• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 6,315 Views, 300 Comments

Torn Between Two Worlds - Alex Barkhorn

A lonely, withdrawn brony meets his favorite characters - in human form, and in his world!

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Chapter 10

"Are you crazy?!" Grayson shrieked at me. I winced a bit, and sighed, facepalming. I returned my arm to the arm of the chair of the empty living room. The girls were currently showering, and, as enticing as that was for Grayson, my offer to the girls managed to get his attention to me.

"Look, they're just really lonely! Being stuck here until they find a way back home - you've read some self-insert fanfics before! What if you were in their hooves - I mean, their shoes? What if you were trapped in Equestria, a completely foreign land with no one else?" I argued. The reply obviously got through to him, as he stood there in the middle of the room. His eyes began to dart around the room, a sign that he was deep in thought. I myself began to tap my fingers rythmically on the chair.

"Fine, I get where you're coming from. But, Alex. This is different. In Ponyville, it's all love and tolerance their. Here? This world is cruel, Alex. You know that," He countered. The thought hit home, and I groaned in annoyance, realizing he was partially right. Some kids weren't the nicest here on good ol' Earth. "Ignoring that," He continued, "How were you planning on getting them enrolled? They have no records, no identification..."

"I've already got a plan for that." I began. I was about to elaborate, when the doorway to both the main, guest, and master bedroom opened, nearly simultaneously. Thankfully, the girls, who shared a bathroom with one other, didn't need any help in the shower and bath department. They insisted that part was relatively similar.

"What's going on now?"Applejack asked, peeking out of the doorway.

"Oh, Grayson. Nice to see you again," Twilight said with a smile, walking out and drying off the rest of her hair, shaking it out a bit, and using a brush to clean it up a bit.

"Likewise," He replied tersely, and he looked at me.

"I was just explaining my proposition to you girls," I explained, satisfying the question I'm sure they all had.

"Oh, you mean about school? Isn't it great, Grayson?! Alex is gonna let us come to school with you-" She paused to give a dramatic, drawn out gasp. "Maybe we'll have our classes together! Oh, that'd just be super-duper funnerific!" Pinkie said in absolute excitement.

"You were saying? Something about getting them enrolled?" Gray said, and the girls got back to getting themselves readied.

"I know someone. A friend that could help out." I began. Gray raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Do tell," He said.

"Alright. Get your van ready. I'll explain on the way into town,"

Gray and I managed to herd the girls into the van, and we drove off into the town's more bustling downtown area.

"So, who are we seeing again, Alex?" Rainbow Dash asked from the backseat, looking outside the window.

"Christine Parker. She's an old friend of my mom's, and I've known her all my life. She's kinda like a second mother, she was always helping out my mother whenever we needed it," I replied, though I was leaving a lot of information out.

Christine was my mom's childhood friend. And, though they've had their shares of disagreements, they were about as inseperable as white on rice. Christine was the one that took care of me and my brother after my 'father' left us, and helped my mother get through it as well. She was just as much a mother to me as my biological mother. With her, I could be myself. no lies, no holding back. When I hurt, and my mom wasn't around, I cried to her. I went to her for guidance when my mom couldn't give it. She was the only one who knew about my little cutting issues, but I made her swear not to tell anyone, and she reluctantly agreed to my wishes.

"Oh," Was all the Rainbow replied with.

"You're saying your mother's co-workers can falsify documents for you? Isn't that illegal?" Gray asked. I scoffed and gave him a blank look.

"Gray, businesses these days can get themselves out of anything. Falsifying of documents is no more than a papercut for these bigwigs. Besides, All I'm doing is pulling some strings to get them transfer documents, and names. The very basics of enrolling," I replied. He gave me a skeptical shrug.

"If you say so," He replied with a sigh, pulling up to the largest building. It was my mother's office building, and we all exited, with the girls dressed in the clothes they picked out yesterday. We entered the building, and used the main elevators to go to my mother's office floor. It was obvious they were all curious as all get-out, especially Pinkie, who worried me the most, but Applejack picked up on this and held the party-pony's...Or party girl? Whatever. AJ took her hand and gave her a stern look, calming her down. I gave Applejack a look of appreciation, and walked to the receptionist.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked, though her tone was a bit distracted.

"Um, no. But I was just wondering if I could speak with Ms. Parker for a moment?" I asked. The receptionist shook her head and was about to reply, when someone called my name.

"Alex! Is that you?" I turned to see a woman, somewhere in her mid-forties, exit an office and walk towards me. She pulled me into a friendly embrace, one that I happily returned.

"Heya, Christine," I began, pulling away and giving her a smile. "Are ya busy?" I then asked.

"For you, of course not. I've got plenty of time. What is it.." She began, but looked back at Gray and the girls. "Are these your friends?" She then asked. "I recognize Gray," She said, giving him a friendly wave. "But not these girls." She finished.

"Well, Chris, that's actually the reason I came here. I need a huge favor. Emphasis on 'huge'." I explained. She raised a brow in curiosity, and nodded, leading us into her office. When we were all comfortable, I sighed, and spoke.

"Christine, this favor...I need you to provide documents for these girls." She raised her eyebrowsd and widened her eyes.

"What? What do you mean?" She asked, dumbfounded.

"These girls...It's a very complicated problem. All I can tell you is that they have no official documents here, at all, and I need to get them some so they can apply to go to school with me." I was obviously leraving a lot of info open for discussion, but honestly, what was I supposed to say? 'These are tv show characters that magically appeared in our world!'

No. So, instead, I opted for a better explenation. Unfortunately, none came, when Christine spoke up.

"Are they illegal immigrants?" She asked quietly. My head perked up at the thought.

"You could say that," I replied slowly. Christine nodded in understanding.

"Well, they can go through a naturalization process. Though, if you're saying they have no records..."

"That could prove a problem. Look, I'm not asking for anything too specific. I just need names and addresses for them. Just, the basics to get them in school." I pleaded. Christine stared at me for a few moments, before speaking.

"What's really going on, Alex?" I sighed in defeat.

"You won't believe me. At all. You'll think I'm crazy," I insisted.

"Try me," She replied simply. I shrugged, and explained the situation to her, along with the help of the six girl. I even used her computer to give a little bit more information and video clips.

"Alex, I...I know you've always told me the truth. Ever since you were a kid, you've come to me with everything. But, this? I don't know..." She said after all was said and done.

"Chris, come on. When have I ever lied to you? You can do any tests on these girls you'd like, you will not find a thing on them," I replied. Christine and I stared at eachother for ages, and I could hear the nervous fidgeting of Gray and the others. After about two minutes of silence, Christine closed her eyes.

"I'll see what I can do," She said, standing up. I smiled brightly, one that must have caught her attention, judging by the look she gave me. I rushed her and hugged her, and suddenly, Pinkie Pie rushed up as well, also hugging Chris.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" She said happily. Christine couldn't help but laugh at Pinkie's excitement, and pulled away from the hugs.

"Don't thank me just yet. This is a very complicated process, that will be very secretive. You're lucky this is such a large corporation," She said, giving me a slight grin. "Anyway, I'll let you decide on the details. I'll get everything but that done by tonight. Tomorrow, come back, and you can have them decide their names, details, etcetera etcetera," She said with a smile. I nodded in reply, and hugged her again.

"Thanks again, Chris. I appreciate it," I said quietly.

"Not a problem, Alex. Anything for you," She replied. I pulled away, giving her another smile, and she sat down, reaching for a phone. "I'll see you tomorrow, at ten in the morning. Don't be late," She then said. I nodded in understanding, and led the girls back out, and we made our way to the elevator. While inside, we all shared quieted squeals of delight. Hell, even Gray was smiling widely. We made our way back to the parking garage, and entered the van.

"That went way better than I thought," I said aloud.

"I'll say," Gray snorted. "But, they went, and now we've got six new students." He said with a grin. I returned the grin and looked back at the girls.

"So, girls. Get thinking of new names, we'll" I began, but Fluttershy raised her hand. I raised a brow. "Yes, Fluttershy?" I asked.

"How come we need new names?" She asked, tilting her head to emphasize her curiosity. I blinked, figuring that'd be an easy questioin to answet.

"Well, if you haven't noticed, here, names are different than yours. You can't have someone go around with one name." I replied.

"Well, what about me? And Twilight Sparkle?" Rainbow asked, giving me a challenging grin. I furrowed my brow at her.

"Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle, compared to Alex Barkhorn and Grayson Turner. Just, imagine it from our perspective, Dash," I retorted. She surprisingly tried this new point of view, but must have given up, and looked back out the window. "If you'd like, me and Gray can think of something for ya," I then said.

"That'd probably be best. We wouldn't know anything fitting," Twilight said with a sigh. I looked back at them, and they all seemed to still be excited and intrigued by going to school with us. Sure, I knew they were still hurting and homesick, but I was willing to do anything to make their stay here in Earth as enjoyable as possible.

They deserved that much.

( A/N
Hey there, folks! Here's chapter ten for ya, enjoy!
And remember, if you'd be so kind, follow me on tumblr! There, you can find out how this story, among other projects, are coming along!
Anyway, rate, review, and thank you all so much for your support! )