• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 6,316 Views, 300 Comments

Torn Between Two Worlds - Alex Barkhorn

A lonely, withdrawn brony meets his favorite characters - in human form, and in his world!

  • ...

Chapter 41

“Get him in there! What are you doing, hurry up!” Grayson shrieked, as paramedics frantically moved back and forth between himself, and getting Alex wheeled into the back of the ambulance. “I’m fine! Get Alex to the damn hospital!” He shouted.

Meanwhile, Alex’s mother was being consoled by the Princesses, as the police explained what Gray had already told her. She was still in shock. She looked like she wanted to sob until she passed out, but she was just so stricken with worry and grief, she could barely nod as the police talked to her.

Grayson watched as they wheeled his best friend into the back of the ambulance and sped off into the street. The police offered Grayson a ride to the hospital, but he had to deny it. Still, they handed him their cards, as they needed a full police report of the events. He was pretty happy that they were sympathetic enough to hold that off until his friend was better, but that was quickly extinguished as he looked at Fluttershy, sitting on the curb, with her head in her hands and a vicious shake rattling her body.

She’d been like that since Alex passed out from losing so much blood. She couldn’t look at him, and, aside from all the screaming she did, was nearly silent. Rainbow Dash was right next to her, shushing her when she gave the occasional whimper, and holding her when she would shake too violently. The other four girls only sat close by.

June, on the other hand, was pacing back and forth in front of Luna, Celestia, and Shining. They all stood politely, with their heads bowed in respect, patiently awaiting something to happen.

Suddenly, everyone heard a loud cracking noise. Gasping, Rarity looked behind her to see the commotion.

Grayson had slammed his right fist into the brick wall of the building next to him. What really startled everyone was the small cracks in the cement where his fist was. Blood trickled down his fingers, and he slowly brought his down to his side, using his now good hand to support himself as he leaned against the wall.

“Miss Barkhorn...June, I...I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault.” He snivled, turning around and showing his tearful face. “I didn’t...I didn’t mean to hurt him, I didn’t - I didn’t mean it, I promise...” He broke off into a fit of sobs.

“Grayson, what are you talking about?” June asked, walking towards him. He tried speaking, but couldn’t. His sobs became muffled when June pulled him into a motherly embrace, shushing him. “Gray, tell me what happened.” She said gently.

“I-I... We were at the party, a-and they found out...Jake and Aaron, they found out he watches My Little Pony...And they called him a fag and a queer, and, and Alex...I didn’t help him, I just stood there, and I’m so sorry June, I shoulda said something...If I did, maybe I wouldn’t have gotten jumped, and Alex, he wouldn’t have gotten hurt, and I’m so sorry!”

Gray broke into another sobbing fit that lasted well over ten minutes. Finally, he seemed spent, physically and mentally. His voice was hoarse, and he could barely speak, let alone cry.

“We should get to the hospital as soon as possible.” A quiet and timid voice spoke up. Fluttershy had perked her head up from her hands, glancing over her shoulder at Gray and June.

“Fluttershy is right. We must stick by Alex’s side this entire time. He’s our friend. We’re not going anywhere until we know he is safe.” Celestia added with a gentle smile.

It was a rather cramped ride to the hospital in nothing but Gray’s car and June’s Mercedes, but they managed all the same. When they arrived, they were initially not allowed to enter since they were operating, so all they could do was wait outside the OR. Hours passed. The new day came, and still no word.

Around 3 a.m., the doctor emerged from the room, removing his face mask. “Mrs. Barkhorn?” She asked. June nodded and stood up. Seeing as how mostly everyone, save for Luna and Fluttershy, were asleep, she spoke quietly. “There were...Complications. The main problem was that there was a large cluster of nerves that were affected. And his lung was hit in the attack- not completely punctured, but we still had to take a look at it. The wound went between his left fifth and sixth rib. Essentially, if it were a few centimeters to the left...It would have hit his heart.” She explained. But June could feel there was something more. Her tone didn’t seem too hopeful.

“What else is there?” She asked, afraid to hear the answer.

“Well...He’s in stable condition. That isn’t to say he’s doing good, though. He’s lost a lot of blood. To be frank, I’m very surprised he survived the blood loss. He’ll need a transfusion. I don’t know for how long, but it’s best he stays under for a while. At least until his body recovers.” The doctor replied. She placed a hand on June’s shoulder, looking her dead in the eyes. “There isn’t much we can do at this point but pray. Pray that he wakes up, no different than the boy he was yesterday.” She explained.

June went through the standard paperwork bull, while Gray sat at Alex’s side inside his room. The girls were all asleep, as they all shared the extra bed and chairs in the room- Christine came by and, being good friends with the surgeon, allowed them the extra space. Grayson only stared at Alex, and it scared him. Bandages covered his lean figure, his arms were perfectly at his side. Over his mouth and nose was an oxygen mask, and his chest would rise and fall with each breath. Every time his chest fell, Gray would fear that it wouldn’t rise back up again.

Movement caught Grayson’s attention, as Fluttershy approached Alex’s bed from the opposite side. She stood over him, eyes red from the tears she’s shed. Grayson only stared as she silently pulled up a chair, sat right next to Alex’s bed, and placed her hand on his. She didn’t acknowledge Gray. Didn’t speak at all. She only sat and watched, allowing a constant, yet silent stream of tears to flow from her eyes. The only sound was the constant, rhythmic beating of Alex’s heart monitor.

|~| Grayson’s POV |~|

It’s been almost four days since Alex came to this dreadful hospital. It’s been days since I’ve talked to him.

Since he’s been awake.

It’s been a hell of a week so far. There’s not much on the case against Jake and Aaron. They’ve been taken into custody on charges of attempted manslaughter with a deadly weapon. Jake was the one that actually stabbed Alex; Aaron was just an accessory. Trial was going to be soon, hopefully after Alex wakes up.

They don’t know why he hasn’t woken up. They have no legitimate reason. Yet, at the same time, they say it’s not a surprise. The transfusion didn’t do much, it just stabilized him a little more.

Dana came by the morning it happened. She was a wreck. The second she saw him, she burst into tears, and rushed to his bedside. Sure, she calmed down eventually, but...It was just depressing. She talked to him. Just sat there, next to Fluttershy, and talked to him. Saying things like, “Hey, Alex. Remember when we were kids, and we always played tag in the schoolyard? And eventually, we’d get all the kids to play with us, because they saw how much fun we were having? You would always let them play because all you wanted was to have fun with everyone.”

It broke my heart, again.

June seemed strong about it. You could tell it was killing her on the inside, the way her eyes seemed so hurt and full of sorrow. But she would assure us, every day, that it wasn’t up to us anymore. She would console us when we hurt; Rarity was the first to break, and June was there in a flash. AJ and Dashie both lost it soon after, and June shushed them, sitting between them as she assured them everything would be alright. Then came Twi, and even Pinkie. But, Pinkie used the best of her charm to keep some spirits bright. She tried especially hard with Fluttershy. Pinkie and Rainbow were at her side the most.

Speaking of Fluttershy, she’s in worse condition than me and June combined. She hasn’t left the room- they moved him to his own room after the first night, so she just pushes two chairs together and sleeps next to him. Sometimes, I hear her crying in her sleep, as I enter to check up on him.

It doesn’t help that the princesses are becoming impatient. I can hear the princesses talking to Twilight at this very moment.

“But Princess! Alex isn’t awake yet, and Fluttershy is a mess!” Twilight argued.

“I’m aware, Twilight, and I am very sorry. But we must return as soon as possible, we’ve done enough waiting.” The Princess replied in a calm, yet commanding voice.

“That isn’t fair, though! Alex is our friend, and we need to be here for him as long as possible!” She pleaded.

“Twilight Sparkle. It is indeed tragic, the fate of young Alexander. But we can wait no longer. Equestria needs us, Princess Cadence cannot possibly rule without our help.” Luna added in.

“I cannot allow our society to suffer for the fate of one individual. I’m sorry, Twilight. But we have to leave by the end of the week. That is the longest I will give you.” Celestia sighed.

The end of the week. I checked my digital watch. Only an hour, and it’d be Thursday already. At this rate, they’ll be gone before he wakes up.

“It’s getting late,” June said, practically reading my thoughts. She was sitting next to Fluttershy, and stroking her hair, but must have been keeping an eye on me, as well. “We should get home and get some rest.” She sat up, slightly taking Shy with her, and looked down at her. “Fluttershy, sweety, are you sure you don’t want to come home with us tonight?” She offered with a warming smile.

Shy only shook her head slowly, not even glancing up at June.

“C’mon, Fluttershy...You’re a mess. Just one night, we can get you a proper shower and change of clothes. You’ll feel loads better.” Rainbow chimed in, approaching her old friend. Again, a lifeless shake of the head.

More silence. Nothing but the beeping of the monitor.

“Well...Alright. If you insist. I’ll bring you another change of clothes tomorrow morning.” June sighed, planting a quick kiss on her forehead. She and Grayson stood up simultaneously, just as Twilight entered with her head hung low. “Ready?” June asked, which Twilight replied with a nod of her head. “Then let’s go.”

Our walk to the elevator was silent for a while, until Twilight spoke up as we approached the metal doors.

“We have til the end of the week.” She said quietly.

“What?! Says who?!” Rainbow nearly shouted.

“I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash. But we must get back to Equestria.” Celestia said regrettably. I tried to ignore the conversation, and pressed the button to call the elevator. Now we needed to wait for it to get on this floor.

“That’s not fair! Alex isn’t even better yet!” Applejack, while far more calm than her rainbow hair-colored friend, was still clearly upset as well.

“It is a difficult decision, but it is a decision I must make as princess!” Celestia argued firmly. “That is why we must go back.”

The bell dinged, and the doors open. As everyone filed in, rushed footsteps filled the hallways, and we all looked to the side. Doctors and nurses were rushing down the hallway they just came to. They were barking orders, and entered a room at the end of the hall.

Alex’s room.

No. Please, no.

I sprinted as hard as I could down the hall, with the others shouting after me, but soon following. When I reached the room, I tried to enter, but one of the nurses stopped me.

“What’s going on, I have to get in there!” I shouted, trying to struggle past him.

“No, you can’t go in there! Sir, please!”

The dude was stronger than he looked, and I couldn’t get past him. I could hear the heart moniter go wild inside his room. I looked through the small window, and saw them all crowded around him.

I saw Fluttershy watching in absolute fear.

There was one doctor who must have been in charge, as he was barking orders and shouting at the others.

The line went flat.

They had to get a defibrillator and use them on Alex.



Still flat.



Still flat.

No response.

He was gone.

( Hey, lookit that. I managed another chapter this week. Praise the friggin' lord.
Anyway, hope you liked the chapter, feel free to read and leave constructive criticism as you see fit, and don't forget to check out my tumblr at remixedwriter.tumblr.com
Adios. )

Comments ( 46 )

Princess Trollestia strikes again!

Let me guess, Alex will be bring back to life by the magic of friendship (Read: Deus Ex Machina.)
God I hate stories that goes like this.:ajbemused:
Also, Shining Armor barely even talks.

OMG, so sad...
Truthfully, if he really is gone, I hope Fluttershy is pregnant when she was with Alex that one time.
That way, maybe there could be a sequel???
Pretty please?
With a cherry on top?
I love this story, truth be told this was the first fan-fic I have read in my entire life when I first checked out FanFiction.
I really don't want it to end, please don't...
This here, is essentially what made me a brony.
This story.
So in the name of all things holly, if he dies, please make a sequel.

he dies = i haunt you with hate mail........... joking but he dies i will be upset (sheds single solitary tear)


Who the hell would think that a defibrillator could make the heart beat again? It can only stop the heart, not the other way around.

Are you retarded?! That's what the thing is for, to restart the heart! :facehoof:

Go play Left 4 Dead 2 :D

I will proceed to read later!


Thanks for the kind words.
But you really dont know a thing about electricity right?

If your heart starts to flicker it's not able to pump blood through your veins and that would end fatally within a few minutes (no oxygen for the brain and things like that)

You can only do ONE thing, and ONE THING ONLY to stop a heart from flickering after... let's say an accident with electricity (in this case, the flickering is caused by his failling body, so maybe adrenaline could help (I'm no doctor so IDK for sure) but the situation is the same for this example)

You MUST stop it. A flickering heart receives "wrong" (too many) signals from the Brain that gets "into panic mode" (for whatever reason) and wants the heart to beat too fast. (Or if in contact with electricity (230 Volts @ 60 Hz per second would mean that your heart probably tries to beat with something like 3600 BPM (While 70-90 BPM are normal for an adult))) You can cut off the signals with with an electrical discharge from a defibrillator. It will send one strong Signal to the heart and after that the heart wont be able to "recognize" the weaker signals from the Brain, thus stopping the flickering (and the beating so the person would now be technically be dead). After that you can try cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) so the heart starts beating in a slower pace.

This explanation may not be accurate but at least it should display the usage of a defibrillator and its function in reanimating a dying person good enough to understand why a device like this could never actually work like it does in games.

If you think it works in real life like it works in games, why not just pull out the stick from his arm or bandaging his arm (Far Cry 2) or throw a Medipack at him. Maybe that would work.

@Fated Card: Nah, I'll stick with the Medipacks, they are safer!

You're missing out on the fact that the heart works on electricity too, the muscles in your heart receive small electric shocks from the brain to make the pumping motion. Once the heart completely stops they receive no shocks anymore so you need to apply them from an outside source, once given the muscles make the pumping motion and thus have the chance to pump enough blood to your brain to make the brain start sending out its own electric signals again.

Or in your case when the heart and brain are in 'panic mode' it depolarizes a critical mass of the heart muscle, terminates the dysrhythmia, and allows normal sinus rhythm to be reestablished by the body's natural pacemaker, in the sinoatrial node of the heart.



The only reason why a defibrillator works is because the signals are electricity. I thought there's no need to state that.

But as I said, the most common reason for flickering is a Brain that sents too many signals to the heart and you can't stop it instantly from doing so (without damaging the brain) So you need to "overwrite" those signals with a stronger one.

If you use DC, you need 120ish Volts over a cetain time to overrite it.
If you use AC you need ~50 Volts to do so.

This will shut the heart down for at least 250 ms and after that you can either CPR or hope that the brain calmed down, so to speak.

But after the heart stopped beating, you would only damage the body by using a defibrillator. It would send one impulse to the heart, which would pump 1 Time only (if you are lucky) but the brain itself is not affected by the shock. (electricity flows the way with the lowest resistance (don't know the word for it in english) and that would be from pad a, over the heart and chest to pad b, not over the brain )

If the brain doesnt sent those signals anymore, you can of course try to fry the brain with an overloaded Defi or use actual devices that are far more complicated and not as "easy and fast" to use as a Defi. Either that or the hurt one is already braindead.

2156036 You say that as if it's common knowledge how a Defibrillator works, and which cases it works in. Rather, it's the exact opposite, just like hand grenades. What we 'know' about the things is generally in line with what we've seen in media throughout time, and that's how they've been portrayed in media for such a long time.


The first part of your story is correct, like I said in the latter paragraph. But when your heart is stopped and you give the shock to make it pump blood, it pumps enough blood to the brain to give it fresh oxygen and make it work (hopefully) long enough for it to be able to start sending out signals again.


To be honest I know that most people don't know this (I only know it because I need to know otherwise I would assume it wokred that way too) but just as I like to read comments and learn something new, I like to provoke to question common "knowledge". :scootangel:

As I wrote, with the Defi you can only send one signal = with luck 1 pumping motion to the heart over the course of a few seconds (recharge time)

What would be better?

giving the heart every few seconds a shock that could possibly let the heart pump maybe a drop or two towards the brain or using CPR, letting the heart pump blood at least at a BPM of 40-60 (with breaks for mouth to mouth or mouth to nose of course)?

A: Stop arguing in my reviews.

B: I'm aware. Defib units have been used to 'restart' hearts and possibly get a kick, and modern media and tv/movies have definitely over exaggerated usage of defib units - a friend and I discussed that today. But this is a story. I'm sorry but if it's a huge deal, go give the writers of Supernatural or some tv show a call and tell them how they dun goofed as well.

@Beyond the Horizon: I know, and I've been told that many times before. To be honest, it was mostly laziness, combined with lack of creativity because I didn't even think much about the story, I didn't think it would gain the reception it did. I'm working on a small scene in an upcoming "Slice of Life" type extension of the story.

I think this song fits perfectly with this chapter.

Don't mind the Hetalia theme, it has nothing to do with the story, just the song.

Cue the music...

Hey Alex! Thank you so much for the awesome story. I am not such a fan of humanized fics and was pleasantly surprised. I have to apologize though, cause I am about to continue that little argument that you stopped. On the bright side this should put it to rest with accurate information that also validates your story! YAY!

2157297 In most cases the heart will not stop immediately. Most of the time, the heart will go into a state of either V-fib or V-Tach. (both of which are shortened names for ridiculously long medical terms.) What happens in these states is the heart's electrical system goes crazy. Either the valves are opening in the wrong order (V-fib), or the heart just starts twitching uncontrollably (V-Tach). Both of which states will make it so that you get no blood flow and so no pulse. An electrical shock from a defibrillator resets the hearts electrical system, and in doing so hopefully "restarts" the heart.

This story is really good, in spite of numerous typos. It has many 'cliché' moments, but they're so well-written, I have no qualms just sitting back and enjoying the ride. I can't wait for this to update.

I think you need to add the romance tag.

You left the story on a cliffhanger and haven't updated in three months.:ajbemused:
Three. Fucking. Months.

Comment posted by ZeissFic deleted May 18th, 2013

Dead. (Pun intended.)

Final verdict on this story:
1. Celestia is, by far, the biggest troll the multiverse has ever encountered.i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/006/088/trollestia.png
2. WTF just happened? I thought Alex died! How come he just come back to life in Chapter 42?
4. Fluttershy forced herself on Alex? OOC much?
3. I forgot number three...
6. Why is Shining Armor even in this story? He didn't have more than 3 lines of dialogue!

Disengaging following sequence, system offline.
Peace out.

noooo not alex damn it

Don't you fucking do this to us!

This was the the first fanfic I ever read when I became a brony, so it holds a very special significance to me. Great story!

Evil, evil cliffhanger.:\

3570060 The author finished this story on fanfiction.net. you can find it over there. :twilightsmile:


3673276 the author finished the story on fanfiction.net, you can find the ending there.

warning:it packs an emotional punch

You should make a sequal where Alex, Grey and Dana go to Equestria using their pendents. And they get turned I to ponies I would really love to see that if it isn't that much trouble

I love this story so much that I forced myself to read this in three days (sleep is for the weak). Overall, I really liked how you protrayed the characters minus some Oocness. I have a question though, why is Shining Armor here? It probably would have made more since for him to be with Cadence to support her while she's freaking running Equestria!:flutterrage: Thanks alot Celestia!
Okay now, forget everything I wrote last paragraph. Your writing is great, your plot is fantastic, I love all your characters, and stories like this one make me want to feel( and procrastonate on making a story). Now if you excuse me, I'm going to fanfiction.net.

3444588 same I just reread it it two years later and it's still fantastic

Meanwhile, I have one of those moments where I look back to just a couple years ago, and can't believe I was ever that immature.

Granted, I'm no paragon of wisdom now, but I'd like to think I've gotten better.

well lookie....2 years...i caught up on the chapters i haven't read since i started this story a few years ago....and it ends in a cliff hanger than he's too busy to finish.

*sighs* i'm disapointed. too many damn good stories like this end because the author doesn't finish it..

5496139 You and me both, Vegeta's two deaths are the only possible things that can draw tears from me.

I only just held it together during My Little Dashie, I only cried for a minute or two, I had to save face.

If there is anyone reading this, listen up. The story is finished on Fanfiction.net Link here

Has it really been that long? Wow. This is the very first MLP fanfic I read. The finished portion of the fic is on Fanfiction.net if anybody was wondering.

Unlikable loser of an "OC" (pfft), manufactured feels designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and a lousy plot crafted to appeal to the male equivalent to Stephanie Meyer's demographic.
It's a sad day indeed when Displaced "writers" can put up a more respectable product.

Fuck you for only posting the final chapter of this on fanfiction.net

EDIT: This story reminds me of a really good song

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