• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 6,315 Views, 300 Comments

Torn Between Two Worlds - Alex Barkhorn

A lonely, withdrawn brony meets his favorite characters - in human form, and in his world!

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Chapter 38

Oh my God...My head...

What happened last night? Last I remember was talking to Luna before going to bed. Why do I have this skull splitting headache all of a sudden?!

I grit my teeth and sucked in a breath of sharp pain, and opened my eyes, struggling to adjust to the bright light. Sun had just barely come up. Must be early, I thought. So, I turned onto my side. My eyes snapped open, and I saw Fluttershy lying next to me in bed. I bolted upright in bed, but quickly brought my hands up to clench my aching head. This all startled Fluttershy, who groggily opened her eyes and sat upright herself.

"Alex? Alex, wha's wrong?" She asked, rubbing her eyelids. I turned to look at her, but it was then that I noticed something extremely unusual.

I don't think she was wearing a top.


Okay, I'm pretty sure she wasn't wearing a top.

"Fl...Flu-Fl..." I stammered, unable to even say her name. She looked down at her bare skin, then up at me. In almost an instant, her face began to glow with an intense blush. She gave a mild squeak, and burrowed herself under my blanket. There was some shuffling for a while, and I assumed she was looking for her top to put back on. I myself fell out of bed, and got up, frantically searching for my shorts in my messy room-

Wait. I always wear my shorts to bed.




"Um...Fluttershy?" I asked in a whisper, sliding my shorts on.

"...Yes?" She murmured in reply, emerging from my sheets with a shirt on.

"...What happened last night?" I asked slowly, dreading the answer.

"Um...W-well, I...I wanted to show you how much I appreciate-"

"Nope. Nope. Nopenopenopenope. Don't finish the sentence." I gasped, pacing back and forth around my room.

"Alex, I'm sorry...Did I do something wrong...?" She asked. I looked up at her, and she seemed about close to cry due to complete embarrassment, or fear that she messed up.

"No!" I assured her, shaking my hands. "No, of course not! Shy, let's just-"

"Alex!" My mom called from outside my door. "Time for breakfast! Wake up!"

I almost screamed in surprise, but brought my hand to my mouth to suppress my shriek. I looked at Fluttershy, who was just as shocked, and brought a finger to my lips, indicating for her to be silent. "Alright! Be right out!" I called back. I waited for a moment until I was sure my mother was gone, and I snuck out of my room, with Shy following right behind me. We entered the kitchen in a cool, casual manner.

Until I noticed that everyone was staring at us.

"...Um. Goodmorning?" I greeted with a nervous chuckle, sweating bullets.

"Morning, sleepyheads!" Pinkie greeted with a joyous bounce. "Pancakes for breakfast! Me and June made 'em!" She said from the kitchen. I looked at her with a smile, but the smile soon faded when I noticed the sly look on my mother's face.

I decided to ignore it.

I cannot begin to explain how awkward breakfast was. Well, for me at least. Everyone else was talking, save for me, Shy, and my mom. We'd give the occasional quick response, but didn't contribute much to any conversations. I quickly excused myself, with Shy following right behind me.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked.

"My room." I answered tersely.

"What about you, Fluttershy?" She then asked.

"U-um...With Alex..." She squeaked, though the last two words were nearly inaudible. Before anyone could question us further, we made it to my room, and let out simultaneous sighs of relief. Realizing how incredibly awkward breakfast was, we both looked at each other, and began laughing. Why? I've no ruttin' idea. We just sat there, laughing, and looking at each other, which would cause us to laugh harder for some strange reason.

We continued on for a couple more minutes, until we found ourselves on my couch, both of us laying on our backs, but her, on top of me, with her head resting on my chest. Our left hands were interlocked, and my right hand was preoccupied with playing with strands in her hair. We didn't say anything. We didn't need to. We could have laid there for hours if we wanted to, and we'd still be happy. Eventually, she looked up at me, and I smiled, laughing lightly.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm really gonna miss you." She told me with a sad smile.

I couldn't help but give a small smile of my own. I sat upright, trying my best to keep her in the same place without disturbing her. I brought my face down to meet hers, and gave her a deep kiss, before pulling away. "I know. And I'm gonna miss you too, Shy."

I wrapped my arms around her in an embrace, and she lightly held on to my arms, resting the back of her head against my shoulders. Again, we remained like that for a while, silent as the night that was beginning to take over the horizon.

At this point, I was utterly surprised that no one had come for us, because we were so cooped up in our room. We had been there for hours, almost the whole day, and no one had questions?

"We figured you needed your time alone." Twilight said, when I had excused myself to grab Shy and I a drink.

"...Really?" I asked quietly, raising an interested eyebrow.

"Yeah. Your mother suggested it." Rainbow chimed in from the couch, though her tone was rather indifferent, and she was focused on the tv.

"Huh...Where is she, anyway?" I asked, looking around the room.

"The Princess and your mother left. They needed to get things for your grad party." Rarity informed me from her spot on the recliner. I only nodded in response, before making my way back to the room.

"What are you two doing in there?" Luna inquired, who was next to Pinkie Pie on the floor.

"We're just...Sitting with each other. Together." I replied simply. She gave me a knowing smile, and nodded her head, and I made my way back.

Shy had been messing around with my stereo system while I was gone, and she placed a CD into the tray, closing it, and observing the cover case. After observing it, she clicked a button, and I immediately recognized the song. The smooth guitar intro, slowly becoming clearer. The band joining in. Finally, the lyrics.

"Hello, I've waited here for you, Everlong..."

My heart caught in my throat. I'd always play this song to myself before I went to bed, usually on nights I slept by myself. It was one of my favorite songs, from one of my favorite bands. She must have heard me play it some nights... I'm glad she did. The song reminded me of her.

She noticed me walk in, and stood up, walking towards me. Giving me a quick kiss on the lips, she grabbed my hands and led me back to the couch, and we sat down, eventually laying down in the same position as before. Playing with her hair again, I began to tear up a bit. I'd miss moments like these. I'll miss spending time with Fluttershy. I'll miss hearing her gentle voice next to me, rather than on the tv or computer screen. I'll miss her being at my side. I'll miss her loving smile. I think the thing I'll miss the most is her touch. Her hugs, the way her hand fits perfectly in mine, her soft, fluffy, silky hair against my neck as we embrace each other.

I think she must have felt my mood take a nosedive - another thing I'll miss. How well she knows me. She looked up at me, seeing how glossy and red my eyes were, and instinctively reached up to cup my chin in her hands, wiping a tear that must have somehow fallen from my eye. Her soft touch felt so gentle, so relieving. I brought my hand up to hers, grabbing it as if it were my only lifeline. We looked at each other, with the same, pained eyes, but also with loving, affectionate smiles.

I brought her closer, and we slowly began to fall asleep in each other's arms. I held onto her, protecting her with my bare arms and my warm embrace, and she was balled up in my arms, with her hands resting on my chest. I could feel her warm breath on my collar bone, and her muscles started to relax, indicating she was falling asleep.

"Alex..." She whispered, yawning quietly.

"Yeah?" I replied, yawning as well, suddenly feeling tired.

"I..." She trailed off after mumbling something inaudible.

"Huh...?" I said quietly, afraid she had fallen asleep.

"...I love you..." She whispered, before falling asleep with a content smile on her face.

My heart exploded in joy, and I began to silently cry in happiness, holding her a bit closer without waking her up, until I slowly fell asleep myself.