• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 1,728 Views, 75 Comments

Young Gods - Eathlome

When four gods leave their dimension their bodies must reform to match the new lifess they now live

  • ...

Persuasion and Parents

Young Gods

Ch. 8: Persuasion and Parents

Author's notes:

Happy Birthday To Me
Who doesn't love a birthday update?

So here it is, the next chapter.

Elder: Younger: Domain:
Mat Lucky Roll Luck
John Golden Sands Time
Diane Midnight Specter Death
Aurora Blooming Orchid Life
All All

If by terrible you mean hilarious, than I completely agree!
Even I have to admit that this does make for some good entertainment.
Well Diane, if you approve of something it must be worth its weight in ... What elements are precious in this reality?
Ignore him, Mat was just trying to be funny.
Alright, lets see... there are large deposits of gold and silver, but elements like iron and lead are allot less common. Huge numbers of gems, diamonds, etc. Actually the rarest thing in the ground is Osmium.
I forgot you worked with Pluto for about fifteen-hundred years. Using the tricks he taught you?
I miss Pluto, he was such a nice guy. He was one of the first to accept us. Shame he faded, at least he hasn't died.
I really don't mean to interrupt your completely relevant conversation, but we're dealing with a crisis!
Oh, just calm down. Everything will be fine, once Twilight gets back Celestia will calm down, and hopefully Luna will stop laughing.

Luna was rolling on the ground laughing at the foals antics. Celestia's once gently flowing mane was whipping around, as if caught in a gale. Her coat had been turned bright green, and had pink polka-dots.
The perpetrators of these acts were holed up in a large fortress made of books. Every time Celestia tried to get near, the foals would launch a volley of pies at her.
'Where are they even getting all of this stuff,' Celestia thought as she dodged yet another pastry, 'It's not any magic I've ever seen before, how could thi-' Celestia's thoughts were cut off as a pie hit her squarely in the face, covering her in banana filling, and knocking her over.
A small cheer could be heard from the fortress, and the four foals charged out. Luna stifled her giggles, concerned with the possibility of the foals actually harming her sister, however she burst out laughing as the four stood over an irritated Celestia, making heroic poses. There was a soft snick as the doorknob was turned. Celestia and Luna looked at the door in alarm and horror. Suddenly Luna felt a strange sensation.
Then she was sitting up with Celestia, whose mane and coat were back to normal. In fact, as Luna looked around she could see nothing of the ferocious battle, if that's what you could call it, that had just taken place. Again a soft snick was heard and Twilight opened the door and walked in, a large number of items floating behind her.
"So how has everything been while I was out? They didn't cause you too much trouble, did they Princess?"

That did not count as a life threatening emergency!
I'm pretty sure it did. Twilight would probably kill them if she saw what they did to Celestia.
Literally or Figuratively?
Probably both.

"Um..er..ungh," Celestia mumbled, still disoriented from the ... whatever had just happened. Eventually Celestia straightened out her thoughts, "No Twilight, the were no trouble at all."
"That's excellent! I got all the things for the spell, and I was actually thinking that it might be possible to combine these two spells with a teleportation spell, and be able to bring whoever the parents are to us!" Twilight smiled, almost certain that she had surprised and impressed her mentor.
'Well Twilight, that certainly could work, however it would take time to set up, and would probably require both Celestia and us, in order to make sure it works."
"Oh, don't worry about the preparations Princess Luna, I've already set everything up and made all the necessary calculations. I hope your alright with this, I mean, I know that both of you are busy, and that you don't use your magic for just anything, and this really might not be so important and," Twilight continued rambling on a bit, then stopped, panting for breath.
"It's alright Twilight, it wasn't presumptuous of you to prepare this spell. In fact I'm very impressed, this is another reason that I'm proud to have you as my protege."
"Oh, thank you Princess. It's right over here." Twilight led the Princesses and the four foals to a cleared area. On the ground was a large white circle drawn on the ground, with several arcane markings placed within it. "When the spell is cast the magic will flow through Midnight Specter, Golden Sands, Blooming Orchid, and Lucky Roll. The tracking spell will then locate the parents, and place a marker on them. Then the teleportation spell will activate and bring them into this circle." Twilight turned to face the two Princesses, "Are you ready to get started?"
Celestia looked a bit nervous.
"Twilight, would you also like to partake in this spell with us, you have a very large amount of magic at your disposal and I'm sure that it would take some of the strain off of us."
'Sister what are saying, we have more than enough strength to preform this spell,' Luna thought at her sister.
'That isn't what I'm asking her help for. I don't think that they will allow us if Twilight isn't involved.'
Luna paused for a moment, then conceded to her elder sister.
Twilight lined up the foals and then she, Luna, and Celestia took their places several feet from the circle. The two alicorns and unicorn pointed their horns and concentrated.

Heh, that's another round for me.
Mat, John, Diane, and Aurora were sitting around a table Mat had made. They were playing a strange game which involved dice and cards.
You know what, I think that you're changing the rules on us. Just because you made this game doesn't mean you can do that.
Are you implying that I would cheat? I'm shocked that you would even consider such a thing. Hurt, wounded even. Why I might go as far as to say-
Anyways John, he's isn't cheating. I won four rounds ago, and Diane won the one before that.
Well I still...oh dear.
Oh! Have they started dong stuff?
Can't you feel that magical energy? Of course they are!
So? What are they doing?
Oh my. They are attempting to find the parents of ... us ... them ... they ... what are we calling them again?
I think we decided on calling them our mini-mes.
No one agreed to that. I don't think we decided on what we should call them. Since their names are so long, it would be kind of awkward to just call them like that.
Why don't we just call them what they are?
We could call them the Young Gods.
But WE'RE the Young Gods. We can't just give them our title.
Why not? If I'm not an Adult God, or Senior God by now when will I? I mean, we can't be called the Young Gods forever. We've outlasted billions of realities...
The destruction of most being your fault.
...thank you for that. And each if us is older than ninety-nine percent of the gods out there.
I see you points, we'll just have a vote. All in favor of calling the others the Young Gods and refer to us as the Elders, say aye.
But one more thing. Can we just call them that when talking amongst ourselves? We don't want them to get swelled heads. We can just call them Little Ones, when were talking to them.
Now that that incredibly important bit of business is finished, can we get back to the 'situation' we have?

The glare of magic filled the room. There were several sharp cracks, and small pops. When the light dissipated Celestia was left standing alone. Quickly glancing at the circle, what she saw, or better yet, who she saw shocked her. Laying in a tangled pile were Princess Luna, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.
"Ugh, what happened? Did I pass out? Did the spell work?"
"Sister what has happened? Did the ritual fail?"
"What in tarnation? One moment Ah'm helpin' Big Mac with apple bucking. Th' next Ah'm in a pony pile up!"
"Oh...um...what happened? That is if no one minds saying...eeep."
"OH WOW. First I was baking and the cupcakes were just about to go into the oven then WHOOSH!! I'm over here, and hello Applejack, hello Fluttershy, hello Twilight, hello Princess Luna." Pinkie giggled, "How did you end up in this mess with us? Was Twilight doing some fancy spell? Ooh, Princess Celestia you're here too! Do you know what happened, because I sure don't, and other ponies seem to think that when strange things happen, I know whats going on, but this time I don't. Sooooooo, what's going on?"
Celestia was doing an excellent job of concealing her mirth. The same could not be said for the foals around her, who were giggling uncontrollably. By this time Twilight had managed to extract herself from the tangle.
"Well, the Princesses and I were trying a spell that would bring Golden Sands, Blooming Orchid, Lucky Roll, and Midnight Specter's parents to us. But I guess that it didn't work..."
Suddenly something in Celestia's mind clicked. "Actually Twilight, maybe it did work."
"SISTER," Luna replied in a shocked voice, "are you implying that we would...well...you know..." Luna trailed off, mumbling incoherently.
"Well, Ah'm not normally one to argue with you, Princess. But Ah'm pretty sure that Ah would know if Ah had a foal."
"Oh my, oh my. I certainty haven't...oh no no no. Definitely not...there must be some mistake..."
"Princess, are you sure? I could've messed up with the spell formula, or not contributed enough power, or not concentrated on it completely. Besides there are only five of us here, the numbers just don't add up!"
"Twilight, while I'm ... reluctant to admit it, maybe they were telling the truth."
"Well if the foals speak the truth, and you are their mother... Well there are four others to match up with. One for each foal."
"Princess, are ya tryin' ta say we magicked up a bunch o' foals outa nothin'?"
"Yeah Princess, I know what I learned from Granny Pie about the birds and the bees, and I'm pretty sure that this isn't how it works."
"Well the simplest solution to this is to test us all with some basic paternity spells. That is if you don't mind...eep."
"Well Ah'm willin' just ta get this farce over with."
"We suppose if that is the simplest way, then we will participate."
"Well okie dokie lokie,"
"I guess. Princess will you cast the spell?"

"Well Twilight, it appears that you are their mother." The four foals nodded sagely, while Twilight nearly collapsed from the mental strain of trying to figure out how this happened.
"Applejack, I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the Apple family, Golden Sands." Applejack looked down at the foal who was standing beside her, and shook her head, confused. 'Big Mac could probly explain all this, with those fancy mathematics of his.'
"Pinkie Pie, I would like you to meet...Pinkie what are you wearing?" Everypony present looked at Pinkie, who had donned a black helmet and mask.
"KOH, CHUH, KOH, CHUH, Luck," Pinkie said in a far deeper voice than normal, "I am your mother." With that Pinkie threw away the helmet and picked Lucky Roll up and a big hug. Lucky then proceeded to dive into Pinkie's mane, diapering. A few moments later his head popped out of Celestia's mane and he blew a loud raspberry right next to her ear, before sinking back in, and then walking through the door. Everypony just decided it would be far better to accept what had just happened, than to try to make sense of it, at the risk of their own sanity.
"Ahem, Fluttershy I hope that you take care of foals as well as you take care of animals, because Blooming Orchid will probably be staying with you."
Blooming Orchid walked up and nuzzled Fluttershy, who returned it, while hiding in her mane.
"And Sister, it seems we have another Princess, whose name is most suiting. Midnight Specter. So Luna who's the lucky Stallion?" Celestia asked humorously. Midnight rolled her eyes and gestured emphatically at Twilight, which resulted in stuttering and blushing from Twilight and the two Princesses, and laughter from the three other foals and Pinkie Pie.
"Well now that everything's sorted out, I have to go plan a super-duper birthday/congratulations-on becoming-mothers/new-princess/welcome-to-Ponyville/congratulations-on-getting-your-names PARTY!" Pinkie hurried out the door to prepare a party of possibly apocalyptical proportions.
"Ah better make sure she doesn't go overboard, HEY SUGAR CUBE, WAIT UP."
"Oh, well I really have to go and check on my animals. I was in the middle of feeding them, and I'm sure they're worried very much about me. Could you keep an eye on Blooming Orchid for me Twilight? That is if you're alright with it..."
"Sure Fluttershy, no problem."

Never gonna get a better opportunity than this.
I agree.
Yes this does seem ideal.
I guess this is it than?

Twilight turned around as the last of her friends left the library. Her eyes went wide at what she say. The four foal's eyes were all radiating. Luna and Celestia turned to face them as well. They spoke as one and Luna recognized three of the voices.
Golden Sands slammed his front hooves into the ground and time slowed to a crawl, Celestia and Luna felt as if they were trying to move through honey. Blooming Orchid's horn lit up and Luna, Celestia and Twilight all started glowing.
Midnight Specter's eyes flashed and a great silver blade appeared, one which Luna remembered quite well. Midnight slashed through the immobile figures.
Translucent imitations floated above their bodies, looking around, confused. Lucky Roll slammed his hooves into the ground. Small cracks formed on the floor. He slammed again and the cracks spread to the walls. Then everything shattered, and fell down into darkness.

Author's Note:

Hope you liked it.

Please give me feedback, it makes this story better.

So long, until next time.