• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 6,316 Views, 300 Comments

Torn Between Two Worlds - Alex Barkhorn

A lonely, withdrawn brony meets his favorite characters - in human form, and in his world!

  • ...

Chapter 27

"Alex, wake up."


"But, Alex, we have-"

"I'm quite aware! You wouldn't let me have the ruttin' computer all weekend, you were studying so much." I said in annoyance, looking over at Twilight Sparkle.

"Alex, just get up. Have breakfast. You need all the energy you can get for the AP Psychology exam today." She scolded, walking out of the room. I groaned in annoyance, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I huffed, and got dressed, before going out to the kitchen and living room, greeting the girls.

"Good morning, Alex!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Are ya excited for your exam? Or are ya nervous? I bet you're more nervous, because you didn't study nearly as much as Twilight did this weekend, even though she practically made you- Mmf!"

Thankfully, I had a muffin on hand to use as a temporary gag on Pinkie. Though, she gobbled it up in a matter of seconds. I rolled my eyes, buttering my english muffin, and grabbing some eggs that Applejack had made. We made our way to school soon after, and, I'll admit, I was feeling pretty good about my exam at noon. Twilight and I studied all weekend- Okay. She did. I just listened to her read while I drew a bunch of random sketches. The point was, we were both ready for the exam.

We entered the building, and immediately made our way to the computer lab next to our Psych class. The teacher had excused us from the first two classes so we could study all day in the room.

Hey. I said we studied. Doesn't mean we can't use all the help we can get.

About half an hour into our study session, Twilight became increasingly frustrated with the other students. They were all dicking around, not making use of this study time, made apparent by playing flash games or being excessively loud.

"Are they always like this?" She asked, writing down more notes.

"Beg pardon?" I replied.

"Are they...Always so stupid? I mean, here we are, trying to study, and trying to learn, but...They're all taking advantage of it!" She began, flinching when some dude behind us broke out into wild laughter. "Do you mind?" She hissed at them.

"Geez, someone..." He began, but stopped when I glared back at him.

"Christ, Takara, calm down." I whispered.

"How can I? This is rediculous! It's almost as if they don't want to learn!" She snapped.

"That's because they don't!" I replied.

"...What?" She asked in disbelief.

"I seriously don't get how you didn't catch on already. Takara, half of these kids don't care about school. They're just here because they have to be. Legally, they have to be here." I explained.

"...You're joking." She said quietly. "I mean...This is a free education! A chance to learn, to take in the information they'll need-"

"They don't care, Takara," I interjected. "About any of that. They think everything will take care of itself, that mommy and daddy will always be there to spoil them. Then, one day, they wake up, and they realize they're forty, living at home, jobless, and hopeless." I then explained, my tone bordering on pure cynicism.

"I can't believe that." Twilight said sadly.

"Believe it. It's the shit we have to deal with here."

"But...But, there's gotta be something someone does, right? Someone's gotta...I mean, isn't there anyone who can get through to them?" Twilight asked. I shook my head in response.

"Nope. They screw themselves over, why should we waste our time helping out a bunch of bums who don't care?" I explained.

"But that isn't fair for them!"

"Life isn't fair, Takara. Especially for those who take things for granted. It isn't like they do it on purpose, yeah. But these people can easily turn their lives around. But no. They choose to dick around, like this," I said, pointing at all the other kids who weren't studying. "And they think everything will be fine. They don't care. It's not our problem, Takara. It's not yours, not mine. It's theirs."

"...I guess you're right." She admitted, sighing, and going back to her notes.

Soon enough, it was time. Twilight and I headed to the gym foyer, waiting for the okay to enter the testing room...Which wasn't really a room. It was the small gym, just with a bunch of desks. While waiting, Twilight and I chatted with some friends and classmates.

"Jesus, I'm gonna fail so hard." One of the girls from our psych class, Jessica, said worriedly.

"Didn't you study?" Twilight asked.

"Well...Kinda." She replied hesitantly. Twilight and I raised skeptical brows.

"Kinda?" I repeated.

"Well, I mean, I read over some notes, yeah..." She trailed off.

"But you didn't take the time to sit down and go over your information thoroughly, right?" Twilight surmised, in an indifferent tone. Jessica nodded quietly, looking at the ground in shame. We both shook our heads, and were allowed into the testing room. Before the exam started, I looked back at Twilight, giving her a thumbs up and a smile. She returned the smile, and got to work.

Hours later, I escorted Twilight to my truck- Gray gave the other girls a lift home, as the exam went past school hours.

"That wasn't so bad, actually." I admitted.

"You're right. Everyone gave it such a bad rep, I expected it to be more challenging." Twilight agreed. We overheard others complaining about how tough it was, how they surely failed it, and all that whining. Twilight sighed, looking at the ground as we walked. "...Is there really nothing anyone can do for them?" She asked quietly.

"Pretty much, Twi." I replied at the same volume. "But, hey. It's thanks to the people that do benefit that we have this educational system. I mean, those that go on with their education, that are glad to learn. They become leaders, important figures. And, if not, they still make the most of their lives. They go to school, make a career, and follow their dreams- it's the ones that care that we should worry for." I said, trying anything to get Twilight chipper again.

"What about you?" She asked, looking up at me.

"What about me?" I replied.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to go to school? Make a life for yourself?" She asked. I stopped in my tracks, thinking for a moment. I had always thought about it...

"What is it you want to do, Alex?" She asked me.

"I guess...I could go to school, I mean..."

"You guess?" She repeated.

"I know I can...It's definitely an option."

"But, what is it you want to do? What do you want to do with your life, Alex? Do you want to make something? Or be like them?" She asked me. Another few minutes of silence.

"...I wanna make something out of myself. I want to accomplish those dreams." I replied. She nodded, and, finally, smiled.

"Then you're wrong." She told me.

"How so?" I asked, quirking a brow.

"Because, I think it's things like that that can change the world, then. People like you, Alex." She said. "As long as there's someone out there, and, if you're right, it seems like their always is..." She finished, opening the door to my car. "C'mon. Let's go home. I'm hungry." She said, giggling lightly. I smiled, and hopped in, starting the engine and driving home.

( And yet another update. Woohoo.
At any rate, thank you all so much.
Also, prepare for self loathing and demands of pity. (i'm joking, you dolts. :P)
Thanks for reading along, everyone. It means a lot to know you all enjoy reading what I enjoy writing.
It may not be a best seller, or even close to the material, but, hey. It makes someone happy. So it makes me happy.
Remember to check out my blog at
It really helps out a lot, so give it a follow. Thanks, guys.
Barkhorn out. )