Toad shout as they passed.

"Aaaaah! Run, it's Bowser!"

"Aww… Look, Bowsie, they remember you. Isn't that great? Thanks to them yelling out your name like that pretty soon everypony in Ponyville will know who you are. Maybe, after everypony gets used to you, they'll stop being scared of you."

Bowser stared at her with a raised eyebrow. "Why would I want them to do that?"

Walking past the last set of homes lining the pathway, watching window shuttered close as they passed, they stepped out onto the open field of the town's center where the sounds of cheering and music came crashing against them. Approaching the tall-standing Town hall building, they spotted a gathering of ponies and Toads all huddled tightly around a wrestling ring.

One stallion in the crowd felt Bowser's approaching stomps and looked back. "Ahh, it's that monster again!"

A Toad standing next to him, looked back as well and hollered. "That's worse than a monster! It's Bowser!"

The outburst gathered more of the crowd's attention. One after another, Toads and ponies became aware and frightened. Soon the crowd's focus was on the approaching duo and they frantically scrambled to the other side of the ring, leaving one side clear for Pinkie and Bowser to get to.

"Neat, this way we'll get a great view of the action." Pinkie stood on her hind legs, poking her head over the corner of the mat when she heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Yes it is, Pinkie. But won't you two get to see from even better spots in the ring?"

Both Pinkie and Bowser turned back, recognizing the blue robed Koopa wearing a matching wizard's cap.

"Kamek!" Pinkie excitedly proclaimed as she reached out and hugged him. "It's good to see you."

"Likewise Ms. Pie," said Kamek, struggling to speak under Pinkie's immense show of affection. "I see you two have managed to make some progress together."

"What about you?" Bowser questioned. "Have you figured out any way to get us out of this mess faster?"

Still in Pinkie's hold, Kamek shook his head. "I regrettably report that despite my best efforts I haven't been able to relinquish Discord's hold upon the castle. His magic is far stronger than I had anticipated. Even after soliciting the help of Ms. Twilight Sparkle, we still could not disrupt his magic."

Pinkie released Kamek from her vices. Her eyes then locked onto his as she steadily pushed her face closer and closer "How's Twilight? Is she and Fluttershy okay? Are they having fun without me?"

Kamek leaned back as far as he could while a pair of sky blue orbs practically pierced into him. "P-p-please calm yourself Ms. Pie. Ms. Sparkle and Fluttershy are fine. They even requested that I find you to tell so. While they may be trapped inside the castle by Discord's magic, they have each other along with both General Guy and Tutankoopa accompanying them."

Bowser looked down at his lackey, now free of Pinkie's clutches. "So you've been searching for us, Kamek?"

"Yes lord Bowser. I figured that you two would be arriving back to this town soon after Tut and Ms. Sparkle appeared in the castle. So I came back and awaited your arrival. When I arrived though, I was shocked to find Toads walking about.

"They recognized me immediately and threatened to lock me away. Thankfully the denizens of the town stepped in and stopped them, saying that I had done nothing wrong to deserve such treatment. It's because of them that I'm able to freely walk around without harassment from the Toads." He paused, adjusting his glasses and smirking as a glare shined from his lenses. "Not that I couldn't use my wand to beat them up, but it's far easier to work when no one is screaming in terror away from you or trying to bonk you on the head."

"Speak for yourself, I prefer handing people beatings" Bowser replied. "In fact I'm gonna do that to whoever steps into that ring."

Kamek turned and faced the ring. "Oh that's right, the competition. It seems that you and Pinkie have been signed up already. Thankfully for you two only one other pair actually registered to compete."

"Hmph, only one?" A series of cracks echoed over the roars of the crowd as Bowser readied his fists. "That's a shame. I really felt like letting loose for awhile. Ah well. At least this means we'll get through this quickly."

Pinkie leaned over the edge of the ring again, hopping as she watched a stallion step inside. "Ooo, ooo, looks like it's about to start"

The audience around the other half of the ring, hollered as the grey coated, black maned pony in a referee's shirt stood in the ring's center. Everyone hushed as he stood on his hind legs and raised his forelegs over the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlecolts, lllllet's get ready to Rrrrrrruuuuuuuuuummmmmmbaaaaaaaaalllllll!"

An explosion of cheers, swept to the other side of the ring, almost causing Bowser to fall as he climbed his way onto the mat. The ref continued, unfazed by the booming crowd, turning to one corner of the ring and pointing his hoof at Bowser.

"In this corner, a Koopa known throughout the Mushroom Kingdom as a brutish tyrant, a glutton for power and just a really, really bad guy; it's the King of all Koopas, Bowser!"

The literal one sided audience instantly switched from cheers to hisses and boos; all of them silencing instantly when the agitated Koopa shot them a deadly stare. With everyone quieted the ref pointed his hoof at the mare that gracefully hopped onto the ring and stood at Bowser's side.

"Teaming up with him is Ponyville's own cheerful pink smile, that party pony extraordinaire and friend to everypony, Pinkie Pie!"

Everyone burst into cheer once more, rooting their fellow pony. Bowser crossed his arms, tapping his foot against the mat while he watched Pinkie run from one side of the ring to another and wave at all her fans.

Seeing no sign of the crowd calming down soon, the ref turned away from the pair and pointed his hoof towards the other corner. "And in this corner, we have Glitzville's wrestling champ, the body slamming, dropkicking, dive bombing, high flying bird of prey, Rawk the Hawk!"

Dropping like a bomb out of the sky, a light yellow feathered figure in matching boots and orange wrestling trunks stood at his corner of the ring and wave at the crowd who waved and cheered back.

"With him is someone that's helped dozens of ponies deal with their insecurities. When he's not holding his workshops, he's holding someone against the mat. He's no monster, he's a minotaur. Give it up for Iron Will!"

Joining Rawk, a bluish-grey bull-like creature hopped into the ring and began flexing his muscles along with his partner. Together they each raised a fist into the air and then pointed them towards the pair standing at the other comer.

"Well, well, well. It looks like you've finally showed up chump," Rawk announced, pointing his index finger at Bowser. "It's payback time for what you did to me in Glitzville,-" He clenched his shaking fist, staring dagger at his opponent. "-and it's gonna happen here in the ring for everyone to see!"

Staring back in forth between Rawk and Bowser, Pinkie bumped her two hooves together. "Aha! So this must be another one of your friends, huh, Bowsie?"

Staring back at Rawk with his mouth slacked open and a puzzled look in his eyes, Bowser shook his head at Pinkie. "Nope. I've never seen this creep before in my life."

Rawk took a step back as if taking a blow. "What?! What do you mean you don't know me? Everyone's heard of Rawk the Hawk; and I know you and I've definitely exchanged blows before. Though I ended up flat as a pancake that time, things are different now. I've been training myself Rawk hard, and, thanks to some weird snake-bat-goat guy, I'm getting my shot for some payback."

"Hmm, flatten you huh?" said Bowser, rubbing a claw against his chin. "Sorry bud, I flatten tons tougher looking losers then you every day. You can't expect me to remember each one. In fact, I'm in the process of pounding that snake-bat-goat freak as we speak, so for your sake you two should just give up and hand me the prize." He smiled; pounding a fist against his palm. "That is unless you two are cruising for a Bowser sized bruising."

Iron Will stepped up and faced Bowser down. "That's some tough talk coming from someone wearing a hard shell on their back."

Bowser raised his fists, glaring at Will. "I'll show you tough?"

"Yeah you tell em, Bowsie!" Pinkie put on her game face as she stood at his side and narrowed her eyes at both Will and Hawk. "Me and Bowsie'll show you just how tough we can be."

Suddenly, both Will and Rawk burst into laughter pointing at Pinkie. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! You've sure got some guts, little pony, if you think you can take on Iron Will."

Fed up with the laughing pair, Bowser stomped his foot against the mat, causing it to rumble. "Enough talk!" He started marching forward. "Pinkie, it's showtime!"

"Okie dokie Bowsie!" she answered, catching up to him.

Scaffolding suddenly sprouted from the ring's four corners and a red curtain that rose with it opened wide where spotlight hanging up high shined upon the combatants. With the crowd hopping up and cheering it signaled the start of the battle.

Bowser struck first, slamming his brick-like fist against Rawk. Pinkie struck next, pulling out her mallet to strike both goons with a wide horizontal swing.

The crowd of Toads and ponies hopped and hollered— "Rawk Hawk! Iron Will!" -as they watched them take the blows in stride.

Fending off the first strike, Rawk pumped his fist and looked to his partner. "Come on, Will, let's show these weaklings how the two of us Rawk!." Synchronized, they charged and slugged back against the duo.

Bowser and Pinkie shrugged off their attack and, with the crowd's rhythmic cheering pumping them up, launched their counter attack. Pinkie leaped across the mat, dishing out a double back kick against Will and Rawk's chest. She then leapt away, getting out of the way as Bowser followed up her blow with a blast of his flames.

Rawk and Will, having endured Bowser's breath and after patting down their singed fur and feathers, glared at the Koopa grinning at them. "So…" Will snorted as his scratched his hoof against the mat. "Looks like the two of you do have some fight in you. Well then—" he cleared his throat and puffed out his chest. "—when you're in for a fight, hit 'em with all your might!"

He and Rawk then sprung into action. Rawk leaped high into the air, back-flipping onto one of the metal towards of the surrounding scaffolding while Will walked back and pushed himself against the ropes. Together they launched themselves forward. Rawk kicking himself off the metal tower diving forward with his fists held ahead as Will sprung off the ropes and charged with all his might. They smashed into Bower who raised his arms up to fend them off. Pinkie stood behind him, pushing her hooves against his shell as hard as she could, trying her best to reinforce Bowser's efforts.

"When somepony tries to block—" Iron Will relentlessly pushed against the two while Rawk was doing likewise.

"—show 'em that you Rawk!" Rawk Hawk finished as he and Will broke through Bowser's defense, sending both Koopa and pony flying high before slamming back hard on the ring.

Lying flat on his stomach, Bowser opened his eyes to see nothing by pink fur. After yanking Pinkie off his face and plopping her at his side, he erupted onto his feet with a deafening roar. "I ain't about to lose to a pair of weaklings like you!" He quickly ducked limbs and head into his shell which then laid flat on the matt. "Pinky, hop on!"

She eagerly hopped atop his shell and braced herself as Bower began spinning at an increasing rate of speed. Poised at the tip of the whirling shell, Pinkie reached into her mane and pulled out her robust oversized concealed inside as they moved towards Will and Rawk.

Sliding across the ring like a bowling ball, Bowser bashed against them. Pinkie, gripping her mallets handle in her teeth while she wrapped her hooves onto one of Bowser's shell spikes, clocked the muscle-bound before they bounced. Still whirling like a top, Bowser and Pinkie spun into ring ropes and bounced back for another attack. They struck again and ricocheted into the ropes once more, repeating the process and clashing their shell and hammer twice more before returning back to their side of the ring.

Toads and ponies alike hit the ring with a tidal wave of enthusiasm as the once one-sided crowd now flooded each side of the ring.

"Bowser! Bowser!"

"Pinkie! Pinkie!"

The pair everyone was cheering for turned and faced their sea of new fans. Pinkie smiled and waved at everyone while Bowser struck a pose, extending his pointer finger high into the air as the two of them basked in the radiance of everyone's support.

Standing in shadows of the pair's rapidly growing fame, Rawk's eyes ignited with a ferocity that stayed his date with obscurity and looked to his. "Will, we can't let those two steal our fans."

"You're right Hawk!" Will shouted, his eyes as emblazoned as Rawk's. He snorted loudly, clenched his fist and glaring at Bowser and Pinkie with a scowl. "When somepony takes our spotlight away, it's time we make that somepony pay!"

"Yeah!" Rawk hollered back with a pump of his fist. They then locked arms and charged, clothes lining Pinkie and Bowser from behind and running past them. They rebounded off the ropes and deliver a second helping, knocking both mare and Koopa down.

Voices around the ring gasped as they watched both Pinkie and Bowser drop with a booming thud. They watched silently at first as the pair simply lay there as Rawk and Will high fived each other. But then they resumed chanting, building in volume until the names "Pinkie" and "Bowser" could be hear throughout Ponyville.

Hearing their thunderous call, Pinkie Pie stood up and grasp onto the back of her head. "Owowowo." She rubbed the swelling she found. "Here I thought wrestling was supposed to be fake, but those two sure are hitting us hard. What do we do, Bowsie?"

Pushing himself up from the mat, Bowser rose up at her side rubbing his head as well. "If they wanna have a tag team showdown, we'll give 'em one! Alright, Pinky, you know what to do."

Bowser curled into his call position and Pinkie struck him with a mighty swing with her mallet, shooting the spiked green wrecking ball forward. Bowser bowled across the ring, slamming against Iron Will with enough force to knock the minotaur into the ropes.

Bowser bounced back towards Pinkie whose follow up swing sent Bowser crashing against Rawk and ricocheting back towards her. Pinkie struck again, sending Bowser rolling for another attack, but Will and Rawk were ready and together they hit Bowser back toward Pinkie who swatted him back at them.

Converting into a tennis match, with Bowser as the ball, the two on one match between Pinkie versus Rawk and Will heated up. The once roaring crowd now watched in silence, with only their eyes moving left and right as they keeping up with Bowser's seemingly ceaseless rolling.

Both sides were evenly match until Pinkie Pie made her move, putting everything she could muster into one power shot. Will and Rawk, seeing the mallet stuck Koopa barreling towards them, let Bowser pass them and roll right into the ring ropes.

With his massive frame pushing against them, the rope stretched, almost letting Bower roll right out of the ring and into the gasping crowd he now teetered over. Fortunately for panic stricken audience who were scrambling to get out of the way, the ropes held together and retracted, bouncing Bowser up high above the ring to crash back do to the middle of the ring with a ground quaking thud that caused some of the spotlight to fall from the ring's scaffolding.

With the crowd now chanting his name, Bowser uncurled himself and stumbled back over to Pinkie's side, still wobbling by the time he got there. "Ok,—" He placed his palms against his cheeks and held his head in place. "—let's try a different. I don't think I'll last much longer if we keep going like that."

Huffing as much as he, Pinkie looked to the duo standing across from them and then back to Bowser. "Hmm… Hey, Bowsie, can you make some fire balls with that breath of yours?"

Catching his breath and finally stopping his world from spinning, Bowser stared down at her and patted his puffed out chest. "Just watch me."

Pinkie nodded. "Okay Bowsie." She quickly ran behind him and grabbed a hold of his tail. "Just follow my lead."

With Pinkie cranking his tail like a crank, Bowser felt a familiar warm sensation building in his gut. "Hey, Pinky, you know I can breathe fire on my—" A fireball suddenly shot forth from his mouth, cutting him off. Soon after, another one quickly fired out, and then another. Soon Bowser found himself standing straight with his wide open mouth aimed straight into the air as countless red hot embers spewed out and littered everything in front of him.

Still spinning away at Bowser's tail, Pinkie looked up and enjoyed the fireworks. "I know that, Bowsie. It's just more fun this way. Okay, their falling back down, now start hitting!"

With his mouth still letting out more flames, Bowser looked to the sky and noticed some of the fireballs were dropping back down at his feet. Catching on to Pinkie's plan, he threw his fist forward as one of the flames dropped down and sense something warm hit against his knuckles.

Pinkie Pie watched as the fireball he struck flew across the ring and collide against Rawk the Hawk "Keep punching like that, Bowsie!"

Without a second thought Bowser started punching away, sensing his knuckled heat up more and more with each ball of flames he hit. Fiery red streaks now flew across the ring, pelting both Will and Rawk, who did their best to shield themselves, as well as the majority of the ring and the crowd behind them it.

"Waaaah, my mane's on fire!"

"Aaaaaaa, someone put out the fires!"

Ponies and Toad alike cried out and fled to a safe side of the ring as the flurry of fireballs started to rain down upon them. Falling like meteoroids, Bowser's fireballs exploded against the ground, sending those caught in the blast flying. But even with all the chaos, everyone found themselves a safer spot and continued to cheer with their eyes glued to the action.

Back in the ring and behind the fire fountain that was formerly Bowser, Pinkie Pie sped up her tail winding and Bowser felt the already intense sensation in his stomach build up even further. She finally let go of his tail and grabbed her hammer, raising it above her head.

"You ready, Bowsie? Here comes the big one!" With all her pony might, Pinkie send her hammer slamming onto Bowser's tail.

Along with a bolt of pain that ran up Bowser's body, the energy sitting his gut shot up and out of his mouth to form a massive fireball. The round inferno's heat radiated well beyond the ring and captivated everyone watching with its vibrant red hue. All eyes watched the miniature sun as it ascended into the air, but their awestruck silence quickly reverted to terrified gasps and screams when they watched the orb slowly make its way back down to the ring.

Bowser kept his eyes on the falling star like everyone else and readied himself to strike. "I can't believe you want me to hit that, Pinkie!"

"Don't you worry, Bowsie, I've got this one."

Pinkie's hooves patted against Bowser's show as she nimbly climbed her way up onto his shoulders. She then leapt up with hammer in hoof and clashed against the descending fireball, sending it careening down onto Will and Rawk.

Far from the center of all the commotion, stepping out from the boarders of the Everfree Forest, Zecora looked over Ponyville.

"Now that my hut is quiet and still, it's time I see how's Ponyville. If that mischievous Discord is up to no good, then find those two and help them I should."

Before she took her next step forward, she felt a rumbling at her hooves and saw a flash of light emanate from the center of town. The shimmer quickly vanished before her eyes and was engulfed by a blast that caused a giant plume of smoke to rise high into the sky.

"With chaos as his calling card, finding them will not be hard," she said to herself, galloping towards town and the source of that blast.

In the remains of the ring and its surroundings, two roasted bodies were laying face first on the floor. From the drifting cloud of smoke, the crowd emerged from whatever shelter they found from the last attack and started to chant.

"Pinkie, Bowser!"

"Bowser, Pinkie!"

Galloping past the crowd and climbing into the battered ring, the referee pony joined Pinkie and Bowser at center ring and raised their hand and hoof up. "Fillies and gentlecolts, we have our winners! Let's hear it for our winners, Pinkie Pie and Bowser!"

More cheers flooded the town, and with a gust of wind, along with some help from the town's pegasi, the cloud surrounding the ring was cleared out for sunlight to shine in.

"Now for our winners, here's your prize!" Turning his head back to reach over his shoulder, the ref pulled out something and handed it over to Pinkie who then held it high in the air to shine under the sun's rays.

*Pinkie won Twilight's Tiara.*

"Hey, I won it too," Bowser grumbled.

With the excitement of Ponyville's first, and probably last, wrestling competition over, things returned to a quiet peaceful state. Mares and stallions had all dispersed back to their daily lives, leaving Bowser and Pinkie standing ringside with their prize in hand.

Holding their prize between her hooves, Pinkie gazed into the tiara's gem which shimmering brilliantly. "Isn't this great, Bowsie? Now Twilight can come help us out when we need her."

"Yeah, great…" Bowser tapped his foot with his arms crossed, looking at the gem as well. Just three more of those things then I can finally get outta here. "Now we've gotta find out where we gotta to go next."

"I see my guess was right on the mark. I'm happy to see you two have not fallen apart." Pinkie and Bowser turned to the familiar voice to see Zecora walking towards them with Kamek standing beside her. "I ran into this one while searching for you. Thank goodness his claim of know you were true. We spoke for a while and he explained your recent run in a moment ago, but that you both put on a dazzling show."

Pinkie galloped over and stopped before them. "That's right Zecora. Bowsie and I had to wrestle these two really strong guys and we were all like bang, and they were like 'grrr, we're gonna win', and everypony started cheering for us. But in the end we won and now we got this." She held out Twilight's tiara. "Now we can call Twilight with this."

While Pinkie was exuberantly chatting with Zecora, Kamek noticed Bowser seemed to be distracted with something and approached him. "Is something the matter your gnarlyness?"

Bowser stood still and kept his eyes on the ring. "I'm wondering what that feathered wimp was doing here and how he managed to get himself such a tough wrestling partner."

"That is a question both Kamek and I have asked as well," Zecora walked over and join the two of them, with Pinkie following right behind her. "And what we came up with I shall now tell." Pinkie returned to Bowser side and sat down as Kamek and Zecora pair up across from them and began their tale.

Finished their little story, they both took a bow as Pinkie applauded them.

"Okay, so that would explain those two." Bowser looked down one of the roads entering the town hall circle and stared at one of the Toads walking around. "But that doesn't explain why there are Toads now appearing."

"I told you Bowsie," Pinkie interjected. "They showed up because they wanted to watch the competition."

"I don't want to say that that's wrong, Pinkie, but I think there's a bigger reason behind it," said Kamek, busy adjusting his glasses. "I think I'll stay here for a while to figure it why."

Zecora placed a reassuring hoof on his shoulder. "If that is you goal, then allow me to lend a hoof and play a part role."

"I appreciate it Miss Zecora," said Kamek, looking at her with a smile. "Okay then, Lord Bowser, while Zecora and I work to figure this out, you two should work on finding out where to go next."

"That's easier said than done." Bowser griped. "I have no clue where to go next. It could be anywhere."

The realization of Bowser's word sunk in. Each of them stayed silent and pondered what their next move would be. The quiet brainstorming session suddenly cut short as a trio of voices started calling out.

"Hey Pinkie Pie!"

Turning her head to see who called her, Pinkie spotted three familiar faces headed for the four of them. Bowser on the other hand saw three blurs. One yellow, one orange and one last white darting towards accompanied by the distinct sound of giggling. Though he couldn't remember where he'd seen them before, a little headache told him one thing for sure. He wasn't going to like it.

"Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo." Pinkie excitedly hopped towards the girls headed for her. "It's so good to see you girls aga—" Before she could finished the trio slammed against her, toppling her onto the ground with the three young mares and sending them rolling before Bowser feet.

"Pinkie Pie!" –Applebloom shouted, lying over Pinkie, with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo on her back. All three of them stared at Pinkie with a frown. "Pinkie Pie, you've gotta help. It's Applejack. Something's not right with her."

Although under the weight of the fillies, Pinkie gazed up at them with wide open eyes. "Wait, you girls have seen Applejack? Where?"

"She's over at Sweet Apple Acres." Applebloom's eyes watered up as she let out a heavy sigh. "But she ain't actin' like herself. Ever since she got back, she's been busy plantin' some funny lookin' seeds. When I asked her bout it she told me it was none of mah business. She's been real secretive bout those seeds, makin' sure big brother and I can't see what she's doin'. I didn't think much about it afterwards, but then those seeds sprouted. They quickly grew all over our fields and soon turned our famous orchard into a jungle. Now our apple fields are buried in vines, and to make matters worse there's these flowers that keep trying to bite anything that get near em."

"Flowers that bite?" Bowser looked back and down at the trio. "Are these flowers red with white polka-dots?"

Applebloom looked up, rubbing her nose as she sniffed. "Uh huh."

Without a second thought, Bowser turned from them and started walking. "Let's get going, Pinky."

"Where are we going, Bowsie?" Pinkie asked, standing up along with the girls to watch him leave.

"Where else? To save this Apple friend of yours and get back another one of my generals."

"Oh, okie dokie then. But don't you think you should head this way." Pinkie pointed her hoof in a direction at her back. "You know, since Sweet Apple Acres is over there." Watching him turn with a loud grumble, she, along with the girls, started walking with him, leaving Zecora and Kamek to wave them goodbye.

In line with the others, Scootaloo looked over to the tall standing Koopa, then she turned her head towards Pinkie Pie. "You know something, Pinkie, you're right. He really isn't so scary; kinda super grumpy, but not scary." She looked back at Bowser and flashed a smile his way before looking back to Pinkie. "Plus you two were totally awesome fighting together in that ring."