• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 1,728 Views, 75 Comments

Young Gods - Eathlome

When four gods leave their dimension their bodies must reform to match the new lifess they now live

  • ...

Madness Approaching

Young Gods

Ch. 10: Madness Approaching

Author's notes:

Hey all, I'm going to be going to the Bahamas next week, so I won't be working on the story then. But I made sure to get this done and up, cause I'm such a nice guy.

Elder: Younger: Domain:
Mat Lucky Roll Luck
John Golden Sands Time
Diane Midnight Specter Death
Aurora Blooming Orchid Life
All All

So ... now what?
Now? Now we prepare.
You felt it then?
Of course I did.
But how did it get here so quickly? Even if Vice was directed to this world, it would take a fair amount of time to rally his forces.
What's so funny?
You, confused about time.
Surely we have more important tings to worry about?
Yes, I do hope that their training begins soon.
I wonder if the Princesses will tell Twilight about what happened.
We'll find out soon enough.

Twilight shuddered as she shook her head. She could have sworn that something very strange had just happened. Looking up to the Princesses, Twilight noted the looks they wore. Celestia seemed ... worried, but at the same time relieved. Luna simply looked pensive. The foals were rolling around playfully.
"Um, Princess? Did something just happen?"
Celestia took a moment to respond to Twilight's question. She started to nod, but then quickly shook her head.
"No Twilight, but I believe that we have come to a decision. Isn't that right sister."
"Hmmmm? Oh, yes. Of course."
Twilight glanced at her mentor, waiting for her to continue. When she didn't Twilight couldn't help but ask,
"What have you decided?"
"We believe that these four should be taught how to control their power. We will assist, but the majority of the teaching will be done by you."
"M-me? But I'm only a student myself. I couldn't possibly teach them. I don't even know how their magic works! Let alone how to help them control it. What if I fail? What if they don't listen? What if they lose control while I'm teaching and destroy Ponyville!"
Twilight started hyperventilating as scenes of terror floated through her mind. Celestia sighed, she had hoped that Twilight had gotten over this.
"Twilight, calm down. I'm sure you will make a fine teacher, and you must remember, these four will hardly make any trouble for you. You are their mother, after all."
Twilight blushed slightly at this, and shifted with embarrassment.
"I guess I had forgotten that. But what if I can't teach them?"
"Well Twilight, we and our sister will gladly participate in the instruction of these young dei -"
Luna's eyes suddenly went very large, and she cut off what she had been about to say.
"These 'young what'?"
"Ponies. We were going to say 'these young ponies'."
Twilight severely doubted this, but chose not to say anything when Celestia gave a gentle shake and mouthed 'no'. Celestia then smiled at Twilight.
"My faithful student, I am sure you will do a wonderful job of teaching, and raising these four. I am sure that they will do great things in their lives. I will leave you to begin. Goodbye Twilight."
Celestia knelt down and hugged Twilight before standing back up and teleporting herself back to Canterlot. Luna looked solemnly at Twilight.
"Twilight, something is coming. Something big, something terrible, and the only ones who can stop it may be those four. Teach them well, for they my be our only hope."
Before Twilight could ask what Luna was talking about, the Lunar Princess teleported away. Twilight sighed and shook her head, before looking to the foals who were now regarding her intently. Twilight quickly put on a happy face.
"So, who wants to learn magic?"

I know I don't put normally put author's notes in the middle of my stories, but I thought it best to say that there is a fair amount of insanity and dark themes coming up. Just a warning.

"Yes, yes, I know. I KNOW! They are so close, yet so faaaaaaaaaaaar. Heheheheheheh. Where, oh where have my little dogs gone? Oh where, oh where will they die?"
A shrill laugh came from the mishappened figure as it shambled towards civilization. I could feel it. So full of thought and sentience. Memories and love and hope and mixed together, drawing it ever closer to its prey.
"Oh yes, we'll soon find them, and everything will go away."
"The pounding will stop."
"Yessssss. The pounding, pounding, pounding, POUNDING, POUNDING, POUNDING!"
The creature burst into a fit of mad giggles and continued to saunter towards it's goal. While doing so it started to mutter, mutter, mutter.
"The blood, yes the blood its everywhere. And the bodies, and the fire and smoke. There's just no end. Noooo end. Noooo end. Ending everything, everything I saw, saw while I ran, saw while I walked. I walked through the fields of red grass, where the only fruit that trees bore were freshly filled gibbets. The rain that fell only made the fallen fruit slowly sink, never cleaning away the fears held in their eyes. Their eyes, their eyes, I will pluck out their eyes. Yes if I pluck out their eyes than I won't have to see what I've seen with mine."
The creature then let out an unearthly shriek and began to claw at it's face. Then just as soon as it started, it stopped. Suddenly it began to sing.
The creature danced along the path through the forest, and every so often shoot out it's hand to grab at the air, cackling maniacally. Soon it was at the edge of the forest and, almost regretfully, stepped out from under the trees, and began it's stealthy approach upon the nearby village. Saliva dripped from it's lips and landed on the ground, smoking and burning away at the grass and dirt.

Twilight groaned, no matter what she tried she just couldn't figure out how to get her ... children ... to actively use magic.
'Children. That's going to take some getting used to.' Twilight shook her head, then looked at her foals.
'How can I get them to practice their magic? All they really want to do is play. Midnight is content with just flying around or else reading. Golden Sands and Lucky are happy to just roughhouse and race. Orchid is the only unicorn in this group, but she isn't even interested in her innate magic.'

Is she really that dense?
Oh, don't be so mean. She's trying her hardest.
She tried to "catch their interest" with flash cards!
Well that might not have been the best idea.
You know what? We don't really have time to let her figure out how to teach them. I'm just going to tell her.


Twilight suddenly had a brilliant idea,
'If all they want to do is play ... then I could get them to play games using their magic.'
The library suddenly shook, as a rainbow blur slammed through the door.
"Er, can you be a bit more specific? And stop yelling."
"What's this I hear about you having children? And not just that, but with Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack?"
"Oh ... well .. I'm ..."
"Don't forget about Princess Luna," shouted Pinkie as she sprang out from a pile of books that Golden had been building, causing Lucky to fall over and start laughing, "She has one too."
Rainbow's eye started to twitch.
"Rainbow? I think that you need to calm down."
"Calm down?! I'm completely calm! Why would I need to calm down?! It's not like my FRIEND has been having AFFAIRS with my other friends behind my back!"
"Rainbow Dash, just CHILL."
Twilight heard a loud thud and Rainbow Dash was frozen in a block of ice.
"Oooh, nice one Lucky. When Twi said chill, you froze RD."
Twilight sighed, this would take a while to explain.
"Pinkie? Can you get Applejack and Fluttershy?"
"Okie, dokie, lokie."
Pinkie dived back into the pile of books. Twilight shook her head, and then looked at the foals.
"Please don't use your magic so irresponsibly, you could really hurt somepony."
With Lucky looking properly abashed, Twilight set out to find a spell which would thaw Rainbow Dash. While searching through her books, she tried to figure out what exactly to tell her.

Author's Note:

Da Da Da Daaaaaaa

Here it is, the next chapter of Young Gods. Sorry it's not as long as the last few and that it took so long to come out, but in the words of Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette:

'Put down everything that comes into your head and then you're a writer. But an author is one who can judge his own stuff's worth, without pity, and destroy most of it.'

Please comment and tell me if you see any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or poorly worded parts.

Also tell me what you think of the story so far.
