• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 8,055 Views, 658 Comments

Ab Initio-From the Start-Al Principio. - Daxn

Alternate Universe, where Twiligth Sparkle doesen't get forgiven by Celestia in "Lesson Zero".

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Assestamento/ Aftershock

As the voice grew stronger and nearer, Twilight kept thinking about was she was doing there, unsure wheter it was something good or bad.

"Still, you wet your diaper. You must like it, at least marginally!" Said a part of Twilight's mind.

"I-I don't know, maybe I got scared at the idea of getting regressed by Princess Celestia!"

The tone of the other part slowly descended into the patronizing.

"Oooh, sure, you got scared by the thought of Celestia regressing you. Just the idea makes you pee yourself. Not buying it."

The other part answered resolutely.

"Listen up, I don't know WHY I did it, but it's as sure as the sky that it wasn't because I wanted to do so! Understand?"

As the other part was on its way to talk, a chill passed down Twilight's spine and brain, and made her curl up, and whimper, calling for “mommy”.

Finally the cameretta's door opened, and Night Light walked in, shouting.

"Twilight! Answer to me!"

Twilight turned to her father, fear filling her heart for some reason.

"Da- I mean, father, what do you want?" she said, still a bit confused by what had jsut happened. Without giving her respite, her father frantically removed her diaper, and grabbed her chest fur for shout directly in her face “Why are you acting like that!?” Making her feel at the mercy of his father’s fury attack.

“Why? Why? You and me fought hard for your indipendence, and now you have decided that you don’t like it anymore? Why? Why? WHY?” He kept shouting, his mane starting lit up slightly.

“I-I don’t know what are you talking about, father!” Twilight said, sweatign profusely.

“You don’t know what are you doing? What are you, insane like my partner? No, you are not liek that. You know very well why, but you are afraid to tell me. I can see it!”

“OF couse I’m afraid,” said Twiligth “you are assaulting me!”

Night LIght dropped his daughter suddenly, and stoped gritting hsi teeth, and resorting to bellowing instead.

“Okay,” he said, still a bit angry “proceed to explain.”

Twilight sighed, “Ugh. I don’t know. It’s just- well a lot of stuff has been stressing me, and your yelling defintley didn’t help.”

Night Light cooled down, “I’m sorry sweetie, but all this talk about diapers and infancy is starting to drive me a little bit off the walls. Honestly, I don’t know what everypony’s obsession with wearing diapers is all about.”

Blushing, Twilight walked past her father and into the hallway, “I don’t know either. I just know that I’m stressed out and I’m starting to feel a bit insecure.”

Stepping closer to his daughter, Night Light raised an eyebrow, “Alright, is there something going on that you’re not talking about?”

Twilight nodded, “There’s word of Celestia’s weird yearnings going around, they’re probably just rumors, but are concerning none the less.”

Twilight looked at the pictures on the hallway’s walls “Is it alright if I just have some times to think this out? I am going to a party later, and I doubt I will be able to think all that much, begin with my little classmates and all.”

Curiously, Night Light raised an eyebrow, “You’re going to a party with a bunch of foals? Twilight, should I be concerned?”

The mare chuckled a little bit, “No father, I’m doing it just because, you know, the foal hosting it considers me to be her big sister.” Twilight said, as she entered in the dining room “It would break her heart to not have me there, it would be extremely rude, and, more pragmatically, she helped and is helping me in my time of need, doing whatever she can do with her little power for make me feel normal.”

The mare sat down “Get to her level for make her happy isn’t something to worry about. Shining did it when I was really a filly.”

Night Light nodded. “That’s true, Twilight,” he said “though I still have the feeling that there is something not quite right with it.”

Twilight shrugged her shoulders, “I doubt it, I’m sure everything will be alright. I mean, they are just foals, and it’s not like the parents won’t be there either.”

Thinking about it for a moment, Night Light nodded, “I guess you’re right. Although I wouldn’t hope on having a lot of fun, since I doubt a mare like you is really going to fit in. But atleast there are grownups to talk to if you get bored, I suppose?”

“Yeah, at least there’s that…” Twilight said, as the food, green lasagne and ricotta, was brought in from the kitchen.

As Sedula gave a piece of the lasagna to Twilight, Night Light asked.

“But what you can tell me about the invited ponies? Maybe I know them, and maybe I can tell you the patterns of soem of them.”

Twilight, while slowly cutting her ration of food, said.

“At this party, or sleepover, or whatever, there should be me, the host, Lex, Orvosti Ostova, Olive Oil, Bright Light, and Pearly Handle.”

NIght Light, while she had his portion served, said.

“Interesting. I know Bright Light, Orvosti Ostova and Lex. I am not sure about Olive Oil, and I’ve never heard of anypony havign a daughter named Pearly Handle.”

Twilight said. “Well, if you know Lex and Orvosti already, I think I can skip to the others. Now, Olive Oil is son of a restaurant chain owner and…” Twilight blushed “a whore.”

Twilight’s father took a bite from his dish “Oh, I think I know whom you are talking about,” he said “Deep Fryer and Lupanara. I know their names because, originally, Deep Fryer was married with another mare, but, once she found out that her husband cheated on her, she divorced, and let Deep Fryer marry Luapanara, the prostitute that had more emotional contact with. From what you are telling me, I guess that Lupanara has not stopped her work as harlot.”

Twilight listened interested, not even touching the food in her plate.

“If he didn’t change since the last notary deed he made with me, one year ago, I guess he won’t care too much about his son. I don’t know about Lupanara, but I doubt she would care too much either.”

Twilight resumed eating, and processed the new information. Apparently, that was the reason for why Olive craved so much for his father’s attention.

Resuming the conversation, the mare said “Wow, interesting, I understand why he looks for his father’s attention, and why he’s so easily embarrassed. Now, about Pearly Handle, she claims to be the daughter of the Head Doctors of the Canterlot Hospital. I cannot say for sure, though. The only thing I know, she seems very emotionally unstable, and prone to cry for help whenever the possibility arise. Also, almost paradoxically, she is a bit iatrophobic.”

NIght Light shook his head. “I don’t think I know them, but I recognize her behaviour as result of overprotective parenting. In fact, I am not sure if she will actually come to that party of yours, or not.”

Twilight scratched her chin, before taking another bite to her lasagne. “Well, hopefully, Lex has considered that.” Twilight’s mind was hit by an idea “by the way, you mentioned that you know Lex’s parents…”

Twilight’s father nodded. “Yes, I indeed do. Fairy Floss and Rogito Notarile are, naturally, part of my district, and we are in fairly good terms ever since Rogito and I were just internships in my father’s studio, and Fairy Floss was still trying to get a degree in Engineering. Rogito is a pretty sensible and laid-back pony, I don’t think he will judge you too much. Fairy Floss is more up…”

Twilight grinned. “I’ve actually already met Fairy Floss, while I was in the park with Cadence.”

“Oh, alright” he said “then there should be no issue with that. Now…” Night Light sighed “Orvosti Ostoba… I know the mother, the father and himself. And I hate all of them.”

Twilight looked shocked at her father, while putting her hooves near her lips. B-but why?”

Night Light groaned. “I will mention one thing only, because I refuse to listen all the atrocities done by them. What is that? Arma Smussata is NOT a war hero, nor a cripple, nor anything. She was a janitor in the barracks of Canterlot, but, thanks to a clerical error, she was reported as crippled on action while doing heroics. From that day on, she has always been fawning about her non-existent heroics, while the true hero was likely signed up as a janitor.”

Night Light extended his right hoof.

“Listen to me… whatever they do… beware Orvosti’s family. They are ponies that do not keep their word.”

Twilight, confused by the rant, nodded silently, and let her father go on.

Five hours later, Twilight was on her way to Lex’s house, she passed in the relatively empty streets of the outer city, looking for the correct civic number, while her mind did its best to not think to what happened before the lunch.

“Burana Street n° 21, that is the address…” murmured Twilight, passing about some old, liberty-styled, houses.

“19… 20… 21!” She exclaimed, as she reached a solid iron gate, with a bronze bell as way of signal herself. Twilight grabbed the thread attached to the bell’s hammer and shook it, causing the hammer to hit the bell and thus make a ringing sound.

Fairy Floss’ voice called from the house.

“Who’s there?”

Author's Note:

I know, it's shit, it's incomplete and everything.

Unfortunately, begin without aid agianst the Catonian Party (Oliver_England disppeared in the fog), write everything was a chore, so, take this chapter, enjoy what little is there, and hope that I will find the strenght to keep writing this.

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