• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 6,315 Views, 300 Comments

Torn Between Two Worlds - Alex Barkhorn

A lonely, withdrawn brony meets his favorite characters - in human form, and in his world!

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Chapter 39

Ya know, if a few months back, you would have told me I would have been love, I'd have called you a loony.

Come to think of it, if you would have added to that, and told me I would have been in love with Fluttershy, I would call you crazy, and I woulda sent you off to the Happy Hotel with the funny jackets.

But, now, it isn't exactly a strange concept. Especially now that I was with someone I can truly say I loved deep in the dark, dank crevices of my heart. But, hey. It's happening, and I'm not one to argue with fate.

...Well that was a bare-faced lie, now wasn't it? Heh.

But to move along a bit, Shy and I didn't entirely want to spread this little tidbit to the others, us using the little L word with each other. Not only because it was none of their business at this particular moment in time, but we all know the looks and words we'd get. Not just the jovial ones, but, the things they'd say concerning their departure. We both knew this wasn't the greatest idea. We both knew this was gonna be that much harder. And we both knew it's what needed to be done. But we also both knew there's no fighting true love.

Especially after what had happened when I woke up that Thursday to the information that me and Fluttershy... That we, um...

Never mind.

Friday night, we were all getting our outfits for the next day all primed and readied. Mom was an angel and went out to get the girls nice little dresses or outfits - all under a decent price range, mind you - and they were prepping them. Even the princesses managed to snag a few new duds, though I spared a bit of trouble and offered Shining some nice dress shirts and such that I never wore.

While in the company of Fluttershy in my bedroom, I was placing my new skinny midnight-blue tie around my neck to tie it up a bit, so I wouldn't have to in the morning. I heard a knock at my door. I turned to see my mom standing, leaning against the door frame, smiling at me.

"My little boy is graduating." She said quietly, in a tone that implied either joy or disbelief. I'm hoping it was the former.

"Eeeyup," I chuckled, successfully prepping my tie. Shy took it off my hands, placing it atop my dresser, next to my various colognes and sunglasses. I sighed, turning back to my mother, who was still smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm so proud of you, Alex," She told me, standing up straight. "You're such an amazing son." She added, sniffling slightly.

"Aw, c'mon, mom." I sighed, not in the mood to do any more crying. "I couldn't have done it without you. I mean it." I assured her.

Her heart must have welled up in pride, because she turned on the waterworks then, and embraced me. I think it was all the years of trouble and hardship, turned to determination for the two of us, that caused her to be so emotional. Fluttershy joined us in the hug, and, eventually, I felt a couple more arms wrap around us. It was safe to assume the girls had heard what was going on from their rooms, and decided to be another leg of support.

"You have an awesome mom, Alex." Rainbow Dash complimented, smiling and crossing her arms, and leaning back against my wall. Pinkie and AJ, who were the ones joining the hug, pulled away with a smile.

"Seriously! Your mom is super duper nice, Alex!" Pinkie added. I smiled and nodded at her in thanks.

"Come on, guys. I've had enough tears shed recently- those of joy, or otherwise." I chuckled. Mom chuckled herself, pulling away.

"What? I can't be ecstatic that my little boy has all grown up?" Mom asked, crossing her arms as we heard Twilight, Dash, and AJ snicker. I think I even heard one of them scoff, 'Little boy...'

"Nope." I replied jokingly.

"Goodnight, son. Night, everyone." Mom said, walking out of the room.

We all said our own goodnights to each other, and headed off to our respective areas of nightly rest.

Don't ask why I worded it like that. It's been a hectic time writing this down, and I'm starting to get exhausted. I don't really have that much time, anyway. In fact, these chronicles are simply a last resort, just in case. See, the thing is-

Whatever, we'll get to that eventually.

I don't care what anyone says, I will never wake up at any time before seven in the morning. That is just too damn early. And considering my graduation was at ten, and we had to be there by nine, and there were eleven of us in one house to get ready, we all had to wake up a bit earlier than I'd like to get ready. Hell, we almost didn't make it. Christine, Gray and Dana, who were coming with us, along with their families, were stuck waiting while everyone else was scrambling around to get ready. It must have been a funny scene for them, though. Seeing bright-haired figures run to and fro across hallways and in and out of rooms. Woulda made me laugh, anyway.

That's right, though. Gray and Dana's parents showed up, and it was nice. I really liked to talk to Dana's folks, but Gray's parents and I were friends as well. Hell, we're practically family already. It's one of those situations where I practically walk in the door, yell, 'Hi mom, hi dad!' and head to Gray's room. Goes both ways, too. Anyway, it was an awkward, yet still hilarious situation, introducing everyone to them.

"I don't think I've seen them before. Are they all friends as well, son?" Gray's mom, Lynnette, asked after initial intros were out of the way.

"Uh, yeah. You probably remember Raven, who I took to prom," Gray said, as Rainbow Dash gave a quick wave as she ran back into her room.

"Right," Gray's father, John, grunted. Don't get me wrong, he's a cool dude, but he's kinda... Distant. Still, though. Real cool.

"By the way, Alex, how've you been? It's been a while since you and Gray visited us." Dana's dad, Mitchell, said.

"Oh, ah," I began, chuckling a bit and mussing up my hair with my hands. "Sorry, Mitch. I've just been...So incredibly busy. You would not believe it." I replied with a slight smile, earning a discreet chuckle or smirk from Gray and the girls.

"Don't worry, Alex, Mitchell's just giving you a hard time." Dana's other father, Brandon, assured me. "But you're still welcome any time, both you and Gray." He added.

See, this is why I like my group of friends. They come from a nice background and caring parents. Hell, both of my friends' parents' refer to me as their other son.

"Okay, sorry, sorry, I'm ready!" Mom yelled from her room, hurrying to throw her shoes on.

"My, my, June, you look lovely!" Mitchell complimented with a smile.

"Well, your child only graduates once!" She replied with a smile of her own, finally managing to place her shoe on the appropriate foot.

"Everyone good to go?" I asked aloud, turning my attention to the hallway for a brief moment to find the rest of the group emerging from the rooms, ready, and all looking like perfect dime pieces. Everyone replied with their own confirmations, and I smirked, crossing my arms. "Shiny, then. Let's get goin'!" I said in excitement, leading everyone out the door, and closing it behind me when everyone was out.

It was absolute hell finding parking, so our parents let us all out in the front of the events center to save time and get to the dressing rooms. Gray and I went our separate ways from the girls, and got ready in the room. Then, it was time.

They led two large lines; one line of boys, the other of the girls, naturally. We could kind of see out towards the audience from behind the large curtains, and we began looking for our parents. I saw Dana and the girls look for our adults, as well. But I noticed a very familiar face in the crowd, in the fourth or fifth row. It was James. I immediately furrowed my brow and may have even begun to growl in anger, when Grayson placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him with the same angry face, but he wore a strange smile.

"Alex," He began, and already he had calmed me down. "It's alright, man. He just wants to see you graduate. Just give him that."

I barely managed a grumble in response, which, if coherent, would have been a string of very nasty obscenities. But, what Grayson said did have a bit of truth behind it, so I let it slide. If I was lucky, he'd just leave after the ceremony and stay away from me.

It was finally time. We managed to get in line so strategically, that the girls would go after each other, until, finally, it was Gray, then Dash, then me, then Fluttershy being called out to receive their diplomas, so we'd walk offstage together. It was an amazing feeling, being up there in my cap and gown, overlooking the crowd. Parents and other family members alike, my fellow students and I. We had made it. We had survived high school, made it through the system, and were ready to tackle life head on and become the adults we were made to be. It was an amazing feeling. And I couldn't have done it without the people in my life. So, with the camera on me right as I exited the stage after receiving my diploma, I pointed right at the camera, and yelled as loud as I could,

"I love you mom. You're my world."

The woman who was coordinating where to go after walking down noticed, and smiled. "That was a very lovely thing to do," She had told me.

"It was the truth. My mom is everything to me." I replied. We traded quick smiles, before I went to sit next to Gray. After everyone received their diplomas, we were instructed to switch our tassels to the appropriate side, and figured, to hell with it, and threw our caps in the air.

"We did it, man!" Grayson exclaimed, pulling me into a brotherly hug, which I happily returned. "We're outa here, man! We're done! We're moving on!" He continued to exclaim, hugging other friends and faculty. I only stood there in silent shock, but not a sad or negative kind. No, this was happiness. I couldn't believe it. Mere months ago, I was on the verge. I was lonely, I was depressed. I was a mess up. But friends, new and old, it was crazy to think that they had gotten me this far. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts as I was nearly tackled over by a pink blur.

"We did it ohmygosh we actually did it!" Pinkie Pie yelped, almost squeezing the life out of me. Soon enough, Dana the others joined in.

"We're so proud of you, Alex!" Twilight praised. The others all shared their own agreements, and I smiled from ear to ear, overwhelmingly joyous. I didn't even notice I was crying tears of joy until Fluttershy wiped a tear away. I pulled her into a tight embrace, and we held onto each other for a while. I really wanted to tell them how proud I was of them as well, but I was at an utter loss for words.

It was an amazing moment on an amazing day.

"We're so proud of you all!" Brandon shrieked, as he and the rest of our parents, along with the princesses and Shining, walked over to us. The next hour or so was spent outside, taking the pictures of everyone. I mean everyone, too. The six girls and the princesses and Shining, then me and mom, then me, Gray, and Dana, and then even all of us wacky graduates. The first few pictures were ruined when Pinkie, Gray, and I all decided to make silly faces, but we managed to get a few great snapshots in. I don't think I can remember a time I was so happy, yet so sad at the same time. The only thing that was missing was Nick. I started thinking of this when we began to take smaller group photos, and looked up in the air. I still have that picture to this day. Fluttershy, Gray, Rainbow and I all standing together, but there's me, being an ass and staring longingly into the sky with a sad smile on my face. God, I make that picture seem so depressing. But it's one of the only things left, and I cherish it. I keep it inside my jacket pocket at all times.

Man, I need to stay current. Well, your current.

Jegus, okay. Back on track.

After pictures, though, something peculiar happened. I didn't think too much into it, because I didn't think it'd effect me in any way. But at the time, it was one of those things where I felt like something wasn't quite there. Almost as if it wasn't the last time I'd have this feeling.

Pinkie and I were waiting for everyone else to have their pictures taken, when a little girl, about ten or around that age, tugged on Pinkie's gown. Pinkie smiled at the young girl, who had short, messy dark brown hair, large blue eyes, bronze skin, wearing a pink and lavender sundress with floral patterns.

"Hi! What's your name?" The little girl asked sweetly.

"My name is Patience! What's your name?" Pinkie replied happily, earning an adorable giggle from the little girl.

"My name is Ashleigh!" She replied with a large smile. "Do you watch My Little Pony?" She then asked innocently. Pinkie and I instantly froze, and shared quick glances.

"Um, yeah! I do! Why?" Pinkie asked with a nervous chuckle.

"'Cuz you look like Pinkie Pie! She's my favorite!" She squeed.

Pinkie returned it with a squeal of adorable-overlord, and looked about ready to attack the child with hugs, before a teen, maybe a year or two younger than me, ran up to her.

"Ashleigh! Don't ever run off like that again, you worried me half to death!" He said. He really seemed worried too. He probably had the same skin tone, but it was kind of hard tot tell, as his skin was pale from fear and worry.

"But Enzo Nii-Chan! I just wanted to say hi! Look, she looks like Pinkie!" She said, huffing and crossing her arms.

"Okay, first off, we're not Chinese or whatever. Second, who the heck is Pinkie?" The boy scoffed. He then looked up at us. "Sorry if she bothered you." He apologized, grabbing his little sister's hand.

"Oh, no worries, dude." I assured him, smiling. "She's adorable, dude. Take care of her." I then told him. He smiled and returned the nod.

"Thanks. C'mon, Ash, let's get going. Mom and Dad are waiting." He said, mussing up her hair. She let loose another laugh, and jumped on his back and piggy backed on him. The sight made me smile. The kid looked like a good big brother.

"Alright, Alex, let's get going before traffic gets heavy!" My mom called. Pinkie and I followed them and we all made it to our cars, and took off back to Gray's house for a barbecue. But, almost the whole time, I couldn't help but think about that kid who had called out Pinkie. Not entirely her, though, but...Both her and her brother. It was a strange feeling. Like, something that was nagging at the back of my mind.

"Alex, are you alright?" Shining Armor asked me, sitting at the table across from me.

"Wha?" I mumbled, looking at him. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine." I replied with a sigh.

"You sure? You look worried." He pressed on. I sighed, and chuckled, shaking my head.

"Really, man. I'm fine." I assured him, looking over at Twilight. "Take care of her, man. That's all I gotta say." I said quietly.

"Don't worry, I will." He replied with a nod. "Ya know, Twilight told me about you and Nick..." He said cautiously. I immediately perked up and looked at him. "Sorry! Sorry, I was just..."

"Don't worry man. It isn't something I'm gonna let hold me back." I assured him.

"Right," He chuckled. "Well, I just thought...It just makes me proud to know that I'm a big brother. Because it sounds like you have a close relationship like us, though."

"Thanks, man." I said with a smirk, bumping fists with him.

The party went by smoothly, until Gray approached me a little before the sun set. "Dude, guess what?!" He said excitedly.

"We know I'm not good at guessing games, man." I chuckled, throwing an arm around Shy.

"Well you're no fun... Anyway! A friend of mine just invited me to a party." He said with a smile. I immediately grimaced.

"Dude, come on, you know I don't like parties!" I groaned, facepalming.

"No, no, dude, it's in a nice suite in a hotel downtown!" He said with a grin.

"If this is your way of convincing me otherwise, you're doing a bang up job, bro." I quipped, my tone completely dry and deadpan.

"Oh, ha. Haha. Ha. Do standup." He sighed, obviously let down. I tried to ignore his upset face, but, eventually...

"Who's party is it?" Dana asked.

"Bianca's!" He replied quickly. Eh. Bianca was a person I could moderately tolerate.

"I dunno, Gray..." Applejack said slowly.

"C'mon, guys. Her parents are gonna be moderating every now and then."

"...Fine. Let's get going. But as long as Luna and Shining join us. Gotta have someone watching over us who's actually responsible." I sighed.

"Awesome! I'll get the van from the 'rents, and you can take your truck!" He said. Before I even got a chance to respond, he zoomed off to his parents. Dana went to tell her folks, and I let my mom know we'd be heading out as well. Celestia seemed to be giving Luna and Shining specific instructions, with the other six girls listening in as well.

"Just be careful, Alex. You know there's going to be some nutjobs out there, with tonight being graduation for all the schools." She warned me.

"Don't worry mom, I'll be alright. I'm cut out to handle anything." I joked, giving her a quick hug.

"I'm so proud of you, Alex." She sighed, smiling and tilting her head to the side.

"Thanks, mom. I'll see ya tonight. If not, tomorrow morning."

"Be safe!" Mom called, as we all piled into our respective vehicles. But, right as I was about to start the ignition, something stopped my hand. Something didn't feel right. At all. I couldn't explain the situation, or even the feeling, but it was a strange feeling in my gut. Kind of like it was slowly beginning to sink.

"Alex, is everything alright?" Luna asked from the passenger seat. Fluttershy, Twilight, and AJ all looked at me from the back seats, concerned with my hesitance as well.

"I'm fine." I replied quickly, starting the engine and reversing out of the driveway. I began to follow Grayson, and the feeling in my stomach began to intensify as we drove closer to the town.

It's always the worst luck, when you finally give in.