• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 1,186 Views, 15 Comments

Maybe Love Bites - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the Should Be... series, part 60. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 12

Chapter 12 – Sometimes maybe is all it takes...

The absent moon over Canterlot means that a new day is about to break for the world of Equestria. However, the day has already begun to start as Aerolight's right hoof shifts a little to the absent space in front of where he lays.

For a moment his sleep craving mind does nothing, but as his hoof again brushes over the cool spot beside him his eyes begin to open.

The young pony stares now into the open space as his mind starts to bring back images of the mare he went to bed with.

His mind now brings him up a little as he turns his eyes towards the bathroom. As his eyes look over the open door of the dark room his faint smile is dropped as he widens his eyes just wanting to know where the mare has gone.

Aerolight now fully sits up in the bed as he scans the room for a moment in confusion. His back hooves start to move from the bed as he squints to the dark emptiness around him, "Milky?"

As his hooves come to the ground the sound of something being crushed under his hooves.

The stallion quickly turns his head to the ground as he moves his right hoof from the now wilted and crushed red rose.

Aerolight's eyes widen as he quickly comes to stand now a little frantic, "Mil..."

His voice is halted as he looks over the bag less dresser, as he looks it over he takes a step forward as he just blinks to the little piece of paper on it.

The low chime of his magic comes to the room as the piece of paper comes up to his eyes, the words on the paper look a little shaky but he reads them with no problem,
I had to go and I'm sorry I could not wait to say good bye. I am sure a pony like you will understand, and I hope you did not actually think there could be something between us. A guard and somepony of my stature could never really be anything.

Aerolight's breath gets a little heavy as he looks over the letter, but his eyes squint to the shaky looking words as he reads the last few on the bottom.

The young stallion's light yellow hold drops as he refuses to believe the letter, not out of rage but out of sadness. His eyes quickly come to the door as he starts his still sleepy legs up in a quick movement.

- - -
(A little later)

The dark world has almost no power over the brightly street lamp lit streets of Canterlot the light yellow mare trots down towards the brighter lights of the empty train station.

Her pace has been slow through the city but as she nears her destination she picks it up a little more as she now moves to the little bulletin board next to the station's opening.

The sign on the board reads, Train Times, but the mare's eyes hold to the numbers on the side as she looks them over, early morning train: 4:35.

Her gaze shifts to the ticking clock being lit by the nearby candle lamp as she looks it over, 4:30.

Milky blinks to the numbers as she brings her trot up again, this time to carry her into the covered train station. The pace quickly changes as her eyes shift to the bench as she moves to take a seat and wait.

The cooler wind now comes to the mare's coat as she continues to wait, around the train station there are no other ponies.

With nothing to distract her mind the yellow mare begins to twiddle her front hooves on the bag that rest in her lap. It's at this point the cold and latex like feel of her hooves takes her attention as she turns her eyes to the sleek black hooves she has been walking on.

For a brief moment her own hooves are foreign to her, but that fact is quick to change as her magic sparks up a little and begins to cover her four hooves. Within the blink of an eye her hooves have taken on the normal color as her coat, to the matching hooves she brings her front right hoof to the fur under her eyes as she wipes to the patches of dark fur that poke out.

Like her hooves the normal color of her brilliant yellow comes up and locks to the changelings magic.

As the spell subsides a little chill runs from the mare as she moves her right hoof from her face to stare at it.

However, her stare is quickly averted as a bright light on her left begins to shine on her fur and into the train station.

Milky slowly lowers her hoof as she shifts her head to watch the train's approach, unlike in the day there was no whistle and from the bright lit windows of the cars there doesn't even seem to be anypony riding the train.

The train coast into the station with a loudish squall of the breaks as the front most door of it comes opens to a tired gazing older chocolate colored stallion.

As the train lets off a little steam the train conductor runs through his normal routine as he nods to the only pony in the station, "Early departure huh?"

Milky stands as she moves her hoof to her bag, the southern drawl comes up as she trots forward, "Why yes it is."

The stallion turns his eyes to the ticket the mare brings out as he gives a friendly little comment, "A young pony like you shouldn't be waiting outside like this."

His words bring a faint smile to Milky as she nods, "Of course."

"Lets see here..." The stallion looks over the ticket in the dark world's lights as he squints his older eyes to it, "Alright everything seems to be in order, we will be departing in a little bit so come aboard if you-..."


The panting voice turns the train conductor's head as he squint to the young dark cream colored stallion that stands in the station.

Aerolight's mane is wild and flared up from his gallop and his mouth is open wide as he forces his breathing to try and calm well enough to speak up.

Milky however has not turned around and instead has dropped her eyes to the ground as the sound of the stallion's breathing rings up from behind her.

The older pony at the threshold of the train takes a step back into the train as he holds a watchful eye from behind the glass window, but at the same time giving the allusion of the two ponies being alone.

"...Y-you're just leaving?" Aerolight shakes his head as he looks over the mare that has yet to face him, "I-...*pant* I know I'm just a guard a-and I know we've just meet...." The young stallion's voice rings up with building emotion and fatigue as he tries to push through his true words, "B-but I think I lov-..."

"No..." A faint whimper comes out from the mare as her legs tremble a little to her turn, "Please..." Her slightly watery eyes come back to the stallion as she shakes her head, "Please, d-don't say it."

Aerolight bites his tongue as he stares to the watery eyes that glisten in the world's dark lighting as she continues to speak up, "...You have no idea how wrong what we did was."

The words flick the stallion's ear as he takes a step closer not wanting to believe everything he felt from her could be thrown away just because of his title as a guard, "Milky I-..."

Aerolight's hoof forward quickly brings the mare's voice up as she just stares to him, "It's not that..."

The mare's lip quivers as she blinks her eyes hard, no longer caring for the secret she hides. A tear runs from her left eye as it melts through the changeling magic on her cheek, revealing a sleek black color that can be seen to anypony in front of her.

Aerolight's mouth closes as he looks over the shaky mare in front of him. But, another hoof from the stallion comes forward as it's sound claks a little to the silent station.

Milky's eyes slowly open to the sound as she looks over the stallion unaltered gaze. It is not that the young stallion's mind is ignoring what he can see, but instead his mind has just pushed it too far back to care at the moment.

The mare takes a step back as she quickly brushes a hoof to the wet part of her coat to cover her true color. As she does this she brings up one last comment, "D-don't come any closer Aerolight."

Her tone stops the stallion as he just stares to the mare in front of him.

Milky cracks a slight smile as she tries to talk through her still visible emotion, "I-I didn't mean for this to happen...But you're a hero, and I have to leave."

Aerolight quickly shakes his head as he chimes out a response, "We're all a little different."

The words comment holds the smile as Milky nods, "...Go see your sister Aerolight. And live your life by doing what you think is right."

As the words come to an end the mare quickly turns to the train's staircase as she trots up them and past the older stallion at the window who just stands not really knowing what to do.

Aerolight's heart sinks as he watches the mare disappear somewhere in the train's windows. His heart screams in his chest to get on the train, but the back of his mind holds his legs still as he just stares into the windows.

It feels like a lifetime before the young stallion finds himself turning back around as he starts up a slow trot back into the still sleeping city.

End of chapter 12