• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 1,729 Views, 75 Comments

Young Gods - Eathlome

When four gods leave their dimension their bodies must reform to match the new lifess they now live

  • ...

First Strike

Young Gods

Ch. 13: First Strike

Elder: Younger: Domain:
Mat Lucky Roll Luck
John Golden Sands Time
Diane Midnight Specter Death
Aurora Blooming Orchid Life
All All

Pinkie was bouncing around, filled with energy. She and Lucky had just cleared out nearly every party supplier in Ponyville. They had been to Party Planer's Party Plans, Good Time's Celebration Center, and even Social Spree's Warehouse and Emporium of Parties, Events, and Festivities. The large train of party supplies Pinkie was pulling behind her had caused the pair to get looks ranging from confusion, to terror, to compliance. While Pinkie has hopping up to the front door of Sugar Cube Corner, she suddenly thought of something, and abruptly stopped.

"Lucky! I haven't introduced you to the Cakes yet! Oh this will be so exciting! You'll meet them, and they'll meet you, and I'll be like 'This is my son!', and then Mr. Cake will be all 'Oh, good for you Pinkie!', and Mrs. Cake will be like 'So who's the father?', and then I'll say that there is no father! And then they'll be sad because they'll think that he ran away or something, but then Mrs. Cake will remember that she never saw me carrying, and then she'll think that you were actually adopted, and then I'll just giggle, and agree 'cause it would be to hard to explain what really happened and they really should have just read the first twelve chapters, and now let's go!"

Pinkie bounded through the door, and waved frantically at the Cakes, who were, as befits their name, baking cakes. The Cakes both stopped what they were doing to give Pinkie a quick wave in return. They returned to their work, but quickly looked back at the young colt who was sticking closely to Pinkie's side.

"Hi Mr. Cake, Hi Mrs. Cake!"

The Cakes smiled at their extravagant employees energy, and returned the greeting.

"Hello Pinkie, who's this you have with you?"

"This is Lucky Roll, he's my son!" Pinkie said with a wide grin.

The Cake's reactions were instantaneous.

"Oh, Pinkie, that's wonderful!" Mrs. Cake said with a grin almost as wide as Pinkie's.

"That's just great, congratulations." Mr. Cake said, following up on his wife's statement.

"So, do tell Pinkie, who's the lucky stallion?"

Pinkie turned and gave Lucky a subtle wink, as he raised his hoof to his mouth and turned his giggle into a very convincing cough. Pinkie took a deep breath, and gave a smile.


---{A Short Conversation Later}---

"Ah, so he's adopted then." Mrs. Cake said, trying to make at least some sense of Pinkie's antics.

"Sure, let's go with that."

"Well that makes much more sense," Mr. Cake said with a nod, "Babies don't just pop up out of nowhere. Why don't you introduce him to pound and Pumpkin, I'm sure they'd love a new playmate, even if he is a bit older than them."

"Okie, Dokie, Loki. C'mon Lucky!"

---{10 Minutes Later}---

"Lucky? I think that's enough playing for now."

Lucky nodded, and he, along with Pumpkin, walked to the wall, down it back to the floor, and then over to Pinkie. Pound chose to flutter down instead. Pinkie had a slightly crooked grin on her face, and she glanced nervously at Mr. and Mrs Cake. They both had a slightly exasperated look on their face.

"Pumpkin! I thought we told you that you shouldn't use your magic to walk on the ceiling!"

Pumpkin and Pound were both gaping, while Lucky gave a little snicker.

"Well, I'm sure that she just forgot because she was sooooo excited to have a new friend. Well, I hate to run, but Lucky and I are reeeaaaaallly busy! Let's go!"

With that Pinkie grabbed Lucky Roll and Ran out of the Sugar Cube Corner. The Cakes just shrugged, it was just Pinkie being Pinkie.

"But Ah wanna see him NAO!"

Granny Smith chuckled at her granddaughter's pout. The two had been sitting on the porch waiting for Applejack to return home. Applebloom had been very curious as to what had gotten everypony into such a frenzy, so Granny Smith took her out to the front and told her. She had been so excited and had began to ask all sorts of questions about her new nephew. The elderly Apple had answered as many of the questions as she could, but she couldn't even begin to sate Applebloom's inquisitiveness.

'Ah think that AJ can answer these ones.' Granny Smith thought to herself, 'That should be enough to get back at her.' The Apple Matriarch didn't really care that her granddaughter was with another mare, she had long ago accepted such things, but that she hadn't been told about the relationship, hadn't been told that they had been together long enough to have a foal, that was inexcusable. So Granny Smith had put on her 'angry old pony act' and played around with Applejack. The old mare knew that she would have to reveal what she was doing eventually, but for the moment...

"There they are!"

Granny Smith chuckled again at Applebloom's excitment, but that joviality died as she saw her great-grandson. She knew that AJ had said he was golden, but she didn't think that she had actually meant that he looked like gold. 'He look's just like...' Granny smith shook her head. 'T'aint possible, there's no way it could be...' As the colt approached she grew less and less certain. 'It just ain't right. It's gotta be a coincidence. There's no way...' The old mare had a brief flash of memory: Glinting yellow eyes, a deep timbre growl, the slash of wooden claws, and a joyous titter. Granny Smith returned her thoughts to the present as Applejack approached her.

"An this is yer great-granny, Granny Smith. Actually, ya can call 'er Great-Granny Smith." Applejack chuckled heartily, and the colt by her side have a small laugh. The exact same laugh. Aj's laugh turned into a nervous cough.

"Granny, are y'all ok?"

Granny smith took in a deep breath, and put a grin on her face.

"O' course Ah ain't! With you taking so long ta get here, it's been up ta me an Big Macintosh ta set everything up for dinner! An ya still weren't here even when everythin' was ready! Shame on you, makin' an old mare wait ta eat. Now get in both 'f ya, we can talk while we chow."

"Alright Granny." AJ turned to her son, "Ya hear 'er, let's go Golden."

The young colt stuck closely to AJ as they made their way inside. Granny Smith watched them go in, then turned to Applebloom, who was sitting dejectedly on the porch.

"What's wrong, Bloom?"

Applebloom's bottom lip quivered, and her eyes held unshed tears.

"He's already got a cutie mark!"

Granny Smith gave a slight grin and consoled her granddaughter, before ushering her in. Her thoughts then drifted back to Golden Sands.

'They look so similar... Could they be the same..?' Granny smith shook her head. 'No' she thought adamantly, 'It's just a coincidence.'

Focusing back on dinner the elderly mare headed inside, and to the dinning room where the rest of the family had gathered.

Midnight Specter looked up and down the abandoned corridor she found herself in. She had been flying far faster than she realized, and instead of stopping in front of the castle, she ended up somewhere inside. Midnight glanced around, looking for somepony to give her directions, but there weren't any around.

'Wonder where eveypony is...'

She started to flap her winds, gently hovering into the air, and thought. Midnight remembered being lost before, though she wasn't sure how, and she also remembered that to get out of a maze you just had to follow one of the sides. So she drifted to the right side of the hallway and began to trace her hoof along the wall as she flew throughout the castle. Even if this didn't work, she might be able to find another pony this way.

After several minuted of searching Midnight heard the sound of many hoofbeats on the castle's soft carpet. Suddenly a group of dark grey ponies wearing indigo armor burst around a nearby corner. Midnight stopped and stared at the new arrivals, and they flared out their bat-like wings in surprise. After a moment of silence one of the bat-ponies pointed a hoof at Midnight.

"Halt! In the name of the Lunar guard!"

Midnight titled her head to the side in confusion, and continued to hover in place. In the awkward silence that followed several of the lead guard's companions stifled their snickers. After silencing his comrades with a glare, the lead guard turned back to Midnight.

"Now... young filly... what are you doing here?"


The guard looked suspiciously at Midnight. "Why would your mother be here? This area is restricted except for royalty and their respected guards. Who is she?"


The guards gave a laugh, except for the head guard who just shook his head with a sigh.

"I am Sergeant Onyx Heart, of the Lunar Guard. Can you tell me your name?"


Onyx gave the members of his squad a grin of triumph, and turned back to Midnight.

"Now Midnight, can you tell us your mother's name?"

"..." Midnight paused for a bit, before giving her answer, "...mother."

Sgt. Heart's eye gave a slight twitch as the rest of his squadmates tried, and failed, to hold in their laughter. After giving himself a moment to calm down and compose himself, Onyx cleared his throat and looked Midnight in the eye.

"Ok then, Midnight. How about you describe your mother, what does she look like?"

Midnight thought about this for several minutes, opening her mouth to speak, then quickly closing it several times. Eventually, she decided on what she was going to say.


Onyx slowly and repeatedly slammed his head into the nearest wall. The rest of his squad were getting a bit nervous, and tried to comfort him. After a moment of consolation, Sgt. Heart took a deep breath, and looked back at Midnight.

"Since you are in a restricted area, and you refuse to properly answer our questions, I'm afraid that we are going to have to detain you, until such a time that your parents step forward to claim you, or they are located and brought here. Do not attempt to run or we will have to use force."

Onyx looked at Midnight, who's body was now shaking, and he winced internally.

'I didn't mean to make her cry.'

But as he stepped forward, Midnight burst out with the laughter she had been trying to contain. She looked at the guards with a superior smirk on her face, and flared her wings. The guard squad was surprised by the filly's hostile actions, but quickly took an offensive stance. Midnight suddenly lunged, using her wings to power herself forward. Onyx Heart reared up, hoping to scare the foal off her course. Midnight picked up speed, and faster than the eye could see, appeared on the other side of the guard squad.


As the guards turned to Midnight, they noticed a single hoof sized dent in each of their sets of armor. They all stared blankly at Midnight as she began to fly away. A moment later they regained their senses.

"Get her!"

Luna looked down from her nightly canvas. It was a time she enjoyed, it was peaceful and quiet, and she could take a moment to reflect and contemplate. Normally this was a tranquil period for her, but tonight Luna was caught up in a whirl of thoughts.

'How will I handle this? How can I handle this? In this world there has never been any others aside from myself, my sister, and Discord. But now these four, these beings of great power, on which all of creation rests. They have gone through far worse than any here could possibly understand, and they will continue to suffer long after they have left us. We are told that we must train and raise them, but we have no idea were to begin. I never imagined having a daughter, it should be impossible, but now she is here, and no matter how she came to be, she is mine. Heh, my daughter, who already far exceeds me in strength, who will eventually be far greater than me, Tia, and Discord combined. What should I do?'

Unfortunately Luna was unable to answer her question, and her time of respite was at an end. She now had to preform her royal duties, and open the Night Court. Luna teleported down to the throne room, which served as the court room while the actual one was being finished. She glanced up at the scribe to her left.

"Prithee, what matters of contention shall We be addressing this evening?"

The scribe gave Luna a slight bow, then looked over her notes.

"Ah, Your Majesty, it seems that tonight's entire court session has been booked by one Dawning Glow."

The Princess raised an eyebrow at that, but put her confusion aside.

"Send him in."

Fluttershy wore a nervous grin as she walked up to the front door of her cottage, her filly trotting just at her side.

"Well... here we are." Fluttershy glanced down to her side, and let out a squeak seeing that Orchid was no longer beside her. 'Oh no! She didn't like it and now she's ran away!' She nearly burst into tears as the thought flitted through her mind. She perked up at the sound of a joyous giggle, coming from behind her cottage. She rushed around to see Orchid laughing and bouncing among her many animal friends.

Fluttershy gave a sigh of relief as she watcher her daughter frolic and play. After a moment she quietly cleared her throat and gave a call. Blooming Orchid looked up, with a big grin on her face, and began to bound over to her mom. She stopped when she noticed that all the animals she had been playing with had followed her. She made a gentle shooing motion and continued. A moment later she turned around again and confronted the animals which were still following her. Orchid gestured emphatically, and the animals slowly returned to what they had been doing before she had arrived.

'Well it looks like shes getting along fine with most of them... I just hope she can get along with Angle.'
Fluttershy put her wing around her daughter and steered her to the front door. Once they had gotten inside they were confronted by an irate looking white bunny. The bunny was impatiently tapping its foot on the ground as it glared at Fluttershy.

"Oh, hello Angel." Fluttershy half-whispered, "I'd like you to meet my... daughter."

Angel's eyes grew huge, and he froze in place, his foot mid tap. Blooming Orchid crept out from under her mom's wing and trotted over to the bunny. After a moments inspection, Orchid slowly raised a hoof and poked Angel in the tummy. Angel jumped back, eliciting a giggle from the filly. Fluttershy held her breath as the two slowly began to circle and examine each other. After several nerve-wracking minutes Angel held out a paw and Orchid held out a hoof. They gave a tentative shake, before Orchid rushed in and scooped Angel into a hug. Fluttershy gave a small smile, before letting out a squeak, as she too was pulled into the hug.


Aren't you just adorable.

Quit teasing her.

After the three had untangled themselves, Fluttershy began to show Blooming Orchid around her cottage. After a quick tour, Fluttershy showed Orchid her room. I wasn't very big, and filled mostly by the small bed. There was also a cabinet off to the side, and a round window looking out over the backyard. Orchid gave a squee of excitement and bound onto the bod, and snuggled with the covers. After a few moments Orchid was upside down and completely tangled in the sheets. Fluttershy gave a quiet laugh, and went to help her daughter untangle herself.

After Orchid had been freed, and the bed remade. They returned to the kitchen and Fluttershy started to make a salad for dinner. Orchid helped by levitating whatever Fluttershy was reaching for, and in barely anytime at all, they were sitting down for a nice dinner.

Twilight sat on her bed, a series of thick tomes piled around her. The one she was currently reading was the Encyclopaedia Equestria, Volume III, D-E, she had flipped through the pages untill she reached the section she was looking for, DE.

'Altight, now if I just look through all the DE words I definitely find what Princess Luna had meant to say.'

Twilight settled in, and began to read aloud.

"Deaccession: A work of art that... no, Deacon: an appointed member of a chur... no that's not right. How about... Deaerator: A tool which removes gases from a liquid, that's definitely not right. Hmm, what's next?"

Spike groaned, and stuffed his ears with some of the celery that he had been going to put into tonight's dinner. It might be uncomfortable, and have ruined the stalks, but at least it would help the young dragon keep his sanity, among the nattering of the lavender unicorn.

Midnight danced around the guards as they lunged at her. Several other squads had taken notice and had joined in the chase. There were now more than forty guards trying to capture the tiny embodiment of death. Then Midnight felt a small twinge inside her.

'Not good... is bad... help mother.'

Midnight flew furiously, homing in on her mother's location, with more than half the Lunar Guard in tow.

Author's Note:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I'm back. Really sorry I took so long to get to this, but stuff happened. Anyways, that was a long chapter! Consider it an apology for not updating as frequently as I could. And as always let me know if you find any mistakes (grammar, spelling, or otherwise), and feel free to comment and criticize.

Oh, and have a happy new year!


Comments ( 9 )

nice to see a update and a good one at that
love to see the next one soon

Yay! Finally got a chance to read this chapter :pinkiehappy:

So very much d'awww. Honestly each and every one of the foals is being adorable. Nice intrigue with Grannie Smith and Goldie.

And as for editing, you replaced Angel with angle at one point.

Good chapter. Looking forward to reading more. Wonder who Granny Smith was thinking about.

I just started to read this story just now all the way to the last chapter and I really like it hope to read more soon.

I need the next chapter ASAP I just following you for this story.

I Argree come on already

when is the next chapter?

Pshhhhhhh, at one point? How about almost every point for a few chapters?

What’s weong with Luna?

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