• Published 5th Dec 2013
  • 1,591 Views, 26 Comments

The Anons of Equestria - Bastinator

Eight men are taken from their homes, each from a reality differing from the others. Seven veterans of Equestria, but one man is new to this land. He only has one wish: To go home.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Bustercluck

You follow Duff through the door and into his chambers. This is the first time you’ve ever actually been in Vinyl’s and his house before. You like the more modern feel, but you’re not here to discuss architectural beauty. Mous follows close behind you both and Duff turns to you. ”I am bestowing on you a great responsibility. Do you both understand that?”

“More than you know Duff.”

Mous acknowledges him as well, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

“Uncle Ben. Spiderman.”

”Mous. Ponyville.” He replies in good spirits. They both like to do that it would seem.

Duff just rolls his eyes and kneels down to a chest, fishing a key out of his pocket and undoing the padlock that binds it. The lock clicks open and he opens the compartment. He pulls out a shotgun and checks the magazine, grabbing a couple extra ones just in case. ”Can anyone tell me what this is?”

“It’s a shotgun.”

”No shit Sherlock,” Mous sneers humorously.

Duff answers his own question, “This is the ZX-76 shotgun, standard issue in the Corps. It’s a double-barrel pump-action contraption of death.” He strips the mag and hands it to Mous, “You look like you can handle this puppy.” Mous rests his cane and aims down the sights. ”It’s got a 12 round magazine with enough firepower to blast away any fool daring enough to get close.”

“Got any experience with that sort of gun?”

Mous nods, “My family owned some land off in the middle of nowhere and they taught me how to play skeet.”

”Good to hear you’ll put that to good use.”

You eye the flamethrower longingly. Pyromania here you come. Duff sees you eyeing his prize, “Don’t get your hopes up. This puppy is staying with me.”

“But there’s nothing else in there.” He unclips his sidearm and presents it to you. “He gets a bloody shotgun and I get some pistol?”

”Well if you don’t want it…” he pulls it away slowly.

“Hey hey! Fine, point taken.” You accept the pistol and check the magazine.

”You’ve got 18 shots before you need to reload along with two firing modes, single shot and burst fire.” Now this is definitely familiar to you. Feels like your back at the range.

”Think you can handle it?” Mous asks snidely.

“Probably better than you could.”

”Oh really? Is that a challenge?”

Duff stomps his foot to get your attention, “This isn’t a game!” His voice carries and you hear hooves shuffling nearby.

Vinyl peeks her head in, “Is everything alright down here?”

”Nothing, just… we’ll take about it later okay?”

She sighs, “Just keep it down, I’m really tired.”

”Alright…” he waits until she leaves, “Now you’ve done it.”

“Domestic troubles?”

“Domestic troubles?” Mous repeats, a knowing grin stuck on his face.

”Vinyl works a lot so she tries to get as much sleep as she can. That’s why I don’t bring you guys over more often.”

“Whipped much?”

“Give Duff a break, you’d treat Fluttershy the same way.” He’s got your number there. There’s almost nothing you wouldn’t do for her.

”Back to the point,” Duff speaks up, “These aren’t toys. I’m giving these to you because I trust you.”

“And you just trust me a little less is that it?”

He searches for the words, even looking to Mous for help before answering, “You’d be right.” You were hoping for a different answer. You holster your pistol.

“Understandable. I hope I can put this whole Discord thing behind me in time.”

”So do we.”


Mous has some plans to finish up with Twilight and Mayor Mare. When you all leave their going to have to prepare for the worst. Duff is attending a rally at the Market District in hopes of calming the townsfolk of the rumors. What happened to Anonymous was big news, and with Mickey still at large there’s no way he, or anyone else, is still safe.

Who knows what’s going through his mind right now after what Discord said. If he believes that Anonymous has turned, he might believe the whole town has as well. He’ll be in hiding, or worse, waiting for the chance to finish the job. You move on to the hospital where Anonymous is being cared for. Last time you checked he was unresponsive. You push open the doors and approach the front desk.

Nurse Redheart, one of the ponies who helped take Anonymous, is currently behind the desk. She looks up at you knowing exactly why you’re here. “How’s he doing?”

She gets out of her chair, “Not good.” She takes you down the hall, “We don’t have many cases like his, and even then, they were all with our own kind.”

“Can’t you treat him?”

”It’s not that simple.” She leads you inside the elevator and to the next floor. ”Anonymous isn’t a pony. We have no idea how your kind works, even with the information Twilight has managed to retrieve.”

“His condition isn’t foreign, there has to be something you can do.”

The elevator dings and the doors spread open. ”We’re trying everything we can, it’s just not enough.”

“Well have you tried shock therapy or something like that?”

”We can’t take that type of risk. There’s no telling how much damage we might bring upon him.”

“How about magic? Magic is overpowered bullshit, but that might help.”

”That’s the first thing we tried Mr. Anon. We couldn’t make any connection with his brain, it’s just… dead.”

“Don’t say that. He’s not dead, just unresponsive.”

”In my field of work Anon, in his situation, he’s braindead.”

“Why don’t you just fix the physical parts of him?”

”Because we don’t know his physiology!” she snaps. ”I- I’m sorry. I can’t stand bringing bad news to anypony.” She brings you to a door, “There’s already a visitor inside so be wary. She’s depressed.”

“Thank you Miss Redheart.” She turns tail and walks off back down the hall.

You push the door open with care, his heart rate monitor beeping rhythmically. Anonymous lays flat on the bed, eyes closed. They tried their best to wash off the blood, but there’s no hiding the bruises. X-rays have been planted on a nearby wall, showing major damage to his ribs and a crack in his skull. ”He’s so peaceful now. Just lying there… I spent so much time moving that I didn’t slow down to notice.” Dash sticks close to him holding his hand. ”He put up with everything I did… the jokes, the jabs, me… You can hear the sadness in her voice.

“And he’d go through it all over again just to be with you.”

”I left him back there. When he told me to run, I didn’t look back.”

“It’s not your fault.”

”I know. It’s your fault.” You bow your head in shame, unwilling to debate her. You knew that you allowed it to happen. You let him warp your mind. ”But I forgive you.”


”Your body is to blame, not your mind. I see that now. Discord’s trickery knows no bounds.”

“I let him in in the first place. If I had fought harder-“

“He would’ve done much much worse.”

You sit opposite of her bed and look down on Anonymous. “I can’t believe I let this happen… “He was my friend. One of the closest ones I had here, and I just… let it happen.” You shield your eyes from her in an attempt to hide your pain. “After all we went through I just threw it away.”

”He knows you didn’t mean it.”

“And what if I did? What if deep down, a part of me wanted this to happen? That part doesn’t care.”

”We all hold that type of feeling. That anger that burns inside us. We just have to stay strong.”

“I couldn’t even do that. I listened when I should’ve drove it down.” Your eyes water as you grab onto Anonymous’ hand. “I’m sorry,” you sob. “I’m so sorry…” His sheets dampen as you rest your head, holding him tight. You cry for the first time in years. You cry for your friend…

A seething hate bubbles to the surface. “And I swear, upon all that I am and will ever be, I will take vengeance on that son a bitch.” You’re not even sure if he can hear you, but you’re damn well going to make sure you say it. “Discord will pay for all the destruction he’s caused you, us.” Without him, you’d be coasting free of the chains that bind you. “I’ll do my damndest to keep our friends safe. No harm shall fall upon them, you have my word on that.”

You bow your head in silence. You have nothing more to say. There’s nothing else you can say. Everything you had, you laid out on the line. ”That was something.”

“Yep, that’s the truth.”

”I’m sure Anonymous would’ve been proud to hear you say that.”

“He’d be prouder to see me put an end to that bastard’s life.”

”I think he’d like to be the one who does it.”

“Don’t we all?”

”I know that-“

“That was a rhetorical question.”

”You could’ve just said that.”

“I just did.” It pains you to laugh, but in the darkest times one should always carry a light. Laughter’s your way of making it through this.

Shouting draws your attention to the hallway. You can hear them as they pass through. ”He’s lost a lot of blood. We need to get him stabilized and stop the bleeding NOW!”

“What the hell’s going on out there?” Dash follows as you open the door as a cart is rolled down the hall, the doctors bickering at one another. “I’m going to check it out.”

”I think I’ll go with you.” You follow the direction they went, dollops of blood from the cart guiding you. ”What do you think happened?”

“I don’t know. Maybe someone traveled into the forest and got attacked?”

“Nah, they wouldn’t be coming back if that was the case.” You find the operating room and look in through the built-in window screen.

”What do you see?”

“No, that can’t be him.” He’s supposed to be far away from here.

”Who is it?” You push open the door and the doctors practically scream for you to leave. You shove any that try to stop you and rush over to him.

“By god, what happened to you? I need a knife.” The other doctors are dumbstruck by your show of force. “Knife! NOW!”

”B… oot…” You look down at him, blood coating his chest and face. You reach into his boot and retrieve a knife, cutting off and peeling his layered armor, revealing his torso. You grab a clean rag and press down on his wounds while the others watch. “If you’re not going to help then get out!” That seems to put them in gear.

They help by applying pressure on his chest. “Check his throat! Make sure it’s clear.” They sound that it’s clear, which puts you in a better position. “Keep applying pressure and don’t you dare let go.” They link him up to the hospital equipment and do as instructed. “Where’s the doc? We need some magic up in here?”

”He’s on his way.”

“You better hope so,” you reply keeping up the pressure. Rainbow peers in from the outside as he continues to work. “Dash, go get the others and hurry!” She’s gone in a second and you look down into his eyes. “You stay awake! I’m not losing you too Flash.”


The monitor beeps slowly, a sign of good fortune. Doctor Stable came just in time. Flash was one spell away from the embrace of death. The doctor commended you for your initiative and asked for you to wait outside.

You spilled your guts out in the bathroom after that. He was so close to the edge… You might’ve lost him. To think that they do this for a living is mind boggling. You had his life in your hands, it was too much. You shiver and hold your arms tight. The sound of footsteps hit your ears as the others arrive and make a dart for his room.

”Good god. What happened to him?” Mous mumbles.

”Anon, you have an explanation?” Duff sounds off.

“He looked into my soul, my fucking soul…”

The sweetest voice whispers in your ear that it’s going to be okay as she sits next to you. ”Everything’s fine,” she assures you.

Duff kneels in front of you, “Just tell us what you know.”

“Dash and I were with Anonymous when I heard shouting. I went to see what was up and felt drawn to it. When I looked through the window I saw Flash looking back at me.” You try to toss aside the images of his torn flesh but they are burned into your mind.

”What did he look like? Can you tell what happened?”

“They…” Fluttershy holds your hand, “It looked like knife wounds, dozens of them. Some shallow others deep. It was as if they were torturing him.” And that was Flash, the warrior prince. They managed to do this to him, imagine what they would do to you…

”Is that all you know?”

You nod. There’s nothing else you can think of. “I tried my best.”

”And you did good Anon. Don’t sell yourself short.”

The doctor opens the door while reading his clipboard. Mous casually walks over to him, “Excuse me doctor, but what can you tell me about happened to Flash?”

“He suffered from multiple stab wounds to his torso and belly. Closer inspection showed the knife didn’t simply pierce, but also twisted and carved inside him. Someone had a grudge.”

Duff cues in, “What else can you tell?”

”By the age of the wounds I’d say they were about a day old, it’s a miracle he lasted as long as he did. With that in mind, I’d say he was off in Canterlot when he was attacked.”

“Canterlot? Then why’s he here?”

”I’m no detective, but when our boys were called to the train station by that friend of yours I assumed-“

“Friend? Who?”

”That other guy like you. Last time I checked he was down in the lobby.”

You look to Duff who seems to be thinking the same thing as you. “Doc, Flash doesn’t receive any visitors besides us here understand?”

”Is something wrong?” he asks, unknowing of Mickey’s corruption.

Mous whips the shotgun off his back and slams a mag home, “Nothing at all.”

“Fluttershy, get Twilight for me.” She goes off as you take hold of your sidearm. The three of you head down the hall back to Anonymous’ room. Mickey’s target isn’t going to be Flash.

The door hangs open ever so slightly and Duff raises his hand to silence you all. He points to you and then the door to which you acknowledge with a nod. You take position just outside the door and take a deep breath. ”Go.”

You kick open the door and charge in gun at the ready. “Hold it right there Mickey!”

He stands up slowly with his hands in the air. Duff steps in next to you, “Back away from your brother before things get nasty.”

”Things are quite nasty already.” He spins and thrusts his hands to the side in a second. A gust sweeps you and Duff off your feet and into the wall. As you try to stand back up Mickey pins you down with sorcery. “You minions of Anonymous will not stop me. I will not allow him to destroy my home again.”

“And kill your brother in the process?” Mous says stepping inside, “I don’t think so.”

“Mous take him now.”

He doesn’t. ”You’re a strong one Mickey, I can tell. Discord did this to you, you know.”

“And I accept it. He helped me before and he’ll help me again.”

“This isn’t your past! He’s not the same.”

“Anon is right, whoever you used to know, they’re not the same. They don’t share your experiences.”

“You’re wrong. Anonymous is the same, and even if it means his death, I will not allow him to hurt my home again.”

Mous lowers his shotgun, using it as a makeshift cane and walking over to him. ”I can’t let you do that.”

Mickey furrows his brow in anger, “Then you leave me no choice.” He swipes his hand across, infused with magical energy, but Mous just keeps walking, ever so slowly. ”W-what? Why aren’t you-“

”Performance troubles? Pretty young for something like that.” Mickey attempts to throw him again, only managing to entertain Mous. ”You’re angry, I get that. I’ve poked at you too hard. Boo hoo.” Mickey couldn’t take it anymore. He came barreling forward fist first. Mous just grins and at the last moment chucks the barrel of his shotgun up between Mickey’s legs.

He groans, the damage to his man parts must be catastrophic, and slumps to the floor. ”God- *cough* damn you.”

”You fight with chaos in your heart and that is why you will fail, and when it comes to your inability to toss me like a ragdoll?” He shrugs and brings the butt of hit shotgun down on his head. ”I’m immune to magic bitch.” You and Duff scramble to your feet, “About time you two stop lying down on the job.”

“That was awesome.”

Mous gives another shrug, “Meh, four out of ten.”

Duff shakes Mous’s hand, “Nice job handling him.”

”It’s just what I do.”

“I hope you can do the same to Discord. If we couldn’t handle Mickey-“

Duff rests his hand on your shoulder, “Don’t lose heart. We can and will defeat him.” His resolve bolsters your confidence. With the two of them on your side, there’s no force in Equestria that can you down.

You lift Mickey up, making sure not to damage his already bloody head. “What’re we going to do with this guy?”

Duff takes hold of him, “I’m going to keep him under guard until he wakes up.”

“I think it’d be best for you stay here then Mous, keep him company.”

“Roger that.”

You and Duff help Mickey out of the room. As you leave Twilight approaches you. ”I came as fast as I could. Is that-“

“It is indeed. Mickey tried to finish off his brother, but thankfully we got to him in time.”

”That’s good to hear. Why’d you call me then?”

“Mickey won’t listen to reason, so we need a magical edge to stir him from whatever stupor he’s in.”

Duff continues for you, “I’d heard you used a memory spell to help fight Discord’s influence before. Can you do it again?” She says she can, but she doesn’t know how much it’ll work on a human. You have faith in her, if anyone can do it, she can. Twilight takes hold of Mickey for you and they go off into another room.

You walk back into Flash’s room, Doctor Stable unlocking the door for you. ”Everything under control?”

“As much as we can make it. How’s he doing?”

”Well he’s stable, which is an improvement. I was able to close up most of the wounds, but he’s lost a lot of blood.” Flash is pale, but at least he’s not colored in his own blood. ”It’ll take a few weeks to recover and even then he needs to be held. We don’t know how much interior damage he’s taken.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

“Besides pray for a swift recovery? I suppose we could perform a blood transfusion, but there’s no telling whether his body will accept it or not.”

“Turns out I have a use after all,” you chuckle, “Guess who has two thumbs and is O-? This guy.”

”Thank Celestia. Please take a seat and we can begin as soon as possible.”


You wake up beside Flash with a sense of fatigue. Your blood is slowly siphoned from the tube in your arm, the crimson fluid flowing up into the bag. ”Finally awake?”

“Sorry if draining my life is a bit tiring.”

”Watching your life slip away certainly isn’t fun.” Flash’s eyes are barely open and he can’t muster up much strength in his arms. ”Thanks for the boost, you’re a life savor.”

“Just doing what’s best for a pal.” He groans as he manages to sit up. He checks his stomach and arms for lacerations, finding himself clean. “The doc fixed you up pretty good.”

”I’ll have to thank him.”

Nurse Redheart comes in as you’re getting out of bed, “Nice to see you two awake. We were worried.” She helps extract the tube from your arm with a tinge of pain causing you to wince, you never did like needles or tubes. It all felt too mechanical and unnatural. Another nurse comes in carrying two platters of food.

“You’re not actually going to serve us that hospital crap are you?”

Redheart gives you a sly grin, “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” You smell a hint of garlic along with what you think might be butter. ”Us ponies tend not to eat such things, but Fluttershy did say that you have a certain... appetite.”

You peek under one of them and your stomach growls, “What is it Anon?” Flash asks. You take both the platters and thank them as they leave, “Seriously what’d they bring?”

“Meat’s back on the menu boy!”


You finish off the last of your manticore steak, a dangerous though fulfilling prize. Even though most ponies dislike the act of watching someone eating meat, they don’t mind if you keep it behind closed doors. You’re unsure how they managed to acquire such a prize, but you’re not looking a gift pony in the mouth.

Of course you help Flash eat his; you’re not some kind of monster who’d have him watch you enjoy such pleasantries. He belches and soon apologizes which makes you want to laugh, still prim and proper. Mous crutches inside with his shotgun, “It’s good to see you up Flash.”

”You as well. Mous right? My apologies, it’s been a while since I’ve seen any of you.”

”None taken,” Mous replies sitting on the edge of the bed, “But let’s do away with the pleasantries.”

Flash nods weakly, “I assume you’ve come to question why I’m here, and under such conditions.”

“You wouldn’t be wrong.”

“After I lost hope in discovery of my homeland, I was confronted by someone. A changeling.” He sighs and rubs his chest, “He attacked me, but wasn’t prepared for a real fight. He knew about us, and made sure to know my name before striking.”

“He was looking for you in particular.”

”Yes. I assumed it was all in the past, but I was wrong. I don’t know why, but they began targeting me. I needed to know why they attacked so I began digging.” He looks to the ground, “I found evidence linking the changeling attacks to a source in Canterlot, high ranking by the looks of it.”

”And why didn’t you come back to us? We could’ve helped,” Mous replies.

“I didn’t want to risk getting you all in harms way. I headed off to Canterlot, and it took a bit longer than I’d like. Hiding from changelings isn’t an easy task.” That’s when he grows pale, “When I finally arrived in Canterlot, something was wrong. I felt in my gut, and there my feelings were proven.”

“You were attacked.”

“It wasn’t long after I’d arrived either. I had barely begun my way through the city when he found me.”

”Who found you,” Mous asks.

Flash sighs and closes his eyes, “Flavus.”

“Flavus? You mean that other guy? That’s impossible, he was scared stiff when he found us.”

Mous asks him to continue. “He was… evil. I don’t know how to describe it, I didn’t even see him coming he was so fast. He struck me in the gut before I could react.”

The door creaks open and Duff walks in, “Sounds like he had something to hide.”

“I tried to fight him, but I wasn’t a match. He was faster, smarter… He knew my actions before I even took them. He’s a monster.”

“But you got on the train and got back here.”

“I managed to kick him off of me before he could finish me off and scrambled back on the train.” He shivers, “I would’ve been dead if Mickey hadn’t found me.”

Mous holds onto Flash’s leg and looks into his eyes, “Who was the official in Canterlot?”

”I- I can’t. I still won’t believe it.”

“If they’re in Canterlot then Celestia’s in trouble. We can’t let anything happen to her.”

Mous softens his tone, “We need that name. Please.”

He gulps, “Luna… The informant is Princess Luna. I don’t have the proof anymore…”

“It’s alright, we have your testimony. Mous?”

His expression is unchanging, “Duff, find Twilight and send a letter to the Princess. We’re heading to Canterlot.”

Mickey walks in with Twilight at his rear, “Count me in.”

”And don’t even think the others are going to sit by and watch you run the show,” Twilight grins.

You stand up and crack your back, the loss of blood not dampening your spirit. “Then what’re we waiting for? Let’s go.”


Back in Canterlot…

You kneel before Luna, “And just how did he escape?”

“He didn’t.”

She looks at you with interest, “Is that so?”

“I allowed him to leave.”

Her eyes glow bright blue, “Are you stupid or just incompetent?”

You stand up and shrug. “I don’t think we’re that similar.”

Your comment sends her into a rage, “How dare you speak to me like that! Kneel!”

“I don’t think so.” She prepares to strike you, but you’re already holding your knife to her throat. “You see, I figured you were taking advantage of my… skills, a while back. I kept silent to entertain you, but now I think you’ve outlived your usefulness to me.” You throw her to the floor, her royal guards advancing in on you.

You twirl on your tippy-toes, your knife dripping as they fall to your feet. ”You can’t- I’m your Luna.”

“I’m not going to kill you, rest assured. I have one last use for you.” She cowers as you close the gap between you. You taste your knife. Coppery.

”Just… what do you want?”

“I wanted a challenge, and you’re obviously not up to that. So tell me, who’re you working for?”

She goes wide-eyed, “I can’t tell you that. He’ll kill me.”

You slide your knife along her neck. “There are fates worse than death you know, you’ve seen my work.”

She shivers at the memory, “Discord. Please don’t kill me…” Now that is more than a challenge. You’re certainly unequipped to handle him. You’re best weapon is deception, and he must already know of your alignment.

You know better than to strike right for the top stage, it takes buildup. Luckily, the next step should be on their train here now. “Gather your guards and allies, Luna. Let’s put on a show.”