• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 8,046 Views, 658 Comments

Ab Initio-From the Start-Al Principio. - Daxn

Alternate Universe, where Twiligth Sparkle doesen't get forgiven by Celestia in "Lesson Zero".

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Pomeriggio in Viola/ Afternoon in Purple.

Potty Time came to conclusion and the Teachers guided the foals back in the classroom, and let them few minutes of liberty, while Lux went to take some art supplies for Art Time. When she was back in the class, Nutriz decided to start to organize the tables to form one big table at the center of the room with the help of the foals.

Once the tables were set, Lux dropped the supplies on the table, and said.

"Please form groups."

The brightest in the class understood immediately, and took position on their sides of the big table, while the rest of the foals needed some guidance to do so.

While Lux sat at the desk for vigilance, Nutriz spoke to the foals,

"So, class, it’s Art Time, and I want you to draw something about season. Specifically, something that you associate to a season.”

Nutriz turned to a large chalkboard on the side on the classroom and began scribbling away. While many of the students lost their focus immediately and started copying the teacher’s sketch on the board, Lex had a clear inspiration in mind.

Drawing her pencil from a small cup on the table, the little filly started etching away at the thin fabric like texture of the paper. Of course her accuracy in strokes were something hard to control, but she still managed to jot down a keen perspective of a white unicorn sitting on top of a hill, looking down at a budding garden field.

Very carefully, the filly drew more and more cruedly drawn lines until the decent picture was brought into full perspective. It was Princess Celestia looking over a large row of budding flowers everywhere.

Twilight who had been ignoring everypony else staired in amazement as she cast aside her shoddy drawing of a douglas furn.

“Lex… It’s beautiful!” Twilights said, stunned by the sheer beauty of her friend’s work. It was so extraordinary for a foal to perform this well, especially after the crudily drawn sketch the violet unicorn received as giftthe same morning.

“I think Pwincess Celestiah is the pwettiest princess…” Lex finished coloring Celestia’s mane, and then her solar cutie mark.

Twilight smirked as she staired at her Princesses’ cutie mark, a stylized rose colored like the Sun. She shook her head as she got back to working on her poorly drawn pine tree. Why she was that bad at drawing all of sudden was a mystery.

Desperate to find out how well she was doing compared to the other foals, Celestia’s Protégé looked nervously around the room. She was right, her drawing was at best slightly superior to theirs; and honestly that was being generous.

“Oh my…” Lux said walking up behind Twilight, “You’re drawing, it lacks… coordination? It’s off, like you couldn’t keep the pencil straight. You’re using your horn aren’t you?”

Twilight looked back, “Y-yeah, I know it’s bad I-I’m losing my punctuality... even if I thought it took longer for a mare, to forget how to write and draw precisely...”

“Hmm…” the teacher said sticking the pencil in her student’s mouth, “I think your mother’s stress and food tampering might be weakening your muscles. Not to mention how under-stimulated you must feel. How long has it been Twilight?”

“I don’t even remember, more or less a week. Not to mention I hadn’t written a letter in a really long time before that either…” Twilight said pulling out the pencil in her mouth, before putting it back in.

“Twilight, draw me a seven…” Lux commanded.

Sloppily, the mare drew two feebly connected lines between each other that could be taken as seven, but only with a bit of imagination.

Nux’s eyes opened wide as she staired in disbelief, “Oh my... Twilight, I think we need to do more with your penmanship.”

Blushing, the girl nodded, “I know, I’ll talk to my mother about it later…”

Lux smiled, “Good. Also congratulations on staying clean all day. I see you and your mother are getting on equal grounds?”

A sudden idea rang in Twilight’s mind as she thought back to the events of earlier this morning. Closing her eyes Twilight smirked, “Yeah, something like that Lux. I feel like my mother and I’ll have plenty to discuss tonight.”

“Alright?” Lux said not quite knowing how to respond to that, “I’ll assume that’s a good thing. Anyhow- Lex my dear…” the teacher said astounded by her student’s artistic creation, “I-It’s beautiful!”

“Yeah?” Lex asked, looking at Twilight for approval.

Both Twilight and the teacher nodded, “It’s great Lex, you should really be proud of your work.” Lux complimented.

Nutiz watched from the front of the room whist the room conversed amongst themselves. From what it appeared, Lex was getting quite the pep talk from Lux about her drawing.

Smiling, the teacher waited for the conversation to end before clapping her hoofs, “It’s time to eat!”

All the foals let down their pencils as they scurried around as they made their way towards the two teachers, forming two lines. Twilight joined one of them, and, while she followed the row down the colorful hallways, she thought at the foods she could find there, and she salivated, not because the food (since it was unlikely it was too good) but because she knew she could eat heartily without the risk of losing control of her bowels for a day.

Nutriz opened the green metal door to the school canteen, letting the foals enter, still in an ordinate file. All the foals scrambled around the room as they got into their little close-knit school yard buddies and sat near each other on the low metal tables and long metal benches. Some of the foals even bothered to look at the rules to keep while eating, before sitting down.

Of course, when Twilight decided to sit by a few of the foals she’d personally got familar with, her little surrogate little sister popped up right beside her to take a seat.

Twilight smiled brushing her hoof through the young filly’s mane, “Oh, Lex! I didn’t know you were following me.”

Lex blushed as she shook her head, as if to get rid of her friend’s subtle petting, “Yeah, I no wanna sit away fwom my sistah!”

The mare nodded patting her friend on the back, “Cute. You remind me a lot of a certain little dragon I know…”

“You know a dwagon?” Lex said, eagerly awaiting the food that was served on top of the table.

“Yeah…” Twilight said, half focused on her friend, now that the food was tempting her. By the smell of it, it was spaghetti, or, at least something tomato based. Shaking her head she focused back on her foal friend, “I’ve met several dragons in my life, but that’s another story for another time. Come on, let’s eat up!” Lex frowned a bit, before noticing that her portion of past had begin served.

Impatiently, the two ponies used a pair of tongs to transfer the spaghetti unto their plate. It was definitely a messy process. Who’s idea was it to have spaghetti for lunch?

Messily, Lex picked up fork after fork of the tomato paste covered pasta that the entire room was eating.

Twilight looked around the room, noticing that all the foal’s faces were covered in the red sauce. Trying to remain ‘adult’, Twilight spun the spaghetti into a neat little spiral before carefully lifting it to her mouth, since she really didn’t want to look like more a foal than she made herself out to be earlier.

“I see somepony is being lady like?” Nutiz said walking right up behind Twilight.

Responding immediately, Twilight did a 180 degree turn. She wiped her face with a napkin before nodding, “Uh-huh, I can’t stand being messy. You don’t even know how uncomfortable it is for me to have an accident, and I’d prefer to not get dirty myself in other filly-like ways, thank you very much.”

“I could see that…” Nutriz said walking away. She turned her head and smiled, “Good job in staying clean today by the way!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and groaned, “Thank you, Nutriz, I really needed that reminder." Twilight shook her head "Anyway, let's not bring us down."

Disregarding the minor teasing, Twilight went back to pristinely eating her meal. It was actually good, mouthwatering good. Of course it was the first untainted lunch she’d had in a while. So it had better to be good, in Twilight’s mind.

After a rather long session of dodging splattering tomato sauce and a series of face-wipings, Twilight set her fork down and patiently awaited the next dish.

“Alright everpony! Who’s ready for the next course?” Lux said, carrying out several large patters of cheese cubes on blue plastic dishes.

Twilight watched around her as all the foals grabbed the small cubes of mozzarella and swiss cheese. The offer was tempting, but she didn’t wanna risk it. Cheese, let alone dairy, took a lot of strength to digest. She was too cautious about how much her stomach could take, she’d just gotten her bodily functions back in control.

“Not eating?” Lex questioned, unable to see why her friend denied food when she was so craving for it before.

Smirking, Twilight closed her eyes, “It’s nothing Lex, I just don’t wanna go potty on myself again.”

“But you are wearing a diapee.” Lex argued her point.

Twilight opened her eyes, rubbing them with her hoofs as if she were tired, “That’s not the point, I can’t control where I go potty if my stomach is upset.”

“Oh…” Lex said staring at Twilight’s tummy, as she was trying to find external signs of what Twilight was talking about “Okay.”

Ignoring that awkward conversation, Twilight rested her head on the table and waited for the last course. Hopeful this time it was something a little bit more suited towards her stomach on the brink of self-destruction. Perhaps a nice salad, cake, perhaps a muffin?

After several minutes of picturing food, Twilight’s teachers entered the room again, this time carrying trays with sliced bananas on them.

The mares heart jump as she clapped her hoofs together. Bananas are really high in potassium, they’d really help her stomach get back in good shape!

Eagerly, Twilight awaited as the serving trays were placed on the table. Lux did Twilight the favor of ‘helping’ the table distribute an equal amount of bananas to everyone.

Twilight smiled munching away at the squishy fruit, her proper etiquette still there, but a bit less enforced. How could it be, this was the sweetest fruit she could of tasted. Except perhaps an apple, an apple would be just slighter better right now.

Nutriz stared across the room from where she was standing, and gave a small wink to Twilight, signaling the choice of the fruit was an intentional choice for help her into get her stomach back into shape before it was too late.

Time pasted on as the students were instructed to clean up their areas. In a good-willed but chaotic effort from the foals, the whole cafeteria was cleaned in 10 minutes. Once the cleaning was done, Nutriz, yet again, clapped her hooves, and herded the little fillies and colts around her, saying “Let’s go to take a nap!”

Happily, Twilight followed her teachers back towards the main room with the rest of the foals. It was time to take a nap, a much deserved nap. Usually she didn’t like having to do foalish things, when her mother enforced them, but she was ready with her conscience to accept the double standard

Obedient to the routine, Twilight and the rest of the foals gather on their individual sleeping mats. Unfortunately for Twilight, her individual sleeping space was comically undersized, but she was accustomed to sleep in beds small then her, so that was not such an issue.

The lights were dimed and most of the foals were fast asleep. Even Twilight was tired, and could rest for three minutes, but her rest was cut short by something hugging at her side.

“Lex! What are you doing here?” Twilight did her best to nullify her shout.

“I wanted to nap with you!” She said nuzzling up against her friend’s side.

“That’s very sweet and all but you know you’re supposed to stay on your-” Twilight’s sentence was cut short by the turning on of the lights.

Nutriz trotted up the two agitated ponies, “Alright you two, we can’t have the both of you talking during naptime. I’ll assume this is your fault Lex.”

Lex started to tear up, mortified that she was caught red handed, “I-I’m sowwy!”

Nutriz sighed before crouching in front of the filly, “It’s alright Honey, just respect Twilight’s personal space from now on.”

Lex nodded.

“As for you…” Nutriz said pulling her student onto her hooves, “Your mother came by around noon and told me she wasn’t going to pick you up. Something about disciplining you. She also told me that if you don’t come back after school immediately, that you’re going to be in twice as much trouble.”

Twilight’s eyes opened wide, “She knows what I did!” she said, as the full weight of what was inevitable sank into her mind. This was it, she was as good as dead, or at least diapered for the rest of her four months.

Twilight trotted through the vacant streets of Canterlot wearing nothing but her diaper and smock. No one ever traveled through the roads she did at that hour, so that wasn't surprising.

Seeing she was alone in the street, Twilight murmured to herself

"And so that harpy got me, and menaced me of giving me a punishemnt. Good." She snorted "By this point, I would be surprised she would even think about what keeps me sane while I'm under her demented rule."

Slowly, the mare walked towards the front door. She placed her hoof on the door knob as she turned it.

“Mother I’m- Ahh!” Twilight said as Pinkie grabbed her from behind.

Like a silhouette creeping from a child’s bedroom closet, Velvet levitated a plastic foal’s bottle filled with a mysterious creamy white liquid . She pitched her daughter’s muzzle as she shoved the bottle into her mouth.

“Mmm?” Twilight sounded as she was forced to swallow an abundant amount of willow-tasting milk. After several loud and unwanted gulps, she finished the bottle and was released. The young mare shook her head and jumped back from the other two ponies, and asked a question she thought her mother was no going to answer “Mother! What’s wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong with me?” Velvet said throwing the empty bottle at her daughter, but failing to hit her, “You spiked my coffee this morning, you ungrateful little brat. How come you can’t enjoy my love like Pinkie?”

“Because this is not giving love, this is madness!” Twilight retorted.

“Yes, it's madness because you’re a foal and your acting like you’re not!”

Twilight gritted her teeth.

“Because I’m not! No longer are the days where the world was dark and you were the only light in my life! Begone are the enemies I thought were creeping on me! It’s all gone! My Pre-cutie mark Foalhood is forever labeled as my darkest hour! What happened next has jsut been a stairway to the Elysium, until I tripped and went back to you!”

“That’s enought Twilight! If you can’t see that I’m the only pony that matters in your life, then I’ll show you! From now on, no more friends, no more being out of my sight, and no more time alone! I’m done with your lies, and I can’t stand to see a little filly trying to act grown up. You’ll always be my foal Twilight. Now go to the cameretta, I’ll be up in a bit!”

The youngest of the three mares ran trhought the hallway. Like a moody teenager, she slammed the cameretta's door shut, while her mind thought terribly depressing things about the life from now on.

If she was going to read a book, her mother would read it to her. If she wanted to eat, she’d be fed. If she needed to use the restroom, she’d need her mother to clean up for her. It was like it was her and her mother’s life now, like when Twilight was a blank flank.

“Ahh!” she screamed in frustration as she ripped her smock off her body and cried in her hoofs. When she finsiehd the tears, he stuggled hard to regain her composture, her mind still thinking about the possibilities of begin treated like a 3-years old and never be allowed to go out. Her depressing thoughts were dispelled by the light of reason and determination.

“No, all of that won’t happen! I am Celestia’s Protègè, and by the Equestrian Diarchy, I won’t let this happen! I won’t let her let control my life again, like when I was a scared litty filly with no understanding of the wordl around me! I won’t let it happen!” She stomped her hoof on the ground. In this rant, another realization hit her.

"My father will likely come Tomorrow, or in the next three days..." Twilight gasped of triumph and joy "My suffering is reachign an end!"

Images of her father, wearing a battle armour and armed with a spear, charging a hydra with heads of Velvet, and winning, played out in Twilight's mind. "Just one day, and the balance shall be resotred. One... day..."

Twilight’s mother bardged in the doorway and shut the nursery’s door behind her, “Now I’m sorry I have to do this. But I’ll need you to undo your diaper and lift your bottom into the air for the spanking.”

Doing anything to defy her mother’s words, Twilight shook her head and ran around the room, in hope to get Velvet winded before she coudl get caught.

Velvet’s detrimental desire to baby her daughter over-powered Twilight’s magic as she brought the younger unicorn to a halt and dragged her towards her.

Unable to move, Twilight felt the cool air brush against her bottom as her padding was ripped from right underneath her behind. A series of blood curtaling swats made Twilight hiss, but she refused to cry or scream for several reasons, one begin not give in to Velvet's madness, the other becuase she knew that all of that was going to be accounted for, once her father was back.

Like the unbelivably dynamic character Velvet had become, she re-did her daughter’s diaper. She laid next to Twilight, hugging her from the side. Delusional to her own actions, Velvet brushed her hoof through her daughter’s messy mane, “That’s right baby, let it all out. Mommy is there for you!”

Twilight remained stoic, ignoring the hug and the petting from her mother. She did not want to give any joy to her mother after what happened. The only thing she wanted right there right now, was to see justice brought upon Velvet. However, her stomach was already feeling upset again…

Author's Note:

And, finally, naother chapter. Yes, it's a bit dark, but, hey, I got help from Oliver_England, so I cannot really complain, epseically because it's pretty good!

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