• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 1,728 Views, 75 Comments

Young Gods - Eathlome

When four gods leave their dimension their bodies must reform to match the new lifess they now live

  • ...

A Meeting of Gods

Young Gods

Ch. 9: A Meeting of Gods

Author's notes:

I'm really sorry that it took so long for this chapter to come out, and I'm also really sorry that I won't be updating as much as I originally planned to. I hope you all forgive me for this, and still continue to read my story.

Elder: Younger: Domain:
Mat Lucky Roll Luck
John Golden Sands Time
Diane Midnight Specter Death
Aurora Blooming Orchid Life
All All

Fluttershy was wandering around Ponyville, slowly making her way back home. She barely noticed what shy was doing, as she was completely lost in thought.
'Oh my, oh my ... this is so sudden. What should I do? What can I do? How can I have a child? I'm so confused... What am I going to do?'
This train of thought ran on for several minutes as Fluttershy continued wandering.
'Oh my, what will Angel think? Where will Orchid stay? Will the other animals like her? Oh, I really hope Orchid will get along with them... Oh, what should I do? Where will she sleep? I can't afford to expand my house! What if we need to move, but then it would take so long to get all the animals to settle down again...'
As Fluttershy neared her house she was still very worried. Angel noticed this and decided not to bother her. Angle grabbed Fluttershy's hoof and lead her to her bed. Angel shook his head.
' She just needs some time to rest, I'm sure she'll get better soon.'
Angel looked at Fluttershy again, sighed, and settled down next to her, giving her some comfort, while she tried to comprehend this huge change in her life.

Applejack was confused, she had left the library only a few seconds after Pinkie, yet she was nowhere to be seen. Applejack rolled her eyes, it had been an exercise in futility anyway.
'Ah really don't like lyin' to mah friend, or to the Princesses, but I needed to get outta there, too much crazy magic stuff. Even without Big Mac's fancy mathematics I can tell that one mare plus one mare does not equal a foal! Dang, how am Ah gonna explain this to Granny, Big Mac, and Applebloom? Ah can't just say that Twilight and Ah accedentally magic'd up a baby!'
Applejack paused at this thought and chuckled.
'Though it might just be worth it to see the look on Big Mac's face.'
Applejack continued her thoughts, until she was interrupted by a rainbow-maned pegasus slamming into her.
"Heh heh, sorry AJ, I was practicing some of my new tricks and I sort of missed."
"No problem Dash, just as much mah fault. Ah wasn't paying attention, got a lot on mah mind..."
"If its big enough to distract you from my incredible awesomeness then it must be pretty important. C'mon spill."
Applejack looked away and her mouth scrunched up.
"It's because she's worried about her new foal, Silly."
"PINKIE!" shouted Applejack.
"FOAL!?" shouted Rainbow Dash, "Who with? Er, I mean ... congratulations? Who's the lucky stallion?"
"Well that's sorta hard to explain..."
"Why is it hard? You heard the Princesses just like I did! It was Twilight!"
"TWILIGHT!?" shouted Rainbow Dash, "How does that even work?"
"Pinkie didn't mean it like that, Dash."
"You're right Apples! Maybe you're the stallion! And that would make me a stallion too. Oh, I've never been a stallion before!"
"AJ, can you help me out here?"
"Can you tell me what exactly Pinkie is trying to tell me? Because I may just be misundestanding things, but from what she said, it sounds like Pinkie also has a foal with Twilight."
Rainbow Dash's voice had become very soft, and very scary. Applejack gulped nervously.
'Ah'm gonna have t'be very careful with what Ah say next.'
"Fluttershy has one too!" Pinkie joyously shouted.
"Ah dangit.'

Celestia was floating in a dark space, shy was concerned, she couldn't sense anything, and her body seemed almost incorporeal. Was she dead? Celestia suppressed the surge of dread she felt. If she was dead who would raise the sun for her little ponies? Would they all waste away from starvation and the cold?
Celestia continued drifting, concentrating on her magic. It was still there, and so was her connection to the sun.
Celestia was relieved, she wasn't dead, and the sun was still moving.
I found her!
Great! Now we just nee to find Luna and we'll be all set. This would have been so much easier though, if Mat hadn't messed up the transition.
Hey! You try to pull two deities out of there realm, then we'll talk.
Just hurry up and find her already.
Celestia was very disoriented.
"What's going on?"
Sleep, all will be explained soon.
Celestia's conscientiousness started to fade, until she was no longer aware of anything.

Celestia awoke in the Ponyville Library. 'That was quite strange. I wonder what happened?'
Are you awake now?
Celestia jumped at the voice.
"Whose there? Identify yourself!"
"Celestia, what happened? Where are we?"
"Luna! I'm not sure... but something isn't right."
Celestia walked over to the Library's front door, and slowly opened it. Outside there was nothing, no sky, no ground, no ponies. Nothing.
Celestia turned and walked back to her sister.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"
Celestia and Luna both turned towards the voice to see a familiar figure standing behind them.
"Discord, is this YOUR doing?" Celestia and Luna shouted, just as Discord said,
"Well, why have you two brought me here?"
There was a brief silence, and the three gods all had similar stunned expressions on their faces. Eventually Discord broke the silence.
"Soooo, I guess this isn't some sort of way to antagonize me?"
That is quite correct.
Though it could easily be.
"Who are you? What do you want?"
Well, we all should be present before starting this conversation.
A door opened up and in walked , Blooming Orchid, Golden Sands, Lucky Roll, and Midnight Specter. They were carrying Twilight, who was sleeping. Across the room another door opened and four glowing figures entered. Celestia looked closely at these beings, but was greatly confused by what she saw.
They were bipedal, with claw-like appendages on the ends of their arms.
Then they had eight legs, and blade like arms.
Then they were giant beings, made of metal, diamonds, and stone.
Then they were alicorns, as regal as the Princesses. Perhaps even more so.
The longer Celestia looked, the more she saw. Eventually she had to tear her eyes away from the creatures, unable to stand the constant and rapid shifting.
You are probably wondering why we've gathered you here. Well the truth is, that Equestria is in grave danger and... Mat? Why is Twilight here?
There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for that.
Well what is it?
I'm still figuring that out, but I'll get back to you on it.
I don't see what the big deal is, she is a demigod, and as their Mother, she does have the right.
...fine. As I was saying, Equestria is in danger-
"Why are you telling me this? I'm the 'bad guy,' you know."
Discord, I can guarantee, that even you would not like what would happen.
"We demand to know who you are."
Basically we're gods. Each of us hold dominion over one of the four constants of existence. Time,
and Luck.
"So who are these?" Celestia gestured at the four young ponies siting around the unconscious Twilight.
They are us, or a version of us. We entered this realm through Twilight's mind, while she was drifting in the Voidscape. As we are gods, we wouldn't have been able to reside within her forever, as her form would eventually burn up.
In order to keep Twilight alive, we began to reincarnate ourselves, as denizens of this world. We began to create bodies for us to inhabit. In order to do this we needed two bodies to create them from.
As we were already inhabiting Twilight, we had to use her as half of the bodies. If we had had more time, we could have finished them properly. Unfortunately we were interrupted.
"We must inquire, what interrupted you? Had it anything to do with our encounter with ... that thing?"
If by thing, you mean the Phobia, then you are correct. Because of the mess you got yourself into, these three had to take over Twilight's body to help. That left me handling the creation of four new bodies. Since I didn't have much to work with, I just grabbed the body of whoever was around to complete them. But, of course, there were some complications. Instead of us four getting new bodies, we split, making four new minds, who share our existence.
"So that's where those four came from..."
Correct. Once the bodies finished gestating, they came into being.
"We implore thou, to halt in your story. Could thou explain what thou meant by 'a Phobia'?"
A Phobia is one of the stronger Monsters of the Mind. They feed on fears and grow stronger with suffering. It seems you created one, or were taken by one. It fed on your anger, until it could control you, then it used you to cause pain to others, and fed on that to increase its power.
"Doth thou mean to imply that there are more of these kinds of monstrosities?"
Many, many more.
"Where did they come from? What are they? Will they try to harm my little ponies?"
Your final question, Celestia, is the easiest to answer. Yes. The others will require us to go far, far back. Back to our creation, and then farther still. We are the Children of Thought and Void, two of the most powerful gods in existence. Thought's domain is all pure things of the mind, such as hopes, dreams, creativity, and inspiration. Void's domain encompasses potential. Basically what could've been, what isn't, and what will never be. She also holds sway over Null, and the Abyss.
We were made out of the need to Create that Thought has. But in doing so Thought revealed himself to his brother, Vice. As Thought holds sway over the purities of the mind, Vice controls the corruption of the mind. Because of this Vice doesn't have the ability to create that Thought does. Vice can only destroy, or twist something that already exists. Vice had desperately wanted to be able to Create, so Vice decided to try to kill Thought and absorb his being.
At this time Thought fled, unable to harm his kin. Thought hid for such a long time, until we were Created. Thought poured some of his essence into each of us, so that as long as we survive, he cannot be defeated. Even now Thought and Vice are struggling against each other in an eternal stalemate. As long as we survive this balance will continue, should we die, Vice would conquer all.
If Vice were to succeed, than every mind that exists would be his for the taking. Every thought, hope, and fear being devoured to strengthen him. When he is finished, there will be no thought anywhere, only countless bodies, mindlessly carrying out Vice's will. Any free minds would be shattered and broken for Vice's amusement. There would be no dreams, no hope, no creativity. There would be no life, only existence. No passion, no joy, no fun, and no laughter.
"Dayum." said Discord, after taking a long of chocolate milk.
Now we are stuck here, unable to flee, and Vice knows of our location. No doubt, even now, Vice's armies are converging on this dimension.
"So, if we don't help you, we lose everything."
Yes, that is correct. Celestia, Luna, we ask you to help teach the Young Ones how to use their power. We can only help them so much, as we are now. You must help them gain control over their abilities, and protect them from the monsters that will come for them.
Discord. You just keep being a statue.
Discord opened his mouth, probably to say something rude, before he vanished.
Well it seems our time is up. Celestia? Luna?
"Of course we will help. We would do anything to protect our little ponies."
Thank you.
The library started to fall apart, and everything inside slowly faded away.

A mad giggling could be heard from the Everyfree forest. Every so often the insane laughter wold stop, and give way to dark mutterings.
"Yess...yesssss. There they are, I'm gonna catch'em. Mmyesss. Catch'em all up.... And rend the flesh from the bones, and drink the marrow. Yesssssssss."
The laughter could freeze the soul.

Author's Note:

Hello. Again sorry about the late update, but my scheduled is not the most free right now. I'm glad tat I got this up, and hope you all enjoy it.

As always please let me know if you spot any errors. Also any comments on the story would be appreciated, I really do want to know what you all think.
