• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 1,729 Views, 75 Comments

Young Gods - Eathlome

When four gods leave their dimension their bodies must reform to match the new lifess they now live

  • ...

Rebirth and Inheritance

Young Gods

Ch. 5: Rebirth and Inheritance

All of the above

Also with the introduction of the new god babies the thoughts will be differentiated by bolding the elders.

I really don't know what to put here... except a warning of a severely damaged wall.

Alright! Next chapter.

I think they might have broke her...

Twilight stared at the four children around her, her mind going into overdrive. 'They called me mommy. Do they think I'm their mother? Where would they get that idea from? If I'm the mother, then whose the father?' Twilight blushed, and pulled her mind away from that particular train of thought.
Twilight's continued ponderings were interrupted when a certain pink pony hopped into the library.
"Hey Twilight hows it going? I just came by to see if you needed any help cleaning up the party, but you have everything tidied up and..." Pinkie Pie let out a HUGE gasp, "Twilight where did you find them, they're so adorable, whose are they, I've never seen them in Ponyville before so they must be new, where are their parents? Are you babysitting them? Can I help? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I?"
"PINKIE!" Twilight shouted, the pink party pony's prattling clearing her mind a bit.
"Oh don't be such a shouty-pouty, Twilight. Hey there, where are you parents?" Pinkie asked the little ones, who were watching her with a combination of confusion and interest.
"Mommy." once again gesturing to Twilight.
"Oh Twilight, I didn't know you had kids! Why didn't you tell us? How long have you had them? Whose the father? How old are they? What are their names?"
"I don't know..."
"But Twilight look at them, their your own children, how can you not know their names? Hey there can you tell me you names?"
The little ponies looked at Pinkie with some confusion. "Na-me?"
Pinkie let out another huge gasp, "Twilight!" she said sounding scandalized, "you haven't even named them yet? And you said I wasn't responsible enough to babysit."
"PINKIE!!!" Twilight shouted again, now having completely straitened out her thoughts. "I don't know where they came from, I had NEVER seen them before five minutes ago!"
"Pinkie Promise?"
"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Twilight remembered to close her eye before poking it with her hoof.
"Okie dokie lokie, hmmmm, we're going to have to give them names!"
"Um, Pinkie, are you sure?"
"Of course! Didn't you hear them they have no names, and we can't keep on calling them them forever, the readers would get tired of it very quickly." The last part was aimed at an unseen audience.
"What was that, Pinkie?"
"OK then... what do you think we should name them?"
"Hmmmmmmmmmmm... I GOT IT! We should ask the rest of the girls to help!" And with that Pinkie bounced out the door, hauling a very startled Twilight along with her, with four tiny ponies racing to keep up.

So... would you care to explain that one, Mat?
Well it's all very simple.
Oh is it, yes I can see it now, you just wake up and have virtually no knowledge about anything, and decide that the first stranger to walk into the room is your mother.
The sarcasm was almost palatable.
It's all very simple to explain, they think Twilight is their mother because ... Twilight is their mother.
Why did you do that?!
I was under allot of pressure at the time, so I had to ... improvise.
I'll take that as a "Good job, please continue." Well the bodies weren't forming fast enough, so I had to use a genetic base to speed up the process.
That doesn't fully explain it, you can't make a unique life using the same genetic coding, you need to have a second set to make a body properly.
Excellent point Aurora, I was just getting around to that. Well you see, there were quite a few other sets to choose from... so I just ... borrowed ... yeah borrowed ... some DNA from the others around us.
That's quite clever actually, how did you do it?
Well you see first I had to isola...
Well Diane, you used the largest amout of energy, and your body was sorely lacking, so I grabbed hold of the nearest, large source of power to complete it.
Don't tell me...
OK I won't. Oh wait sarcasm, right. Yeah you probably guessed right, it was Luna. As for you, Aurora, I used the one most attuned to nature, Fluttershy.
Who did you use for me?
Isn't it obvious, James? It was PINKIE PIE!
When you don't have a face it is incredibly hard to deadpan, but James did a remarkable job.
Alright, bad time for jokes, it was Applejack.
Well, what about you?
That's for me to know, and for you to figure out.

Celestia was worried, it had been two days since the incident, and she still wasn't saying what had happened. 'Luna, why won't you open up to me? You haven't come out of you room since you got back.' Celestia was desperate for her sister to get better, and she was also desperate to find out what had happened. 'That's it, I'm going to find out what went wrong, and I won't rest until I do!' With that thought Celestia teleported to her sister's door.
"Luna, it's me, Tia, please let me in." There was no answer. "Luna, I'm coming in, alright?" Again silence. Celestia slowly opened the door, slipped in, and shut it again. Celestia looked around and saw Luna curled up under her covers. She walked over and laid down beside her.
"Tia? Is that you?" Luna poked her head out of the covers, and Celestia was shocked to see her eyes were red and puffy, she'd been crying.
"Luna, what happened? Nopony knows, please you can tell me."
"I-I was so scared Tia. I had never been that scared before, not even when Discord turned. It knew me Tia, knew everything about me, I couldn't stop it, I could only run."
"What was it Luna?"
"I-It was her, Nightmare Moon." The last part came out no more than a whisper. Celestia was shocked, she didn't understand, had her sister became that thing once again?
"But it wasn't me, it was her, but she wasn't in me. She had a body, my body, but it was her own." Luna started to cry again after this, and Celestia comforted her as best she could. When Luna finished she continued her story.
"I ran out of the Everfree, to get to the Elements, they were the only ones who could beat it. They were all there, right at the edge, but there wasn't enough time, she was too close, and the Bearers didn't have the Elements with them. She started to attack, we couldn't do anything." Celestia listened to her sister's tone, it was worse then fear, it was complete despair.
"Luna, you don't have to continue if you don't want to." Even though Celestia said this, she was still curious as to haw they had gotten out of this apparently impossible situation.
"It's OK, Tia. I need to get this out." Luna took in a deep breath before continuing, "Everypony except Twilight was down, and she was barely able to stand up. Nightmare Moon started to taunt her, then it happened."
"Luna, what was it?"
"I'm not really sure, it was like there was another thing within Twilight, that possessed her. What ever it was started to talk to itself, it had different voices, and it was talking about Nightmare Moon. I don't understand what it was saying, but when it attacked... I had never seen anything like it. It had to have used magic, but I couldn't sense any from Twilight, none at all. It moved, teleported, but far faster, and it decimated Nightmare Moon in less than a second. It was just after that, when I passed out." Celestia smiled gently at her sister, and whispered,
"Thank you for telling me."
"Thank you for listening."

Nightmare Moon swirled around, confused. Where was it? What was happening? Suddenly it saw something that sent awe running thought it's entire being. Two giant creatures locked together in a desperate struggle, neither yielding, each equal to the other.
Nightmare felt itself being pulled towards the more demonic of the two.

Who are you?
"N-n-nightmare M-moon"
Do you know who I am?
One of the most powerful beings in all of Equestria feared by millions had no hesitation when it spoke.
You have served me well, and shall be ... rewarded.

The giant figure started to inhale, sucking Nightmare Moon into it's being. But it was not consumed, inside the most powerful force of destruction in all of existence, it was safe, it was an observer.

You shall get to see this battle to the end, for informing me of where my targets are.

Maniacal laughter filled the air as an infinite number of horrors from the deepest crevices of the mind slowly began to turn towards their new goal, a single, small reality, which held the beings they had been made to destroy.

What a wonderful time for a hunt.

Author's Note:

Oh, no! What ever shall happen?
Well if you knew that than you wouldn't be reading this story.

Also any of you have suggestions for baby names?
I've got a few, but I'd like some more ideas, credit will be given where credit is due.

And, as always, I appreciate your:
Comments, Criticism, and Thoughts, as long as you aren't trolling me.

P.S. Have fun guessing who Mat used to make his counterpart's body.

P.P.S. Quickly pass me some bricks, I have to repair the huge hole Pinkie left in the fourth wall before the next chapter!