• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 8,055 Views, 658 Comments

Ab Initio-From the Start-Al Principio. - Daxn

Alternate Universe, where Twiligth Sparkle doesen't get forgiven by Celestia in "Lesson Zero".

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Lux Noctis in Terram Velleris Victor Est.

Twilight looked up at her father, joy and hope banishing resignation and despair in her heart, and her body charging up with energies.

"Velvet, what just happened here? Why my daughter is in a diaper? Why there is a stranger in this house playing with her? Why the cameretta returned fully operative?" Night Light shouted, as he glowed his horn and walked in the room with a threatening look in his eyes.

Pinkie Pie, unable to gave an appropiate response to the situation, dropped the toy syringe, and gave a textbook example of genuflexion towards Twilight's angry father.

Night Light dragged Velvet in the cameretta by an ear.. but he wasn't going to give any respite to Velvet.

"Come on, explain, I'm curious to know!"

Velvet looked up at her husband, her eyes watered a bit.

"You don't recognize her? She is Pinkie Pie, our second-oldest daughter!"

Night Light's neck was inflated for a brief moment in surprise, then he went back to his state of enraging towards Velvet. Angrly, he let go of his wifes ears.

"We have only two children, Shining Armour and Twilight..." Night Light, in a swift and sudden movement, pressed his nuzzle agaisnt Velvet's "and both of them are adults now."

Velvet retreated, until she slipped and hit the floor with her back.

"You are running too fast and have a bad memory, Nighty," Velvet sang, sweating profusely "They’re still little. Twily has yet be fully potty trained..."

Night Light looked at Twilight, his face cringed, looking disgusted at his daughter infront of him. Since Twilight understood what he was implicitly saying with that look, she quickly decided to answer back, just for be sure of going in the right direction. It was time to tell him everything that happened while he was away, finally she was going to talk to a sane adult that wanted and could act.

Twilight sat down and started talking of every experience she’s had in the past week.

"She lies! Lies, lies, lies, lies! She stuffed me of laxatives and diuretics, only for make me go in the diaper, saying I was constipated! She has forced me to drink from a baby bottle in her lap! She has locked me up in this room for force me to play with toys! She has yanked Cadence from her job as Chairpony of the Council for use her as babysitter for me and my friend Pinkie! She has forced my six friends and their three little sisters, barely nine-years old, to endure this torture for an entire day! Worst of all, she has impeded me from serve my punishment, and go to the Kindergarten, on the grounds I was too young for it! She never once asked me how I felt about anything! She is unbelivably, completely, utterly, totally, extremly, unspeakbly, and shockingly mad!"

Night Light's face got redder and redder, steam coming out of his ears, eyes squinting, angry gibberish coming from her mouth and eyes tearing. Fearing the worst, Pinkie ran out of the room in fear, while Twilight and Velvet stared with completely different expressions.

Night Light burst into flames and grabbed his wife from the chest fur. Drawing his wife’s face nearer to his own, a fire in his eyes resonated to show his anger

"What I have told you, Velvet? What I have told you, before I left this house for work last Friday?"

Velvet, feeling the heat of the flames, sweated even more, and tried to look away from her husband.

"Y-you told m-me t-that I-I could t-treat T-Twily in a-any w-way I wanted to..."

Night Light grabbed the fur of Velvet even stronger, to the point she shouted in pain, all while Twilight smirked.

"In a way that did not interfere with the punishment or degrade anypony else!" Shouted Night Light, spitting out a flame tounge that burned out some hair of Velvet's mane "You forced our daughter to live like a foal! You’ve forced her eight friends to act like foals! You even kidnapped one of them!”

Twilight was going to reply that Pinkie Pie was actually there for her own will, but she refrained herself from that, and let the situation deleplov in her favour.

"But..." Velvet said with a trembling voice, tears truly forming in her eyes.

"There is no excuse! What you have done is already sick! But what really upsets me is you forced three little fillies to take part in your sick little game! Do you know the damage you might have done to them?!"

Velvet shook her head, as her husband closed his eyes and huffed deeply.

"This act alone is worthy of institutionalization, but, wait, there is more! You have brought the Archduchess Cadance in this mess without any reason but use her as babysitter. If she didn't knew you and was so patient, I bet she would have sent a squad of ponies in white to take you away!"

Night Light's opened his fiery eyes again and staired into his wifes magenta one’s,

"But, worst of all, you had no respect for your daughter..." he said, more with contempt than rage "You have filled her food with laxatives to make sure she’d always need diaper changes. You wanted to make her dependent on you. Not only that, but you wanted to make one of her friend’s dependent on you, and for what? I understand you miss your little filly, but Twilight needs to grow up. She’s a mare, a beautiful young mare, and you’re trying to hold her back because you don’t want to let her go. Is that it?"

Velvet broke in crying, thing that gave a last burst of rage to Night Light.

"Ah, now you cry. Was that it? Are you sad because Twilight isn’t always going to need you? Don’t be Velvet, there was a time when she needed you, but she’s over that. She’s strong now, Shining is strong now, and you just need to except that, because one day they’re going to need to be strong for their fillies, and their colts like you were for them, and you will be six feet under!"

Then he let his wife from his storng grasp, amking her thump on the ground. Velvet cried a bit more, before raising her eyes from the floor and looking at her husband.

“B-but… they… are not ready...”

Night Light shook his head.

“That seals it, you are compeltely delusional. I will likely send to a psychiatric hospital, so I may get back my wife, and not this regressing abomination that I have in front of me.”

And Velvet wept.

When Night Light’s rage lessened a bit, he and her true daughter looked at eachother.

“Should we give her some time alone?” Asked Twilight.

Night light nodded and walked towards the door with an haughty stance.

“Yes. Come on, make me company while I have breakfast. I want to relax a bit, especially after what happened in the cameretta. Seriously, it rattled my nerves.”

Twilight smirked and thought. “A bit more than that. Also, that scene destressed me in ways I thought impossible.”

Night Light went into the living room, only to find Pinkie nervously waiting on one of the couches.

"Is it..." she tried to say, before seeing Twilight's father in her direct line of sight, She ducked, but was spotted in vain.

"Now you, Pinkie Cake, or whatever you are called. Get out of this house and never show up ever again, alright?"

Pinkie walked away with her ears lowered, but, when she was near the entraace hall, she asked.

"Can I bring Velvet's insanity furniture with me? I would have actually a sane and consensual use for it..."

Night Light did not thought too much about it with snorting sigh.

“Sure, whatever. Take anything foalish you want, we’re not going to have any more adult foals in here from now on.”

Pinkie Pie ran immediately back in the hallway that contained the cameretta, and came out of it ten minutes later with the wicker baskets full of toys tied to her back. Then she did another trip, and brought out with Sedual serva the changing table, the wardrobeand everything else it was in the cameretta.

Smiling she waved to Night Light as she walked out the doorway, “Hehe, goodbye Mr.Twilight’s Dad!”

“Goodbye,” said night Light dryly.

Twilight smiled at his fahter.

“Father… you don’t know how much I am happy that you are back. I don’t know for how much longer I could have last.”

While walking towards the kitchen, he said with an hint of acidity.

“For a pretty long time. Are you not my daughter? Are you not a brilliant pony?”

Twilight nodded proudly.

“Yes, I am.”

Night Light and smiled widely at his daughter.

“See? You are indeed, blood of my blood!” He said entering the kitchen, opening a shutter containing the food, takign out two plates of salty foods, and sitting down at the table.

Twilight watched carefully what her father was picking, for be sure it wasn’t laxative-laced, before remembering that her mother served to Pinkie normal food. The laxatives came were all in the formula. Unless his father had a secret liking for baby formula, it was unlikely he wasn’t going to have bowel problems. She sighed relaxed.

As her father took out a couple of the random food items and started munching them down, Twilight sat down at hte table, and looked awkardly around the room.

“So, father, what do you wanna do now with Velvet? I mean, shall we send her to Canterlot's Asylum?”

Twilight’s dad wiped her face off, “Listen…” he said pausing briefly to think, “I am ready to do what's right, in exchange of part of my prestige. But I would like to find a way to avoid this."

The mare’s eyes shot wide open, “Huh? B-but..”

Night Light closed his eyes, “Twilight, my dear daughter, I know you are moved by Revenge and wrath now, but you must understand: I am still a big piece of Canterlot's scene. If your mother is istituzionalized, my clients may leave me out of fear.”

Twilight nodded sadly.

Night Light took a drink of water, “The other option of course is to stay under our care. You’d be living like Velvet’s ‘foal’ I suppose, but I’d play along and make sure she doesn’t overstep her boundaries, alright?"

Twilight waved her hoof in frotn of her and frowned in diapproval.

"Nah.-ah. I will not be Velvet's foal for a looong time!"

Night Light sighed.
"You have until night to decide, but I have to go to work now. My notary deeds, unlike your mother's, are never late. You may talk to me when I come back for lunch."

Closing her eyes, Twilight relaxed. Taking a deep breath, she looked at her fleeting father, “I’ll talk to Cadance later about all this.”

Night Light nodded, and stated matter-of-factly “By the way, feel free to ditch the diaper for now."

A sudden pain in her stomach made Twilight cringe, reminding her why she was still in a diaper, “Ooh, uh. Actually, first I’m going to use the little fillies’ room. I will talk to you later, alright?”

The dad nodded, “Very well.”

Smiling, Twilight forgot her current decision for a brief moment. All that mattered was making it to the toilet. Quickly, she trotted through the kitchen and to the floor's bathroom.

After several minutes of ‘doing her buisness’, Twilight relived herself and cleaned everything that was dirty, and, thankfully for her, all by herself.

Idly, she stepped out of the washroom and fellowed the subtle cries of her mother from the end of the hallway. She walked there, attracted by a mysterious force, and opened the empty cameretta’s door and stepped inside.

Looking down at her hoofs, Twilight squinted her eyes at her sobbing mother. She looked in absolute despair, she was no longer the insane caretaker she was earlier today, she was the mother that she had yet to see since Celestia first moved her out of her house... a pathetic wreck that Twilight could not help but feel good by looking at it, by the power of the Schadenfreude.

A tiny part of Twilight made her want to reach out to Velvet and tell her that everything was going to be fine, but she just felt… angry. As if Velvet were an upset tiger or bear that just lost its cubs, and that started to make replacement babies with the guts and testicles of the unfortunate minotaurs that got hit by her irrational fury.

Twilight inched back towards the door, looking around at all the things that wern’t there any more. Pinkie Pie took so much of the foal stuff, leaving behind only three empty shelves and the wallclock. Seeing all that emptiness made Twilight both feel good for the ending of her suffering, and a bit sad for psychological reasons concerning empty rooms with crying ponies in them.

Closing her eyes, Twilight walked out of the door and muttered with scorn, “I hope you are happy…” and then slammed the door behidn her, before going in the living room, and lay on the couch. Left with nothing to do, she let the sleep take over her, as she lulled herself in choirs of victory, images of poneis dancing around bonefires, and many other joyful things that spontanously came to her mind.

The nightmare was over. The darkness of the Forced Infancy had been banished by the light of Reason and Adulthood. The only thing to decide now was if either seal the Agent of the Darkness in the Asylum and force her to convert; or banish it into a lotus-eating machine, where she would be happy, but unable to do any further damage.

“Twilight?” Cadance sang, nudging her friend’s shoulder, “Twilight, I umm…”

“No!” Twilight said, waking up groggy from her blissfull sleep, “I-I’m up, sorry, I just-” she sighed, “I just need a moment. I was having a rapid-fire sequence of dreams, and did not want to be awakened.”

Cadance smiled, “It’s quite alright… your father and I were just discussing what to do with you and Velvet.”

Twilight’s eye opened wide, “What?”

Night Light said solemnly “We’ve decided we’ll send my wife to Ponyville, along with Pinkie, so she may pose threat no more to your stability."

Twilight raised an eyebrow, “Umm… I’m not sure how I’d feel about that. I don't find it sadisfactory.”

“Come on Twilight, think of it! Velvet wouldn’t ever threaten you with diapers or discipline again! You’d be your own mare and she could live out all her fantasies with no boundaries!” Said Night Light with passion.

Twilight close her eyes, “Well… I choose…”

Twilight let her mind play out the various possible punishments she could inflict to Velvet for what she had done to her.

She could ask to set up a crowd, and ask to stone her until either restoration of sanity or maiming. Or ask said crowd to take a turn into telling why she was a failure as a mother and then impeach her. Or maybe she could ask for improsment into a faraway dungeon. Or regress her into a powerless foal with adult mind and then beat her up until her ears bled. The idea of shipping her to the worst asylum of Equestria, the one in Fillydelphia, and let the unskilled nurses and doctors go overboard with their treatments seemed also an option.

Twilight's thoughts were stopped when Velvet stepped into the room, gathering the attention of everypony around her. In a passive agressive tone of voice, she trotted up to her daughter, splitting both Night Light and Velvet apart.

Frowing, she held back tears in her eyes, she tried to say something, but just looked away from her daughter. Angrily, she stomped her hoofs and turned away, “I can’t even look at you… you’re not my daughter.”

Twilight, again, was not sure about how to feel about that...

Author's Note:

Alright, Readers, in this (suffered) chapter wirtten by me and Oliver, I've stumbled upon a problem: where we shall head, now that Velvet is basically neutralized? Since I have some idea of where to head, all equally appealing, I thought that it was a ncie thing to do, let my Readers decide how the story shall evolve next.

I've put numbers to each option: write the number of hte option in your comment, and I will count it as a vote. The winner will, obviosuly, the storyline that will keep the story going.

So, the optiosn are:
1 Night Light sends Velvet to Canterlot's Asylum, direct skip to the ending.*
2 Night Light sends Velvet to Canterlot's Asylum, few chapters highlighting particualr events of Twilight's adventures in the Kindergarten before the ending.
3 Night Light sends Velvet to Pinkie, few chapters higlighting particular events of Twilight's adventures in the Kindergarten, and maybe a side-story focusing on Velvet's business in Ponyville.
4 Night Light forgives Velvet, but sets her restrictions on what she can do with Twilight, the story will contain minor time skips.
5 --(Redacted, something about Nightmare Night and self-punishment.)

*=While this is techincially different option from 2, from your comments I see that you want the story to still go on. So, I assuemed that the ones voting 1 are actually voting for 2.

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