• Published 3rd Oct 2013
  • 1,840 Views, 40 Comments

The fourth Aurelian crusade - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Following Equestria's arrival into sub-sector aurelia, a black legion warband descends upon the sub-sector once again, sowing destruction in it's wake.

  • ...

What if....

“I have to say..... that was better than any navigator.” Armus said getting off the Thunderhawk.
“She is a talented psyker...” Solomon agreed.
“Oh it was nothing. Just studying can make anyone good!” Twilight replied flattered at how THEY were complimenting her.
“Say that again?”
“Studying makes anyone good?”
“Yes... aren’t you born with your powers? Like Celestia and Luna?”
“No. It just takes time and effort to turn any unicorn in a skilled magic user. In fact Pegasi and Earth ponies all use a form of magic. It’s just more subtle.”
Well, an entire race of psykers that had for the most part been untouched by the ruinous powers. That’s a new one. Oh and, not being born with your powers. Merely just learning it. Also a new one.
“So... how easily do you learn things?” Solomon asked.
“Well, I think I just learned the basics of telepathy. I can tell you’re interested.”
“I think we all figured that one out.” Cyrus remarked.
“And I can tell you’re cynical.”
“Very funny.”
“Martellus doesn’t really care.”
“Aramus is somewhat interested.”
“Hmm.... can’t deny that.”
“Tarkus.... hates Eldar... whatever those are.”
“Okay..... I think that probably means she learned it. Just by being around me?”
“Yeah, I had a feeling you poked around everyone’s head.... don’t you feel that’s sorta a violation of personal privacy?”
“I suppose.....”
“Anyways... but are you born with like....the magic you use?”
“Short answer, yes. Long answer, sort of. A skilled psyker and continue to allow his power to grow and become more powerful.”
“Wait, are only certain humans able to use magic?”
“Of course, isn’t that the same with your kind?”
“No. Earth ponies and pegasi all have a more subtle kind of magic within their bodies. I am actually trying to make this.... less subtle.”
“Speaking of subtly.... quiet! All of you!” Cyrus hissed. “I think I saw a rock move.”
“Or maybe there’s no one here aft...”
The rocket that flew at them said otherwise.

“Lord Eliphas... tell me... explain to me in greater detail of this scheme of yours.”
“It is simple Sindri. We have our vengeance upon the Blood Ravens. But we can do this by stealing the precious relics of those they have allied themselves with. While they go on a reckless hunt for it, they are only saving us the work.”
“I see.... and these relics hold power?”
“Immense power Sindri. More than that trinket you called the maledictum. We do this right, and we have all the power any one of us could dream about....”
“Fair enough.... but why do you insist that thing aids us?”
“Only she knows how to unlock it’s power. And it seems we share a common goal. She’s willing to help us for as long as we are working at this common goal.”
“Mind telling me your name alien?” Sindri asked approaching the still cloaked figure.
“None of your concern sorcerer.” A female voice replied impudently. “For your information, I only intend to stay with you as long as it suits my purposes. I will be long gone before any of you reach your goals.”
“Pity really. I do desire you acquaintance, it seems you are unwilling to give it.”
“There are many things I am unwilling to give. But the elements of harmony will mean little to me after I am finished.”
“Very well, then I presume the power is ours when you unlock it?”
“Very well then. It seems I will have no such qualms working with even your kind.”
“I don’t serve YOUR masters in case you’re wondering. Not that I could even if I cared to.”
“A shame really. The power you and yours could wield would be unimaginable.”
“I will have acquired that once I settle my business. I see you intend to get that once you finish yours.”
“You may not serve chaos my dear, but we are not so different after all....”

Twilight had acted quickly and formed a shield around her and her companions. As the explosion shook the ground harmlessly around them, she could of sworn she heard Solomon mutter to himself about “rules” and “shouldn’t exist”.
“Damn that alien! It protects the loyalist dogs! Kill it first!”
Twilight’s throat bobbed visibly at the hailstorm of bolter rounds that were hitting around her. The shield began to crack visibly.
“Help me!” She screeched in panic as a beam shot out from the ranks of their ambushers. The crack grew wider. Imagine the sheer terror Twilight felt when she found she was unable to move herself away.
Probably to her surprise, before the word “me” left her mouth, she already began to hear the screams of the enemy emanating from behind the rocks plus bodies being thrown into the air. Cyrus had planted explosives right there the moment he had seen signs of an ambush.

“New spell?” Solomon asked Twilight as she regained her ability to move around on her own accord.
“Number one reason we generally don’t allow our people going around and messing around with their powers. Not being able to move is probably nothing when we compare to turning a man inside out with just a dirty look. That aside, down in that valley.”
“Something feels wrong.....”
“Don’t you find this like..... there almost not trying?”
“What would they get out of that? We sent most of their forces running after your brother slew that daemon. I am only concerned about getting these elements so we may kill that vile traitor Eliphas.”
“I dunno... I mean I feel like this is just what he wants us to do...”
“Sounds something like he’d try. But even if he did, the elements wouldn’t work under him because.... well they repel and weaken chaos.”
Twilight just nodded. But something still felt off.
“You ever wonder who caused this?”
“Either Eliphas or that thing Discord... say... I haven’t seen him.......”
“Something tells me it was him..” Martellus said. “He had no problem dropping heretics on our heads, they say he doesn’t like to commit murder but..”
“Come on, you’re not giving Discord a cha....”
“Why should we give him a chance?!” Aramus asked. “That damn thing is chaos incarnate! For all we know he could do something that nobody could fix!”
“You gave us a chance...”
“Well, granted we crossed swords once, you didn’t try to backstab us once we were able to have an understanding.....”
“But Discord is just like that! We didn’t think so too... the first few times actually.”
“Okay, I will think about it.” Solomon said just really wanting not to hear any more of this nonsense. Well, that’s the lie of the century.

“And thanks for helping Angel for me....” Fluttershy said timidly as she cradled her precious bunny. “I thought those horrible chaos people were going to hurt him...”
“Nothing much to it.” Thule said. He had spent the good portion of the day killing any of the chaos space marines that hadn’t escaped already. Most of them took refuge in the Everfree forest. Thule had personally tracked them all down and brutally murdered every single one, some bodies left to rot as a warning to their comrades that still hadn’t met a grisly fate at the hands of the vengeful captain.
“You ever get hurt?” Dumb question right off the bat.
“Well, you don’t suppose I wanted this do you?” Thule asked tapping his eye. “More times then you can count. I should be covered in scars right now if I was an ordinary person.”
Well-known fact, Fluttershy faints at the sight of blood. This made her take a step back away from Thule.
“But I have a question for you though.... you were capable of saving yourself... nay you were capable of even taking what was yours from that damn heretic. Why didn’t you?”
“I couldn’t! He’s just so big! So strong and he had those...”
“Fluttershy, let me give you a piece of advice. True strength, is not measured in size, talent, skill or how well equipped one is. True strength.. is measured in courage.”
“Do you know how Angelos is like how he is? He battled a daemon prince. He lost both his legs, an arm and an eye. He told me several times in the past, once when he was trapped in the warp that he was scared, scared of what would happen as now he was as good as damned. To say the truth, when those daemons leapt on me, I too was scared. Only for a moment, any longer and I would have perished, when I am not afraid, only then am I truly at my strongest. I have defeated the most terrible monsters in all four corners of this galaxy just with nothing but courage. Those chaos space marines don’t have courage. Courage is not being devoid of fear, something that also isn’t true of them. Courage is mastery over fear. Every chaos dog you see is a coward at heart, stand up to them and they will fall. I know you have courage, you had enough to try and operate on me even though you were well aware I would probably try to murder you if even the smallest detail went wrong. Now then, please, the next time ANYONE comes to mean you harm. Show them strength, do not back down, NEVER back down. For far too many times, the only thing that stood between me and death was my mastery over my fear. Remember this, as perhaps there will be a time when you will need to show strength. Look at the stars, billions may one day depend upon you to save them from chaos. Will you have the strength to do so?”
Rhetorical question, as Thule quickly was called away afterwards to handle another case of stragglers.
Fluttershy wondered for a moment if she really was able to take on a chaos space marine. She certainly wasn’t brave.
Or was she?