• Published 3rd Oct 2013
  • 1,849 Views, 40 Comments

The fourth Aurelian crusade - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Following Equestria's arrival into sub-sector aurelia, a black legion warband descends upon the sub-sector once again, sowing destruction in it's wake.

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Davian Cool!

“Here it is.” Sindri said placing the final element down. The stupid aliens! Even without his psyker abilities, Sindri still could bludgeon them to death with his staff quite expertly. Khorne approved.
“Unlimited power is within our grasp.” Sunset Shimmer said as her horn began to glow. A flash of light and she gave a sigh about to put a hoof on one of the elements.
“Hey! There they are!” Thaddeus said firing bolter rounds at the two causing them both to duck for cover as squads of space marines showed themselves.
Under normal circumstances, this amount of space marines was bad news for Sindri. But in his weakened state on this planet, he knew he couldn’t outfight ALL of them. Seeing how Sunset took off, he did the same.
“Where are we running?!”
“What?! Then why are we running?! We can’t outrun ALL of them for long!”
“Who said I need to outrun them?! I just need to outrun you!” Sunset said as she leapt up conveniently placed platforms up a cliff.
“BITCH!” Sindri yelled in anger. But Sunset’s treachery was probably the least of his problems as he saw the space marines close in. Time to run.

“This forest is dense. Beware of an ambush brothers.” Eliphas said as he looked around. “Be cautious, we are in the heart of the enemy.”
“Eliphas... you hear that?” Araghast asked. “Sounds like footsteps...”
“SINDRI!” Eliphas roared as the sorcerer ran right past him and his men. He was about to bark orders to have the sorcerer killed when he felt Araghast tap him on the shoulder.
“SCATTER!” Eliphas said trying not to panic. There, right in front of him was hundreds of terminators, librarians, tactical marines, devastators and more of their brothers that weren’t too happy to see him.
“That’s Eliphas!” Thaddeus said pointing at the chaos lord. “Slay him first!”
“You die first Whelp!” Eliphas shot back firing bolter rounds at the loyalists. This did absolutely nothing to slow down the mob.
“Captain Thule will want to know where he is. Get the word to him now!”

Sunset breathed a sigh of relief seeing how the space marines hadn’t found her yet. Relief! She started to cast her spell. This process, lasted about several minutes. By the end of it all, she was rather exhausted. She went to go get a drink at nearby stream submerging her entire head in the cool, refreshing liquid.
To her horror, a hand grabbed her at the end of the next and held her in. When she was finally thrown out, she choked in air greedily with relief. She allowed herself a glance at her captor who held her by the neck, tightly to the ground.
“Clever girl... not clever enough though...” Sindri said intent on choking the life out of her.
“Wai...wai...wa....wait!” Shimmer said attempting to convince the sorceror not to kill her. Sindri stopped for a moment.
“What is it?!” Sindri said.
“You still need me to get the elements ready! Okay... just don’t hurt me!” Shimmer said nursing her neck as Sindri let go.
“Try anything and you’ll wish I killed you back there.”
“Okay, okay!” Sunset said. “Here! I just finished the process!”
Sindri smiled underneath his mask. Mental images of him having some sport with this impudent alien smoked through his mind. Opening his hand, he grabbed the nearest element.

“Power.... unlimited power!” Sindri roared out. He felt it. He breathed it. And he felt it surge within him. Power. Today, he would become a god!
But something felt off.... suddenly... he felt a lightning bolt of pain with his body. Then again, and again, and again. Something was wrong...... really wrong. The jarring feeling in his chest told him that.
Sunset had started to smile. Her perfect white teeth showing in a ghost of a grin.
“Something wrong?”
“You.... what have you done?!” Sindri asked. The pain had become almost unbearable now.
“You really think someone who serves chaos can wield the elements of harmony? Jokes on you my friend. You thought yourself so smart, so cunning. You were only just used... just like in the past you had used others.”
Sindri wanted to say something.... but he was growing to weak to speak. Finally... he felt life slipping away as the world grew dark.

Sunset chuckled to herself as she went to retrieve the element. Sindri’s body had been lashed with powerful magic energy and she made sure not to touch him. Even traces of that powerful magic could be very harmful. Taking the elements she decided to find a more secluded area. Unlocking ALL their power, not just SOME of their power was a very tedious process. She needed a good place to hide to do so. She wondered whether or not those other two chaos lords would be easier to dupe, afterall Sindri had been the smartest out their band of idiots. But then again, his own ambition had been his downfall not once, but twice. Eliphas too was ambitious, but would his ambition blind him as well?
Probably not. Eliphas was more patient than Sindri. More vengeful too. Shimmer wondered how she could use those two. An idea worked into her head. It was maybe a gambit, either buying her more time or costing her all the time she had, but it may be worth it. Readying a spell, she readied to drop both the entire chaos warband straight into the middle of all the loyalists.

“Captain Thule! Eliphas went down this pass!” Thaddeus said as Davian arrived.
“Good. Tell the men they are not to lay a finger on Eliphas. He’s mine.”
“Understood.... should I have the men go hunting for him?”
“No need. He’s right there.” Davian said grinning wolfishly. “So Eliphas, how long do you intend to run from me?”
“Davian?! Well then... look and observe brothers on how loyalists choose to die, and how little choice they have in the matter.”
“I’ll fight both of you!” Thule said pointing at Eliphas. “Lord Araghast is it? Are you the pillager of a thousand worlds or a coward who fled a thousand battles against my chapter? You are no warrior heretic, just a worm that wiggles his way out of any fight.”
“You dare insult me space marine?!” Araghast now had a good idea on whose face he would now use for his new banner. Who else than Angelos’ right hand man himself?
“Then get fighting!” Davian said drawing his power sword.

“Dash...” Scootaloo said pointing from the cloud. Rainbow Dash had given her a lift to watch the fight. “Do you think Mr. Thule will need help? I mean there’s two of them and he might get hurt!”
“No need to worry squirt, Cool is going to be the one that’s going to do some serious hurting.”
The pair watched as the fight began to unfold. Davian Thule versus Lord Eliphas and Lord Araghast.