• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 8,055 Views, 658 Comments

Ab Initio-From the Start-Al Principio. - Daxn

Alternate Universe, where Twiligth Sparkle doesen't get forgiven by Celestia in "Lesson Zero".

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La Fiorentina- Parte 2

Cadence and Twilight played house with Pinkie, trying to satisfy the latter's wishes.

While Twilight played half-heartily with her doll duplicate, hoping to see it end soon, Cadence was more active in her playing, doing her best to entertain Pinkie and try to elicit a positive response from Twilight, by poking fun at her and Shining Armour.

After several minutes, Pinkie was making Twilight and Shining dolls kiss on the mouth, when she stopped mid-action, her eyes widened, a hissing sound coming from her.

"What's the matter, Pinkie?" Cadence asked, noticing that the pink pony stopped playing all of sudden. The sight of a slightly larger diaper caused Cadence to immediately acknowledge that Pinkie Pie had used her diaper.

Without saying anything, Cadence swiftly took a teary-eyed Pinkie in her magical grip, and brought her on the changing table contained in the cameretta.

Twilight, after a brief moment of confusion, internally cried with joy at Pinkie's accident, because it meant that, once Pinkie was changed, she could push for doing something else besides stay in the room, sit down, and play with dolls.

So, while she waited, Twilight put the dolls backs in the baskets, and unbuilt the blocks, then put them in the boxes where those were contained, before getting thrown on the floor.

Twilight was so concentrated in her putting things back in order, that she hadn't noticed that Cadence was done in changing Pinkie. In fact, Cadence had to fake a cough, in order to get Twilight's attention.

After a startled jump, Twilight looked behind her, and, when she realized it was Cadence, she said while blushing a bit, "So, what's the plan?"

Cadence put a hoof under her chin in a thoughtful manner.

"Mmm... shall we go out for a stroll, and maybe have a coffee at the Black Cat?"

"No!" shouted Pinkie.

Ignoring her pink friend's reaction, Twilight answered to Cadence's proposal. "That's actually a good idea."

Pinkie stomped her right hoof. "Not!"

The pink alicorn looked Pinkie, and said, "Come on, let's go."

Pinkie Pie reacted with the only way a toddler, according to stereotypes, reacts to a proposal she doesn't like and really doesn't want to do. Namely, by throwing a tantrum.

She threw herself on her back, shrieked, and puffed out her cheeks, all while shouting "No" over and over again.

Twilight lowered her ears and put her hooves in the pinna, trying to stop the shrillness from piercing her eardrums and turning them into earflautes, and said in a low voice "Please, make her stop, before I snap."

The pink alicorn didn't fare any better, at first at least, since after a couple of minutes later, she decided to change Pinkie's mind about that.

"But Pinkie, we have played with you, it's now our turn to do something else."

Pinkie Pie barked, "No and no! I don't wanna go out!" And started to roll on the floor, too much of Twilight's annoyance.

Cadence, after seeing her failure, turned around towards the door, took a haughty stance, and said, "Come on, Twilight, let's go."

Twilight was going to say something about that, before understanding what game Cadence was playing with Pinkie. And so Velvet's daughter walked out of the room along with her former foalsitter, all while Pinkie still kept whining and thrashing her hooves around.

Cadence closed the door behind her, sighed, and walked towards the living room.

Twilight decided that it was the appropriate time to talk about how to "organize" that stroll.

"So, I guess that Pinkie will give up soon. But..."

Cadence wiped her frown from her face. "Yes?"

"I think we have some small problems here: one is keeping Pinkie Pie from doing something she, or at least I will regret, the other," Twilight blushed, "is about my diaper."

The pink alicorn looked a bit puzzled at Velvet's daughter.

"What's the deal? You want to cover it?"

"Yes," said Twilight, as she sat on one of the couches. "Usually, nopony sees it because it's under the smock. But now..."

Cadence also sat down, before jumping on all fours yet again, her horn lighting up.

"I have a solution," she said, as she enveloped the diaper into an aquamarine aura that made the adsorbent garment slowly fade from vision. "There. An invisibility spell. It's one of the tricks that I've learned while playing Poker."

Twilight smiled at Cadence.

With the diaper out of sight, she knew she’d feel a lot more comfortable about going out in public.

They waited for a few minutes, listening to the sounds of Pinkie’s tantrum going on in the other room.

Just when Twilight thought Pinkie must somehow be immune to the plan Cadance had for her, the door opened and a slightly sulky Pinkie walked out, her head held low.

Cadance smiled at the pink mare-filly. “Yes, Pinkie?”

Pinkie looked away. “Sorry. I’ll behave and go out.”

Cadance nodded. “Good girl, Pinkie. Now, let’s get ready.”

While Twilight decided to go without clothes, Pinkie wanted to wear one of the dresses Velvet had gotten them.

After searching through Twilight’s now full of filly-like clothes filled closest, Pinkie chose a bright yellow frilly dress with white hems.

Once the dress was chosen and put on, Cadance levitated a saddlebag onto her back, filling it with the supplies from the changing mat. Some fresh diapers, foal powder and foal cream and wet wipes.

As they walked out the house, Pinkie now wearing a toddler’s leash and vest Cadance had strapped on her right after packing the saddlebag, Twilight glanced at Pinkie, a small smile coming on her face. Pinkie really did seem like a little filly, and wearing that dress, at a distance anypony could easily mistake her for a filly. At close range? That was another matter altogether

After ten minutes of walking, the three ponies reached their destination: The Black Cat.

It was a white wooden building, its architectural style resembling the more "germanized" style of the South of Equestria, with exposed girders, flower-covered balconies, and round windows.

As for the bar in itself, it had several steel chairs and tables in the and out of the building; a granite counter with three small shop windows, one for sweet food, one of salted food, and one for ice cream.

At that time of the day, the bar was full with ponies, either lonely ones that drunk some coffee and enjoyed some fresh air, couples doing lovebirds things, or mothers/fathers looking out for their sons and daughters running around.

Cadence took her wallet out of the bag, and gave it to Twilight.

"Here's the money," she said, "take a coffee, a Spite, two pizzette and whatever you want to eat." Then Cadence winked at Twilight.

Velvet's daughter immediately understood the reason for the wink: Cadence was silently saying her that she could take food to eat not only there, but also at home, as a way to go around Velvet's tainting with laxative.

Twilight put herself in the queue, and waited her turn to make an order. While she waited, she looked at how Cadence was faring with Pinkie and her antics.

It seemed she was doing pretty good, considered that Pinkie was famous for doing anything, as long she believed she could that. But Cadance seemed a better mind manipulator than the pink earth pony mare, because she had tied the toddler leash to one of the table's legs, and had zipped Pinkie's mouth, likely for avoid that she could cause strange looks coming from the bystanders, if the diaper in danger to be expose at any moment was not enough to discourage Pinkie from doing eye-catching things.

Twilight frowned, looking at the zip, before shaking her head. Pinkie was weird at times and something so strange as a zipper appearing on skin wasn’t something she wouldn’t cosider atypical to the pink party mare.

Though she knew Cadance couldn’t have possibly zipped the zipper herself, that was pure Pinkie magic and only Pinkie could use it, so she must have convinced Pinkie to do so.

After a while, it was Twilight's turn to make her order.

The barpony was a light blue unicorn pony with a striped light red and green uniform, and asked with a voice resembling the one of a chain-smoker that once worked at La Trave who was a baritone, before his voice became weak, "What you desire?"

"I'd like two coffees, a Spite," Twilight looked at the shop window with sweet food, and saw some tea cakes, two chocolate muffins and loads and loads of briches "three apricotbriches," then Twilight looked at the shop window with salted food, seeing some scones and pizzette "three pizzette, two salads and egg scones and three mushroom ham scones."

Without batting an eye, the barkeeper took out with the tongs all the things Twilight had listed, put them on a paper tray, and then went briefly in the backroom to load the coffee machine, and returned two minutes later with two small cups steaming of coffee.

"That would be twenty-six bits," said the barkeeper.

"Holy..." Twilight murmured to herself, while widening her eyes and recoiling slightly at the sound of the price "it has gotten expensive!"

But Velvet's daughter did not want to negotiate with the barkeeper and so took out the required amount of bits from the wallet and gave them to the light blue unicorn.

The barkeeper swiftly took the money from Twilight's grip, and hastily gave Twilight's order to her.

Twilight took the food and the two coffees and went back to the table where Cadence was sitting and Pinkie was running around.

Twilight’s return made Pinkie stop running and hop up onto her seat as Twilight placed her Spite in front of her and the two coffees in front of herself and Cadance.

“So, any plans on how we might be able to get your mother back to the sane world?” Cadance asked, levitating her coffee and taking a sip.

Twilight sighed. “Sadly, I have been pondering just that over the last five days and come up with nothing. I believe she may just return to normal once this is all over though. It’s a slim chance, but after the week I’ve had, I’ll hold on to even the slimmest of chances.”

Cadance nodded. “You’re a lot stronger willed than I am, Twilight. I don’t think I’d have lasted half as long if I were in your horseshoes.”

Twilight sipped her own coffee, nodding slightly. “If not for my friends coming three days ago, I’m not sure I’d have made it myself. While Pinkie’s presence hasn’t helped me in my quest for put the light of reason back in my mother, rather, seeming to just reject it, I think it is allowing me to keep a sane mind myself, if only because at least I know how to NOT act for trigger my mother anymore.”

Cadance smiled. “At least you have a friend to go through this with.”

Twilight glanced at Pinkie, who was somehow blowing bubbles out her nose, giggling.

“True. Though that friend seems to enjoy being a filly far more than me,” she thought.

The shrill voice of a filly suddenly echoes in Twilight's ears.


Twilight almost choked on her coffee and, spluttering, whirled around to see Lex and the light brown mare with a curly white-and-pink mane that was her mother.

Once she’d cleared the coffee from her trachea, Twilight smiled at the small filly. “Hey, Lexy. I didn’t expect to see you today?”

Cadance giggled. “Who’s this, Twilight?”

Twilight looked at Cadance and did the introductions.

“Cadance, meet Lex Populi. She’s one of the fillies at the Kndergarten I’m currently going to. And this is her mother... um...”

“Fairy Floss,” the mare said, giving Twilight an odd look, one that expressed cautious doubts about the sanity of the looked at and some genuine concern. However, when she caught sight of Cadance she went into a small bow, saying, “Your Grace, it is an honour.”

Cadance just rolled her eyes and put her hoof foward while waving it up and down. “Hello, Mrs. Floss. So your daughter is one of Twilight’s friends?”

“Yeah!” Lex bounced, ignorante of the figure she had in front of her, giggling. “She’s weally fun. We played school yesterday, and Tiligh was the teacher and she was weally fun!”

Cadance glanced at Twilight, giving her a look that said "Oh, you."

The purple mare smiled sheepishly. “She did say it was fun.”

“Hi, there!” Pinkie cried, bouncing down and meeting Lex, who hurried behind Twilight at once. “I’m Pinkie Pie.”

“You’ve already met, Pinkie,” Twilight said, rolling her eyes.

“We have?” Pinkie asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“They have?” Cadance asked at the same time.

Fairy Floss just nodded. “So this is the other strange mare my daughter mentioned several days ago.”

Twilight looked blankly at Pinkie and deadpanned. “You met, albeit briefly, when you jumped out of that Jack-in-a-Box, remember?”

Pinkie thought for a moment, then smiled. “Oh, yeah! That was the day your mommy pulled my ear.” Her ears drooped a little as she put a hoof to said ear. “That really hurt.”

Twilight had to use all her willpower to stop herself from facehoofing, and turned to Lex instad, wearing a smile. “So, what brought you and your mother here?”

Floss, seeming to have decided Twilight wasn’t as... eccentric as her mother and Pinkie, smiled and chuckled. “We were just passing by, but when she saw you sitting in her, she bound right in.”

Twilight turned to Floss, nodded and smiled again at Lex. “Thank you, Lex. This was a nice surprise.”

“Wanna come with me and Mommy?” the filly chirped excitedly, clearing wanting to hang out with her "big friend".

Her mother, however, shook her head. “Honey, we have several errands I need to run first, and I’m sure Twilight has her own plans for today. She can’t just stop and leave them on a whim.”

Lex frowned at her mother. “But she’s not on whim. She is sitting on a chaiw!”

This caused all the mares (the ones not acting like fillies anyway) to chuckle.

“I’ll see you on Thurdsday, okay, Lex?” Twilight said, giving as warm a smile as she could, so to try to make her to accept the fact.

Lex’s ears drooped a little, but she nodded and followed her mother.

Cadance smiled at Twilight. “So, you made some friends at kindy, huh?”

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “Yeah. Fillies can be really good friends.”

Cadance nodded. “Say no more, Twilight. Say no more.”

At that moment, a rumble came from Twilight's lower part, a sharp pain hit Twilight, who soon felt a mushy sensation under her bottom bottom and a smell that reached the noses of both Twilight and Cadence. Realizing what just happened, her ears drooped as she scowled.

“Again? And why this time I've released them earlier?”

Cadance nodded, glanced at Pinkie, then nodded again.

She looked around and saw the changing rooms, which were connected to the hallway leading to the toilets.

“Come on,” she said, getting up, taking Pinkie’s leash in her magic and leading the two towards the hallway. “We’ll use Pinkie as a diversion. Since she’s wearing a diaper and none can see yours, they won’t know you’re the one in need of a change, not her. They’ll just assume you needed the toilet at around the same time.”

Twilight nodded, though she wasn’t any happier about it.

"For how long this laxative will remain active?" She whispered to herself angrly "For how long I will have to put up with it?"

Once in the changing room, Cadance lifted the invisibility spell, Twilight jumped on the changing table carefully took off her diaper.

Cadance wiped Twilight down, applied the foal cream and powder, then put a new diaper on Twilight, did up the straps and finally cast another invisibility spell, hiding it from the sight.

Minutes later they returned to their table, Twilight blushing out of frustration.

“I’m sure it’ll be out of your system by tonight, Twi,” Cadance tried to reassure her as they sat down to finish their coffees and Pinkie her Spite.

Twilight just glowered down at her flank, knowing and feeling the diaper there, even though she could not see it.

"True, it probably would be out of my system by tonight, or at most, by tomorrow morning, but that still doesn't make it any less degrading for me to wear them just in case I release my bowels."

Once they were done with their drinks, they headed out to enjoy the day, Pinkie bouncing alongside them, the leash stopping her from bouncing too high in the sky.

The three walked in the park more orless silently, enjoying the fresh air and the sigh of the green around them.

While they walked, Cadence and Twilight talked about their respective vicessitudes and adventures, and Pinkie, just like a little filly, looked at the nature around her with wonder and curiosity.

For Twilight, this was the most pleasurable afternoon she had in those five days of suffering and humiliation.

But even that afternoon came to an end: when the clock stroke seven o' clock, the three ponies went back home, where Velvet was waiting for them.

Seeing her on the door, Cadence quickly nullifeid the invisibility spell she had cast on Twilight diaper, and freed Pinkie from the toddler leash. Done that, Velvet's daughter and Celestia's niece walked towards the door, while Twilight's pink friend reached it in two leaps.

"Hello again Cadence," said Velvet "did my little fillies behaved themselves?"

Cadence sheepisly smiled, and said.

"Yes... more or less..."

It was enought. Velvet said to Twilight and to Pinkie to go in the cameretta and wait there.

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