• Published 3rd Oct 2013
  • 1,850 Views, 40 Comments

The fourth Aurelian crusade - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Following Equestria's arrival into sub-sector aurelia, a black legion warband descends upon the sub-sector once again, sowing destruction in it's wake.

  • ...

Not again

“I still don’t understand. She healed by body, but why don’t I have both my eyes?” Thule asked as he tapped the blue glowing bionic. He had spoken with Gabriel for some time. Angelos apparently wanted to make sure Thule was back in the land of the living. Davian really was just glad to be alive again.
“I didn’t use a healing spell...” Twilight said. “I actually took a look at what I had done. It was me doing a memory spell. Sorta. Mixed with a few other things, I made it so you were the way I last saw you. I should hit the books, maybe I can do that again and Gabriel can be the way he is as well!”
“I am sure he will be very pleased with you if you do manage to do that.” Thule replied. “Anyways, so... Tarkus, last time I saw you, you were about to face off against a bloodthirstier. Mind explaining to me what happened?”

The daemon swung it’s axe. Though the crystal was strong, it was no match for a bloodthirstier as the axe buried itself deep within the ground, cutting the earth open. Even in the face of danger, the space marines didn’t move a muscle and only concentrated their fire on the greater daemon. Even in it’s weakened state, it was still able to cause serious damage to whatever came into the way of it’s wrath.
Though a single bolter round was able to tear the flesh off of a lesser being, it did little more than to anger the daemon even more. It’s next cleave hit a building, instantly killing the crystal ponies within.
Shining Armor could do nothing but watch with a gaping mouth and listen to the screams of the dying. He was powerless against such a monster. He felt something overcome him. It burned inside of him and he felt an anger as never before. Moving at a speed that would even put a space marine to shame, he charged the greater daemon firing several magical blasts at it.
Probably to everyone’s surprise, where bolter rounds and the psychic abilities of Solomon had failed, the magic of an unicorn worked. The very blasts tore the flesh off the daemon, sending it to it’s knees. Shining Armor then had jumped upon it’s head and used perhaps the most powerful offensive spell in Equestria to date. His attack utterly vaporized the upper body of the daemon as well as pieces of the crystal ground. His next few moves made even the space marines gawk in amazement as he killed the last of the forces of chaos. The hate that radiated from Shining Armor that moment, Cadence described it to be perhaps the equal of the very khornates themselves.

“Wow.” Thule said. “Probably even puts Solomon to shame.”
“Probably did.” Tarkus replied. “I can think of only a few men who fought a greater daemon of khorne and lived to tell the story. Though I have to say... how did you get out of the sarcophagus?”
“I just punched it.”
“Very funny. I didn’t know you had a sense of humor.”
“Not many people do.”
“Okay, whatever, just how did you do it? A carnifex would have trouble going through it, let alone just a space marine and his fists.”
“I dunno. I just punched it and the thing gave way.”
“By that logic we could just MAKE boys into warriors then.” Diomedes said dryly.
“Warriors around trained, not made. It’s a very tedious process.” Cyrus said. “I watched all my scouts grow to be great warriors. It’d be a very damnable thing to do to disrespect the Emperor’s own methods.”
“Indeed it would.” Thule said. “Where’s Angelos and Solomon?”
“Still trying to recover the last of the artifacts.” Cyrus said. “We found... one.”
“There were six last time I checked.” Thule said dryly. Getting up, he went outside. The crisp air of Equestria was something any human would learn to enjoy later. No air pollution, a beautiful night sky, and the scenery would even give Typhon a run for it’s money. If only he had more time to appreciate this all.
Thule decided to kill time by taking a stroll through the Crystal empire. Many crystal ponies watched him with mixtures of awe and anxiety. However he interested himself in the local library. To his surprise, despite most of the books were awkwardly small, he was able to read them. History was a subject that had interested him. He would however, make a discovery later that night he would share later once this entire mess was fixed.

“Up there.” Celestia said opening her eyes. “The elements had been scattered. They are in the domain of humanity. At least in this sub-sector as you called it.”
“Reports are in.” Martellus said. “Angelos, the good majority of the warband sent here either fled or is currently dead. We may depart at any time.”
“Very well. So... Cyrus didn’t find who’s leading them? That’s a first.”
“Nope. I doubt this is a disorganized mob though.” Martellus replied. “He must be good at hi... Not again.”
“What’s wrong?” Solomon asked.
“I can only think of one man who can hide his face yet be an effective leader for so long. Thule will have an idea of what I am talking about.”
“Just tell us for Emperor’s sake!”
“Eliphas. He had told us right before we killed him that he would rise again to plague the imperium..... and now...”
“Well, on the bright side, Thule can finally settle the score.”

Somewhere in sub-sector Aurelia. A figure in chaos terminator armor watched the unholy ceremony. This ceremony was lead by a hooded.... thing.....
“Is it done yet?” Eliphas asked for probably the millionth time.
“Shut up. It’s almost finished.” The figure replied in a melodic voice. “And done.”
A massive warp rift opened, and out tumbled several familiar faces and a few ones that weren’t known. One in particular.
Followed by haughty laughter, was jokes made about portals, treason and a certain chaos sorcerer who had also been in the mob of people.
“So... it’s arranged?”
“I am a man of my word Araghast. Our revenge is at hand. But.. tell me.. alien, why do you help me?”
“Same reason as yours. I get as much out of it as you do if this all works in the end.”
“Ah.... yes.... now then.. I think we have unfinished business with a few old friends of ours. Isn’t it right brothers?”
A tidal wave of agreement was shown. Eliphas, with the aid of an unknown entity, had just fished out every soul that had been slain by the Blood Ravens. They would have their revenge against the chapter.