• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 6,315 Views, 300 Comments

Torn Between Two Worlds - Alex Barkhorn

A lonely, withdrawn brony meets his favorite characters - in human form, and in his world!

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Chapter 2

I was about halfway through my final pushup when I heard the doorbell ring. I groaned in annoyance and fell flat on my face, and the doorbell rang repeatedly. I mumbled a string of obscenities and stood up, making my way to the front door and looked through the peephole, only to see, well, nothing. It was being blocked.

"Alex! I know you're in there, ya ruttin' hermit!" A familiar voice rang out. I grinned and shook my head at his choice of words, and opened the door.

"Gray. Always a pleasure." I joked, stepping aside and letting him in.

This was Grayson Turner, one of the few people at my school I actually like a consider a friend. Along with Dana and a couple other people, as well. He was a pretty good looking kid, too. In fact, he's more well known around school than I am. Why he chose me as a 'best friend' is still beyond me, but, he's been there more times than I can count, especially in my darker, younger years.

"Oh, ya workin' out?" He asked with a smart grin, walking inside and noticing the music player, the dumbells, etc.

"Nah, redecorating," I snarked.

"Oh, you're a riot," He replied, easily lifting one of the dumbells. The kid's an athlete, so it was easy for him. In fact, he was a lot like me, physically. We're both five-foot-eight, though he insists he's five foot eight and a half, but has a more defined layer of muscle, whereas mine is just somehow hidden.

"What're you doing here?" I asked. Not that I wasn't grateful for his company, I just expected a night alone.

"Dunno, got bored. Figured we could watch some MLP, eh?" He asked, giving me a playful nudge to the side.

That's right. Gray, the jock, the ladies man, the athlete, is a closet brony. I laughed and shook my head. "Let's just go, man." I said, heading to my room. Moments later, I emerged with a red denim jacket, and grabbed my keys, heading outside to take one of our late-night walks.

"I'm tellin' ya man, it makes total sense!" Gray countered. i rolled my eyes and looked at him as if he were dumb. "You're telling me that Fluttershy of all ponies has a big bust size?" I said flatly.

"Um, yeah. Think about it. She's really modest, and really shy. Maybe she got made fun of in school?" He theorized. I hummed, and the more I thought, the more I actually believed it. I scoffed and shook my head.

"We'll never know," I said with a shrug.

"Ah, you're no fun..." He said with a huff. We were wandering aimlessly, and found ourselves in the local park behind the elementary school. Odd, considering we had been walking for nearly two hours, yet were only about a fifteen minute walk from my house. That just shows how much we walk aimlessly, we go anywhere. We stopped to sit on a bench to continue our conversation.

"Okay, how about this one," Gray began.

"If you could meet any one of the Mane Cast, in human form, which one would it be?" He asked. i took a second to think, before responding.

"Well, I can't pick just one. They're all so awesome. Fluttershy, she's so cute and shy, she's like the drawn back little girl. Then Dashie, she's just so out there and ready to get busy. Pinkie's always so happy and bouncy, AJ has such an easygoing and friendly personality...Rarity is elegant and beautiful, and Twilight, she just knows how to make me smile or laugh." When I finished, I closed my eyes and leaned back, content with my response.

"...Eh. I'd choose Fluttershy," He said, giving me a sly nudge.

"You're a piece of work, ya know that?" I asked, and shared a laugh with him. A tone began to go off in his pocket, and he removed his phone, answering it with a beep.

"Hello?...Nah, just hangin' out with Alex...Yeah? Oh, well...Alright, then." He said, before hanging up.

"Momma want you home?" I asked with a grin.

"Yeah, apparently my little sister's sleepover went wrong, and now she needs a hand watching the little troublemakers. Think of the girls as Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetiebelle." He said with a fake grimace.

"Yeesh. Good luck with that...Bro hoof?" I said, extending a clenched fist. Gray smirked and we bumped fists.

"Bro hoof. I'll see ya tomorrow, man," He said. I quirked a brow, and facepalmed. "You forgot, didn't you?" He asked in a flat tone.

"Yeah, but, I'll be there to help you with your report, man." I promised. He smiled and nodded.

"Alright. Goodnight, man. Get some rest. You look like hell." He joked, standing up. I remained sitting and gave him a swift boot to the leg, before he chuckled and walked off.
I remained at the bench for a few more minutes, and sighed, staring at the dark neighborhood with tired and sad eyes. It was cool nights like this when I'd stay up with my brother. It seemed like so long ago. But it wasn't.

Suddenly, the wind picked up, whipping my hair around. I shut my eyes momentarily, before opening them again. A faint glow appeared in the grassy field that separated the park from the school. I observed it for a moment, and noticed it's pale lavender color. I slowly stood up and walked towards it. The light grew more intense, and I had to use my hand to shield the intense light from my sensitive eyes.

"Hello?" A hollow and echoed voice called out. It was close, yet it sounded so quiet, almost far off.

"...Hello?" I called back, but got no response. A bright flash of light caught me off guard, and I squeezed my eyes shut to protect my eyes. That wasn't even enough, and I had to completely cover my face with my hands. A few more flashes, more heavy gusts, and a few...fluttering sounds later, I was suddenly forced down to the ground, as if something had fallen on me.

"Oof! Dagnabbit, Twilight, what'd ya go'n do this time?" A familiar voice rang out from above me. My eyes burst open, and I looked above me, to find six dazed and confused girls, around my age, laying on top of me. They were all wearing flowing, sleeveless sundresses of different colors. I noticed the voice that just spoke belonged to the one with an orange dress, with a design at the hip that looked like three red apples, and she threw a brown cowgirl hat on her hair.

"How am I supposed to know? I just did the transportation spell like I was asked!" The girl in the lavender dress retorted in annoyance. She too had a design, resembling a twinkling star.

"Girls..." The young one with pale strawberry-blond - or maybe pink - hair mumbled, straightening her light yellow dress. I raised a brow at the three butterflies design.

"Will you two stop arguing and get offa me?" The girl with multicolored hair shrieked, being the first to gain her footing, only to fall flat on her behind. My eyes widened when I noticed the cloud and rainbow-colored thunderbolt.

"Girls..." The shy, light pink haired girl said again, this time a tiny bit louder.

"Ooh! Where are we? It's so dark, I don't remember watching the sun set today! Maybe I wasn't paying attention again, and maybe Twilight just made us go to the Everfree Forest, ya know, the part with the..." I toned this pink-dress wearing girl out, as her incessant rambling began to annoy me. I noted her bright pink hair, and the three-balloon design on her sundress.

"Girls..." The shy one said in a normal voice.

"Oh, honestly, you all need to calm yourselves and stop your quarreling! And Pinkie, get off of me at once! You'll ruin my mane!" The final girl said. She was wearing a flowing white dress, with three diamonds as her design. My eyes couldn't widen another millimeter if they tried.

"Girls!" The girl said. Mind you, it was in a normal tone and volume, but it was much more forceful.

"Gah, what, Fluttershy?" The blonde-haired girl asked, fixing the brim of her hat, before staring at her hands in disbelief. The other girls noticed her shock, and followed suit. "I think we fell on somepony..." She said quietly, pointing down at me. I stared up at them, still flat on my back.

"Somepony? This...Isn't a pony." The purple haired girl asked.

Well, I can just stop calling them girls at this point. I was pretty sure I knew who they were anyway.

"Not just them...But us, too!" AJ said in disbelief, staring at her hands and bare feet.

"My goodness! My mane! It's ruined!" Rarity cried, stroking her hair, even though it was perfect as ever.

"Gah! My wings? Where are they?" Dash said, frantically running her hands across her back.

"Girls? Girls, calm down! Girls-" Twilight began, before I cut her off.

"Hey!" That caught their attention, and even Pinkie Pie shut her mouth for a second to look at me.

"...Could you please get off me? I can't breathe..." I gasped. They all replied with simultaneous apologies, and crawled off of me, allowing me to sit up. I rubbed my head and looked at them all. They seemed to be staring at me, a mixture of curiosity and fear on their faces. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming, and sure enough, I wasn't.

"Um...Hi," I said to them. Yep, this was gonna be a long weekend