• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 1,186 Views, 15 Comments

Maybe Love Bites - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the Should Be... series, part 60. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – Cheers!

The bright lights of the corner bar has attracted a large gathering of happy younger crystal ponies as they celebrate some kind of party on the other side of the room. However, the cheers and yells for more drinks only echo to the two silently sitting stallions sitting at the bright light red crystal bar top.

"Ahhhh..." Futty's intentionally loud exhale flicks the stallion’s ear that sits next to him as he puts the frothed up cup back down to the counter top, "You know Sparky, when you said lets go get a drink I didn't think you would get lemonade."

A slight smile comes to the hunched over pegasus as he shifts his eyes to the chilled blue crystal glass of lemonade in front of him, "I can't drink when working."

"Ha ha working? I don't see any clouds in here?" Futty holds his smile as he brings hoof again around the bubbly yellow drink on the counter.

Sparky nods as he gives a little sigh, "The new WonderBolt stadium won't be up until next month..." He moves his hoof around his own cup as he continues, "...But they still said everypony should maintain a good public image until it's up." He slowly brings the cup to his lips as he rings out his last comment, "...And it wouldn't look go for the head cloud-shaper of the stadium to fly home drunk."

The comment brings a smile to the heavy pony as he nudges his friend, "Wouldn't have that problem if you could handle more than one drink."

A faint chuckle comes up from the light orange pegasus as he swallows down a little bit of his drink.

Futty gives another sigh as he speaks up, "I know i'm supposed to make you feel better and get your mind off of everything but I got to ask, how are you taking it? Because you don't look like you're crying, and I know there's no way you've grown up that much."

Sparky nods to the comment as he just rubs his hoof to the sweaty crystal cup, "I'm upset...But, only because Violet is upset." He quickly turns his head to his friend as he continues, "Don't get me wrong it would be nice to start a family, it's just..." He sighs again as he shrugs, "It's just how do you know you're ready you know?"

Futty starts up in a little laugh as he cocks his head, "You sound like you don't have a choice Sparky? I don't want to think that Violet can jump you like that..." His stare goes a little distant as he starts to think over his own comment.

However his thoughts are cut off as Sparky's voice comes up, "No, it's not like that. See when we first tried I was just worried whether or not I would be a good dad." A one ha laugh rolls from the stallion as he continues, "B-but after today I just keep thinking about what I would do if something happens."

"What do you mean?" Futty squints his eyes to the comment as he brings his drink up to his snout.

Sparky taps his hooves to the cup a little anxious as he speaks up, "You know my dad had to raise me after my mom died, sure I wasn't his first foal but I know it had to have been hard." Sparky's hooves start to move to his own emotion as he sits back a little in his chair stool, "And look at this, it's our second time going to the doctor's and all they can say is maybe next time."

He closes his eyes for a moment as he gives a louder and cooling sigh, "I-I just don't want to have to worry about seeing her sad again...She blames herself and I feel guilty because I'm not sure I'm even ready..."

Futty is silent for a moment as he just drains the last bit of his drink into his mouth, but it only takes a minute for the large pony as he sets back to the counter, "I see why Violet wanted you out of the house now." A faint laugh rolls from the stallion as he waits for a reaction.

But Sparky just shakes his head with a smile as he speaks up, "And why's that?"

"Because man, look at you." Futty gives a little laugh as he pokes his friend, "You're supposed to be happy when you're first married right?"

Sparky just continues to shake his head as he lets the joking comment roll in his mind.

The joking tone comes down a little as the tan stallion leans in a little more, "I know you mentioned her feeling guilty...D-do you know what the problem is?"

The words flick the stallion's ear as he shrugs, "They say it's because of her Sombrauism... But... There's really no way to know."

"Well that's good."

Sparky quickly turns his head with a questioning look as he looks his friend over. The stallion's turned head quickly brings up Futty's voice as he smiles, "It's good to know, otherwise she might have you stick carrots up your flank or something, you know to stimulate your prostate or something like that."

The light orange pegasus just stares to his friend as he lets the strange comment sink in, but he brings his voice up a little lighter as he slowly turns back to his cup, "You know I was going to ask you for some cooking advice for what Violet wants but now I don't know."

Futty rocks in his seat a little as he happily nods his head, "Oh! So it takes a carrot up the flank to finally cheer you up huh? You and Bell should catch up...Well if he can be torn away from Pearl." Futty waves his hoof to the comment as he shakes his head, "But we can talk about him later, what does Violet want?"

"She wants to invite our families up to tell them the news." Sparky's comment brings a slight smile to Futty's face as he nods, "Oh, well if you want I could tell her parents. I mean if there home and not off doing something Celestia wants." He taps his hoof to his mouth as he starts to think out loud, "You should see the weird things Celestia's asked them to get...Any hooves, you want me to tell them?"

Sparky nods to the comment as he speaks up, "Ya thanks."

"Don't sweat it, I'm going back after tomorrow's thing anyways so it's no big deal." Futty turns his attention to the bartender as he wiggles his hoof, "Excuse me sir can I get two more of those blue things?"

The waiter stallion nods as he quickens his trot towards one end of the bar.
Futty's eyes turn back to Sparky as he takes a deep breath, "You want another lemonade Sparky?"

The light orange stallion shakes his head as he speaks up, "I'm alright."

"Okay, well I'll drink this and then we'll go." Futty gives a little smile as he continues, "Sound good?"

The drinks come down in front of the tan pony as he slides one in front of his friend.

Sparky looks over the dark blue liquid in front of him as he speaks up, "I said I didn't want a drink."

The slight smile to Futty’s face holds as he pats his friend's back, "I'll drag you home if I need to."

- - -
(A little later)

The bright blueish light bounces from the tall Crystal Castle in the distance along with the street light lit roads make the crystal city glow with a warm but nightly appeal, as the two stallion near their destination.

Despite the stallion's slight buzz the light orange pegasus maintains a sober and straight trot as he move his bag to his hoof.

Futty takes a nice deep breath of air as he stretches a little, "I'll say good bye to Violet then I'll head back to where I'm staying."

Sparky nods to the comment as he quietly opens the door, however the bright lights of the house is not want the stallion expected as he trots into the house.

"Oh, hello Sparky."

The well spoken voice quickly turns the stallion's gaze from the living room towards the decent sized table that sits a little in front of the kitchen on his left.

Sparky gives a friendly smile as he looks over the two mare sitting at the table. Two still steam rendering tea cups sit on the table which gives a nice awakening aroma to the area in the room as the stallion trots over to the table, "Hi Starlight."

The light gray crystal mare holds her smile as her eyes shift to the other stallion that now trots in from behind the little half wall that blocked the front door.

But her gaze quickly comes back to Sparky as the mare speaks up, "I'm on break from helping Princess Celestia for the few days..." Her ears flop down a little as he holds her sweet smile, "Violet already told me the news."

Sparky nods to the comment as he speaks up, "Well it's nice to see you."

Starlight gives the same nod as she turns her head to the clock in on the wall, "I would stay a little longer but I had not noticed how late it already was." She stands from the seat as she shifts her gaze between Violet and Sparky, "We can catch up more tomorrow if you two are not busy?"

The light purple mare sparks her hooves up in unison with stallion's voice as they speak up, "That's fine we're free tomorrow, Cadence and Shining are going out of town for a few days and the Wonder Bolt’s stadium is not up yet."

To the words Starlight turns back towards the door, but her sight of it is blocked by the other stallion still standing in front of it, "Oh, hello I do not believe we have met."

Futty holds a slight smile as he nods, "Well we've met before..." He playfully shifts as he continues, "But I can't seem to remember my name, can I have yours or should I just call you Angel."

The flirty comment brings a slightly amused giggle to the mare as she looks over the stallion, "Now I remember...Futty correct?"

The tan stallion bows his head as he gives a little smile, "Why yes it is Angel."

Another little laugh comes up from the the crystal mare as she nods, "Starlight."

Futty casually moves from the doorway he was slightly blocking as he speaks up, "I'd say you look better than just star light."

His choice in words flicks the mare's ear as she stutters a little, "W-well thank you...I-I should get going though." She holds her eyes to the stallion for a moment before she trots out of the door.

The tan stallion's head turns back to the light purple mare at the table as the sound of the door closing rings behind him, "Well Violet I was going to stay a little bit, but I think I'm going to walk a certain somepony home tonight." He gives a little nod to his friends as he continues, "Keep the Ice Queen in check Sparky, I'll see you guys later."

Violet holds a little smirk to the comment as she watches her friend leave the house.

As the door again comes to a close Sparky moves his small bag to the hook next to the door as he speaks up, "If you want to go lay down I can clean up down here."

A sweet smile comes to the mare's face at the comment, but her horn sparks up as she floats the items from the table and neatly into the kitchen of sink.

Sparky watches the magic for a moment as he speaks up, "Futty said he would tell your parents when he got back, any idea how we can reach your brother?"

The comment pauses the mare's trot after the few things she floated away as he thinks it over for the moment.

End of chapter 2