• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 1,187 Views, 15 Comments

Maybe Love Bites - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the Should Be... series, part 60. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6 – Call it an adventure

The lower day's sun has started to drop below the taller building of the city as the two young stallion continue to their after work watering hole.

The bright rose of Aerolight's silver helmet has started to droop a little but it has lost none of it's luster and the sweet unique smell of it still works off any sweat the pony emulated when not sitting.

Gust however, smells as if he's been running all day; the quick run through a low cloud to help rid himself of the sweat has done little. Luckily though this stallion is more worried about the gold armor he has on rather than chatting with anypony.

A deep breath runs to the light gray pegasus's nostrils as he speaks up, "I like the night time smells, but I am so glad I don't have to work the night shift."

Aerolight just gives a little nod as he continues to hold his eyes to the road in front of him.

"What about you Arrow, you like working the night shifts?"

The comment brings a faint laugh from Aerolight as he shakes his head, "No, I don't like the night shift." He turns his eyes to the stallion for a moment as he continues, "And as of right now tomorrow I have the day off, unless StoneGem changed my schedule."

"Oh no he didn't." The pegasus quickly brings his cheerful voice up as he shakes his head, "I looked for you."

"I bet you did." Aerolight's trot takes on a new speed as he rounds the last street corner before his destination.

However as they move their eyes to the bright but fancy neon light blue sign that reads, Club Luna. He loses his smile a little.

Gust comes up beside him as he looks over the larger line that has formed behind a red velvet rope that stands a few hooves from the side of the dark white stoned building, "Oh man, looks like we're going to wait today."

Aerolight squints his eyes as he taps his right hoof to the ground for a moment, "Hmmm...Actually, no we're not." His faint yellow magic comes up to strengthen his helmet as he cocks a smile to the stallion beside him, "Just follow me."

The dark cream stallion's trot comes up again as he sets his sights past the rope line. A few ponies turn their heads to the two guards that now trot further down the street towards the door.

Aerolight doesn't turn an eye to them as he sets his sight to the buff and tall pink colored earth pony stallion that glares to the approaching two ponies.

It only takes a moment for Aerolight's flashy smile to come up as he nods, "Hello, we had a pony come in and complain about some rowdy ponies inside."

The larger stallion holds his annoyed glare for a moment as he sighs, but a quick smile comes up as he moves to unlock the velvet rope gate, "I think I heared something about that Arrow."

Aerolight holds his smile as he takes a step forward but just as he does a whiny voice comes up from his left, "Hey why does he get to go in?!"

The pink stallion turns his attention to the shrimpy pegasus behind the rope line as he speaks up, "Did you not hear? There's been a complaint about some rowdy ponies inside." His deep voice continues to ring out as Aerolight stops to enjoy the little game he's use to starting. "...And our colts in armor are going to make sure there's no problem, unless you want to stop a fight or throw a few hooves."


The pegasus behind the rope line just blinks to the words as he shakes his head, "N-no."

Aerolight nods his head as he brings a hoof to the door, "Ya'll stay safe now." As the voice comes up the two guard ponies trot inside of the room.

As the two ponies trot into the room the sound of low and smooth jazz fill their ears. Aerolight gives a little chuckle to the area as he looks around to the more contemporary feel of the night club. There are a few bright white and dark red booths scattered neatly around the house and towards the abstract dark rainbow bar area there sits a few small tables with little candles on them.

There's already a few ponies around the room, most of them young like Aerolight meaning they really do not care about the way the room looks as long as their friends are here.

"There he is, hey Arrow."

The voice turns Aerolight's ear as he watches a bright red coated, white and light blue maned unicorn troting over to the end of the stage, "How you doing dude?" His eyes are half shut and he's got a goofy smile on his face...Nothing uncommon to Aerolight as he speaks up, "Hey Lab, what's with the club tonight?"

His words widen the red stallion's eyes as he sits his flank to the end of the stage allowing his back legs to dangle towards the dark dance floor ground, "Oh ya..." He turns his head back to the stallion as he speaks up, "The boss dude is tell us dudes to make this place more fancy dude like for the middle of the week. So boss dude has us like make everything look nice, you know?" His smile comes to Aerolight as he waits for a response.

The dark cream stallion nods to the comment as he looks around the new lay out of the club, "So all this for one day a week?"

Lab wiggles his hoof to the stallion as he speaks up with a loud one ha laugh, "Ya dude. It's kinda a bummer though, I can't do anything with the music and the performing ponies are not really that cool. I mean I like zebras and everything I just don't see how I can drop the bass with jazz you know?"

Aerolight cocks a slight smile to the stallion's words as he nods.

"Oh dude, I forgot to tell you. Two-Barnz is going to be in tomorrow." Lab continues to bob his head a little as he waits for a response.

But Aerolight just gives a little smile as he starts to trot away, "Thanks Lab."

As his trot comes up the quite pegasus quickly follows after him as he speaks up to his friend, "Whose Two-Barnz?"

A little laugh comes from Aerolight as he shakes his head, "I have no idea, Lab has probably been doing moon dust or something."

"Moon dust?! You never said he did moon dust before?" Gust quickly turns his head back to the unicorn still sitting on the end of the stage now just examining his hoof.

Before he can turn his trot Aerolight's voice comes up, "It's fine Gust, it's not like the stuff on the streets." His trot across the club has come to an end as he moves to sit at one of the new bar stools.

Gust joins him as Aerolight's voice comes up to the light tan unicorn stallion with bright yellow highlights throughout his earth sand mane that stands behind the bar counter, "We'll take two Sparkle Lombs, one stirred not shaken and one..." He turns his head to the pegasus beside him for a moment as he continues, "Uh, one regular no swirl."

The stallion who was preoccupied with the glass he was cleaning with the floating white towel now turns his head to the two stallion as he smiles, "Oh sorry we don't serve colt cuddlers in here."

Aerolight cocks a slight smile to the natural mare like lisp in the stallion's voice as he takes the helmet from his head, "You know Taffy if you keep doing that voice it's going to get stuck like that."

A little laugh comes up to the stallion as he quickly floats down two glasses, but as he starts to mix the drinks the pegasus beside Aerolight speaks up, "Wait, when did you stop serving colt cuddlers? You can't refuse a pony in Canterlot?"

The tan stallion rolls his eyes to the comment as he floats over a bubbly yellow drink in front of the pegasus. His smile holds to the fact his little joke actually caught the guard pony off guard, "Oh we've always made an exception for you Gust."

Gust blinks to the comment as Aerolight and the other pony give a little laugh.

The light hearted moment holds for a moment as Aerolight's drink comes to float in front of him, "Alright here you go Arrow."

"Thank you-.." The young stallion's voice is cut off as the unicorn flings the towel around his neck, "No no, don't say thank you yet. Because just as soon as you say thank you, you drink and end up leaving here with some mare." The unicorn's hoof comes up a little as he points over the bar counter, "Remember to pay your tab today before you leave, got it Arrow."

The young stallion rolls his eyes as he dips his hoof into his armor to the hidden pouch inside, "Ya ya, what is it?"

"Twenty bits."

Aerolight gives a little laugh as he rolls his eyes, "Twenty bits for some watered down drinks?"

The stallion gives a little smirk to the comment as he nods, "Try to get something worthwhile then."

Aerolight moves a little bag out from his armor as he starts to fish out the bits from it, "But if I did that I might end up going home with someone as cute as you."

"Very funny Arrow." The unicorn's magic comes over the bits on the table as he speaks up, "You always complain about bits you know that? I bet if you just flash that last name around a little you would probably get stuff for free, heck everypony in Equestria owes your family some kind of gratitude."

The comment sourers the dark cream colored stallion's face as he move the bag quickly back into his bag without a response.

For a moment the unicorn behind the counter waits, but to the stallion's silence and the fact of the other ponies that now start to trot over to the counter he moves away from in front of Aerolight.

To the stallion's trot the young stallion looks down to the bubbly drink as he stares into the rippling liquid.

End of chapter 6