• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 8,055 Views, 658 Comments

Ab Initio-From the Start-Al Principio. - Daxn

Alternate Universe, where Twiligth Sparkle doesen't get forgiven by Celestia in "Lesson Zero".

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Lassativi, punture e madri pazze.

The dawn, with pink hoofs and golden mane, once again rose over Equestria.

Twilight, hit by the rays of light slowly and wobbly rose up from her position. When she was finally sitting on her rump, she felt something squishy smearing her backside and a strong scent of methane filling the room.

Yes, the laxative was finally out of her system, and, yes, it had brought the last remains of food with it, too much to her annoyance.

Since she wanted to avoid further messes, Twilight went back supine, and gently rolled out of bed, and, once on the floor, she walked towards the bathroom on the tips of her hooves, trying to not make noise in the process.

And that was easier said than done, since the full diaper tended to unbalance her quite a bit, thus almost forcing her to walk the normal but a pretty noisy way, too.

But, thankfully for Twilight, she reached the bathroom before her mother could detect her.

Once she was in the bathroom, Twilight untaped the diaper, carefully slid it out of her backside, crumbled it into a smelly ball, threw it in the bin, eliminated her remaning bodily wastes in the toilet, flushed it, and then she proceeded to do the rest of her morning ritual.

Going out of the bathroom, she found Velvet walking towards her room. Since Twilight had already dropped her attempted silent walk, her mother could hear Twilight's hoofsteps, and, thus, making her realize she was awake.

"Good morning, Twily," Velvet said, as she opened the door of the room, letting the stench flow out of the room into the hallway, making Twilight scrunch her nose, but leaving Velvet unflinched.

Twilight's mother entered in the room, and exited few seconds later with Pinkie Pie levitating in her magical grasp, who looked like she was trying to go back to sleep.

Twilight decided to get out of her way, and walked downstairs, to have breakfast before her mother could spike anything with laxative, with predictable results later on.

Walking downstairs, Twilight saw Sedula Serva laying the table and placing the food. Twilight ran towards the table, and, while hastily greeting the valent, she jumped on the chair, and, placing one of the light blue dishes in front of her, she took ten chocolate chips biscuits, a couple of jam-filled donuts, and a piece of toasted bread.

As for the drinks, Twilight took her named blue mug, and poured some milk from a pitcher into said mug, and, in a separate cup, she put the coffee. Then she neared the mug full of milk to her lips, opened her mouth, letting the milk slide over the taste buds of her tongue... and her taste buds detected the taste of cortex of willow.

Quickly realizing that the milk was spiked with the "sugar," Twilight immediately let the mug slip out of her magical grip, shedding the undrunk milk on the table, and spat the milk over the floor.

Unfortunately for Twilight, she managed to spit out only half of the big sip she had taken. With her tongue still detecting the taste of simil-aspirine, Twilight panted, and said.

"That was way too close. That could have ended with the full effects. I just hope that the relaxing effects of the laxative won't bother me too much today..."

Sighing, Twilight took the mug once again, and brought it in the kitchen for wash it, while Sedula silently cleaned up the puddle on the marble floor.

"It seems that my mother has given orders to spike the milk to Sedula, or she had prepared the tainted jug overnight: otherwise, I don't know why the milk tastes like some kind of crude aspirine."

Twilight put the cup in the sink, and turned the cold water spigot, letting a flow of cold water go down. The purple mare closed the spinot again, took a rag hanging on one of the kitchen's furniture handles, and, while she dried the porcelain, she kept whispering to herself.

"Next time I will make the breakfast myself."

Then, when she was done with her chore, she asked Sedula, "Sedula, could you please tell me where I can find the milk's carton?"

The valet, while entering in the kitchen, said, "It's in the ice counter, miss Twilight. But why you won't use the milk in the jug?"

Groaning, Twilight opened said counter.

"Because my mother has poured laxative in said jug. I bet that she was going to take milk from this carton while I wasn’t looking."

Sedula simply nodded, leaving Twilight with the carton of milk and the mug in her grip.

Coming back to the table, Twilight put the milk in the now cleaned cup, and drunk a sip, the taste of willow overtaken by the more neutral taste of milk.

Assured that weren't any other traps in the food, Twilight ate silently, dunking the biscuits in the milk and taking sips from the cup containing the Ethiopian beverage.

She kept eating until she head hoofsteps coming from behind her. Realizing that her mother was coming, she stopped dead in her tracks, cleaned her mouth from the traces of chocolate, and awaited.

Velvet entered in the room with Pinkie Pie bouncing behind her.

Velvet gave a creepy smile to her daughter, before sitting down.

"Did you have breakfast already?" she asked.

Twilight, knowing that saying "no" was bound to make her mother spike something, decided to face a reprimand instead.

"Yes, I already did," said Twilight, her mind ready for the onslaught of words bound to follow.

Except that it didn't happen.

"Oh, you had breakfast all alone? What a shame. Do you want to keep us company while we eat?"

The question had only one possible answer, given the situation.

"Yes," said Twilight dryly.

Velvet nodded, and Pinkie, who was standing besides Twilight's chair, swiftly sat down near her friend. While she was there, she took the entire plate of surviving cookies and a donut.

Meanwhile, Velvet poured coffee and milk in her brightly coloured mug, took some of the remaining food on the table, and ate her breakfast slowly, all while looking both at Twilight and Pinkie. The former just looked at the wall behind Velvet; her mind wandering elsewhere, the latter ate with enthusiasm.

Suddenly, Velvet took with her magic a small but finely-decorated silver sugar bowl from the extreme end of the table, levitated it in front of her face, delicately put it down.

"Sedula, a coffee spoon, please?" asked Velvet to the gray servant. The valet silently arrived at the table with an iron spoon in her grip, and immediately returned in the kitchen.

Velvet, with the spoon in her magical grip, took out a small quantity of white powder from the sugar bowl, and poured it in a mug.

Whether said powder was sugar or a look-alike was unknown to Twilight, but one thing was sure. She didn't want to find out herself.

"Do you want some milk, Twily?" Velvet asked, and Twilight denied.

Then Velvet asked, "Some milk, Pinkie?"

The pink pony nodded vigorously at Twilight's mother.

"Yes, I want some milky!" she said with cheer.

And Velvet did just that: she poured some milk from the carton into the mug, stirred it, and gave it to the pink pony, who basically pulled the mug out of Velvet's control, before drinking the contentment in one gulp, and put the mug back on the table with a slam.

Then, few seconds later, Velvet looked at her wristwatch, and, raising her head, she asked rhetorically, "Should we go?"

Rolling her eyes, Twilight raised from the chair, stood up, and walked with her ears lowered to take the smock she had left in the entrance hall, while Velvet and Pinkie Pie basically flew to the door.

The purple pony dressed herself up, and walked out in the streets, accompanied by her pink friend and her mother. The streets were not very populated at that time of day, so there was hardly any possibility for Twilight to get any indiscreet glances.

Few minutes of walking later, the Kindergarten's building was in Twilight's sight. After a sigh of relief, Twilight hastily saluted her mother and Pinkie Pie, and ran into the foal's crowd, so to get as far as she could from her crazed mother.

Twilight entered in the entrance hall, and after a quick glance to the metal pole with white direction arrows, she followed the route to her class in the flash card-covered hallways.

There, she found the class's door already open and with Lux Foal, Nutriz and most of the foals already inside.

The first thing Twilight did when she was in the class, after greeting the two teachers, was look for her little friend, Lex Populi.

A pretty easy task, since she was with Pearly Handle, Orvosti Ostoba and Bright Light, standing near the shelves on the western wall of the room. From what Twilight could see, her friend was showing something to the other two foals.

Getting nearer, Twilight could hear the words coming out from the two colts and the pearly-colored filly.

"You did that?"

"Yes, I did, no crying. The doctow said I was very bwave."

Twilight was a little confused by the three foals' words, until she glanced upon Lex's left leg, and saw a pink band aid. Now the conversation was a little clearer.

Twilight was going to greet Lex, but the latter basically jumped in her face.

“Hewwo, Tilight. Wook there,” and pointed at the band-aid with her tiny hoof.

Twilight, to satisfy her friend, looked at the band-aid.

She gave the little pony a warm smile. “Did you go to the doctors’ clinic, Lexy?”

Lex nodded, her smile spread from end to end of her muzzle.

Twilight chuckled. “Cool. I bet you didn’t cry once.” She decided to pretend she hadn’t heard what they’d been saying and fain ignorance.

Lex stuck her nose into the air, a smug grin on her face. “Uh-huh. I not cwy once. I’m bwave.”

Twilight thought back to her own fillyhood and her times getting shots. She blushed, remembering that she’d always made a lot of fuss, then denied it when her brother had ask, just so he wouldn’t tease her about it later.

Twilight’s mind clicked and she had to hold back an understanding smirk. There was a good chance Lex had been crying through it, but didn’t want to tell, and remembering her own times like that, she wasn’t going to squeal on her.

Nutriz chose this moment to clap her hooves, getting everypony’s attention and all headed to the mat and sat down.

Twilight sat with her group of friends, and awaited to know what Lux was going to teach that day.

Today she started on basic mathematics.

Twilight was slightly confused by that, then remembered that this Kindergarten was for fillies and colts who would move up into the more "prestigious" schools. Not like the Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns but close. Therefore so starting mathematics VERY early in their learning made sense. Wheter they were going to hate even more the subject clearly wasn't a concern to whoever established it.

The next hour Twilight joined her friends in simple maths, assisting them whenever they were struggling.

She felt more in control now than she had since she’d arrived in Canterlot, days ago. It was a good feeling, to be able to follow a plan, to have a rhythm, like she always had.

After mathematics was done, Play Time was set and Twilight joined her group of friends in a game of School, with her as the teacher.

At first they’d all been unsure, since learning maths hadn’t been too fun, but Twilight knew from observations she’d been making on how to ensure they found learning fun.

And it worked. They enjoyed pretending to be learning in a big pony school, not realizing that Twilight was actually teaching them things they’d need to know later on when they left Kindergarten.

Since these foals were helping Twilight through her punishment, giving them a head-start on their learning was the least she could do to repay them. Also, she was enjoying playing the role of teacher and had even forgotten why she’d been worried about coming today more than the other days.

However, her memory was soon jogged by an uncomfortable churning in her stomach and she remembered. The laced milk. She’d gulped at least a mouthful before she’d noticed it had laxative taste and spat it out, meaning there was still some in her system and it had chosen this moment to let itself be known.

Her face strained as she tried hard to hold on as what little of the laxative she had been unable to get out of her from the milk worked its power, making it harder and harder for her to hold on.

“Curse you, mother,” she thought as the pain grew. “Why must I suffer your insanity like this? I am going to make you pay, in a way or in another.”

“Uh, teacher?” Twilight glanced back at the foals, each of them giving her a confused look. Bright had been the one that had spoken. “Are you alright?”

Twilight did her best to grin, though noticeable sweat was starting to appear on her face due to the strain. “I-I— I’m okay. J-just... having... a little...”

She looked down, gritting her teeth.

"For the love of Goddesses!" she thought. Why did her mother have to put her through this? This pain was horrendous!

“Tilight?” Lex’s voice asked and Twilight felt a tiny hoof on her leg.

She glanced to her left to see Lex standing there, worry on her face.

Before she could say anything, however, Twilight could hold on no longer. Her strength spent, she let go of the tiny amount of hold she had left and felt herself emptying into her diaper, which slowly expanded and eventually bulged.

Twilight flopped on the floor, both out of exhaustion and humiliation.

Tears of frustration and rage blurred her vision as thoughts of torturing her mother, forcing her through a laxative spent month filled her mind.

When she got home, she was going to use every second she could to figure out a spell that would force her mother to be incontinent for a whole month, maybe longer, let her see how it felt.

Once Twilight had recovered enough of her strength, she got up, only to find all her friends had crowded around her, all with worried looks on their faces.

“Are you alwight, Twi?” Orvosti Ostoba asked as Twilight got back up. “You wook wike you were in pain.”

Twilight sighed and shook her head. “I’m okay. Just something I ate this morning that didn’t agree with my stomach eating it.”

“Not to mention my mother’s insanity trying to worm its way into every nook and cranny in my life,” she thought darkly.

After a few more times assuring her friends she wasn’t hurt (physically anyway, her mental state was on the brink of insanity), they continued playing School, Twilight doing her best to try and ignore the smell coming from her diaper, or the feeling of her leaving smooshing against her flank, coupled with the squelching sounds that followed.

All too soon for her friends, but not soon enough for Twilight, did Nutriz move away from her desk and change the cardboard clock to say Potty Time.

Twilight lined up with all the foals, the group for changes, that is, taking care to remain at the back, so none would notice the bulge in her diaper as she waited for her turn.

When she went in, Lux gave her a confused look.

“Again, Twilight? That’s every day since you started.” She paused, then asked hesitantly, “You haven’t... well... what we talked about before?”

Twilight blinked, her face going bright red and shook her head violently.

“What? No! No, no-no-no-no NO! I haven’t become incontinent.”

The other mare raised an eyebrow. “So... how come you went in your diaper again?”

Twilight looked away, fuming. “My mother laced the milk in our jug with laxtivies. I noticed it too late, having already swallowed two mouthfuls before I registered its taste.”

“You know the taste?” Lux’s confusion returned. “How?”

Twilight sighed. “Last night my mother thought it would be fun to put it on my fruit salad under the guise it was sugar. I figured out too late it wasn’t and had to suffer for it all night.”

She heard what sounded like muffled chuckles and whirled around to see Nutriz doing her best not to laugh.

“Lux!” she said angrily. “This isn’t a laughing matter! My mother is now forcing my body to use my diapers! At this rate I will become incontinent, not because of being forced to dress and act like a foal, but because my mother will have forced my body to process laxative so many times, that it will simply give up, and I’ll be stuck wearing diapers for the rest of my life and all because of her insanity!”

“I-I— I’m sorry, Twilight,” she replied, still struggling not to laugh, some of it leaking into her words. “I-I-know I shouldn’t laugh, b-but-” She chuckled again, much to Twilight annoyance. “I-I just didn’t think Velly would g-go so f-far.”

Twilight frowned, not in anger anymore, but confusion. “Velly? How do you know the nickname my dad gave her?”

Once Lux had gotten a hold of herself, she indicated for Twilight to lay down so she could be changed.

While she was changed, Nutriz explained how she and Twilight Velvet had been in College together. It was back then that Nutriz had learned she wanted to care for the raising of foals and to further their learning.

Lux said that, even at the time, Velvet was a bit loopy, and that she fancied the in-training and much older notary, Night Light. Nutriz tried to put reason in Velvet's head, but failed, and the two started to go out togheter .

Twilight’s eyes widened at this. Her mother wouldn’t have met her father if Nutriz had not been her mother’s collage friend and had tried to get some sense in her head. Basically, her mother's instability was the reason she was in the wordl in the first place.

The very idea was such a shock to Twilight’s mind that she didn’t notice her changing had been finished until Nutriz nudged her, telling her to get up.

Twilight was still reeling over the startling news of how her existence was owed to the kindergarten teacher as they all went back into the play room, when she felt a hoof tap her leg.

She was so lost in her thoughts she jumped, only to see it was Lex, Bright and Orvosti Ostoba were looking at her, their heads cocked to one side.

“Tilight?” Pearly asked as she stared up at the purple mare. “Why did you use youw dippee? I tought you were a big pony.”

Twilight sighed. “How do I put this?” she thought, wondering how to explain a substance that makes you defecate earlier, even after you’d learned how to control yourself, before she decided the simple way was the best approach.

“Remember when I said I ate soemthing my tummy didn’t agree with?” she asked, and received three nods in return. “Well, this morning, my mom gave me something nopony wants to eat, and put it in my milk: this yukky stuff makes you have to go, even if you’re a big pony.”

All three suddenly became fearful.

“Dere’s someting wike dat?” Orvosti Ostoba asked, his form quivering slightly.

Twilight nodded, wearing a reassuring smile. “But don’t worry. Only big ponies can buy it and there’s no chance your parents would make you eat it.”

The fearful expressions were replaced by grateful sighs and looks of relief.

Bright frowned. “Why would big ponies buy someting dat makes dem go when dey don’t want to?”

Twilight chuckled. “Sometimes it’s needed.”

Lex Populi frowned now. “But, you don’t need it, do you, Tilight?”

The purple mare shook her head, sighing. “No. My mother’s just a little... out of sorts and thinks I do.”

Lex looked confused. “Is dat why you went befowe?”

Twilight thought about what she meant for a moment, before she realized she was talking about when Pinkie burst of a jack-in-the-box and shook her head.

“No. That time... You remember how you wet yourself when that bully scared you?”

The pink filly nodded, looking a little upset about being reminded of that time.

Twilight gave a small smile. “Well, you did that because you were scared. When a pony gets too scared and they already need to use the toilet, it causes them to go involuntarily?”

“Inver... Inver... what?” Bright crossed his eyes and shook his head, trying to pronounce the large word.

“When you don’t want to,” Twilight chuckled. “It’s means when you don’t want to. And when Pinkie Pie jumped out of that jack-in-the-box,” she pointed a hoof at said box, which was currently being used by another young colt, “she startled me and I went without meaning to.”

“Oh,” the trio replied, though Twilight couldn’t help wondering just how much they actually had understood.

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