• Published 3rd Oct 2013
  • 1,850 Views, 40 Comments

The fourth Aurelian crusade - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Following Equestria's arrival into sub-sector aurelia, a black legion warband descends upon the sub-sector once again, sowing destruction in it's wake.

  • ...

Suprise, suprise

“Milord! What has happened to you?!”




The chaos space marine stood awkwardly in front of his commander, unsure of what to do. Now like the rest of us, this certain chaos space marine knew that a good portion of his comrades were insane..... but this, this was a bit much. Time to slink silently away and perhaps take command himself.......

“WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” Carron asked seeing the chaos space marine try to slither away.

“Eh... to alert the men milord!”

“Very well, carry on.... we shall take away their metal bawkses!”

“We’re here.” Solomon said as he stepped outside from the rhino.

“Man, it’s cold....” Twilight muttered as the cold air of aurelia whispered to them. They were standing in the massive ruins of a fortress like building.

“Best be cautious. I smell an ambush.” Cyrus said checking the area around him. His comrades did likewise.

“Man... it’s like there already was a battle here....” Twilight said gesturing at a frozen corpse.

“There was. Slightly over ten years ago, there was a massive battle against a mighty daemon, Ulkair the great, unclean one. The black legion desecrated the remains of one of the grandest chapter keeps. We made them pay the price for their impudence. Aramus defeated Ulkair himself.”

“What is a great unclean one?”

“Think the most vile, repulsive being you know, then multiply it about a few thousand times. Those daemons are more foul then....... anything!”

“Well.... what do they exactly do?”

“Spread every disease that is known to the galaxy to everybody. Even their own followers.”

“Why would they do that?”

“Ironically, it makes them stronger. Plague marines are very difficult to kill.... and as you know, war can be seen as a trade. It’s a trade of blows, weapons, tactics, knowledge and.... disease.”

“Yikes..... can you provide me with any sample of these viruses?”

“Why the hell would anyone want any of those things even near them?! That’s just insane!”

“No... maybe I can say.... make a cure? If I can’t... maybe Zecora can... she knows maybe like every cure to probably ever disease!”

“Doubtful....” Cyrus muttered.

“Well, maybe worth a try at least...” Tarkus said.

“I guess so....” Aramus said. “Solomon, how much more?”
“I’d give it a few more minutes. Come on!”

“Ah........ so the blood ravens have located the fifth artifact?” Sindri asked.

“If you aren’t aware of it yet, they have methods of finding it!” Araghast said impatiently.

“I understand..... there quick way of working leaves little room for doubt.” The sorcerer stared into the edge of a lava pool for a second... allowing the heat to touch his face and gave a wicked grin.

“I presume this used to be the illustrious Gabriel Angelos’ home? We shall also make it his grave once we have finished, his chapter with it!”

And of course, that certain hooded pony also had her own personal vendettas.......

“So... what do we do with that thing after we’re done?”

“Apparently she’ll be gone before we even realize. Perhaps for the good sport of things, play a good host and ask her to stay?”

“I think not... I prepare to leave after our business with one another is done.” Sindri said. In reality, he planned for a backstabbing.... perhaps a triple backstabbing. Those two insufferable fools Eliphas and Araghast were too busy in their schemes of power to realize that HE, Sindri had his own agenda. And it sure as hell didn’t include two idiotic chaos lords, some simpleton xeno and this entire circus of idiots.

“You like the night?” Luna asked Angelos as she finally stopped flying. She had caught the space marine stargazing moments ago and wondered if he was appreciating the night. Every now and then, Luna always felt a twinge of jealousy at her older sister, as even in this day and age, ponies though not by much, still seemed to like the day better than the night. It seemed to be different however with your average human. Night was solace to him.

“How so?” Luna asked when Angelos had nodded and said he did like the night.

“Many reasons. That’s all I’ll say.” Angelos said as he continued to watch and number the stars.
They both watched the skies for a while, both noting a shooting star that passed them. After what felt like hours, Luna once again felt like asking.
“Do you enjoy killing?”

“What kind of a question is that?!”

“My apologies... but... is murder something..”

“No. I am not a bloodthirsty savage like those who I face off against on a daily basis.” Angelos said almost reading Luna’s mind. “I don’t go and raid every planet I see like some band of pirate orks, or rush and assault some random bastion in the middle of nowhere like a bloothirsty khornate. I may be a fighter, a soldier of the imperium and a servant of the Emperor, but I see reason. I don’t pick fights that are unnecessary, I don’t go off and do things without thinking. Reason, it’s a nice word. Too bad most of my brothers never appreciated it.”

Luna wondered whether or not if this was Cyrus’ guise at appearing to be reasonable, or if he actually meant it. She wondered how good humans were at deception.....

That’s when it hit her. She didn’t know much about humans at all. They had mentioned in the past, regular people among them.

Luna laughed inwardly. Really? Did she honestly think in the past that all humans were nine feet tall bipedals in armor that went around killing everything in sight? The idea felt sillier as she kept on thinking about it. But even then..... humanity had grown stronger in nearly every aspect because of war, not inspite of it. That worried her. They wanted peace and harmony, right? But peace by force shouldn’t be called peace OR harmony. She sat pondering for the rest of the night on whether or not if hu... no, if this entire galaxy could ever be in a state of harmony........

Probably not.... says the average person. But not Luna, not Celestia and certainly never the mane six.

“Are they even trying anymore?!” Cyrus asked as the decapitated head of Carron slumped down. One shot, one kill.

“Hardly. This mob of chaos can’t do anything right.” Tarkus said. “Solomon, you got it yet?!”

“Just a few more moments!”

“Get the word to Angelos. We are headed for Cyrene next.” Aramus said. “Hey Twilight... you think...”

“Already done. But if you want something like sending a long distance message, try Spike. If I recall correctly, there’s no limit to how far he can send stuff.”

“Will keep in mind. Tell Gabriel also that we suspect Cyrene is where Eliphas is hiding out on.”

“Will do. Think after this we’ll be done?”

“Just kill Eliphas and we’ll be done. Cut off the head and the snake will die. Unless it’s the Alpha legion.”

“And it seems the loyalists have recovered the last artifact.” Araghast said walking over to Eliphas.

“Good... let them come.” Eliphas said. “It’s to my understanding we do not have the last artifact?”

“We do not. That alien and Sindri are attempting to locate it.”

“Good... Good.”

“And that’s the last of those insufferable fools....” Sindri said tossing a body into a lava pool.

“You are a credit to those other fools that you work with.” The alien said taking off her hood. She had a light tannish coat, and a yellow and red mane.

“Of course. Now then, I presume you have means to find... this element?”

“Indeed I do.” Sunset said. “Make sure that they don’t interrupt the process.”

“Certainly. I presume my share of this power will be.... adequate?”

“It will be. I promise you. How do you divide infinity?”
“Excellent. Take your time then.”