• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 1,728 Views, 75 Comments

Young Gods - Eathlome

When four gods leave their dimension their bodies must reform to match the new lifess they now live

  • ...

Fate and Memories

Young Gods

Ch. 1: Fate and Memories

The woman and her husband were crying. They were so happy. They had been trying for years to get have a child, and now the woman held her newborn son.
"What do you think we should name him?"
"I thought we already decided that we would name him after your grandfather."
"Oh, you're right." the woman said, "Hello Mat, you are such a lucky baby, not many children are born on February 29th, I bet nobody will have the same birthday as you."
The baby, Mat, looked at his mother, then smiled.

As unlikely as is seems, the woman was wrong. At the exact she was telling her newborn that, so were three other mothers.

+++++++++ 16 years in a few short seconds +++++++++

Mat grew up as a happy child. He was a good boy, he did his homework and chores, and never got into trouble. He enjoyed juggling, and was able to do so by the age of three. He enjoyed playing with dice, and made several dice games. He was a very popular boy, but his parents were worried about him. He never had any friends over, nor went to any other friends houses, he didn't go to school dances, and always seemed a bit distant.

Mat awoke with a start. It was the first period of a new school year. Mat glanced around and noticed that there were several new kids standing at the front of the class. The teacher cleared his throat and introduced the new kids.

First there was John. He was what most people would call a nerd, if not for the air of sophistication around him.

Next their was Diane. Some people might have called her cold, but Mat could tell that she was just a quiet person, but not shy, just quiet.

Lastly there was Aurora. She was a happy girl and seemed to be taking everything around her in. Mat could almost see her memorizing the face of everyone in the class.

There was one more surprise for Mat when the teacher cleared his throat and said, "Just like our Mat, all of thee new students were born on February 29th."

Mat suddenly felt great, he smiled as John, Diane, and Aurora took their seats. And he smiled even wider as memories flooded his mind.

Twilight Sparkle was dreaming. It was a very strange dream, but not one she hadn't had before.

She looked all around her, and saw only darkness, with a bit of concentration she changed her perspective, she was now looking as herself, or as what she thought was herself in this strange place. A pulsing ball of violet light, like a small purple sun. Her thoughts drifted through the peaceful void she had found herself in for the past few weeks every time she fell asleep.

Then suddenly she wasn't alone. There were four other balls of light, all far larger then Twilight's own. One was a dark blue, almost black, and Twilight felt as if she should be scared, but wasn't. Right beside is was another one, this one being pure white and so radiant, that Twilight could only think of it as a second sun. Beside these two there was a steadily glowing golden orb, and a rapidly pulsing orb whose color was constantly changing.

The four strange lights were circling each other, then suddenly they rushed together, and Twilight felt a wave of elation burst out of them. If Twilight had vocal chords, she no doubt would have shrieked in surprise. Slowly the four lights turned their attention to her. Twilight didn't know how she knew, but she could almost feel them looking at her. The lights seemed to converse for a bit, before coming to an agreement. The lights all rushed at Twilight, before enveloping her. Twilight fell into a dreamless sleep for the rest of the night.

Mat awoke with a start, with a giant creature looming over him. It had no eyes, but a multitude of slobbering mouths filled with sharp teeth. Mat shouted out and pointed his palm at the monster. Seven small objects ripped through the creature, which faded away. Calling the objects back, Mat realized that their time here was up, Mat opened the window, and dropped down, into the dead of night.

Mat was running down the road, when he heard a shout, he turned and saw John running towards him, with a golden medallion hanging around his neck.
"It's about time you woke up."
"You're just lucky that I did."
Both boys chuckled at the jokes they had made.
"Well, I guess that we should start loo..."
"Too late," interrupted a female voice, "we're already here."
Mat and John looked up to see Diane and Aurora walking towards them. Diane was holding a long black staff with a wicked silver blade at one end. Aurora was wearing a golden circlet with a emerald encrusted in the center of it.
"They caught up to us."
"They're getting faster."
"Not really, this species has a much longer life span then the last one"
"I suppose you're right, but still tonight was a close one."
"I know we should depart immediately."
All four nodded, and then were gone.

All of them became aware of there surroundings. It was dark, and each of them was a ball of light. They all waited a moment to see if they had been followed, and after a moment rushed together.
It has been such a long time since we have been here.
Not really, only 16 years.
But is was 16 years without any on you!
It's alright sister, we are all together now
Where should we go next?
A world with magic, it has been such a long time since we were in one of those.
That might be a bit difficult, there are an infinite number of worlds out there, and we don't have much time here.

All of them were suddenly aware of a smaller presence observing them. They all threw their awareness towards it.

What is it? What is it?
An enemy or a friend?

The golden orb reached out its conciseness and viewed the strange things memories.

Well is it one like us?
Well hurry up and tell us!
It is not one of us, but it holds very powerful magic, and it's world seems very ... pleasant
Well, what are we waiting for let's go!
If we follow this one back we will become incarnations, and we will be tied to her, understand?
Sounds fine.
Let's go!
I go where she goes.
Then it is settled.

All four beings rushed towards the small violet light and rode the trails of Twilight Sparkle's conciseness back into her world.

Author's Note:

How was that for a start?

Any ideas, critiques, or opinions?

Also if any of you are wondering why I didn't put this in the human category, then you really didn't read the description.

Also if any of you want spoilers, no. I'm just going to be making this up as I go along, with a few fixed points. So if I read anything in the comments that sounds like a good idea to me, it may end up in here, credit given where credit is due.