• Published 3rd Oct 2013
  • 1,849 Views, 40 Comments

The fourth Aurelian crusade - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Following Equestria's arrival into sub-sector aurelia, a black legion warband descends upon the sub-sector once again, sowing destruction in it's wake.

  • ...


“So now that we can allow ourselves some time to rest, it is time we discussed matters about.... everything.” Angelos said sitting down. The trip back to Canterlot, he had been planning this whole thing.
“So... have you found what you did with Thule?”
“No...” Twilight said. “Like I said, I promise to get back to you as soon as I have.”
“Please do, you will save many lives in doing so.” Gabriel replied. “Now then.... much to my disappointment, entity known as “Discord” could not be found. We can only assume he has fled.”
“Discord would never hurt anyone!” Fluttershy said.
“Oh? And what of last time we were here? He was more than good with killing us!”
“But didn’t he bring everyone back to life?”
“True, but to what purpose?” Cyrus said. “My guess is that he has plans that may involve us. I shudder at the very thought.”
“But that thought aside, it also came to my attention you killed a Bloodthirstier...” Angelos said looking at Shining Armor.
“Oh it was noth...”
“It wasn’t nothing. I can tell you that right now.” Solomon said. “What you have done puts you on par with some of the finest soldiers in the entire galaxy. How... though?”
“I just had to protect my friends and family. That’s been my talent!” Shining Armor said gesturing at his cutie mark.
“Well.... now that we’ve located the other elements and that things are probably already done.” Angelos said. “I think it’s time we made our plans. Thule, Solomon, Twilight and I will go and retrieve the elements.”
“Wait.. why me?”
“Obvious reasons.” Angelos said. “Happened just before they came here if I recall. We can always drag you along in the event you object.....” This was said as a joke, but had a few hints of truth to it.
“Okay, okay. I’ll help.” Twilight said.
“You sure about this?! I mean how do we know you are not coming back in a casket?!”
“You don’t.” Cyrus said flatly. “You’ll just have to trust Thule, Angelos and Solomon.”
“Rainbow Dash,” Celestia began. “I trust the space marines to keep Twilight away from harm. The best we can do however is to make sure Equestria is still standing when they come back.”
“Then we must depart.” Thule said. “Gabriel, may we speak in private?”

“Wow!” Twilight said as she saw the Litany of Fury for the first time from the view of a Thunderhawk. “How...”
“Big is it?” Solomon said reading her mind. “About 25 kilometers. Welcome aboard. You’re going to be the first thing not human to actually be one of these.”
“Alright, first we do. We go to the bridge. I want to try something.” Angelos said.
Twilight wondered what this was for a moment.
"So this is a warship?"
"Yep. Doesn't need a large crew like the things the regular navy uses. Saves us a lot of manpower."
"How much does it take to run one of these things?"
"Only a few thousand for us. A few million if you're from the regular navy."
"Man... how many humans are there?"
"More than you can count."

Twilight never felt more out of place then she did when she was in the battle barge of Angelos. Looking around, she could see all the stares she was getting from the humans who worked on the ship and was rather creeped out by the servitors. She was called to the bridge later and spent much time admiring the ship the entire way.
“So now that preparations are set. I want you to try something. I want you..... to open a rift in the warp, and get us where we need to go.”
“Ummm... what now?”
“You heard me. You know where we need to go. How you do it... I deduce will differ our methods. Our destination is Calderis.”
“But I don’t even...”
“Just do it anyways. It’s worth a shot and wouldn’t hurt to try.”
Twilight closed her eyes for a moment and tried to think of a teleportation spell that move such a massive object.
Maybe a telekinesis spell?
Why not a combination?
Something new?

“Okay this is getting us nowhere, let’s just get the na....”
There was a massive flash of light in the room and Twilight jolted up in the air which promptly caused all the space marines and chapter serfs to grab the nearest bludgeon or bolter. Thankfully for Twilight, she was able to keep her brains in her head thanks to the efforts of Thule, Solomon and Angelos. They watched her intently as another explosion of light consumed the room. When someone had finally looked out the viewport.... they were there.
“Welcome to Calderis.” Angelos said smiling. “Chaos beware.” He patted the panting Twilight on the back.
“Took no time at all.” Solomon said. “Impressive. Even the technology of the necrons may finally have gotten a run for their money against your skills.”
“Think for a moment, no more need to fear the hazards of warp travel, we could certainly use this!”
“Discussion later, defend Calderis first and find the element of harmony!” Angelos said. “Whomever was behind this was wise in scattering them all across Aurelia. Let’s move!”
Twilight felt a tidal wave of pride. She was the first Equestrian to be able to open a warp rift... no more than that. She was the first to make travel instantaneous. And now, she would be the first from Equestria to see how humanity lived for the first time. It was a great honor to meet people who hailed from the very stars themselves and work with them.

She wondered if Celestia's dream of peace in the entire universe could be fulfilled. The average human tended to shoot or stab anything that he or she thought to be "hostile" which probably encompassed at least 99% of all things on the face of the universe.

But no matter, maybe she could teach humanity the magic of friendship and the secrets of harmony. But first, they had to expel chaos. At least humans too seek peace and harmony. In their own special way... which was probably not as good as trying to reason it out... then again, judging the nature of most of their enemies, that probably wasn't an option. Oh well.