• Published 3rd Oct 2013
  • 1,840 Views, 40 Comments

The fourth Aurelian crusade - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Following Equestria's arrival into sub-sector aurelia, a black legion warband descends upon the sub-sector once again, sowing destruction in it's wake.

  • ...

Two down, four to go

“DUCK!” Solomon roared over the din of bolter fire as bolter rounds strafed the ground around them. Well-known fact. Chaos space marines are terrible shots. Even Lord Eliphas was and still is a terrible shot with the bolter. It took Twilight about ten seconds to figure this all out.

“Are we even in danger?” Twilight asked as she saw a bolter round pretty much go the wrong way.

“Not from those fools. But....”

The doombolts that almost took Thule’s head off was enough evidence to say that the chaos sorceror knew what he was doing. Taking his bolter, he fired rounds back intent on turning the heretic into swiss cheese.

Twilight allowed herself a peek at the action. To her dismay she couldn’t see a thing save for the dust that was kicked up from all the fighting. She wondered how..... oh yeah. Enhanced eyesight.

Unfortunately, she REALLY underestimated how enhanced their eyesight was, because literally three seconds after she poked her head out, a massive wave of fire came her way.

Time came to a standstill. She watched the tidal wave of heat come closer..... and closer... and closer....

After what seemed like an eternity’s passing, the fire was upon her. But to her surprise.... it did not connect and scorch her flesh. Instead, the tongues of the flames stretched out of the way, around Twilight leaving her intact.

“Holy Terra.....” Solomon muttered as he watched the whole thing unfold. “That was amazing! How did you do that?!”

“I didn’t do that.....” Twilight said running over. “I.... think it has something to do with like that magic he’s using!”

“Discuss it later!” Angelos said. “Our ride’s here!”

“Then let’s get out of here!” Thule said as he got on the Thunderhawk.

“Cease your firing..... now.” Sindri said as he stepped into the crowd. “What do you fools presume yourselves to be? It’d be a great shame if someone ruins Lord Eliphas’ plan.”

“I don’t take orders from you!” The aspiring sorcerer replied. “Why are we letting them go?!”

“Because..... that’s merely part of the plan. They have acquired one part of the those artifacts. Why not let them gather them all? Saves us the trouble of having to hunt for them later. But of course..... we can keep things amusing and pretend to go after our good friends.”

“Sounds like a waste of time. Why not kill them now and be done with it?”

“Because... those artifacts hold great power..... and as we all know.... all power demands sacrifice....”

“Sacrificing what? Or are we just taking a needless risk.”

“Forget it.” Sindri said baffled at the stupidity of the sorcerer. How could a psyker like himself be such a short-sighted fool.

“Lord Eliphas has contacted me.” Sindri continued. “We are to join him immediately.”

“Like I said, we don’t take orders from you!”

“Very well then. You, will stay here.”

And with that, Sindri put forth his hand and sent forth a tidal wave of warp fire scorching the aspiring sorcerer to ashes.

“Now then, who else would like to.... stay here?”


“And check. We now have two of the six elements.” Solomon said turning to scout. “Take this to Canterlot.”

“At once!”

“Still alive?” Solomon jested watching Twilight who was still in shock.

“I am fine... it’s..... I was....”

“Seconds from dying? You have no idea how many times I’ve been there before. Only through quick thinking did I manage to survive. Allow me to give you a piece of advice. Never, ever on the battlefield hesitate for a moment. That will be the difference between life and death. If Thule ever talks about it, you may know that he was seconds away from losing his entire face. Only by being quick did he only lose just an eye.”

Twilight said nothing but merely glanced at Davian who was apparently unaware of their conversation. He only looked up, with a triumphant grin on his face.

“Two down, four to go.” Martellus said. “The next location is Typhon. Angelos is going to return here. He says that it’s our turn now. Aramus, You, Cyrus, Solomon, Tarkus and myself are going to Typhon. Twilight will meet us there.”

“We must be cautious.” Cyrus said. “Dead planet as it may be, we can still expect for an ambush of some kind.”

“Got it. Let’s go.”

“What do you think they’re doing?” Rainbow Dash asked from her cloud seat with Fluttershy. Ever since the majority of the invasion force had fled, most Equestrians had chosen to return to their homes to rebuild.

“Maybe they’re helping.” Fluttershy said watching the techmarine take a quick run around the rebuilding of ponyville.

“Doesn’t look like it.” Rainbow Dash said. “You think he’s spying on us?”

“Rainbow Dash!”


“Why would he do anything like that?”

“I dunno. Maybe humans want to secretly take over Equestria!”

“I don’t think so..... maybe he’s just interested in the way ponies build things.”

“What does this remind you of?” The techmarine asked one of his battle brothers.

“Just a random house you’d see on a feudal world.”

“I was thinking of the same thing. But.... oddly familiar.”
“I’ll bet. I heard some of our brothers make jokes about human souls being trapped in a horse’s body.”

“What, excuse someone wrote so that the Inquisition doesn’t burn this planet to the ground?”

“I don’t mind this planet. Why do you?”

“Their bloody xenos dimwit!” That’s why! Who cares about the fact that their souls repel chaos, it’s still the....”

“And then there are those people who say teleportation is a bad idea. Let’s not impede progress here. Ironic how you’re a techmarine.”

Well that set him off. A fist to the face was now in order.

“Ah, look. Dem humans are fighting again.” Applejack said to Rarity.

“I say, are those brutes going to murder each other? Rather unbrotherly like if you ask me.”

“They aren’t ACTUALLY brothers. Or that’d be one large family. I think it has something to do with their beliefs about that Emperor guy.”
“I wonder, what do you think their god is like?”

“Maybe he’s a super-cool ruler like Celestia!” Scootaloo suggested.

“I dunno..... I mean I’d expect some kind of warlord.” Applebloom said. “Humans do seem awfully violent.”

“I bet he’s good at studying like Twilight.” Sweetie Belle said. “They say he knows more magic than Princess Celestia!”

“They also say he’s a hero AND a god!”

“Maybe he’s also a hero of fashion!”

“And maybe he’s some super cool human that goes off on adventures to fight evil and maybe secure harmony!”

“Does he like cupcakes?” Pinkie asked flying out of nowhere.

“I heard he likes animals....” Fluttershy said coming down. “I also heard he hasn’t left his home in ten thousand years. Shy thing....”
“Come to think of it, getting to know like a being several times older than Celestia who went on a to conquer the galaxy would be pretty cool.....”

Oh Rainbow Dash. Just you wait. Just you wait.