• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 8,055 Views, 658 Comments

Ab Initio-From the Start-Al Principio. - Daxn

Alternate Universe, where Twiligth Sparkle doesen't get forgiven by Celestia in "Lesson Zero".

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Proposta indecente/Obscene Proposal

Some minutes later, outside Velvet's house, in the backyard, Princess Celestia, in a break from her duties, was hiding in a bush, spying with a binocle what was going on in the cameretta of Twilight's house.

From there, the Sun princess could see her student Twilight wearing a diaper, and carrying some dolls and toy bricks with her magic.
Princess Celestia snickered at the sight. "Good, good."

Soon after saying that, the other five bearers of the Elements of Harmony appeared, also wearing a diaper and carrying toys around. Celestia put the right hoof under her chin thoughtfully.

"Well, that's more than what I was aiming for. But I guess I should not criticize this act of kindness from Twilight's friends. It's a pity that they can't stay with her for all of the four months."

Suddenly, the eyes of the princess widened, her right hoof shooting up in the air, and her mouth left gaping open. She had an idea.
"But of course! If they want to keep supporting Twilight in her punishment, I should aid them in their quest. I shall cover the losses from being out of business for a while, and find replacements for some of them! After all, my personal treasure is big enough to cover their losses, and I am sure that there are some ponies willing to do some of the Elements' jobs."
A huge smile appeared on Celestia's face, and she started to buzz her wings happily.

"Now I should only knock, talk about it with Twilight Velvet, proceed to issue the orders, and fill the papers!"

Then Princess Celestia flew from the backyard of Twilight's house to the gate of the same house. Once there, she rang the bell.
From the house, Velvet's gray servant emerged and after greeting the princess with a bow and a "Good day, Majesty," she opened the gate.

"What do you wish, Lucifera Excellence?"

Princess Celestia stepped in the garden, and answered to Velvet's servant with formality.
"I'd wish to meet Madam Twilight Velvet, if she is at home."

The gray mare, still nodding nervously and grinning unsurely, guided Celestia towards the front door of the house.
"Yes, yes, she is in."

Princess Celestia let the gray mare open the front door, and let the servant come in, before entering in the house herself. Once in the entrance hall, the gray mare put her left hoof near the mouth.
"Madam, Princess Celestia has arrived. She is looking for you."

"Princess Celestia? Give me a moment, and I will be there!" Velvet shouted back.

While Velvet was getting ready, Princess Celestia closed the door behind her, to the valet's annoyance, and she walked down the hallway that led to the room where Velvet was.

At the end of the hallway, from behind a door, Celestia could hear giggles and voices coming, sign that it was the house's cameretta, and the most likely location of Velvet.

Then the door opened, revealing Velvet. The mare, seeing the princess right in front of her, bowed.
"Good morning, Princess. What do you wish from me?"

The sun alicorn looked causally at the ceiling and spoke with a falsely hesitant tone of voice. "I have something to talk about with you, and it's about your daughter."

Velvet smiled, and walked towards the staircase. "Oh, I understand. Come on, follow me. We can talk about it in a proper room."
Princess Celestia nodded, and followed Velvet upstairs towards the lavishly decorated living room. There, Celestia sat on one of the red sofas, and Velvet sat on the couch opposite Celestia's sofa.

Silence followed. Velvet decided to break the ice first.

"Do you want something to drink, Princess? Matè, coffee?"

"A cup of matè would be nice. Yes, please."

Velvet clapped her front hooves, then shouted, "Sedula, make two mates, please!"

"Yes ma'am!" shouted the valet.

Done that, Velvet passed to the subject matter. "So, why did you come over here to talk about my daughter?"

Celestia answered with a soft smile. "I saw that Twilight's friends are helping her overcome her stress, and I found it quite nice. I am aware that they must come back home at sunset though. However, I find that such strict limitation should not exist for such act of kindness, and that it should be larger. So, I ask you: is it fine with you to host some of Twilight's friends for four months?"

Velvet put her left hoof under her chin, and looked at the wall. For two minutes, she remained silent.

"I would like to. However, I can't stay all day at home to look after them; after all, while I am near the retirement and I am able to easily model my workday to fit to my needs, I still need to work. And my husband doesn't like the idea very much to begin with, so I doubt that he would look after them."

Princess Celestia frowned. "Oh, that's a pity. It would have been nice, to see the friends of your daughter support her."

Meanwhile, Sedula Serva came, and left a trail with two cups of murky brown liquid, before leaving.

Celestia levitated the cup near lips, and took a sip of the hot liquid.

"Well, you can't get everything from life," said Velvet, before taking sip from her own cup.
"I know. If only I could find a pony eager to take care of your guests and Twilight..."

As soon as Celestia terminated that phrase, she remembered about Cadence and her past. Then she thought to the situation at hand. And the alicorn of the Sun had an idea.

Namely, contact the Arciduchessa Mi Amore Cadenza, and ask if she would be willing to come back to her old job of foalsitter from time to time for the period of four months. Naturally, emphasizing the "See Twilight Sparkle again" part, since the Archduchess of Love expressed her desire to see Celestia's student one of those days. And, of course, omit the part of "foalsit adults acting like foals," to avoid immediate rejection, and be vague about it instead, so to not look like a liar to Cadance.

The Sun princess mumbled to herself for a while, before looking at Velvet with an inquisitive look.
"Wait. Do you remember Cadence? Twilight's old foalsitter?"

Velvet nodded, as she drunk another sip of her drink. "Yes, I do. But isn't she an Archduchess now?"

"Yes, she is. However, I've heard she wants to see Twilight again, and take a break from her duties as a member of the Council of Nobles. Of course, she is the chairpony of the Council now, but since she has been elected as result of an extended 'Seaside Government', I don't think that her occasional absence will affect the decisions of the Council too much," said Celestia with a tone between the expository and the friendly one.

Velvet nodded, and took another sip of her matè, finishing her cup. Velvet dried her lips with her tongue, before coming back to the discussion.

"That sounds very good, Princess. My only concern would be about her willingness to come back to her old work, but if I understood you correctly, she won't mind about it too much, as long she is with my daughter."

The white alicorn leaned her head to the right, squinted her eyes, and flapped her left hoof in front of her face, and said with slight insecurity. "Yes... we can say that she will do it, as long Twilight Sparkle is involved."

Velvet smiled.
"That's good. " Velvet looked around for a brief second "Is that all, princess?"

"Yes, it is," answered Celestia, before standing up, and walking out of the room.

Only then Celestia realized she forgot about a simple but important part of her plan. Namely, the Bearers' thoughts about staying at Twilight's house, since she was sure that not everypony left in the cameretta was really willing to act like a little filly, let alone remain in Velvet's house for four months. And Celestia wanted to have at least partial consensus from the five mares.

Celestia quickly returned into the living room.

Velvet, surprised, asked with a worried tone.
"Is something the matter, Princess?"

Celestia huffed, and buzzed her wings for few seconds. "I need to see what your guests think about this."
Velvet slightly pounded her forefront with her left hoof.

"Silly me! How could forget to ask what ponies could stay and who not?" Velvet jumped down the couch "Let's go, then."

And so the two mares headed for the cameretta's door.

Velvet opened the door, and silently asked Celestia to wait few seconds outside the room, so to prepare the six mares and the three fillies in the room to the important and unexpected guest. The Princess walked few feet away from the door, so to not spoil the surprise.

Then the mare lowered the handle with her magic, and opened the door with a creak, revealing the ongoing activities of the nine ponies there, the unusual uninteresting sight of Pinkie Pie double-diapering herself up, Fluttershy roosting over Rainbow Dash's shoulder, Twilight playing around with Rarity, and the Crusaders fooling around with a too-serious-for-the-situation Applejack.
Since the nine ponies paid no attention to the door's opening, Velvet decided that clapping her hooves was a good idea to get their attention, even if the clap could get lost in the general noise.

Velvet clashed her right hoof with her left hoof... and saw no response from the ponies.

Velvet tried again.


The old mare tried five times, before decide to just call them.
"Could I get your attention, please?" shouted Velvet.

The three fillies suddenly turned around, and looked at Velvet perplexed. Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity looked at the door. Twilight sighed and murmured something about her mother, Rainbow Dash, for some reason, jumped in the air, and did the etruscan salute, before realizing what was going on. Fluttershy bravely squeaked and let out a "Eeep!"

Once all the eyes of the nine ponies were on Velvet, the mare spoke up.

"We have a special guest today, who wants to talk with you!"

Everypony in the room looked sideways at Twilight's mother, as she gestured towards somepony in the hallway.

The "somepony" was revealed to be Princess Celestia.

Eight of the nine ponies exclaimed "Princess Celestia?" The last pony, Fluttershy, squeaked, blushed, and tried to hide herself in a corner from the embarrassment.

"What do you wish from us,your Majesty? And what are the circumstances that brought you here?" asked Rarity with curiosity and disbelief.

"Well, good morning, Princess. As you can see, we were not ready for your coming," said Applejack, as she stared at the ground and grinned awkwardly.

"Why did you come over here? Oh, I know, it's because..." said Pinkie, before getting interrupted with a hoof in her mouth by a beet-red Scootaloo, who asked the Princess to ignore her.

"Hello, Princess Celestia. Any reasons for interrupting your princess stuff?" asked almost casually Sweetie Belle, like if she was talking to a normal adult, instead of the ruler of the land.

Princess Celestia, seeing the varying reactions, that spaced from "I am sorry for being in such a sorry state in your presence" to "I am dressing weirdly. So what?" Also, Sweetie Belle's reaction caused the Sun princess to mutter to herself "Blessed naivety."

"Good morning, my little ponies. I can give you an answer about my reasons for getting here, and it involves you and your actions," said Princess Celestia with a friendly tone. Despite that, however, some of the ponies, especially the ones that started with "R" and liked to dress up, the ponies with a liking for (in lateral sense) bucking trees, and the ones with a whole zoo of animals in their house, tensed up, starting to either eat their hoofnails or curl up into a ball.

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing," said Celestia, to much relief of those three ponies'.
"Actually, it's about something impressive you have done today. Namely, trying to help your dear friend Twilight Sparkle cope with her current predicament. Now, I know that some of you didn't expect to do this for my student. However, if the actions I have witnessed are of any indication, you have done this without protesting."

Rainbow Dash raised her left hoof and moved towards the Sun alicorn to say something, but the blue mare was stopped both by Applejack's mouth-holding abilities and the classic of a hoof down the throat.

"I've thought that this situation could be a perfect occasion for you all to learn something, and also support my personal student Twilight Sparkle in her four months-long punishment. Velvet agreed to give room and board to everypony, and I can cover the losses and hire substitutes for their jobs, for the ones that want to stay. So, my question is: who desires to stay here with Twilight Sparkle?"

Suddenly, the room went silent. The nine ponies could not process correctly what Princess Celestia just said, either out of joy or disbelief. Velvet and Celestia decided to give few minutes to the six mares and the three fillies to think about it, before trying to elicit a response from them.

After two minutes, Rarity was the first to exit from her stupor.
"As much as I appreciated this experience, and I would not mind repeating it, I feel I must decline. There is so much to do back home, between dress orders, designs creation, housekeeping and so on, that I feel I can’t stay here without feeling guilty. Besides, something is more pleasurable, if awaited; and my sister Sweetie Belle needs to attend to her duty-right of school."

Sweetie Belle squeaked at Rarity in annoyance. "Oh, come on! I want to stay here! School's boring, here is more fun and... pleasurable!"

Rarity sniffed, then delicately forced eye contact with her little sister, then said with a mellow voice.
"As I said, you would appreciate this more, if you did it more scarcely. Besides, Twilight goes to the Kindergarten now, and, if you want to fully support her, you should attend to the Kindergarten's classes with Twilight. Do you want to go to the Kindergarten again?"

Velvet and Celestia were going to contradict the white fashionista, before seeing her wink towards them.
Sweetie Belle lowered her ears and frowned. "No..." she said sadly.

Rarity smiled. "Good, then you are going with me." Sweetie Belle nodded.

Princess Celestia daawed, before moving on. "So, Rarity and Sweetie Belle don't want to stay. Anypony else is ready to give his opinion?"

Pinkie Pie came out from her joyful silence, and sprang up.
"YesIwanttostayherebecauseIlikethisverymuchandIamabletohelpTwilightatthesametime!" Then she started to tip-tap dance happily on the floor.

Celestia laughed at Pinkie's euphoria, while the other ponies prepared to reveal their intentions.

"I'd wish to leave..." said Fluttershy timidly.

"Saying that I didn't like what Velvet enforced on us is an understatement. So, you can guess I want to go home and take care of my farm," said Applejack.

"I am with my sister. Even if I found it bearable, with Sweetie's company," said Applebloom.

Rainbow Dash wore a beeched face, as she hovered above the ground.
"Of course I leave! After all, it's going to be four months with the same mare that spanked and grounded me! Why I would do that?".

Celestia sgihed, at the sight of most of Twilight's friend copping out.

"So, anypony else?"

Scootaloo raised her left hoof.

"I want to get out of here," she said laconically.

Then Twilight raised her right hoof, blushing and lowering her ears.

"Can I go home?" she asked pleadingly.

Princess Celestia snickered, went near Twilight, and playfully knocked up the left ear of her student.

"Nice try, Twilight."

Velvet also went near Twilight, and clutched her daughter's neck.

"But you are already at home, dear."

Twilight snorted in annoyance.

When this awkward moment terminated, the white alicorn came back to her listing.

"So, we have already chose who stays and who leaves, right? Well, could you please tell me again what the decisions of each pony are?"

And the eight ponies said once again whether they wanted to stay in or leave Velvet's house.

Author's Note:

Well, this is the 14th chapter, and only now I am doubting about the characterization of each character. I don't know why, but I feel that this story has dangerous levels of OOC.

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