• Published 5th Dec 2013
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The Anons of Equestria - Bastinator

Eight men are taken from their homes, each from a reality differing from the others. Seven veterans of Equestria, but one man is new to this land. He only has one wish: To go home.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Clusterbuck

What is the definition of home? Is it where you were born? No, that’s just a place. A home is special. Is it where you live? Can’t be. When you had to sleep in a motel for a week that didn’t make it your home. Where is ‘home?’

You’ve been so convinced that it was Earth, in that little apartment you own. It served its purpose for the time, but on reflection? It was nothing more than a mass of cold walls and appliances. Then you came to Equestria.

Every fiber in your being tried to fight against it, but to no avail. Each day brings true joy, every breathe of air a miracle. You turn over to Fluttershy, it would a transgression to awaken her. She saved you in a sense, this little pony… You close your eyes and scoot closer drifting into a warm sleep.

There’s an awareness in your dream, one you hadn’t felt since the last one a week ago. This time when the images flash you no longer yearn for them. You’re already home, there’s no need to travel back to the old. ”Anon go home.” Jesus Christ, shut up. I am home you piece of shit subconscious. ”Your home is all that’s important. Nothing else is.” If I could slap you I would.

A wave of pain rocks you to the core. Your body takes shape within your mind. “Th- The hell!”

”I’m tired of your weakness. Your incompetence!” You can’t be angry at yourself, this is just wrong.

“What the hell are you?”

”I’m the truth. Now shut up and listen. This lovey dovey home you think you have is nothing more than a prison.”

“Yeah I’m gonna stop you right there. You can kindly kiss my ass.”

”You’re nothing an insolent child who dreams up fantasies of what he desires.”

“Look, my mind is made up. Equestria is my home. Ponyville is my home.”

”Your home is sucking out the very essence of what makes you human! Don’t you understand that!?” His anger instills fear. ”These ponies with all their love and tolerance bullshit? It’s designed to make you nothing more than a docile slave in their world.”

“I had no idea one could be so fucking wrong.” You clutch your ribs as they cut into your flesh.

”You think they care about you? They don’t! They wanted you to be silent so they can enjoy their fantasy. You think the mane 6 just warmed up to you? Ha!” His words cut deep. ”They used you like a common whore, not even having the decency to tip.”

“They’re my friends. They wouldn’t do this to me.”

”Oh really? You think it’s just the mane 6? I said your friends, those others who discovered you in that forest.”

“Now I know you’re lying. They tried to…”

The voice laughs, “Comfort you? Yes, what better way to keep you relaxed than having others of your kind reassure you.”

“That’s impossible…”

”Don’t you find it funny how they never once took the possibility of leaving seriously? They brushed it off as nonsense.”

“They said they tried…”

”Did they? Think hard about this, did they?” You… you don’t remember… ”Whenever you brought it up you were immediately shot down. Great friends huh? Or how about when you went to find a job? They had one for the others, but mysteriously none for you.”

“That was weird, but not a sign of some conspiracy.”

”They wanted you to relax, they wanted you to cool down. Isn’t that how you met Miss Fluttershy in the first place?” It is. You went to The Broken Record just after that, and you met her then. ”They gave you pocket money to buy you off and it worked. It’s all lies.” You had this all figured out, but what’s now… It doesn’t make sense. ”Your home, your friends, your love, everything. It’s all to keep you under control.”

“They lied to me…?”

”Yeeesss. They did, and they will continue to do so.”

“You’ve been trying to help me this whole time? Every time I slept you tried to show me the truth.”

”A thank you would be nice.”

They manipulated you. They took advantage of your kindness and turned it against you. “How do I get home? You know how, I can feel it.”

”I needed you to trust me. Would you have believed me before?”

“No, but I do now.”

”Then listen and listen well… Seven barriers exist in this place that bind you here. You must destroy them.”

“How do I find them?”

The voice chuckles, “You already know them. You know their names because they told you so. Go ahead…” Seven barriers. Seven obstacles. Seven Anons.

“Duff… Flash… Anonymous… Mickey…” you can’t bear to speak any further.

”Now you understand. The only way to return home is to end each of their pitiful lives.” That’s impossible. You can’t fight them. ”I understand that you’re not the sharpest crayon in the box, far from it, but you don’t need to fight them directly.”

“Then what should I do?”

”Use their fears against them. Use their hatred. Do what you humans do best… lie.”


”Yes, do what they did to you. Give them a taste of their own medicine.”

“I can’t do that. I’m not a good liar.”

”Do not worry Anon. I will be there when you need me, just let me do the talking.”

“Why are you helping me? Who are you?”

”I hate to see innocents taken advantage of, and as to who I am? Let’s just call me a worried resident of this world of mine.” A string of light cuts through the curtains awakening you.

You sit up, Fluttershy still asleep. ‘Head to the Ponyville markets, you’ll find them there,’ his voice whispers directly into your ear. You silently comply and head out without a second wasted.

“Are you in my head?”

‘I am everywhere Anon. Just focus on what lies ahead.’

“Yeah, why am I going to the market?”

‘Mickey and Anonymous are there. Their feud is strong. When you invoke their rage, the others will follow.’

“And what should I do when I see them?”

‘Meet with Mickey and let me do the talking.’

The local shopkeeps wish you good morning. You debate ignoring them but his voice protests. ‘Do not cause suspicion. Besides, it’d be rude to ignore them.’ You wave with a forced smile, ‘Good boy. Now find Mickey.’

You weave through the crowd in your quest. They smile at you, each a veil of their deception. How could you have been so blind as to trust them? ‘You had no choice. They forced it upon you.’ You ball your hand into a fist, ‘Now now Anon, ease up.’ He wrestles control of your hand and eases up your muscles.

“Howdy Anon,” you recognize Applejack call over.

“Applejack,” you reply scanning the fields.

She observes you curiously, “You alright there partner? You look kinda cold.”

“Warm as an apple pie.”

Her laughter is strained, “You sure? Where’s Fluttershy? I thought you two were staying at her house.”

“Change of plans. I needed to meet with Mickey.”

”Ah, they just moved on.”

*Where to Miss Applejack?* The fuck are you doing? ‘Helping you out.’

”They said they were heading back home. Don’t know for how long.”

Your body moves on his command, kissing her hoof. *Much appreciated dear.*

She blushes hard and you regain control after he sets out in the right direction. “I swear if you do that again…”

‘If you want my help then you must accept my methods. Unless… you changed your mind.’

“No!” you shout earning a few inquiring glances. You hurry off as their conversation takes a turn for the worse. “I’m tired of lies. I just want the truth. I want my home.”

‘Then do as I say.’


You ease the door open and slip inside your house. “Anyone home?”

”I’m in the kitchen!” Mickey calls.

‘Ask him where the others are.’

“Where’s Anonymous and Dash?”

He finishes plating his sandwich and takes a bite, “Upstairs taking a shower.”

You feel him seep back through you, ‘Allow me.’

*Doesn’t that anger you? To know they’re there together?*

”I used to be angry, but… You were right you know. I was wrong about him.”

*Mickey you see-*

”I couldn’t get it out of my head. All I saw was the monster, but he’s been innocent. A product of another world.”

*This is what I-*

He interrupts him again, “Thanks to you, I can get to know my brother again, as he was. So-“

*You were right.*

Mickey freezes, his face plain, “What?”

*Anonymous has been putting on an act this whole time. I came to you first.*

”That’s impossible. I mean we…”

*He’s been lying to us. He lied to you. You fell for it.*

Mickey rests his sandwich upon the table, a raw power taking hold of him. His arms twitch ever so slightly, “So that’s how it is big brother…” This is wrong. Even if he did lie to you, no one deserves this.

*So what are you going to do about it?*

You force your will back into your body, but are immediately shot back. ‘Tsk tsk Anon. It’s unkind to mess with your ally.’ You’re no ally of mine! I can’t let you do this to him. ‘Do? It’s already been done.’

Anonymous thumps down the stairs, “Hey Anon. I thought you’d be out today?”

*Change of plans I’m afraid Mr. Anonymous.*

“What’s with the formality? You sound like-“

He looks at you, almost analyzing you. “Anon, what’s the color of green?”


“That doesn’t even make sense.”

You chuckle against your will, leaning against the wall, *What fun is there in making sense?*

His expression turns sour,”Mickey, don’t let Anon leave.’

”Oh, why shouldn’t I? Why should I listen to you anymore?”

‘Oh what fools these mortals be.’ You bastard!

”He told me about you, he told me the truth.”

“Mickey, please you have to believe me. That THING isn’t Anon.”

*Don’t trust him Mickey, he’s as mad as he was before.*

Rainbow Dash peeks her head from the upper floor, “What’s with the yelling?”

Anonymous whirls around, “Dash get out of here, now!” Mickey’s breath is erratic as you feel his power increase.

Damn you! What are you doing to him?! ‘Just giving him a little boost, like old times.’ Mickey smashes the island with his fist and breaks it in two with ease. Dash takes off upstairs and Anonymous makes a break for the door.

*Don’t let him go Mr. Mickey.*

Anonymous reaches for the handle as an unholy hand grabs hold of him and throws him back. Mickey leaps over the bar and grabs his brother by the shirt. ”I should’ve finished you when I had the chance.” Anonymous yelps as his own kin begins to beat him down, again and again.

*I love a family feud. Makes for great entertainment.*

”Oh really?” Mous says from beside you.

You hit the floor, a throbbing pain in your head. *Mickey! Lend me your aid!*

Mous kicks you in the stomach, “Seems I got here just in time for the party.” Mickey releases his hold on his brother and charges Mous.

‘Oh this is going to be good.’ Just when he’s about to impact Mous sidesteps with his cane planted, the latter causing Mickey to face plant into the wooden floor.

*And you’re out!* you laugh painfully.

Let me go! ‘Not a chance.’

You get up, Anonymous and Mickey out cold. *I wonder how Pinkie’s doing? She must miss you Mr. Mous.*

Mous keeps his cool, “More than you know.”

*I’m curious, how much would you like to return home again, back to your Pinkie Pie?*

”About this much,” he says swinging his cane.


“I must admit, that was unexpected.” The blackness of your mind grants no peace from your unwelcome guest. “Still, you served your purpose well Anon. I admit that I thought this energy would’ve been wasted.” You keep silent, not wishing to converse with your puppeteer. “Anon, are you there? Aaaanoooon?” Your body seizes up in pain, “There you are!”

“Please… leave me alone.”

“Oh don’t tell me this is about the whole, lied to make your friend become a rampaging juggernaut again thing. is it?”

“That whole seven barrier thing was bullshit, wasn’t it? How could I have fallen for that?”

“I must admit, I am rather experienced in such deception. I’ve had many years of experience.”

“You’re going to be here forever aren’t you? Always whispering in my ear trying to turn me against them?”

“An eternity isn’t all that long if you think about it.”

“Just tell me then, who are you? Give me a name to put to the voice.”

“I can give you more than that.” A click rings out and something walks out from the shadows. His figure is distorted, an amalgamation of others. His toothy grin is pleasant in comparison to the offsetting gaze of his pale yellow eyes and piercing pupils within. He reaches out with his lions paw, “Discord. Pleasure to meet you.”

“What the fuck are you?” you reel backwards.

”Ugh, why does everyone ask that?”

“You’re a monster.”

“No Anon. I’m a Draconequus.”

“Thanks for the clarification freak.”

He rubs his eyes, “Oh why must I have chosen such a dull soul.”

“If you’re so tired of me then leave. I’ll throw a going away party.”

“Nice try Anon, but that’s no fun. Besides, where else will I find a mind as weak as yours?” Don’t let him get to you. Don’t let him make you angry. “Why? Doesn’t it feel good to let it all out? To give in? I can make you like the others you know...”

“The only power I want is to toss you out of my head.”

“Such a shame.” You grip your head in a rush of pain. Discord laughs openly at your agony, “Oh go cry somewhere else. Stop being such a- ugh… He topples over and twists about in spasms. “Wh- What are you doing to me?!”

“What am I doing!?” you groan and tighten your hold.

Discord crawls over to you and presses his talon in the flesh of your calf. “How are you doing this?” He squeezes, the pain negligible compared to the aching in your brain. It’s as though a thousand scorpions are spitting venom within your mind. Your brain swells and hemorrhages against your skull. Discord climbs atop you and grips your neck, “Tell me!”

As swift and tight as his hold came, it loosened. “Discord?” The pain vanishes and you look around for the creepy fuck. Only the vast nothingness remains with you in the center. He’s gone. At last.


Your eyes sizzle under the dazzling light as you begin to stir. A hoof caresses your arm, a kind and gentle voice whispering your name. You can barely make out Fluttershy through the fog of your vision. “It’s going to be alright,” she purrs lightly and looks away, “Right?” Twilight’s voice is easily recognized, the answer calming her.

Duff watches over you with his pistol at the ready. “How could this have happened,” he asks quietly.

Twilight shines a light in your eye once more, “Discord has many tools. Deception and trickery being his favorite.”

A new voice calls over them, “We had no idea he had escaped. It seems he’s grown even cleverer after all these years.” The mysterious mare moves into sight with her mane of various colors. ”It is with great sorrow that young Anon had the misfortune to be his target.”

“Who are you,” you croak.

Her smile is warm and inviting, “My name is Celestia. It is good to meet you.”

“Celestia? That’s a nice name…”

You start to drift back into sleep, but a cyan hoof slaps you in the face, “Wake up!”

”Dash!” Mous commands “Calm yourself. He’s not the enemy here.” The results work, whether you agree with her methods is trivial, and you start to sit up finding yourself in Twilight’s house. Dash’s eyes lay red and her fur damp. She wipes her face and walks back to… Anonymous.

He’s laying down on a bed similar to yours, Rarity and the others keeping an eye on him. Dash sits beside him and cradles his hand, his skull purple and bloodied. “What happened?”

Mous takes his place beside you, “After the fight, I brought you here to Twilight. When I came back to get the others… Mickey was awake.” You can only imagine what he did while you were gone. ”I tried to catch him, but I’m not as fast as I used to be. He escaped and Anonymous hasn’t changed in his condition.”

Duff covers his mouth, “I should’ve been there. I could’ve done something.”

”You could’ve! Where were you?!” Dash berates him in distress.

Celestia snaps in response, “Rainbow Dash, quiet! This wasn’t his fault.”

Mous continues to explain, “Before he left, I heard Anonymous bubbling something about a Discord character. I told Twilight and she called in the princess.”

“Princess? Celestia?”

She nods, “You have much to learn about us. When Twilight wrote to me of Discord’s name I checked his prison, finding a replica in its place. I don’t know how long he’s been active.”

“I do.” You heard his call the first night you were here. “He’s been here since we arrived.”

”Whatever brought you here must’ve caused enough chaos to free him from his prison. It’s the only explanation,” Twilight says.

Celestia eyes her curiously, “What do you mean ‘Whatever brought’ them here?”

“I- I haven’t told you everything about them. I didn’t want to worry you.”

Celestia keeps her calm, “My student, it is imperative that you tell me the truth.”

“It’s the only way,” you answer, the other Anons voicing their acceptance.

”Alright, but keep an open mind,” she says to the others who were listening, “It may be difficult to take in.” The others look distressed at this warning, but they finally nod. ”It began a little over a month ago, when they first woke up in Equestria…”

You shiver as she tells them everything she knows about you and your history. They listen and wait, soaking up everything she lays before them. It’s troubling just how bad things have gotten, and to think you had this all figured out.

By the end of it their eyes are the size of footballs, yet Celestia is remarkably serene in her reaction. ”So you four are just half of your group?” Celestia asks.

“Yes. Mickey fled and the others already split.”

“Then we must find the others. Discord won’t just try to manipulate one, he’ll work through the others as well. Where did they go?”

Mous answers, “I remember seeing Flavus chase after a train that day, but I don’t know where.”

“Canterlot if I’m correct.”

“Ahh yes,” Celestia replies, “I have met this human. He seemed nice enough.”

Duff clarifies, “He’s just a civilian like Anon. The poor bastard was scared half to death on our first meeting.”

“Luna’s been keeping him safe and will continue to do so. What of the other two?”

“Flash and Light,” you reply, finding the strength to sit up, “Flash left us and didn’t say where, and Light…”

Mous answers, “He went to find Chrysalis, princess.”

”That is most unfortunate.”

Rainbow looks down at Anonymous, “So he… He lost me once…” Pinkie too, watches Mous with new perspective.

“They all lost their homes. Some of us couldn’t bear to see them go,” you say. Twilight nods, completely oblivious of the man who had lost her.

“What do we do now?” Fluttershy peeps.

”We need to remain calm,” Celestia concludes, “Discord’s plans have been disrupted thanks to Twilight and myself, but he’s still out there.”

Duff checks his mag and slams it home in his Pulse Rifle. ”I say we find Discord and nuke his shit from orbit,” he looks to the others, “It’s the only way to be sure.”

“Something we agree on, how about you Mous?”

“I’m not a fighter anymore, but I sure as hell am not gonna sit back and watch him tear up my home.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Duff steps forward, “I know I’m not the most experienced here, Celestia has that mantle.”

”Much appreciated,” she replies.

”But I’ve protected Ponyville in the past and I will do so today. I will die to protect my friends. I will die to keep them safe,” he says mournfully watching Anonymous’ body.

Applejack tips her hat to him and speaks, “I ain’t exactly hankering for a fight, but tarnation, Duff’s right here.”

Pinkie nudges next to Mous, “That meanie isn’t going to hurt my friends either.” The others speak their pieces, only leaving Celestia.

She closes her eyes and gives a slow accepting yes. “We need to find the others before Discord can get to them. I shall return to Canterlot. Come when you’re ready.” Anonymous will not be allowed to suffer for Discord’s entertainment.

You swing out of bed, resting a hand on Anonymous’s shoulder, “Then let’s get moving.”


Meanwhile in Canterlot…

“Next train to Ponyville departs in fifteen minutes.”

You bide your time and exit the train under the stealth of the night. Each stop has brought problems upon you and you can’t risk getting into a fight here. Celestia needs to know just how far gone her sister is.

You control your breathing as a group of unwitting guards pass. There’s no way to tell if they’re changelings or not without getting caught, and you’re not too fond of that idea. You bolt into a nearby alley and clutch onto your satchel. A quick check shows that no one’s following you, but you can’t be certain. Changelings always seem to pop up- ”Nice night, huh Flash?”

You twirl around and peer into the darkness. “Who goes there? Identify yourself!”

“I always loved the night you know. So peaceful, so pure. Everyone’s either sleeping or up to no good. You don’t look to be sleeping.”

“Flavus? Is that you?”

From the shadows he steps out, the moonlight on his face, “I hoped you’d recognize me. I hate introductions, they get so tedious after so long.” He’s off. There’s something amiss. “I know why you’re here. That evidence in your satchel is rather damning to someone I care about.”

“Flavus please. I don’t want to hurt you.”

His laughter echoes across the deathly city, “Hurt me? I think you should be more concerned about how I’m going to hurt you.” He reveals a dagger in his hand as he gets closer. You blink, and a fierce sensation hits your belly, Flavus inches from your face. ”Tell me Flash, are you familiar with the work of Xiang Yu?”