• Published 5th Dec 2013
  • 1,591 Views, 26 Comments

The Anons of Equestria - Bastinator

Eight men are taken from their homes, each from a reality differing from the others. Seven veterans of Equestria, but one man is new to this land. He only has one wish: To go home.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Some R&R

You hoist the last of the debris out of the castle gates where the guards haul it away. This game of Flavus’s was costly, and proved just how unequipped Equestria is for what’s to come. Fluttershy comes in for a hug which you readily accept, the yellow Pegasus anxious to see you well. ”Don’t you ever leave again.”

”Now now,” Rarity chants as she avoids the damaged parts of the street, “You know very well Anon is a busy man. He can’t help it if he has to leave.”

“Thanks Rarity. I’ll do what has to be done, but I’ll be extra careful if that makes you feel better.”

She answers with another hug, Rarity steering clear of the working guards. ”And just where do I go to get out of these drab conditions?”

“The castle, we’ve done our best to clean it up so it should be purty enough for you.” You lead both of them inside.

Twilight talks to you as you reach the doors, “Good to see you two, can you go help Pinkie? She’s with Mous, just down the hall.” They comply and you’re left alone with Twilight, “I don’t like this.”

“Nobody likes war, that’s just how it works.”

”No not that,” she says leading you off into the throne room. ”I don’t like this Flavus character. He’s just…”

“A monster.”

”To put it simply, yes. He has his own agenda, we don’t need him.”

“Agenda or not, we can’t risk Discord taking over him like he did me. Flavus could’ve killed us before, but he didn’t.”

“Because we serve a purpose. When we outlive that, then what?”

You shrug, not having an answer. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”


You bow to the princess and her royal guardsman, Shining Armor, you heard he’s called. ”Things go well in our repairs my faithful student?”

“Yes princess, we’ve doubled our efforts and Canterlot should be good as new by the end of the month.”

“That’s my sister for you.” Oh yeah, and surfer dude is also Twilight’s brother. Of all the people…

“Out of curiosity Princess, what’s befallen Luna?”

“My sister has been quarantined. It appears as though she resorted to her former persona out of fear, and in time she’ll revert back to normal.”

“That’s good, we’re going to need all the help we can get if we’re going to assault the hive.”

Celestia’s face darkens, “About that…”

“You’re not going to do it.”

She sighs, “I’m afraid not.”

You rub your face irritably. You needed her help. “Do the others know?” Celestia shakes her head. Of course, you’d be the calmest about this so it’s only logical that they inform you first. Still, something would be better than nothing.

Shining Armor clears his throat, “Princess, I’m sure I could spare a few guards to help.”

She gives him one look and he goes silent, “I cannot risk anymore of my subject’s lives in this foolish attack.” Foolish? She couldn’t have just said that.

“I’m no expert on changelings or any other Equestrian affairs but Mous is, and he’s told me all about them. While we sit idly by, Chrysalis gathers strength. How can you allow this?”

”We wish to act, but we simply cannot.”

You look to Twilight for help, but are only met with a downward gaze. “Fine then.” You perform a quick bow and hurry off, Twilight trying to follow.

Duff spots you from down the hall and you give him the signal to round up everyp0ny. ”I’m sorry I didn’t tell you directly afterwards, but I needed to think of a way to tell you.”

“Don’t be sorry, it’s not like you’re the princess or anything.”

“I still believe in the cause. We need to free your last friend and stop Chrysalis as soon as possible.”

“Then tell her that,” you pause, “Tell her what *you* think.”

”She’s already made up her mind…” she looks around, “Where are you even going?”

“To find Flavus.”

”Flavus’s room is the other way. Why are we-“

“You think that he’s in his room under heavy guard, but you’d be wrong. Flavus isn’t going to be there.”

”Still. Why would he be this way?”

“I don’t know, I’m just blindly walking around at this point.” You reckon he’d be somewhere quiet and alone, likely a place of intellect. Twilight says the closest place would be the royal archives, but they’re locked up tight. But you’re sure he’s not going to be stopped by a simple lock. He’s put too many points into lockpicking.

You discover the archives, the door cracked open. You grin to Twilight in victory. “Do me a favor and tell the others while I fetch Mr. Psycho in here.”

”What do you want me to say?”

“Tell them, that we’re on our own for this one, and that we’re moving out at our earliest convenience.” You only hope that they take it well.

”I’ll get right on that.”

You step inside the archives, the air stale and cold, but a warm humming comes from deeper within. If you had any bits left you’d wager that it was Flavus.

You walk between the towers of dust and parchment, a large hourglass running in the center of the room. The humming grows louder. You brush the dust off the shelf. You can understand how he’d feel drawn to a place like this, it has a certain quality about it. ”Do silence your feet, we are within a library of sorts are we not?” You find Flavus sitting at the base of a bookshelf, book in hand.

“Would archives really count as a library?”

“Why of course. Do sit with me. I don’t bite, much.” You sit across from him, “I much prefer using the blade anyways, biting is so primal and the blood gets all over your face.” He senses your concern, “You have nothing to fear from me. Only our enemies.”

“How’s the shoulder?”

”The what? Oh yes, that scratch you gave me. It’s nothing.”

“Scratch? I blew a hole in your shoulder.”

”Scratch, hole, same thing.”

“But you’re better?”

“Most definitely. I wouldn’t have made it this far if I couldn’t handle a simple wound.”

“And just how far have you gotten if you don’t mind me asking?”

”The curious one. I only ever get asked questions in the midst of my fun, you are an oddity among them.” He closes his book and sets it to the side, “I have extensive experience in my field of work. I do not like to boast, it is a petty activity for the uncivilized.” The mindboggling irony of that statement is almost too much to handle.

“Do you remember when you asked Mous what he thought our odds were against you?”

“Yes I remember that quite fondly. A wise mind he has, his past is one of conquerors and selfish intent. His rise from darkness is most intriguing.”

“Anyways, what do you think our chances are against Discord?”

“As a whole, our chances aren’t good, but not abysmal either. If Discord’s plan had succeeded then we would’ve already lost.”

“And what plan is that?”

“Divide and conquer. He wishes for us to kill each other off and with good reason. Individually we present little threat to him, but together we’re a force to be reckoned with.”

“At least you all are. You each have skills and experience in this sort of thing. I’m just a nobody.”

“I do wonder your role in this game of his, but do not lose heart. A strong will can overcome the fiercest of obstacles.”

“Still , a little strength helps.”

He tips his head and opens his book, “Indeed. Now is there anything else I can help you with?”

“Just wanted to see if you were ready.”

“When you leave I will follow. Shame that Celestia will not be joining us.”

“When did you-“

He looks up with a smile, “One thing you will learn about me is that I’m everywhere.”

“I don’t know whether to feel safe or not?”

“One is never safe in the company of man.” Doesn’t exactly inspire confidence but you’ll roll with it. He doesn’t appear shocked at the situation nor even worried. Whether it’s a chemical imbalance or not is something you’ll leave to wiser men. The silver lining is that he himself is on your side. At least this wasn’t a completely wasted trip.

He thanks you for stopping by and you find them in the dining room. All you had to do was follow the yelling. ”…and you fucking know it. How are we supposed to-“ You walk inside and Duff looks to you, “Did you have any idea this was going to happen?”

“I only just found out.”

”And it’s bullshit right? I’m not crazy here or anything.”

“Of the highest kind.”

”Thank you Anon.”

Twilight gains the floor, “I’m not disagreeing with you, but that’s the reason.”

”Does she realize that by sparing the lives of hundreds she’s dooming those of thousands?”

”That is her reason…”

“Duff give her a break. She’s on our side.”

”Is she? From the looks of it she seems against our plan.”

Mous expresses his concern in silence. You grip your sidearm on your leg. “Duff, I think you need to calm down a little.”

He sees what you’re doing, “If you think you can draw that thing faster than me, then go ahead.”

“You’ve been emotionally compromised. You’re a soldier, remember that.”

The anger in his face begins to fade and his breathing slows, “You’re right. I apologize Twilight. I wasn’t thinking clearly.” You take your hand off the gun seeing the situation die down.

“We all need to cool down, not just him. We’ll head out tomorrow, but for today, take some time to relax.”

“Sounds good to me partner.” You all head your separate ways, Fluttershy locking her hoof around your arm.

”I’m sorry about the bad news.”

“Let’s not talk about this stuff okay? Let’s take this time to find some peace.”

”Okay Anon.” You take a seat with Fluttershy in your lap.

“So how’re things back home?”

”Quiet. Nothing much happens anymore.”

“How about Flash and Anonymous? Any change?”

”Anonymous is still…” She doesn’t need to say it, “and Flash was begging for us to take him along.”

“I’m sure he wanted some payback. The doc’s taking care of them then?”

”They’re very good.” You didn’t need the convincing, but you’ll take it just the same. Funny. The first thing out of your mouth when you have time off is the very thing you need to forget about. ”Let me show you something, you know… if you want…”

“Lead the way Fluttershy.”

She pulls lightly on your hand outside the castle and into the Canterlot gardens. ”This place is so beautiful this time of year don’t you think?” You pluck a flower from below and breathe in the heavenly scent. You tuck it behind her ear, the sky blue of the petals bringing out her eyes.

“And I know somep0ny who puts it to shame.” She blushes and turns her head away. You calmly hold her chin up to face you, your thumb softly rubbing her cheek. “Even after this long you still try to hide the most beautiful thing in Equestria from me.”

She coos at your touch and retracts her head slightly, “I’m not that pretty…”

“I never said pretty. I said beautiful.” The scarlet of her cheeks must be visible from miles away.

”So you did…”

“Tell me then,” you ask, “Why do you hide yourself from me?”

She stops to smell the roses, “Maybe… it’s because, deep down, I’m afraid.”

“Afraid? Of what?”

She follows the trail of a trio of butterflies, “That you’ll turn me away.”

“I could never do that to you,” you implore following her.

You find her sitting on her haunches, butterfly sitting atop her nose. Her smile could brighten the world, “I know.”

You fear that the tiny insects will fly away upon your approach but they don’t. Fluttershy can calm any creature, even from one such as yourself. ”Hold out your hand.” You take your open palm and place it before you. She takes the butterfly on her nose to her hoof and then guides it your hand. It hops onto your wrist and you can almost feel the tiny creature grin at you. You hold her hoof, “I think he likes you.”

“What’s not to like,” you boast in sarcasm. His two pals fly on by and he joins them off into the foliage.

“I guess that,” she jokes.

“Can’t all be winners.”

You walk with Fluttershy through the garden, stopping to smell every flower, stopping to greet every critter. Your parents would’ve liked this place, well, at least your mom would. Your dad would probably smack you and ask if you were queer. Welp, that’s dad for you.

As the sun begins to set Fluttershy grabs your hand forcefully and pulls you along. “Whoa what’s gotten into you?”

”It’s a surprise.”

“You know I don’t like surprises.”

”You’ll like this one. I promise.” Alright, you’ll go along with this. She’s always had good intentions before.

She glides over a large bush and into one of the secluded sections of the garden. ”Come on, it’s just a little further in.”

“I don’t think we’re allowed to go in there.”

”And since when have you cared about the rules?”

“Since I’m in walking distance to the dungeons.”

She rests her head atop of bush and smiles, “I promise it’ll be worth it.”

You look around for any patrolling guards. “Fine, but if they ask, you were the seductress here.” She squees as you step through the greenery and follow her. The foliage dies down rather abruptly until you find yourself in a clear patch of grass. Fluttershy pats the ground beside her and you lay down next to her.

The trees part before you and beyond lies the rolling hills below. The orange hue of the sun shines across the land, distributing its beauty to all in its light. ”I found this place at the Grand Galloping Gala a few years ago. I didn’t have the company to enjoy it at the time.”

“I’m glad I can share it with you now.” She touches her hoof to your hand. ”I love you Anon.”

You grab hold of her hoof and roll to your side with a grin. “I love you more.”

She huffs humorously, “I love you most.” You stroke her hair with your free hand.

“Touché.” You press your lips against hers and melt away.

She wraps her hooves around you and snuggles closer as you bask in the sun. You do the same and the warmth of her body soon presses against yours. She rolls atop you until she’s lying down on your chest, lips locked with yours. She pulls away reluctantly to catch her breath. You rub her wings tenderly causing her to shiver in response.\ “Is this alright?”

”Yes…” she coos, her limbs losing strength beneath her. She collapses to your chest, but you don’t let up and continue your massage. She takes a deep breathe and slowly breathes out, your work reaching its crescendo.

“Did I do good?”

She pecks you on the lips, “You did more than good.” Damn right you did. She works her way back up straddling your hips.

She rubs your chest, softly, tenderly. Her hums entrance your mind as you drift further and further away. Everything’s perfect, the time, the place, the mare. Fluttershy nibbles at your neck. You love it when she does that.

‘How sweet.’ You shoot up and push Fluttershy back. No no no no no no.

”What’s wrong?” You wait… and wait… Nothing. ”Anon?”

“I- I’m sorry. I just can’t do this right now.”

She climbs off of you, still holding tight on your arm, “Something’s on your mind isn’t there?” More like someone in it.

“Yeah, this whole thing- it just kills the mood. I’m sorry.”

She snuggles closer, “Don’t be. Let’s wait until we’re both ready.” You put your arm under her as the sun disappears over the hills.

“Thank you.”

She looks to you, “For what?”

You can almost feel him asking you the same question. “For understanding. For being there for me.” You press your head against hers. “For being you.”


You throw back the sheets making sure not to wake Fluttershy. You don’t need to concern her with your problems. The halls lay vacant save for the occasional guard. They salute you as pass, you returning with a simple nod. You find your way outside into the courtyard. He stares back down at you, his stone eyes upon you. “Why? Why don’t you just leave me alone?” You pace back and forth before his immortal visage. “What do you have to say for yourself you grizzly piece of abominable shit?” You’re met with more silence. “Don’t have anything to say for yourself? That’s what I thought!”

A chill runs up your spine. ”Well I do have one or two things to say if you don’t mind.” The blood in your veins freeze, every molecule of your being wanting to scream. ”What? Has the paper lion met the hurricane?”

He steps off his throne of stone, the statue reappearing with a snap of his fingers. ”Wonderful workmanship if I do say so. A tad bland for my tastes, but a masterful replica all the same.” From the throes of terror your conscience mind strikes through. You reach for your gun and fire at Discord. He knew it was coming. He grabbed your arm with his claws before you could even pull the trigger. ”Now that isn’t very nice of you. Let’s just drop that shall we?”

As his claws tear into your flesh you’re forced to comply, your pistol hitting the grass. ”There we go. Isn’t that better?” You spit on his hideous face. He throws you to the floor and wipes it off. ”Oh I’d forgotten how lively you could be.”

You attempt to crawl away but a force compels you to lie still. “It’s been a while hasn’t it? I can remember the good old days as if it were yesterday?”

“We didn’t have any good old days,” you say rolling to your stomach.

“Always the buzz kill aren’t you? How dull,” he turns away and you take your chance. You grab your gun and fire. *squirt*

A weak jet of water runs out the barrel, Discord withholding his laughter as best he can. When he sees your face he can’t stop himself. His laughter overtakes the sky and runs over Canterlot. “You- you should see the- the look on your face. Priceless!” He catches his breath and wipes a tear from his eye. You’re hopelessly outmatched for something like him. You’re an ant beneath Discord’s magnifying glass. He is god and you are less than filth in comparison. “Don’t start using metaphors now, once you start you’ll never stop.”

All you can do is wait. Wait and pray someone can come to help you. “A touching sentiment, but foolish wouldn’t you say? Do you think I haven’t made sure we’re tucked away out of sight and sound?”

“I think you’re getting bold. Something like you doesn’t do that unless they’re desperate.” His hard eyes speak volumes. Discord is supposed to be smooth and easy-going, but not now.

”You should be wary of how you speak ‘ant.’ It might get you burned one day.”

“You don’t scare me Discord. No matter what you do to me, my friends will do worse to you.”

”You needn’t worry, I’m not here to kill you or torture you. I came to give you a choice.”

“I refuse.”

He carries on, “You can convince your friends to go home, give up this little quest of theirs. That decision will work best for you.”

“Or what? You’re going to make my life a living hell?”

“That is the third option.”

Three options? Might as well ask. “And just what’s the second option?”

Your hand tightens around the pistol, “You force them to quit.”

“Go to hell!”

”Am I asking too much? I think not.” His head moves inches away from yours, his eyes locked on you. ”You are a blight. A disease upon Equestria. Wherever you go, chaos follows. I’m an advocate for chaos, but yours breeds death and dismay.” You try to look away but your body’s frozen stiff. ”Equestria has been at peace for generations, save for the occasional situation like me. You come into our world, my world, and bring about such evil.”

It’s all bullshit Anon. Remember that. ”Bullshit? I’ve seen the minds of your peers save for the cripple. They’re riff with what I speak. Tell me, how is your version of Equestria running?” He interrupts you, “We’re at war. Your friends fight one another leaving them bloody. How many have you killed since you came here?”

You see the faces of the ones you’ve slain. It was necessary though, you had to. ”If you and your kind hadn’t arrived I’d still be encased in stone, and a lot of innocent lives would’ve been spared.”

“You don’t care. This is all some ploy to turn me against my friends.”

“No Anon. I’m manipulative and devious, but I am not a cold hearted monster as they say. After I’m dead by your hand then what? You go back to peace? No, you spoil in such times. You will always find another victim.” You’re better than him Anon. Remember that. “My victims change for the worse, yes, but they still live. I bring in a third option opposed to their death.”

He sighs, “Unfortunately, you are not as lucky as they. You can go leave, but that’s merely a band-aid for the virus that you are. I can finish you off, but I would be as much of a monster as you.”

“Or I can end it myself, ensuring that we can’t harm Equestria anymore…”

”I wish I had better news, but alas…” You keep silent and bide your time. Just a little longer… “Longer? What are you waiting for?” Keep him out. A few more minutes. He grabs you by the jaw, “Stall all you wish, you must make a choice. So choose!”

His eyes widen as a zip catches his ear, a tiny wooden dart sticking out of his neck. He pulls the dart out and falls backwards in a stupor. “Clever. I’ll make note of him in the future.” As he begins to collapse he snaps his fingers and disappears in a burst of light.

Your savior leaps from the balcony and into the bushes. He dusts himself off and walks over to you, offering you a hand. You gladly take it and get to your feet, stowing your pistol by your side. “Interesting conversation I must say. Still, can’t disagree with all of it.”

“He’s wrong about us. We have the capacity for good and that’s more than he’ll ever have. You look to his statue and sigh. Your demise and salvation was inches away from you. “Thanks by the way. If you hadn’t been there-“

He holds up his hand to interrupt, “Don’t worry about it.” He smiles, “Like I said, I’m everywhere.”

“Makes me feel better.”


Back in the Changeling Hive…

Discord appears out of nowhere much to your surprise. “How’d it go?”

He conjures a glass of milk and downs it, his strength restoring. ”Could’ve gone better.”

“I see… I shall prepare for their arrival.”

“They won’t be easy to handle. Keep your eyes on the one called Flavus.”

“I’ll do my best to finish them off for you, for Chrysalis.” He leans against the wall, his body tense with frustration. He and Chrysalis have given you so much, you’ll die before letting anything happen to them. It pains you to see him like this. “Want to play hop-scotch?”

He grins, “Without a doubt, Light.”