• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 1,187 Views, 15 Comments

Maybe Love Bites - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the Should Be... series, part 60. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 14

Chapter 14 – Closure

The day has rolled on and now starts to set as Violet and Sparky continue to stack the few plates they insisted on cleaning up. Seeing as how neither pony really could cook, it only made sense it was fair to send everypony on their way before they got to cleaning up.

Velvet, Night Light and Volt were the first to leave, followed by Cadence and Shining. Truthfully you did not want to leave too early, but at least leaving early allowed you the opportunity to ride back with Aerolight and Twilight seeing as how the south train was leaving soon.

However, your reasons for leaving a little early mattered none to the light purple mare that continues to float the last few plates to the stack she started on the table. The only thing that mattered for the mare was seeing everypony, and that wish fulfilled has brought her spirits up...Even if that does mean she and Sparky have dishes to do.

Again Violet's magic starts to chime to the room as she looks over the pile in front of her, however her ear flicks to the sound of a knock at the door as she turns her head up for a moment.

Sparky stops his pull of the table back into place as he speaks up, "I'll get it."

Violet holds her eyes to the stallion's trot for a moment before she turns her attention back to the plate she now floats into the sink. But she doesn't spark her magic up again as a voice comes to the house, "Oh, hi Cadence?"

The name brings Violet from the table as she trots to the mare that now stands in the doorway.

Cadence turns her eyes to the approaching light purple mare as the pink alicorn gives a little smile as her horn sparks up with a faint pink glow, "It's nice to see you two again."

The tone in the mare's voice is a little more excited then it should be for somepony who only left about a half hour ago. But before Violet or Sparky can question it the point of the mare's magic comes up as a small bottle floats up from the saddle back neither pony saw against the mare's folded wing.

Cadence's voice comes up as she floats the small vile of pink liquid towards Sparky, the stallion quickly takes it to hoof as he blinks to it, "I know you have been having trouble with the foal, and I wanted to give you two this..." For a moment the pink mare pauses as she almost tries to collect her words, "...Me and Shinning had tried this potion before but it didn't work for us. But, it might work for you two."

Sparky nods a little to the comment as he looks over the small bottle, "Um, t-thank you."

Cadence sparks up a happy smile as she pokes her head in a little, "Oh and just so you know, the potion is designed as a sort of...Surprise gift." Her tone holds a light happy chime as she continues, "The users tend to forget the pony that gave them the potion."

Again Sparky nods as he speaks up again, "Well thank you Cadence."

"Oh and one last thing...The potion is supposed to work even when not in heat, so feel free to use it whenever." The comment flicks Violet's ear as she squints to the small vial in Sparky's hoof.

Cadence turns a little from the door as she smiles, "Just make sure both of you drink some."
Sparky once more speaks up as he now gives a little laugh, "Thank you Cadence."

The mare nods as she trots a little from the door. However her trot stops as she looks back to the closed door as her eye's color start to peal away into a bright green shade, "Yes...Thank you Cadence." The magic to her eyes starts to come over her coat a bit more as she trots a little further from the door.

To the closed door Violet's horn sparks up as she floats the bottle over to her as she just squints to it.

The stallion looks over her locked gaze to it as he squints a little, "Y-you didn't want to try that...Today right?"

His words flick the mare's ear as she floats it a little from her with a slow shake of the head. Sparky blinks a little to the mare's expression as he gives a little laugh to the situation, "We've tried the last two times Violet...Maybe all we need to do is relax?"

The light purple mare blinks to the statement as she floats the little vile back to her for a moment. However she gets a little smile as she slowly floats it a little closer to her, to the slow moving bottle Sparky's wings accidentally start to flair out a little.

Violet gets a giggly little smile to the sight of it as she uncaps the little bottle for a quick sip of it. As she mussels the slightly thick liquid down She gives a slightly disgusted face, Sparky trots forward as he looks over her expression, "Taste bad?"

The light purple mare just sticks her tongue out for the moment as she holds a faint giggly smile. Sparky follows her lead as he takes the rest of the strong tasting drink back.

"Ugh...That does taste nasty..." He looks over the drink in his hoof for a moment as he shifts his eyes back to the mare beside him, "How's the aftertaste-...Violet?"

The mare's eyes have quickly dropped and a new found smile comes to her as she rushes the stallion for a kiss. Sparky's eyes widen a little to the mare's action, Violet may be a tomboyish mare and usually takes control of everything...But this, this is something she never really commands.

As the kiss ends Violet's magic comes up hard and fast to the stallion's mane as she almost pulls him towards the stairs.

Sparky doesn't fight the slightly hurting pull though as he follows after the mare.

- - -
(A little down the road)

"...Well Violet seemed better." Twilight's voice nods your head as you continue to push through the slightly crowding streets of the city.

The dark cream stallion that trot’s beside you as he continues to look around the city he rarely has visited.

However, his stare and your trot are brought to a halt as Twilight's voice comes up, "Oh, I forgot my scarf."

Your ear flicks to the comment as you turn your head a little back to the mare, "And that's why you shouldn't dress like Rarity."

Twilight just waves her hoof to the comment as she speaks up, "I'll just pop back to Violet's house for a minute."

You halt your trot as you shake your head, "What? That's like half way across town?"

Twilight wiggles her hoof to the comment as she gives a little giggle, "It's fine."

"I can get it?" Aerolight gives a little smile as he shrugs, "I can just run over their."

You shrug to the comment as you speak up, "You don't know where it is..." You give a little groan to the comment as you roll your eyes, "I can get it."

Twilight gives a little giggle as she cocks her head, "oh and you teleporting across the city is fine?"

You cock a little smile to the comment as you speak up, "I have ran across cities with no problem."

A faint laugh comes up from the dark cream colored stallion as he cocks a smile, "back in the day?"

You raise an eyebrow to the comment but you just hold a faint smile to it as you start to trot past them, "I'll meet you two at the train." You don't wait for a response as you start to make your way through the lesser crowd that trots down this way of the street.

Twilight rolls her eyes to your quickening trot as she shakes her head, "You could have found the scarf."

Aerolight shrugs to the comment as he starts to turn his head back to the mare beside him, "Well I-..." His voice is brought to a halt as he quickly snaps back to a yellow mare that weaves a little to the crowd behind them.

The stallion's quick change in voice brings Twilight's up as she turns her head back towards Aerolight, "Something wrong?'

Aerolight holds his eyes to the massing of colored ponies as he shakes his head, "N-no..." He turns back to Twilight as he speaks up, "Lets get to the train."

- - -
(A little later)

Your quick gallop has quickly brought you into a pant as you stop outside of the door to catch your breath. You blink a little as you try to adjust your slightly watery eyes as you think to yourself, pie and ice cream...Not good for running... As you continue to pant a little you move your hoof to the door, half heartedly expecting it to be locked.

To your surprise it's not and you decided to just trot in.

You continue to catch your breath as you look around the room that has still yet to be cleaned up, you're ready to call out that you just walked in but before you do your ear flicks to a little commotion up stairs.

However, as the sound comes to your ears they flop down as you lower your head and try to spark some kind of ninja like stealth as you try to quickly grab the scarf from the chair and move towards the door
But, the fact that the majority of sounds coming from up stairs is that of a stallion's you know that there is no way you will ever be able to actually push this out of your mind...No matter how hard you try.

You quickly come to the door as you lock it behind you and slip out.

A cold shiver runs down your spine as you float the scarf a little next to you. As the meaningless cloth comes to float beside you, a thought runs through your head. I'm going to get a letter in a few weeks aren't I?...

End of chapter 14