• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 1,187 Views, 15 Comments

Maybe Love Bites - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the Should Be... series, part 60. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 8

Chapter 8 – Why do you even try

The city of Canterlot has come alive again as the later morning's sun warms the stone streets and lights the bright world up. However, the fresh new day has been completely shut out by the young dark cream stallion as he continues to lightly drool from his wide open and still asleep mouth.

The bed's sheets and blankets rolled from the stallion's body actually pretty early last night. But the fact he had nothing to eat but a light snack when he got home, followed by an intensely hot bath drained his energy to much to care.

As the stallion's faint snore runs up from the bed the sun's rays that lightly pour in through the closed shades finally start to rumble the pony's closed eyelids.

Luckily though he rolls over onto his side still holding the sleep he is in.

Knock knock knock

Aerolight's eyes slowly part to the sound of a hoof to the door, but the fact that today is supposed to be his day off makes the stallion just lay in the bed hoping not to have to get up.

His plan falls flat again though as the sound of the hoof to the door brings the young stallion up with a groan.

Aerolight lowers his head as he lazily trots out of his room and down the hall. The house is definitely not the largest on the street, but one bed one bath with a kitchen/living room is all the bachelor pony needs. Especially for one who tries to almost always wake up in a new bed every other morning.

The young stallion's speed has quickly brought him to the door as he tries to flatten the stiffed up mane to his head. As he does this his low magic comes to the door as it opens, however his slightly friendly smile is lost as he looks over the pony in the door.

At the threshold of the door stands a unique cream colored stallion with darkious off color blue mane that is lightly peppered with early gray hair that even pokes up a little in the small goatee that pops from the earth stallion's chin.

Aerolight blinks to the stallion as he speaks up, "What do you want dad?"

Your smile fades from your face as you shell out a little chuckle, "That's it? What do you want dad? That's all I get?" You holds your smile as you just hope to be able to hold the young stallion at the door long enough to say what you came here for.

The years have flown past with almost a blink of an eye, for the most part you have no problem with how things have turned out so far. Sure graying early was a little annoying but nothing you could not handle...However the way Aerolight stated to look at you when he started to get a little older has always been something that has tore at your heart.

You still do not understand why the young stallion has pushed you and Twilight away...And you most likely never will know seeing as how bringing the topic up always ends any conversation you try to hold. Which only makes you feel worse and never solves anything.

The stallion gives a little sigh as he just trot’s back into the house with the door ajar. You slowly move in behind him as you close the door behind you.

As you come inside you look over the neatly kept house as you try to speak up again, "I see you still are keeping your house cl-..."

"Why are you here?"

The stallion's quick voice chases the smile from your face as you watch the young stallion not even turn an eye to you as he trots towards the fridge in the kitchen.

Knowing that you do not have much time you speak up, "Your sister wants to know why you didn't respond to her letter."

Aerolight does not change his gaze from inside the icebox as he speaks up, "Ya I was going to send a congratulatory letter sometime today."

His words flick your ear as you squint to him, "What did you say?"

The young stallion floats out an apple from the fridge as he turns to you, "I said I would send a letter later, I just got the thing yesterday. What do you expect?!"

The surprise slight spike in his voice halts any quick response as you nod, "Aerolight did you read the letter?"

"Ya." He gives a little smile to the comment as he waves his hoof, "Why wouldn't I?"

"Violet lost the foal."

Your words falter the smile as the young stallion's magical hold to the apple lightens.

To his absent voice you start up again, "She's invited us up for tomorrow, you should come and see your-..."

"Tomorrow?" Aerolight's voice cuts you off as he shakes his head and takes a bite of his apple, "I can't go tomorrow, I have work."

You squint to the words as you shake your head, "I'm sure StoneGem or whoever will let you go if you just tell him-..."

"Tell him what? That my sister lost her foal? That stuff happens all the time." The cut off of your sentence annoys you a little but you let it pass for the moment as you just focus to his words.

"Aerolight you need to come and see your sister, she's upset and wants everypony-..."

"Why? Is everypony being their going to-..."

"Aerolight!" Your raised voice breaks the young stallion's tone as he just stares to you, "You have to see your family every once in a while and this is one of those times that you need to-..."

"Ha! Are you kidding? When was the last time-..." His voice is cut off as you speak up again, "Stop, you need to do this-..."

"No." His laughy and casual tone snaps your ability as you raise your voice to boom a little to the room, "Damn it, when are you going to grow up and realize you're not the most important pony all the time?"

Aerolight's eyes tighten as his magical hold on the apple starts to falter a little more, "Why do you care huh?"

You shake your head to the comment as you look around the room, "Because Aerolight you're five years old and you're acting like you're-..."

"What, your age?" Aerolight's magic sparks up with a green glow to the apple as he continues, "And why do you keep talking about age like it's something strange to you huh? I'm five, I am not a foal or something."

You tremble a little to the words as your mind continues to reject the idea of five being grown up for a pony, "You can't act like how you do, I don't want you making a mistake you will regret."

"Mistake?" The stallion gives a little laugh as he nods his head, "You mean like having a foal or something right? Because it would be so wrong too have a foal not married right? The same thing you and mom did right?"

You shake your head to the comment as you talk over him, "Not jus-.."

"And you know what dad maybe that's not something I care about huh? D-do I really even have to have a foal or anything like that??" The apple next to the young stallion continues to jiggle in the air beside him as his voice raises, "I don't want to be you, I don't to be Violet! I don't want to be held to some standard that you and mom created okay?! I WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE, I do not want everypony thinking I have to do something amazing just because of my name."

"A-and you know what else dad? I'm sorry i'm not some special pony like you and Violet, i'm sorry I have not lived up to some expectation you and mom thought I would, I'm sorry i'm such a disappointment...B-but i'm living my life not yours!" As his voice comes down the apple beside him burst into flames as its remnants fall to the ground beside the young stallion.

He pays no mind to the ash that hit his coat as he points his hoof to the door, "Get out."

You do not move an inch as you just stare to the young stallion in front of you, "A-aerolight we are proud-..."

"Dad...leave." The young stallion's stare holds to you as you swallow hard and nod your head.

As your head drops to the floor you turn your trot not even wanting to bring it up as you trot towards the closed door.

You open the door as you take a shaky breath and look back, however the stallion in the house does not shift his gaze as you just nod and speak up, "H-have a good day son."

Aerolight is motionless as the sound of the door closing rings to his ears. However as the sound dies down he sniffles a little as he turns his attention to the crushed apple bits on the ground.

A sigh comes up to the stallion as he floats over a towel to clean it up.

End of chapter 8